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Activity 7

The Summary of Bill Joy's, "Why the Future doesn't need us,"

Our most powerful 21st century technologies are robotics, genetics, and engineering bbut threatening
to make humans an endangered species from the moment when the human being involved in creating
new technologies where human intelligence is allighed with the technologies. It is easy to get amazed by
such breakthrough. People can hear it in the news almost everyday of a certain kind of technological or
scientific advance. People thought it had to be understating the dangers or understating the probability
of the consequences along this path. However, does the future does not need us? Or the future is not
worth having us?

The coming of the millennium must be filled we the sense of hope for the future. This optimism is
underpinned by continuing confidence in technical and scientific advancements that have created so
many things that they have to come to take for granted. In the 21st century, individuals are found of
doing something to quench thier satisfaction because they are scientist inventors who buy their own. As
I saw the title, before reading the article, I thought it would be focusing on why we human harm the
environment to much that we aren't needed by the future anymore but after reading the article, it turns
out that the title states that the future doesn't need us anymore because robots and the advancement
of technology can easily do our job and replace us with much more efficiency.

After reading the article, I did agree with what the author saying and felt the fear for the future, a future
where the robots may really dominate us. I mean as of today, even what we believed is controlled by
what we see in the internet and all, and we rely on the machines in production and even in decision
making. I knew that technology was made to make our life easier. As what I remember technology is
anything that makes our work easier. If these technologies go out of control, this amplifying factor can
lead to substantial damage in the physical world, not unlike the potential of computer viruses to do
harm. Worse, unlike conventional " weapons of mass destruction", 21st century technologies are much
more readily available to individuals.

Therefore, human must be aware to the use and limit of technology. The future wouldn't be the future
without human, because technologies advances and intelligences comes from human brains and talents.
Technology might overcome us but humans can overpower technologies. Future need us humans
because we never stop while technology have it's on and off button but we do not have.


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