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Add Muscle Mass to Your Chest Using:

The 3D Chest Workout

Engineered by:
Ryan Masters
Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist

The primary purpose of this program is to bust through plateaus and add depth
and mass to your chest. Follow this program for 6 weeks. Let’s begin.

Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise or weight-loss program. The general
information displayed here is not intended to substitute for or replace your healthcare professional. If
you think you may have a medical emergency or experience any pain, call your doctor or 911
immediately. I make no representations or warranties concerning any usage of the information offered
here and will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other losses or
damages that may result. Reliance on any information appearing here is strictly at your own risk

Workout Frequency
The 3D Chest Workout is performed 3 days / week, with at least one day off
between each workout. So you can go Mon / Weds / Fri or Tue / Thur / Sun, etc.
Due to the intensity, this is a 6 week program.

Workout Schedule
There are two workout days – “A” & “B”, they consist of the following exercises:

Workout A Workout B
Dips Squats
Bench Press Pull-ups
Incline Dumbell Press Military Press
Dumbell Fly Straight Bar Bicep Curl

Workout A will be performed twice a week, on days 1 & 3. Workout B will be

performed once a week, on day 2. So for example:

Monday (A) / Wednesday (B) / Friday (A)


Tuesday (A) / Thursday (B) / Sunday (A)

Workout Routine
Begin all workouts with 5 – 10 minutes of cardio to get a healthy sweat going. This
tells your body “hey get ready to workout” and primes your muscles for action.

Workout A is the core of this program and is performed twice a week. You will do
the following:

3 sets of 6 reps; 45 seconds to 1 minute rest between sets

Make sure you do 1 – 2 warm ups sets with no weight to get your blood pumping.

Dips are to be performed with a weight belt if possible and enough weight so that
you can do just 6 reps.

If you are unable to do weighted dips, start off with doing just bodyweight dips.
Once you can do 3 sets of 6, grab a weight belt and start with +5 pounds & keep

If you are unable to do bodyweight dips, start off with the assisted dip machine (if
you gym has one). If not, start by doing bench dips and progressing to
bodyweight dips when ready.

Bench Press
3 sets of 6 reps, 30 to 45 seconds rest between sets

Fairly straightforward here – 3 sets of 6 so heavier weight on this as well. Take

30-45 seconds of rest between sets.

Incline Dumbbell Press

4 sets of 8 reps; 30 seconds rest between sets

This exercise is about squeezing the upper chest so pick a weight that you can do
with perfect form and really focus and squeezing your chest during the motion.

Dumbbell Fly
4 sets of 10 reps; 30 seconds rest between sets

Last exercise – rep range has increase to 10 to tear down any remaining muscle
fibers. Again, focus on good form, squeezing the chest through the entire range
of motion.

3 sets of 15 incline sit-ups

Finish off with a core ab exercise of your choice – I’ve listed incline sit-ups as an

Workout B is supplemental and is performed once a week.

3 sets of 5 reps; 45 seconds to 1 minute rest between sets

Heavy squats are a foundational staple of total body muscle growth. They are an
absolute must and one of the exercises most people skip – but not you!

Make sure you perform 2-3 good warm-up sets to get your blood moving and mild
sweat going.

40 total, divided in as few sets as possible. 45 seconds rest between sets.

For pull-ups you will perform a total of 40 reps, in as few sets as possible. So you
may do something like:

1 x 12
1 x 10

If you are unable to perform 10 pull-ups your first set – you will need to start on
the assisted pull-up machine. Alternatively, you can drag a bench under the pull-
up bar and stand on it so you can “spot yourself” by leaving one foot on the bench
for support.

Military Press
3 sets of 8 reps. 45 seconds rest between sets.

Next you’ll do seated military press with the standard barbell, 3 sets of 8 reps and
45 seconds rest between each set.

Standing Straight Bar Bicep Curl

4 sets of 8 reps. 30 seconds rest between sets.

We are not using the EZ curl bar here, only the straight bar. If you need to, check
YouTube for videos for proper grip / form if you the straight bar bothers your

Make sure you get a good stretch on the bicep, using full range of motion for this
exercise. Do not use super heavy weight – you should not be hip thrusting or

throwing out your back to lift the barbell. It should be nice and controlled – on
both the concentric and eccentric contractions (up and down motions).

Workout Nutrition
Working out is only one part of The Workout Trinity for lean body results. Your
body can only build bigger pecs if you give it the building blocks it needs – good
food! Make sure you incorporate the following into your diet:

 Post workout shake / protein – An absolute MUST within 45 minutes after

you finished your workout.
 Minimum 1 gram protein per pound of body weight – Your body uses
protein to build muscle so make sure you are getting ample amounts.
Shoot for at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily.
 Eat 5/6 smaller meals throughout the day – This keeps your body in a
muscle factory state vs 3 giant meals spaced further apart.
 Avoid processed foods – Candy, high-calorie snack foods, frozen dinners,
breads with refined white flour, etc.
 Drink water, lots! – Shoot for a gallon / day

Get your REST – this is when your muscles are actually being rebuilt and growing:
shoot for 6-8 hours.

Now you know how to build a bigger chest – it’s time to commit and get started.
Use the workout logs to help track your progress if you don’t already have one of
your own. More advanced training tactics (including exactly how I get results) are
on their way to your e-mail.

Be sure to visit & subscribe to The Workout Corners YouTube channel to get
notified when new videos are released and to submit your requests!

To Your Results,

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