Ethnic Relations Test: Instructions

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Ethnic Relations Test

Group Name: ORANG KITA Name:

Class: M09 & M10 Date:
Period: 8.00AM – 10.00AM Results:


This paper consist have 3 part and each part have 5 question. Student should be answer all question. Read
the question carefully and choose the best one.

Part I: Independent of Malaysia

“Perjanjian London" consists of these factors except.

a. An independent commission appointed to draft constitution for independence.
b. Party alliance will not take over British businesses or Western interests in Malaya.
c. Separation of powers between the federal government with the state is continued
d. To gain independence negotiations

Who among them are engaged in negotiations with the independence Tunku Abdul Rahman
except :
a. Tun H.S Lee
b. Tun Abdul Razak Hussein
c. DatoPanglima Bukit Gantang
d. DatoMohdGhazali

What year did Singapore out of Malaysia?

a. 1957
b. 1963
c. 1965
d. 1967

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Part II: Diversity and Culture

What do you understand the concepts of stereotype?

a. The prejudicial treatment of an individual based on their membership in a certain group or
b. A partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation
c. Stereotype arequalities assigned to groups of people related to their race, nationality and
sexual arientation
d. The belief in racial differences

Which of the following statements did not meet the demands of unity among various ethnic
groups in Malaysia?
a. Extreme racism
b. The spirit of cooperation and mutual assistance between ethnic groups
c. Giving priority to national security
d. Love their own country than the country of origin

Among the unique Malaysian is a universal cultural value of diversity-based ethnic groups.
Which is the MOST IMPORTANT most value to courage harmony in life?
a. Freedom of cultured
b. High tolerance
c. Sharing of power
d. The human rights

The ceremony for a month-long celebration of the cultural diversity of the people who live in
the 14 states and 4 territories that make up that multifaceted. it takes place in Kuala Lumpur
near the end of May each year that entertained by the exotic rhythm and movement. This
event also is one of the celebrations marking the official birthday of the new King of Malaysia,
His Majesty The Yang Di-PertuanAgong .what the best ceremony for the information given:
a. Pesta air malaysia
b. Penang pesta
c. Pestakeamatan
d. Citrawarna

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Thaiponggol festival is best describe as:
a. The festival when homes of Hindus are lit with little lights to signify the victory over
b. Harvest festival celebrated out of season because it is fixed in the Hindu calendar. Tamils
celebrate this festival around the second week of January and the presentation of the
cooked harvested grain to the sun at dawn.
c. The Festival of the Nine Emperor Gods falls on the ninth day of the ninth moon in Hindu
d. The festival when spirits are appeared and offerings are made to Gods.

Part III: Constitution of Malaysia

Which is not true about the purpose of the constitution?

a. To establish a fair government.
b. Avoid the misuse of government power
c. Control the movement of government
d. Tools to solve problems.

Who can amend a state constitution for a while on the grounds of national security as a state
of emergency.
b. State Assembly
c. Parlimen
d. Raja/ Sultan/ Yang DipertuaNegeri

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Which of the following is an entry requirement of citizenship naturalization except :
a. Has good behavior.
b. Knowledgeable in the Malay language.
c. Individuals aged 18 years and residing in Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia today.
d. Individuals have been settled in federal Malaysia between 10-20 years before the date of

Meeting of the Conference of Rulers is usually held the number of times in a year?
a. Three times a year
b. Two times a year
c. One times a year
d. At any time

Who will draft the constitution of malaysia?

a. Tunku Abdul Rahman
b. Sir Harold Mac Michael
c. Suruhanjaya Reid
d. Majlis Raja-Raja Melayu

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