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09 Droppin’ Truth Bombs

REDUCE YOUR TOXIC LOAD •  Common environmental chemicals
Identify, Remove, & Replace disrupt the hormonal system and have
been shown to obesity, diabetes, and
“Over the past one hundred years, our species has other metabolic diseases
been engaged in a vast and complicated chemistry
experiment. Each and every one of us, along with •  The incidence of obesity has risen in
our children, our parents, and our grandparents, parallel with our toxic chemical
has been a guinea pig in this experiment, which exposure
uses our bodies, our health, our wealth, and our
goodwill to test the proposition that modern science •  A dysfunctional liver can increase
can improve upon the foods and medicines of estrogen, slow the metabolism, and
nature.” hinder fat loss
-Randall Fitzgerald in The Hundred-Year Lie

Droppin’ Truth Bombs Chemical are Making You Fat

•  Eating organic food for just five days •  Endocrine disruptors – interfere with
can reduce bodily pesticides to normal hormonal system function
undetectable levels –  Aka Obesogens
•  Removing toxic products from your •  Common effects of Obesogens
immediate environment and replacing –  Over-response to hormones
–  Hormone responses at inappropriate
them with more natural alternatives
will assist with fat loss and the –  Blocking effects of hormones
restoration of overall health –  Stimulating or inhibiting endocrine
system = steroid hormone release or

Live(r) and Let Live

•  Liver is our detoxification organ
–  Removes chemicals and toxins from
body function (metabolism, digestions,
–  NOW – add, medication, herbicides,
pesticides, alcohol, and up to 40,000
other chemicals introduced since 1940!
•  Like a vacuum cleaner filter….once it get too
full, t does not work right!


The Liver-Thyroid Connection The Liver-Thyroid Connection

•  Two phases of liver detoxification •  Elevated estrogen will result from a
–  1st phase – converts fat-soluble substances dysfunctional 2nd phase of liver
(hormones and many environmental toxins)
into water-soluble detoxification
–  2nd phase – eliminates water-soluble –  Inactive T4 is not converted to active T3
substances through sweat, urine, or feces •  This slows thyroid function (low metabolism)
•  If 2nd phase is impaired, hormones will –  Hormone sensitive lipase (HSL)
not be excreted from body and can receptors become less senstivie
cause imbalances
–  May affect thyroid, fat loss, metabolism, and
overall health

The Culprits The Culprits

•  BPA •  Pesticides
–  Bisphenol A found in plastics (banned in –  Organichlorines (obesogens found in
Canada) pesticides) found in pesticies are fat
•  Has estrogenic effect and can contribute to soluble, and are stored in your fat cells
leptin resistance, and insulin resistance
•  Where are they?
–  Where is it?
–  Conventional produce!
•  Plastic product with number ‘7’, grocery store
receipts, canned food liners –  GO OGANIC!

The Culprits The Culprits

•  Soy •  Chlorine
–  A phytoestrogen (has estrogen-like –  Both carcinogen and estrogen mimicker
properties •  Where is it?
–  Linked to lower testosterone production –  In our water! Bathing in it counts as
•  Where is it? exposure as well!
–  Read labels! It is everywhere! –  Drink only filtered water
–  Choose only fermented soy products like
Miso, Natto, tamari, and Tempeh


The Culprits The Culprits

•  Fluoride •  Personal Care Products
–  A pesticide and rodenticide and added to –  From ‘The Hundred Year Lie’ by Randall
our water Fitzgerald…
•  “…we use nine personal care products
–  Been shown to slow thyroid activity containing 126 chemical ingredients. One
•  Where is it? third…have been shown to cause cancer or
other serious health problems”
–  In our water and in tooth-care products
•  Where are they?
–  Filter your water and use flouride free –  Everywhere!
–  Check out
•  See what your products have in them!

The Culprits The Culprits

•  Non-Stick Cookware •  Mercury
–  Teflon – PFOA – is toxic and leaks into –  Highest exposure is in dental fillings
food and from hot pans into the air •  Well known endocrine disruptor
•  Kills birds…. •  Where is it?
•  Where is it? –  Silver fillings and in fish
–  Non-stick cookware, popcorn bags, –  Have fillings removed by biological
waterproof food wraps dentist to avoid issues with the removal
–  Buy stainless steel or iron cookware! –  Avoid fish high in mercury as well

What to Do?
•  There are LOTS more out there!
•  Be real! We can’t remove all of the


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