LANGUIDO-self in Philosophical Perspective

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Self in Philosophical Perspective

Name:__Deza Mae Languido ___ Subject:_PSYCH 101__ Schedule:_TTH-1:30-3:00__

In your own words, state what “self” is for each of the following philosophers. After doing so, explain how your
concept of “self” is compatible with how they conceived of the “self”.

1. Socrates
Socrates- He is concerned with the problem of self, of his famous quotes is "the unexamined life is not worth
living"_. My concept of life is compatible with Socrates philosophy about self because as I am growing up and my
obligations on my self is getting tougher I then realize my reasons why am I experiencing this on myself and with
that I could conclude that I am enjoying and my life is worth living

2. Plato
Plato -On Plato statement he said that there are three components of the soul the rational soul the spirited soul and
the appetitive soul. It’s compatible in some instance because if the three component is not working you will not
truly know yourself.

3. Augustine

Augustine- Sense of self is his reflection to God. He believes one could not achieve inner peace without finding
God's love.

my own words: Accept God with all of your being: heart, mind, body, and soul. That way, you'll be able to recognize
your own self and comprehend how your mind communicates with others.

4. Descartes
Self is a thinking being with body and mind. This is related to one of my mottos which says that we are rational
beings with the ability of reasoning and thinking.

5. Hume
Self is on our experiences and how we respond to these experiences of ours. This what we call self is dynamic due
to changes brought by the running time. I somehow agree to this. We ourselves are being molded, affected, and
transformed by our experiences.

6. Kant
It is not self if there is only one existing collections of impressions or experiences. There should also be a mind which
will organize, analyze and think for those impressions to be useful. In some ways this is connected to my belief that
what is the use of experience to our life if we will not reflect on them.
7. Ryle
We know our self not by our own name alone. So thus, we know others through their behaviors. I believe that we
may not always be remembered by name, but people may recognize us through our actions, hobbies and ways.

8. Merleau-Ponty

Mind and body are inseparable. They act as one, united to form self. I view self as a product of cooperation of mind
and body. What we think will only be a waste if we will not be able to express it by our body, and we can’t just
simply express something that does not even come to our mind or has not been thought.

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