Name: Anindya Pradipta Hutami NIM: 19033030 TITLE: Online Discussions For Teaching in Higher Education During The Pandemic

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Name : Anindya Pradipta Hutami

NIM : 19033030

TITLE : Online Discussions for Teaching in Higher Education during The


I. About.
The changes of learning modes from face-to-face interaction to online interaction demands
English lecturers to adapt to this situation. They have to find any appropriate teaching methods
that suit to the online learning mode. One of the most common method is online discussion.

II. Purposes of Online Discussion.

The students believed that synchronous online discussion was a good online teaching mode
a. where task negotiation, task planning, opinions, questions and answers can be done
b. they could improve critical thinking and writing skills as well as get social supports.

III. Advantages of Online Discussion.

a. demonstrating knowledge of key concepts.
b. stimulating higher order critical thinking skills.
c. encouraging peer interaction and team work.
d. promoting thoughtful reflection.
e. achieving social interaction and community building.
f. encouraging student-generated discussion topics.

IV. Challenges in Online Discussion

a. Poor internet connection and misunderstanding of tasks became the challenge. And
also it becomes the problem in delivering questions and answers.
b. lots of chats in WAG often piled up and it made students to always scroll up the
c. system failure (computers or smartphones stopped working) difficulty for locating
other participants’ posts.
d. slow internet network and system failure obstructed them to perform
speed/responsive writing as their chats were pending.

V. Types of Learning.
Data were based on three domains of communication types for e-learning. (The model
consists of three types of communication exchange)
a. Content-related refers to the exchange of information about the learning materials
discussed such as asking-answering questions, sharing information, and expressing
b. Planning of tasks deal with the task management activities including planning work,
allocating tasks, and reviewing drafts.
c. Social supports consist of learners’ emotional expressions such as using emoticon, giving
advice and expressing feelings.

VI. Categorized of Online Learning Environments

a. Synchronous learning environment refers to the real-time online learning which
facilitates students and teachers to interact at the same time or live.
Examples : video conferencing, tele-conferencing, live chatting, and live-streaming
The benefits : to the increase of students’ engagement and motivation because teachers
can directly monitor the learners’ responses during the learning process
b. asynchronous learning environment provides more flexible timefor students and teachers
to conduct the learning process since it is not limited by time and place.
Examples : online modules, virtual libraries, lecturers’ online notes, lecturers’ blogs,
online discussions boards or social media platforms.
c. The hybrid learning environment is the combination of synchronous and asynchronous
learning environment in order to get the most preferable learning environment.

VII. Conclusion.
1. Affected.
Post pandemic situation demands students, teachers, and lecturers to adapt with the
changes of teaching modes from face-to-face classroom to online learning. Therefore, we
have to prepare for this challenge.

2. Suggestions.
to explore more about online learning in English language teaching. Asynchronous online
learning and e-learning during this pandemic situation can be interesting topics to be

VIII. References.
Arends, R.I. (1997). Classroom instruction and management (United States).
Mayadas, F. (1997). Asynchronous Learning Networks: A Sloan Foundation Perspective.
Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks 1, 1-16.
Burnett, C. (2003). Learning to chat: Tutor participation in synchronous online chat.
Learning to chat: Tutor participation in synchronous online chat 8, 247-261.
Carliner, S. (2004). An overview of online learning (Armhest, MA: Human Resource
Development Press).
Hamied, F. A. (2017). Research methods: A guide for first time researchers (Bandung:
UPI Press).

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