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Do a web search on Pestalozzi’s pedagogical doctrines and summarize his theories.

The Father of Modern Education is Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, a Swiss social

reformer and educator. His energy and ideas led to the significant educational changes

in Europe in the nineteenth century, ushering in the modern era of education. Johann

Heinrich Pestalozzi was born in the Old Swiss Confederacy on January 12, 1746, and

died in Brugg, Switzerland on February 17, 1827.

Pestalozzi believes in each person's potential to acquire knowledge together with

everybody's right to education. He believed it was society's responsibility to put this right

into the action. Because of his views, education became democratic, and education

became accessible to all people throughout Europe. Pestalozzi was especially

concerned with the poor's plight. Some of them did not attend classes. If they did,

school instruction was frequently insufficient to meet their demands. He intended to

provide them an education that would enable them to be self-sufficient and improve

their lives. He stated that education should cultivate the abilities of the 'Head,' 'Heart,'

and 'Hands.' He believed that by doing so, he would be able to assist people to develop

the ability to recognize what is right and wrong and to act on that understanding. As a

result, everyone's well-being may be improved, and everyone could become a

responsible citizen. He believed that the only way to develop social and bring peace and

stability to the world was to empower and ennoble every individual in this way. His goal

was to develop a comprehensive educational theory that would lead to a practical

method for providing happiness to humanity.

Read the research article on

Identify the research problem/s and findings then explain how the findings support or
disprove Pestalozzi’s claims.

Research problems in the said article:

1) to find out teacher’s efforts in implementing learner-centered teaching effectively, and

2) to find out teacher’s role in learner-centered teaching.

Findings in the said article:

1. Several efforts done by teachers in learner-centered teaching are first, teachers are

not a conveyor of information. It is the students who do the hard messy work of learning;

they are not passive recipients of knowledge. Second, teachers give autonomy and

responsibility to students for material they learn and their own learning in general. Third,

teachers use highly engaging core content that meets the needs of the students. Fourth,

teachers give feedback to help students to improve. Last, teachers utilize multiple

teaching techniques appropriate for student learning goals.

2. Several roles of teachers in learner-centered teaching are as guides, facilitator and

coaches. Teachers also play an important role in creating an environment that fosters

students’ learning, accommodates different learning styles, and motivates students to

accept responsibility for learning.

Therefore the results of the study show significant evidence that Pestalozzi’s

claims are accurate. The results clearly show the positive outcome of which Pestalozzi

stated that education should cultivate the abilities of the Head, Heart, and Hands. He

also claims that by doing so, he would be able to assist people to flourish the ability to

recognize what is right and wrong and to act on that understanding. Wherein the said

school in the article applied learner-centered teaching where they let their students

learn in their way of learning while the teachers act as their guide in learning. And those

teachers will give their feedback on the learners' work to help them improve. Which this

style of teaching is aligned with Pestalozzi’s claim and therefore proves that Pestalozzi’s

theories have positive feedback.

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