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Droppin’ Truth Bombs

04 •  Nature’s intention is that we follow the
JUST EAT REAL FOOD Wheel of Life, in which healthy soil
Eat Like your Ancestors produces healthy plants and animals for
humans to consume.
•  Real food from healthy soil provides the
“The birthright of all living things is health. building blocks for life.
This law is true for soil, plant, animal, and
man: the health of these four is one connected •  The unsuitable diets fed to the
chain. Any weakness or defect in the health of commercially-raised animals alter their
any earlier link in the chain is carried on to the
next and succeeding links, until it reaches the nutritional value and fatty acid profile,
last, namely man.” thus promoting disease, inflammation,
- Sir Albert Howard
and obesity.

Droppin’ Truth Bombs Just Eat Real Food

•  American’s spend a smaller •  Eat like your ancestors
percentage of their disposable income •  Convenience, cost, and calorie count
on food than any society in the history have led to dramatic changes in
of the world. quality and content and accessibility
•  The expense of organic food is not the to ‘real food’
fault of organic farmers or the markets
that sell the foods, but of the
government’s farm bill.

The Wheel of Life From Soil to the Cell

•  For optimal function, our cells (over 50
trillion of them!) need:
–  Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates, Vitamins,
Minerals, Enzymes, Water
•  Without them – our cells run less efficiently
leading to systemic dysfunction, subclinical
symptoms, and degenerative disease
•  Our modern food supply has been
stripped barren of these nutrients
–  Irradiation, nutrification, sterilization,
transportations, etc.


Keeping it Real (Food)

•  Real food is:
–  Whole, unprocessed, unrefined
–  Pasture raised and wild
–  Local, seasonal, and organic
»  Chris Kresser
•  The Wheel of Life affirms “you are as
healthy as the animals and plants you
•  “You can’t get health from a sick animal
(or plant)”
»  Paul Chek

Fool’s Gold Inflammation Nation

•  Over last half century, the food •  Animals we consume are not causing
revolution has brought to our food disease – instead it is the way they
supply: are raised that is the problem
–  Pesticides –  Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio (n-6 ratio)
–  Synthetic fertilizers •  Optimal is 1:1
–  Hormones •  Excess Omega-6 = inflammation
–  Increase risk for cardiovascular disease, cancer,
–  Antibiotics and obesity among others
–  Genetic engineering •  In hunter-gatherer days n-6 ratio was 1:1 in
•  Everything looks the same, but •  Now, closer to 10:1 or 20:1 with animals
nutrient composition has changed raised on corn and soy!

Real Meat Real Poultry

•  Healthy (real) cows eat grass, drink •  Real chickens are omnivores and eat
fresh water, roam from paddock to worms, bugs, grass and corn. They
paddock roam freely outside
–  Higher in Omega-3 FAs, along with
–  Will have a good n-6 ratio, and will be
vitamins and minerals
abundant in Omega 3 fatty acids,
vitamins A and E, and conjugated linoleic •  Sick (factory) chickens live in crowded
acid (CLA) bins, eat antibiotics to stay healthy
along with meat by products (including
•  Sick cows eat grain, don’t roam, are chicken) and arsenic laced feed!
given antibiotics to stay healthy, and –  Arsenic is passed along to consumer in
hormones to grow faster meat!


Real Pork Real Fish

•  Real pigs are omnivores, foraging for •  Real fish are wild!
corn, grass, acorns, nuts, and fruit. –  High in Omega-3 FAs
–  High in Omega-3 FAs, and vitamin E •  Sick fish are farm raised, fed corn, fish
•  Sick pigs live in small cages, and are meal, and growth promoting
fed antibiotics to stay healthy antibiotics
–  High environmental pollution from fish
farms due to high feces, pesticide, and
antibiotic run-off
–  Farmed fish significantly higher in toxins
PCB, and dioxin compared to wild fish

Real Eggs Real Dairy

•  Real eggs come from real chickens •  Real milk comes from real cows
–  Better n-6 ratio –  It is whole, raw, unpasteurized and not
•  Sick eggs come from sick chickens homogenized
•  Also full of healthy bacteria that boosts
immune function and digestive health
–  Sick dairy come from sick cows
•  Are given rBGH to increase milk production
•  rGBH also increases insulin-like growth
factor (IGF-1)
–  Linked to several cancers

Real Produce Real Fats and Oils

•  Real produce is organic, in-season, •  Real fats and oils remain stable in
and preferably local high heat and do not trigger oxidation
–  No chemical residue, and from healthy and inflammation in the body
soil –  Mostly saturated fats – coconut, palm,
lard, duck, butter, ghee, cold-pressed
•  Conventional produce is grown with extra virgin olive oil
pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, and •  Unsaturated fats (soy, corn, canola,
chemical growth enhancers to safflower) are easily oxidized and
increase yield become rancid
–  High heat leads to free radical and trans-
fat production


Real Nuts and Seeds To Grain or Not to Grain?

•  Real nuts and seeds are raw, soaked, •  Blasphemy Alert: I think the world would be
and sprouted before eaten much better off without grains. (Sean Croxton)
–  This makes them easier to digest •  Dietary shift to grains 10,000 years
–  An overnight soak in salt water will ago brought with it dental cavities,
neutralize the enzyme inhibitors in nuts bone malformation, increased rates of
infant mortality, infectious disease,
shorter stature, and reduced life span

To Grain or Not to Grain? To Grain or Not to Grain?

•  Phytates in grains bind vitamins and •  If removal of grains is not an option –
minerals gluten free are an alternative
–  Make them harder to absorb –  Rice, millet, gluten-free oats, and corn
–  May leach them from body –  Quinoa and buckwheat are also gluten
•  Lectins may ‘poke holes’ in your free
•  Quinoa contains saponins, which may ‘punch
intestines holes’ in the gut.
•  Gluten, in most grains, causes health •  Wash quinoa thoroughly before cooking to
problems in 1 in 7 individuas remove saponins

To Grain or Not to Grain?

•  If grains will be eaten
–  Take time to soak overnight before
•  Neutralizes phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors
•  Hybridization of grains has increased
gluten content

•  Read - “These aren’t the same grains” blog

•  Listen - “Wheat Belly with William Davis” UW radio


Spilling the Beans Foods of Commerce

•  Beans or legumes •  Traditionally, white flour, white sugar,
–  Gluten free table salt, and pasteurized milk
–  High in starch, fiber and protein •  Now – endless list of ‘non-foods’
–  High amounts of phytic acid and •  Eating REAL FOOD means not eating
saponins proceed foods!
•  Lengthy process to remove them

Alcohol Aspartame
•  Typically high in sugar and throws •  Aspartame – aka Equal or NutraSweet
blood sugar and insulin out of balance –  50% phenylalanine & 40% aspartic acid
•  Can have a neurotoxic effect!
•  Can impair liver function
–  10% methanol (wood alcohol)
•  May lead to leaky gut •  A toxin!
•  One can of diet soda contains double the safe
limit suggested by the EPA
–  Animal studies show nervous system toxicity
–  Human side effects
•  Headaches, migraines, depression, rash,
memory loss, and abdominal cramoing

Caffeine Genetically Modified Foods

•  May increase cortisol, blood sugar •  Top 5 GMO crops
–  Soy, corn, canola, cottonseed, and sugar
and worsen insulin resistance beets
•  Avoid caffeine after noon to prevent •  Animal studies have shown infertility,
sleep disturbances immune problems, accelerated aging,
impaired insulin regulation, and changes
•  Consider WHY you consume caffeine in the major organs and GI tract
to begin with –  NO labeling for GMO containing foods!
•  Avoid them!

•  Listen –”seeds of Deception” UW Podcast

•  Download – Non-GMO shopping guide


High Fructose Corn Syrup Monosodium Glutamate

•  Excess high fructose corn syrup •  Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
consumption can lead to: –  Similar effects as aspartame
–  Uric acid, high blood pressure, fatty liver, –  Hidden forms
heart disease, insulin and leptin
•  Calcium caseinate, sodium caseinate,
resistance, and an up-regulation of fat
autoyzed yeast extract, hydrolyzed gelatin
storing enzymes
•  Visit for complete list

•  Listen – “Sugar: The Bitter Truth” Dr. Lustig

•  Listen – UW Synopsis of above video (YouTube)
•  Listen – Dr. Lustig on UW Radio

Nasty Protein Powders Soy

•  Many contain MSG as well as a •  Unfermented soy contains phytates and trypsin
multitude of other non-real food –  Trypsin inhibitors impede ability to break down and
digest protein
ingredients! •  Soy is also goitrogenic – it slows down thyroid
–  Look for those with less than 5 activity
ingredients •  90% of available soy is GMO
•  Avoid all soy except fermented products
–  Fermentation eliminates the ‘antinutrients’
–  Tempeh, miso, natto, and high-quality wheat-free

•  Listen – “The Whole Soy Story” Kaayla T. Daniel

(UW Radio)

•  Splenda – aka sucralose
–  Classified as a chlorocarbon or
•  Products usually seen in pesticides
•  Fat soluble (stored in fat cells) and toxicity
affect heart, lungs, and brain


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