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MODULE | NATURE OF MATHEMATICS Lesson 1 Patterns and Numbers in Nature and the World Lesson 2. The Fibonacci Sequence Lesson 3. Mathematics for our World © OBJECTIVES os w After studying the module you should be able to: -_ Identify patterns in nature and regularities in the world. . Articulate the importance of mathematics in one’s life. - Argue about the nature of mathematics, what it is, how it is expressed, represented, and used. - Express appreciation for mathematics as a human endeavor. é DIRECTIONS/ MODULE ORGANIZER ts Module 1 consists of three (3) lessons. Take time to read all these three (3) lessons, so you can have a better understanding and appreciate about patterns, nature of mathematics, and how they are represented and used. - Accomplish all the learning activities and submit them to your tutor in the next face-to-face meeting. . For difficulties, try to contact the curriculum adviser or your tutor/ professor. GECC 103a - Mathematics in the Modern World ‘odule T= Lesson 1 PATTERNS AND NUMBERS IN NATURE AND THE WORLD In the general sense of the word, patterns are regular, repeated, or recurring forms or design in which all the members are related with each other by a specific rule. As such, the elements of a pattern reiterate in a predictable manner. Any of the senses may directly observe patterns. Conversely, abstract Patterns in science, mathematics, or language may be observable only by analysis. Direct observation in practice means seeing visual patterns, which are widespread in nature and in art. Visual patterns in nature are often chaotic, never exactly repeating, and often involve fractals. Natural Patterns include spirals, meanders, waves, foams, tilings, cracks, and those created by symmetries of rotation and reflection. Similarly in the sciences, theories explain and predict regularities in the world. In art and architecture, decorations or visual motifs may be combined and repeated to form ‘patterns designed to have a chosen effect on the viewer. In computer science, a software design pattern is a known solution to a class of problems in programming. In fashion, the pattern is a template used to create any number of similar garments. Studying patterns help students in identifying relationships and finding logical connections to form generalizations and make predictions. Take a look at this pattern: OVYTMO9YTIOY What do you think will be the next figure in the sequence? It can be noted that the pattern is made up of three figures - circle, heart, and triangle. Beginning with the circle, next is the heart then the triangle, logically the figure that should follow is Ll, o vy Y EXAMPLE. What is the next figure in the pattern below? >eet GECC 103a - Mathematics in the Modern World = Module T= Solution. The rule of the pattern is to rotate each figure by 90° clockwise direction to obtain the next figure. The next figure should be 5 5 o iV Y EXAMPLE. What number comes next in 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 7 Solution. a SS ae Looking at the given numbers, the sequence is increasing, with each term being seven more than the previous term: 10 = 3 + 7; 17 = 10 + 7; 24 = 17 + 7; 31 = 24 +7. Thus, the next term should be 38 = 31 +7. SNOWFLAKES AND HONEYCOMBS Recall that symmetry indicates that you can draw imaginary line across an object and the resulting parts are mirror images of each other. The figure above is symmetric about the axis indicated by the dotted line. Note that the left and right portions are exactly the same. This type of symmetry, known as line or bilateral symmetry, is evident in most animals, including humans. Look in a mirror and see how the left and right sides of your face closely match. A butterfly is a fine example of bilateral symmetry as shown in the figure below: ‘GEC 103a - Mathematics in the Modern World “Wodule I~ There are other types of symmetry depending on the number of sides or faces that are symmetrical, Images are shown below. This spiderwort has three-fold symmetry _ Starfish with five-fold symmetry Note that if you rotate spiderwort and starfish above by several degrees, you can still achieve the same appearance as the original position. This is known as rotational symmetry. ‘A more common way of describing rotational symmetry is by order of rotation. ORDER OF ROTATION A figure has a rotational symmetry of order n (n-fold rotational symmetry) if, 1/n of a complete turn leaves the figure unchanged. To compute for the angle of rotation, we use the formula: 360° Angle of rotation = —— Consider the image of a snowflake. GECC 103a - Mathematics in the Modern World ~Nodule T- It can be observed that the patterns on a snowflake repeat six times, indicating that there is six-fold symmetry. To determine the angle of rotation, we simply divide 360° by 6 to 60°, Another marvel of nature’s design is the structure and shape of a honeycomb. It is observed that such formation enables the bee colony to maximize their storage of honey using the smallest amount of wax. TIGERS’ STRIPES AND HYENAS’ SPOTS Patterns are also exhibited in the external appearances of animals. We are familiar with how a tiger looks - distinctive reddish-orange fur and dark stripes. Hyenas, another predator from Africa, are also covered in patterns Of spots. These seemingly random designs are believed to be governed by mathematical equations. GECC 103a - Mathematics in the Modern World ~ Module THE SUNFLOWER Looking at a sunflower up close, you will notice that there is a definite pattern of clockwise and counterclockwise arcs or spc THE SNAILS’ SHELL We are also familiar with spiral patterns. The most common spiral patterns can be seen in whirlpools, horns of a sheep, and in the shells of snails and other similar mollusks. A special type of spiral, the logarithmic spiral, is one that gets smaller as it goes. We see this pattern in hurricanes and galaxies, GECC 103a - Mathematics in the Modern World ~ Wodule T= WORLD POPULATION As of 2017, it is estimated that the world population is about 7.6 billion. World leaders, sociologists, and anthropologists are interested in studying population, including its growth. Mathematics can be used to model population growth. Recall that the formula for exponential growth is A = Pe'', where A is the size of population after it grows, P is the initial number of people, r is the rate of growth, and r is the time. Recall further that e is Euler’s constant with an approximate value of 2.718. Substituting in the values to this formula would result in the population size after time ¢ with a growth rate of r. Ler ‘The exponential growth model A = 37,000e"™™ describes the population of a city in the Philippines in thousands, t years after 2005. a. What is the population of the city in 2005? b. What will be the population in 2019? Solution, a. Consider 2005 as t = 0 and then solve for A, our population size. A= 37,000e0™ A= 37,000e° O2(0} Substitute t with t = 0. A= 37,000¢° A= 37,000(1) é A= 37,000 Therefore, the city population in 2005 was 37,000. b. We need to find A for the year 2019. To find t, we subtract 2019 and 2005 to get t = 14, which we then substitute to the exponential growth model. ‘A= 37,0000 A= 37,0006") GECC 103a - Mathematics in the Modern World = Module T= 10 A = 37,0002 A = 48,955.80 Therefore, the city population in 2019 would be about 48,956. BS LEARNING ACTIVITY Solve. 1.-How many B’s will come in the 27" arrangement of the pattern below? [AAABB|AAAABBB/AAAAABBBB| 2. Determine the next number from the sequence: 21, 25, 33, 49, 81, 2 3. Identify the missing element from the sequence: 91, 85, 94, 83, 97, 81, S798 4. The diagram below shows the first three steps in a pattern of squares. How many squares will there be in the next step of the pattern? EE 5. The exponential growth model A = 511,000e° describes the population of a certain bacteria in thousands, t years after 2016. a. What is the population of the bacteria in 2016? b. What will be the population in 20192 le GECC 103a - Mathematics in the Modern World ~ Module T= "1 Lesson 2 THE FIBONACCI SEQUENCE SEQUENCE A sequence, in mathematics, is a string of objects, like numbers, that follow a particular pattern. The individual elements ina sequence are called terms. Some of the simplest sequences can be found in multiplication tables: SSO Onze Oyd8) 21s, Pattern: “add 3 to the previous number to get the next number” + 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, .. Pattern: “add 12 to the previous number to get the next number” Of course we can come up with much more complicated sequences: ©) 10,7 8,7 16,7 14, 28,7 26,752, ... Pattern: “alternatingly subtract 2 and multiply by 2 to get the next number” We can also create sequences based on geometric objects: Triangle Numbers Pattern: “add Patterns in nature that relate to numbers are collectively known as phyllotaxis. The most interesting examples of phyllotaxis are related to the Fibonacci sequence and the golden section. To understand the spirals in pinecones, pineapples, daisies and lots of other things in nature, we have to meet a mathematician named Leonardo de Pisa. Most people call him Fibonacci (pronounced fib-o-nawch-ee). About 800 years ago, he wrote a book in which he included a math problem that went like this: GECC 103a - Mathematics in the Modern World = Module T= 12 “A certain man put a pair of rabbits in a place surrounded by a wall. How many pairs of rabbits can be produced from that pair in a year if it is supposed that every month each pair begets a new pair from which the second month on becomes productive?” (Liber abbaci, pp. 283-284) Fibonacci’s work on this problem led him to this sequence of numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 ... Can you figure out what the next number in the sequence will be? We call this the Fibonacci sequence, and the numbers are called Fibonacci numbers. To get the next number in the sequence, you add the previous two numbers together. Starting with:O-and 1, the succeeding terms in the sequence can be generated by adding the two numbers that came before the term: O+1=2 0,1,1 1+1=2 OF 11h 2 142-3 O,AS182,3. 24325 0, 1,4;.2, 3,5 3+5=8 0,4; 1; 2,3, 5,8 5+8 =13 Opts 15 2375513 05 151-2, 945313) Though the .rabbit question may pose completely unrealistic Conditions, Fibonacci numbers do actually appear in nature, from sunflowers to hurricanes to galaxies. Sunflowers seeds, for example, are arranged in a Fibonacci spiral, keeping the seeds uniformly distributed no matter how large the seed head may be. A Fibonacci spiral is a series of connected quarter-circles drawn inside an array of squares with Fibonacci numbers for dimensions. The squares fit perfectly together because of the nature of the sequence, where the next number is equal to the sum of the two before it. Any two successive Fibonacci numbers have a ratio very close to the Golden Ratio, which is roughly 1.618034. The larger the pair of Fibonacci numbers, the Closer the approximation. The spiral and resulting rectangle are known as the Golden Rectangle. Golden rectangle with the Golden Spiral GECC 103a - Mathematics in the Modern World ~ Nodule T= 13 The Golden Ratio is denoted by the Greek letter phi (). Greek architects used the ratio 1:phi as an integral part of their designs, including the Parthenon in Athens. Though this was not consciously used by Greeks or artists, the Golden Rectangle does appear in the Mona Lisa and other Renaissance art works. Phi is also the ratio of the side of a regular pentagon to its diagonal. The resulting pentagram forms a star, which is the star seen on many flags. E Does ws A ‘The Parthenon is said to exhibit the application of Golden Ratio. BS LeARNine activity Let Fib(n) be the n™ term of the Fibonacci sequence, with Fib(1) = 1, Fib(2) = 1, Fib(3) = 2, and so on. 1. Find Fib (8). 2. Find Fib (19). 3. If Fib (22) = 17,711 and Fib (24) = 46,368, what is Fib (23)? 4. Evaluate the following sums: a. Fib (1) + Fib (2) = b. Fib (1) + Fib (2) + Fib (3) = ¢. Fib (1) + Fib (2) + Fib (3) + Fib (4) 5. Determine the pattern in the successive sums from the previous question. What will be the sum of Fib (1) + Fib (2) + .. + Fib (10)? in the Modern World = Module T= 14 Lesson 3 (TI MATHEMATICS FOR OUR WORLD A society, or a human society, is a group of people related to each other through persistent relations, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or virtual territory, subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. More broadly, a society may be described as an economic, social, or industrial infrastructure, made up of a varied collection of individuals. Mathematics occupies a crucial and unique role in the human societies and represents a strategic key in the development of the whole mankind. The ability to compute, related to the power of technology and to the ability of social organization, and the geometrical understanding of space-time, that is the physical world and its natural patterns, show the role of Mathematics in the development of a Society. The society consists of its members (human being), who make government and organize the natural resources to develop infrastructure. The human beings are the one who develop the society. Therefore, it is important that we learn mathematical concepts in the development of an individual as well as the development of the society and apply them in solving societal problems. MATHEMATICS IN DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMICS Mathematics is of central importance to modern society. It provides the vital underpinning of the knowledge of economy. It is essential in the Physical sciences, technology, business, financial services and many areas of ICT. It is also of growing importance in biology, medicine and many of the social sciences. Mathematics forms the basis of most scientific and industrial research and development. Increasingly, many complex systems and structures in the modern world can only be understood using mathematics and much of the design and control of high-technology systems depends on mathematical inputs and outputs. Economics of the society is developed by establishment of industries. The applied mathematics like computational science, applied analysis, optimization, differential equation, data analysis and discrete mathematics etc. are essential in industrial field. By application of mathematical methods, the exploration cost of oil and communication cost of images could be reduced. Techniques of wavelets and fractals are used for this Purpose. Numerical simulation of mathematical models helps to manufacture super conductor cables to reduce the cost of electricity. GECC 103a - Mathematics in the Modern World Nodule T= 15 MATHEMATICS IN DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE In particular, mathematics has contributed to progress in science and technology for thousands of years and still continues to do so. It finds useful applications in development of infrastructure i.e., business, industry, music, politics, sports, medicine, agriculture, engineering, and the social and natural sciences. The physical appearance and development of infrastructure is crucial in a society. Thus, for the construction of roads, buildings, stadiums, flyovers, airports, dams, bridges, vehicles, airplanes etc. in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering etc. MATHEMATICS IN DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY The “functional” aspect of mathematics stems from its importance as the language of Science, Technology and Engineering, and its role in their development. This involvement is as old as mathematics itself and it can be argued that, without mathematics, there can be neither science nor engineering. In modern times, adoption of mathematical methods in the social, medical and physical sciences has expanded rapidly, confirming mathematics as an indispensable part of all school curricula and creating great demand for university-level mathematical training. Much of the demand. stems directly from the need for mathematical and statistical modeling of phenomena. Such modeling is basic to all engineering, plays a Vital role in all physical sciences and contributes significantly to the biological sciences, medicine, psychology, economics and commerce. Mathematics has been successfully used in the development of science and technology in 20th - 21st century. The areas like advanced semi-conductor devices, bio-technology, digital image technology, Nano-technology, artificial satellites, and rockets all are based on mathematical concepts. The recent success of NASA’s Mars Rover is also based on mathematics. MATHEMATICS IN DEVELOPMENT OF MEDICAL SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURAL FIELD Mathematics is applied to agriculture, ecology, epidemiology, tumor and cardiac modeling, DNA sequencing and gene technology. It is used to manufacture medical devices and diagnostics, opto-electronics and sensor technology. There are positive senses in which mathematics is special. First, by virtue of its fundamental nature as a universal abstract language and its underpinning of the sciences, technology and engineering, mathematics has a claim to an inherently different status from most other disciplines. Secondly, as we have set out above, mathematics is fundamentally important in an all-pervasive way, both for the workplace and for the individual citizen. MATHEMATICS IN CULTURAL AND MORAL DEVELOPMENT Mathematics has its own intrinsic beauty and aesthetic appeal, but its cultural role is determined mainly by its perceived educational qualities. GECC 103a - Mathematics in the Modern World > Module 1 16 The achievements and structures of mathematics are recognized as being among the greatest intellectual attainments of the human species and, therefore, are seen as being worthy of study in their own right, while the heavy reliance of mathematics on logical reasoning is seen to have educational merit in a world where rational thought and behavior are highly valued. Furthermore the potential for sharpening the wit and problem- solving abilities fostered by study of mathematics is also seen as Contributing significantly to the general objectives of acquiring wisdom and intellectual capabilities. A cultured citizen is one who follows the norms of society and one who is a civilized person. A well-mannered person is always “simple, original; patient, honest, accurate and disciplined, Mathematics is a Subject ‘which is exact, real, original and precise, and one who studies mathematics needs to follow the laws and rules. Thus, mathematics helps the people to be cultured citizens having sound morals. MATHEMATICS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF LIVING STANDARDS Since mathematics is used in almost every profession, it helps in improving the living-standards of a person. The developments in economics, ~science and-technology, medicine in brief over-all development of society develops the standard of living. Thus, mathematics plays an important role in making the living standards high. Although the ubiquitous use of information technology in all sectors has changed the nature of the mathematical skills required, it has not reduced the need for mathematics. LESS LEARNING ACTIVITY What is the importance of Mathematics in your daily undertakings? Provide an example. GEC 103a - Mathematics in the Modern World ~ Module | 17 7 REFERENCES BOOKS: Nocon, Rizaldi and Nocon, Edelina. 2018. Essential Mathematics for the Modern World. Rex Book. Store...2018. Mathematics in the Modern World. Manila, Philippines. Rex Book Store, Inc. ONLINE SOURCES: Hom, Elaine J. What Is The Fibonacci Sequence? https: // www. Khandelwal, R. Patterns in Nature. Retrieved from http:/ /www.dstuns. presentations/teaching/undergraduate%20courses/vy305-molecular- architecture-and-evolution-of- functions/presentations/presentations-2006/P7.pdf Mathigon. Sequences: World of Mathematics. Retrieved from National Council of Educational Research and Training. Mathematics in the Development of the Society. Retrieved from http: // Role%200f%20Mathematics%20in%20the%20Development%200fSociety- NCER-.pdf Wilkerson, Michelle H. Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking. Retrieved from https: // pdf GEC 103a - Mathematics in the Modern World = Module |=

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