Droppin' Truth Bombs: - Robb Wolf in The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet

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02 Droppin’ Truth Bombs

•  Your body came with its own
HORMONES starvation defense system intended to
You are NOT a gluttonous sloth save you from famine. This very
system is working against you
whenever you go on calorie-restricted
“Our genetics are nearly identical to those diet, or what your body interprets as a
of our early H. Sapien ancestors from
100,000-200,000 years ago. We are
voluntary famine.
genetically wired for a lifeway that is all but •  Your fat stores are not just energy
gone now, and our health reflects this.” storage depots. They are in fact an
-Robb Wolf in The Paleo Solution: The Original Human endocrine organ that produces the
master hormone leptin.

Droppin’ Truth Bombs Getting All Hormonal

•  Caloric restriction increases hunger •  Hormones play a role in every
and cravings by way of turning on the regulatory body function
appetite-regulating hormones NPY –  Hormones control:
and ghrelin •  When you sleep and wake
•  Fat storage is regulated by the •  Heart rate and blood pressure
•  Anxiety and depression
hormone insulin. It is impossible to
•  Sex drive
lose fat when insulin is elevated. •  Blood sugar….
•  Restoring insulin and leptin sensitivity •  STORAGE and BURNING of fat
through diet and lifestyle is one of the –  Any attempt to lose fat with out proper
keys to successful long-term fat loss. hormonal balance will be in vain.

Hormonal Balance Fat: It’s Alive!

•  There is an interdependency among •  Fat is your starvation defense system
hormones •  Fat secretes hormone leptin
–  When one falls out of balance, others –  Leptin’s role is to monitor storage fat
follow levels
–  Balance means not too much or too little •  High fat levels = high leptin (decreased
–  Key hormones of weight management hunger and increased metabolism)
•  Insulin •  Low fat stores = low leptin (increased hunger
and decreased metabolism)
•  Leptin
•  Ghrelin
•  Neuropeptide Y (NPY)


How Diets Make You Fat Leptin Resistance

•  Calorie restriction leads to increased •  Leptin acts to keep body in narrow
use of fat as a fuel source range of body fat stores.
–  Hypothalmus senses increased use of fat •  Hypothalamus can become
stores. unresponsive to leptin and therefore
•  Signals thyroid glands to decrease
metabolism (leads to inactivity)
allow appetite and fat storage to
•  Signals release of ghrelin and neuropeptide
Y (NPY) to increase hunger –  Leptin resistance is caused by:
– Hunger continues until fat stores are •  Over-eating, blood sugar rushes, high blood
replaced triglycerides, excessive fructose
consumption, and chronic stress

Blood Sugar: Play Me a Song

•  All carbohydrates are composed of
–  When consumed, there is an increase of
sugar (glucose) in the blood
–  Careful regulation of blood sugar is
essential for life
–  Insulin is the hormone, release by the
pancreas that works to get sugar out of
the blood and into cells


•  Following the consumption of a meal
that increases blood sugar
•  Refined carbohydrates have the most
powerful effect on blood sugar
–  Insulin is released
•  Insulin binds to receptors on fat, muscle and
liver cells
•  In muscle and liver glucose is converted to
•  In fat cells glucose is converted to fat in the
presence of Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL)

Insulin Resistance
•  Muscle and liver cells are more
sensitive to insulin resistance than fat
–  Increased insulin:
•  Increases LPL activity
•  Decreases glucagon and hormone sensitive
lipase (HSL) activity
•  Increases inflammation
–  Leads to increased cortisol production


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