Communist Manifesto

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Communist manifesto

The communist manifesto written by german philosopher karl marx and friend which is an attempt to
explain the goals of communism and the elaborate more on the theory that drives the goals of
communism . Two authors split the communist manifesto into four parts . in the first part the book deals
with the communist theory of history and relationship between proletarians and borgus . The
communist manifesto is written in 1848 after industrial revolution which allowed capitalism to shine in
the spotlight . The economics you realize is fair also shared in that spot life . However with the rise of
technology in the industrial revolution and the widespread notion of laissez-faire capitalism came whiter
class gaps . Looking back in 2018 it is easy to say the prediction of the lower class citizen the proletariat
leading or revolution while destroying all ownership of private property , those classes to cease.
However manifesto argues that instability of capitalism at the time when capitalism appears to not have
any limits . This may have stricken people with fear and hopelessness that gap between classes will only
increase , the communist manifesto intentions where to promote this revolution to avoid that and it did
an excellent job establishing its conclusion.

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