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Anserma Caldas Código GAPC10-5
Versión 1
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Nombre de la guía__READING COMPREHENSION Guía Nº: ___4__

Asignatura: ___ENGLISH______ Grado : __10_ Periodo: __III__ Duración: _____12 HOURS_____

• Competencia: This lesson will help students to understand a middle complex text and to elicit
main and secondary ideas from a reading passage by using different strategies while
determine or clarify the meaning of the unknown vocabulary and use it in different writing
Resultados de aprendizaje:
• To share some of their opinions about a specific topic according to their English level.

• To identify and learn different vocabulary from a reading passage.

• To ask and answer questions about a text and develop their ability to summarize specific
details from a text.
• To develop the student´s writing skills through summaries and short compositions about
different topics.
Docente: _LUZ AMPARO JARAMILLO P._________Área:_HUMANIDADES_____________________


• Read carefully all the information found in this guide and carry out all the activities in your
• At the end of the guide you will find the activities to develop, be aware of the recommendations
when sending your work.
• Write your full name and grade at the top of each sheet.
• Be punctual and orderly when delivering your work


Answer the following questions
1. How many hours do you spend on you cell phone in a day? Doing what?
2. Do you think you could stay without your cell phone for a week? Why? Why not?
3. Until what time do you regularly use your cell phone at night?
4. Do you consider yourself an addict to your mobile phone? Why? Why not?

Read the following text:


A teenager is to undergo psychiatric treatment after becoming addicted to her mobile

phone. Like the worst type of addicts, Caroline regularly blows all her spending money.
“I know it sounds like a silly addiction but it is real to me”, she said. “When I hear my
phone beeping with a text message I am all smiles and it makes me happy. When I
don’t have any credit left I become depressed. I haven’t got enough money for proper
food and I have to borrow it”. Her parents have become so worried that next week she
is due to begin a course of treatment from a specialist. She first revealed her craving to
her doctor, who advised her to switch the phone on the silent mode, put it in a cupboard
and forget about it. But he has now referred her for more psychiatric care after the scale
of the problem became apparent.

Caroline said: “I have become protective of the phone. I can’t let anyone take it from me and
I check where it is every two minutes”. A leading psychologist has classified Caroline’s plight
as “technology addition”, in which sufferers experience a “high” when they receive a
message bleep from their mobile. “It is like the first flush of love when you receive an e-mail
or text, you feel good”. Caroline became hooked at 12 after her parents gave her a mobile for
Christmas. Since then she has spent all her pocket money on phone cards.

1. Answer the following questions using your own words but taking into account the information
in the text.

a. What is the meaning of “technology addiction”?

b. Why does Caroline call herself “protective” of the phone?

2. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Identify the part of the text that supports
your answer by copying the exact words on the answer.

a. She'd rather eat than phone.

b. Her parents sent her to a hospital when she was 12.
c. The sound of an in-coming message makes Caroline feel good.

3. Find a synonym for each of the four words below from these six options:
flush ​plight ​top ​preoccupied ​nonsensical ​mute

a. worried
b. silly
c. silent
d. leading
4. Choose a, b, or c, in each question below. Only one choice is correct

1. Caroline's addiction is a silly one for her...

a) because she can cope with the money she has
b) because she can afford the 40 pointless calls plus some more messages.
c) she thinks it is silly but a real one to her.

2. Her doctor recommended her to...

a) give up having mobiles.
b) put the phone away for a while.
c) to put all her money in a cupboard and forget about it.

3. Caroline was sent to a specialist...

a) because she didn’t put her mobile in a cupboard.
b) because her addiction was very serious.
c) because she smashed her mobile against a wall.
5. Write 5 Wh questions based on the reading with the correct answer.

7. Compositions (130 words approximately). Write a composition for each of the following
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a mobile phone?
2. What advice would you give a friend who has the same problem as Caroline?

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