Johnson 1992

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Tesla, Moray, and Bearden Searchers for a New Energy Source Gary L. Johnson, IEEE Senior Member, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kansas esla, Moray, Bearden, and others have claimed the ‘existence of another souree of energy besides those presently in use. Like sun and wind, this source Is Evallable without regard to political boundaries. f true, the development af this energy source would be one of the most important events ofthe century. eeemsthat every time mankind reaches alimit of growth ddue to exhaustion of inexpensive energy supplies, another energy source is discovered and developed. England had tessentaly depleted ts resource oftimber when the technol- ‘ogy to mine and burn cael was developed, for exemple. After coal, technologies for oil, gas, hydro, nuclear fission, wind, Dhotovoltatc, ets. were developed. With each new develop- tment, the world was ablo to support a greater population at {higher standard of living than before ‘Today, however, many developing countries have reached & limit in improving the quality of life, due in part to the lack of an adequate and economical energy supply. The ‘developed nations are worried about global warming, ac fain, and nuclear waste. The recent excitement about cold fusion illustrated the Koen desire for a naw energy source, ‘one operating on scientific prineiples that perhaps aro un: known or poorly developed at the present time. ‘A number of researchers have claimed that such a new energy source exists, This source would bein addition to cold {fusion if coldfusion is shown to be valid. Three ofthe most famous researchers with this boief have been Tesla, Moray, fand Bearden. Tis article discusses each of thelr concopts. ‘The exact words used to describe the energy source differ ‘among the three men, partly due tothe differenttime periods Involved. However, the basc outline seems tobe as follows, Consider 8 small, apparently empty volume in front of your face, Ask a child what isin the volume, and you will got a purzied look and a reply that nothingis in the volume. Based fon the senses of touch, smell sight, Rearing, and tasting, it would certainly appear that the small volume is indeed ‘empty. Ask the same question of « sophomore engineering Student and the answer may include oxygen, nitrogen, {rgon, water vapor, photons, radio waves, afew ions, and perhaps 8 neutrino. Empty appearing space is really not so ‘empty. We just ha to build detectors or receivers to deter ‘mine whats already there ‘These thtee researchers would claim that our small volume also contains energy, which can be extracted with the proper receiver. Philosophical, this receiver would be no diferent from a photovottac cel, which merely converts nonelectrcal energy into electrical energy, of perhaps a heat pump, which uses a small amount of electrical energy 10 » ‘State University ump a larger amount of ambient thermal enorgy from one place to another. We Just need to discover how to buld such {receiver or energy pump. 1856, in Smiljan, Lika, Serbia "was a Serbian Orthodox priest. Te rand went on to invent (or discover) mare important devices or cancepts than per- haps any other man in history. The idea of the polyphase induction motor came to him while in Budapest, and he built the fist model in 1883. Ho came to the United States soon and ried to sel his idea to Thomas Edison. Edison was {doing well with his de system, so he was not interested in an ‘ae machine. Tesla soon sold his idoa to George Westin {ghouse, An entire polyphase ac systom of generators, rans formers, and protective devices was developed and hes changed if throughout the world in addition to inventing the se power system, Tesla did pioneering work in radio, robots, amplifiers, and refrigera fion, He had 112 U.S. patents and a total of about 700 patents ‘worldwide, He was selected for the Nobel prizo in 1312, but refused the honor because it was tobe shared with Thomas Edizon, for whom he had lite professional respect [1, page 20], Without question, ne was a good engineer. However, bout 1900, Tesla started investigating @ num. ber of advanced concepts that were not accepted by the Sclontifie community atthe time, and, in most cases, are stil not accepted. This effort caused the loss of his funding from ‘John ®. Morgan. Hethen spent the last years ofhislifein near poverty before dying in 1943. His personal papers disap- peared at that time, with fraction of them appearing later in Fis native Yugoslavia. Specifics of his work on these ad- vanced concepts ar, therefore, not available tous, but por- haps are known to some Eastern European countries. Regarding the idea that space itself contains energy, the following statement by Tesla to the Institute of Electrical Engineers in Londan is instructive [2, page 68). "Ere many {generstions paes, aur machinery willbe diven by a power ‘btainable at any point of the universe. This dea snot novel ‘Men have been led to it long ago by instint or reason. thos. been expressed in many ways, and in many places, in the history of old and new We find itn the delightful myth of ‘Anthous, who derives power from the earth, wafinditamong, the subtle speculations of one of your splendid mathe: ‘maticiane, and in many hints and statements of thinkers of the present time. Throughout space there is energy. Is this IE Poser Enginering Reviews Janson 1982 Nikola Tesla (photo courtesy ofthe Smuthsonian Institution) ‘energy static or kinetic? If static our hopes are in vain, if Kinetic (and this we know itis, for certain), then itis a mere ‘question of time when men will succeed in attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature. Of all Iving or ‘dead, Crookes came nearest to doing it His radiometer will {umm inthe light of day and in the darkness ofthe night, twill turn everywhere where there is heat, and heat is everywhe But, unfortunately, this beautiful tie machine, while it goes ‘down to posterity as the most interesting, must likewise puton evordasthe mostineffcient machineever invented!” Like many other of his ideas, Tesla was not as specific about this kinatic nergy in space as we would like. He had two related patents, No. 685,957, Apparatus for the Utlize: tion of Radiant Energy, and No. 685'958, Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy, both issued November 5, 1901. The basic Concept seems tobe that thisradiant energy would strike one plate of a large capacitor, perhaps causing eloctrons to be bjected 0 the surroundings so that the plate would have a fet positive charge. This positive charge would then be used to supply a current through various electrical loads He shows a Roentgen Tube as 2 possible source for the radiant energy in the patent drawings. We know that xrays can have adequate energy to eject electrons from metals, 30 that itis theoretically possible to convert xrays into electrical ‘power by hismethad. The afficiency would be low, however. Ie appears from his lator statoment that was quoted above that Tesla did not believe he had invented a machine ofthe ‘novessary efficiency. But, as he said, “its a mere question fof time when men will suceeed in attaching their machinery {othe very wheelwork of nature Moray ‘T Hanry Moray was bor August 28,1892, aboutthe time Teslawas doveloping the ac power system. Hisparents were migrants, a Swedish mother and an lsh father. His inter tema wore in electricity and elctial enginaering, but Nis {ormaleducationwas imitedtacorrespondence courses nd brief attendance atthe University of Upsala, Sweden, while 1668 Power Engincerng Review, Janay 1982 ‘on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day ‘Saint in that county. Moray started his work on a new energy system in 1908. ‘Soon hewas able to report (3, page20] the following. "During the Christmas Holidays of 1911, | began to fully realize that the energy | was working with was not ofa statie nature, but ‘ofan oscillating nature. Further realized thatthe energy was hot coming out ofthe earth, but instead it was coming tothe tsarth from some outside source. These electrical oscillations in the form of waves were not simple oscilations, but were ‘surgings, like the waves of the sea, coming to the earth ‘continually, more in the daytime than at night, but always ‘coming in vibrations from the reservoir of colossal energy foutthere in space.” Finally in 1925, Moray developed a working model. twas of the site and shape of a AM radio roceiver ofthe day. It Feuired an antenna and ground for operation. One instal tion used 2 ground pipe of 05-inch water pipe driven about 7 feet into the ground and a wire antonna about 87 feet long {a, page 40}. A rather lengthy tuning process was used, ‘wherein a hand-held magnet was stroked across what ap- peared tobe another magnet mounted on the radiant eneray Feceiver for a petiod of upto ten minutes. Once tuned into the energy source, the output was used for standard light, lectric irons, fans, and other electrical loads. The fecaiver was able to deliver several hundred watts for an indefinite period, up to several days in length. The output ‘Sppeared to be high frequency, rather than de or 60 Hz Moray demonstrated his receiver to many people, and several of the demonstrations were documented by photographs and afidavits Infact, nearly half of his book is ‘made Up of photocopies of affidavits. twas demonstrated at his home and laboratory a5 well as in remote locations Selected by the observers. Except for certain proprietary ‘components (possibly somicondueting valves), the receiver was available for inspection by the observers. A typical ‘tfdavitisthe folowing, sworntoby Mr. A.B. Jenson 3, page {12l0n January 31,1963, “1 accompanied a group of people consisting of Mr... Jensen, Mr. Greely Snyder, Dr, Moray, ‘and myself ( recall one other person also was with us but will not give the name, ax lam net sure whether lam correct Wedrove out pest St ohne in Tooele County, Utah, andthen 25t020 miles southwest of Johnson's Pass, Aithattime there ‘was no installation t Dugway, no telephone or electric wires Inthe vicinity, merely desert land, “Dr. Moray had packedhis equipment andtoolsnecessary to erect it We selected @ spot 50 to 75 feet from our futomobile, We assisted in diving a stoel rod about 6 feet into the ground. With s blow torch, wires were soldered 10 the steel rod. We erected two tent poles and fastened an antenna made of #10 stranded copper wir "The wire from the antenna was fastoned to the box containing the Moray Radiant Energy Equipment and the (round wire that had been soldered tothe steel rod was aso fastened. "Dr. Moray had brought a board with about 36 150—watt lamps mounted theraon,a high frequency motor, &1,000— watt taylor’ ton, and believe a heater oF fa. ‘Alor he connected the ground and antenna to the box, De. Moray pluggedinthe lamps, iron, motor, ote The energy from the box lighted the lamps, heated the iron, ran the ‘We all examined the equipment and determined there were no batteries: there were no hidden connections 10 electric outlets, as wo wore miles from any powerlines; Mr. J.C Jensen drove the automobile and selected the location {or the demonstration, thus there could have been no prior preparation atthe test site by Dr. Moray. “although the demonstration took piace nearly 2 years 490, | stl vividly recall the reaction of al who witnessed i. 2 Henry Moray infront of his receiver anda oad bank of ight bulbs twas our firm conviction thatthe Radiant Energy Equipment ‘was rly as represented by Dr. Moray. Moray madea total of seven patent applications regarding his Radiant Energy Devies. All wore rejected by the Patent ‘and Trademark Office, The reasons given were basically that the device did not ft the physics known at that time, For ‘example, part of the application was fora said state device like a transistor. In 1951, transistors had not boon invented and electron flow required a hot cathode in existing devices, S0 Moray’s device obviously could not work. Also, the Patent Examinor stated [3, page 1621, "No natural soures of electric ‘wave energy Is known to the Examiner and proof of the ‘existence of such a source is required.” That i, was not ‘enough to develop a device to tap Into an unknown source ‘of energy, The source of energy must also be fully deserbed, Moray was not able to do this, so the patents were denied. “The story involves considerable intrigue, including com: ‘munist agents and people in black sedans shooting at the Moray automobile. Moray wae betrayed by 2 number of ‘riendswho were supposedly helping him with his invention. ‘One working model was destroyed by an employee. He was tunable to bring is invention to the market, although two of his sons, John and Richard, now operate a company called CCosray Research Institue, with the hope of yet geting Henry Moray's invention to the world. John Moray recently com: mented [4, page 5-211 a3 follows. "The fact romaine, Dr. Moray’s work is well documented. The motor dia run. There ‘was no question. would even run on the portable antenns ny father would rig up in his laboratory. The radio did work He could being in Admiral Byrd from Little America, even mn normal radio transmission was dificult. “inthe past decade, we spent aver one-half million dol lars, both aur ewn money and from a feasibility study forthe USS. Air Force. We did lot of work without giving away al the family jowels, Weceollectedtogetherallthenotesthathad been distributed throughout the United States and Canada and evaluated them, after which we sent them back tO Storage. We reproduced a few of the original parts and built ' numberof our awn. We tried to do thom first of all the way by father would have done them and then adapted to the so-called state of the ar ‘We have identified at least 36 semiconductors inthe six tubes used in Dr. Moray’s power unit. We believe there may have bean atleast one superconductor. tis only a matter of time and money until we complete a viable unit” An invention of @ device to extract fee energy from the sur foundings would have huge value and would certainly attract the at tontion of two groups of people: one group the ‘would benefit financial ‘and would therefore want fo teal the inven: tion, and a second group that’ might lose invest: ment on existing aneray doviees and would there fore want to stop the in vention. from_ being ‘developed. This, plus the tendency of most selon tists and engineers to reject the whole concopt immediately with phrases like “consorva tion of energy” and “per petuum mobile,” couldeasilyresultina scenario such as hat ‘described in Moray’s book. here seemsto bene compelling feason not to bolleve that the pictures, affidavits, and ac count of witnesses are valid and that T. Henry Morey did indeed stumble upon a device extract ree energy from the surroundings: Bearden “Thomas E. Bearden, born December 17, 1990, has boon perhaps the most important leader in the area of free anergy {or tho last decade or more. He has written several books in the area, He has 9 good technical background (MS in Nuclear Engineering) and @ good military background (Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, Retired). He speaks widely at mestings of free energy enthusiasts, He has developed a theory ex plaining the source of energy, which we will attempt to He calls his theory scalar electromagnetics tis 9 unified fiold theory in that gravity is included along withthe usual lacie and magnetic elds. The starting point for his theory is the nature of the vacuum itselt, a concept shared by 2 umber of ther physicists. Bearden explains it |S, page 20) {8 follows. "The modern concept of the vacuum is that tis lke a seething plasma or gas. However, it's a very strange ‘98s, for each particle arises spontaneously out of nowhere {according to quantum mechanics) and almostimmedistely twine inte something elee andor disappears. Thus the ‘vacuum plasms of gas is rather pacular, the particles com sppear and disappear so rapialy that they cannot iy be dotected. However, while a virtual particle ‘exiet, itis i motion, and so a violent lux ofthese phantom articles comprises the vacuumispacetime. “Quantum mechanics assumes that the violent flux of vacuum ghost particles is totally randomized. That is, no ‘deterministic pattern exists in the flux. These virtual changos collect or cohere statistically, not deterministically, int ‘Standard assumption. When they happen to collect/cohere sufficiently, the threshold of an observable quantum change is breached, and a quantum change occurs." ‘Thatie, Bardon believes thatthe vacuum isnot the quiet, ‘empty space that most of us have assumed it to be. Rather, itconsists of particles too small to be detected and moving invand out of our four dimensional space too quiekly to be detected. By definition, there is ro way to directly prove (or ‘laprove) his theory. would remain just another interesting {EE Power Engineering Review, January 1982 concept of modern physics, unlass a second concept of his Should prove experimentally true, that particles can be coheredintoa largeenough collection to produce observable ‘esuits, By analogy with lasers, this could require @ pumping ‘ction wherein energy must be introducedtostant the action. ‘Once started, energy could low from the vacuum through a receiver nto 8 load. The random flux of virtual particles round the receiver would recharge or replace the eneray being removes. But what physical effects would tend to cohere the vvacuim? Beaten believes that we should start with to (or ‘morel appasing magnate feldssuch thatthe opposing fields Cancel eachother. He maintains, however, thatthe individual fields con interact with the Vacuum even though the com bined fel is ero, In classical electromagnetic theory, the fields are con- Sidered the cause and the potentials are considered the effect We obtain the potenti V by integrating the electric Field oversome path. The force on charged particle iszero shen Eis zero, regardless of the value of V. Since most of ur instruments measure the force on 9 charged particle Father than some absolute value of V, we tend to think of potentials as being anecessary side efect of folds. Quantum mechanics, on the atherhand, starts with the potential a the Cause and the field as the effect In most cases, one gots fxactlythe same answer with ether interpretation, The au tion in those cases fe a philosophical one, rather like the uestion whether ightisawave orapartile. But, what about the ease of @ nonzero potential and a zero field, with an observable effect that implios some sort of absolute realty to the potential? Such appears to be the situation in the Aharanov-Bohm Effect [6 ‘One way of getting opposing magnetic fields isto wind two coils on the same cylinder, one an top ofthe other, one Fight handed andthe other lefchended, snd operate them in parallel across the same voltage source. The magnetic field Inside tne cylinder willbe very closet zero. However, as one looks at the field vectors, itappears that the space inside the eylindar i ether in tonsion oF compression. The analogy is {a take asf rod in both hands and either push the two ands towardeach other orattampttopullthem apart. Thenet force fon the fod is tera so ite not translating in space, However, the internal stress isnot zera while the individual forces aro inplace. I this tress excoeds the limits of the rod material, the rod will be changed in length, even though the net translating force has remained 70"0. Similarly, Bearden believes thatthe internal stess produced by the opposing ‘magnetic fields will eause a cohering of the virtual particles bt space such that macroscopic elects willbe observed. is plausible that special frequencies, waveforms, and coll con- figurations willbe roquired. There may be. minimum signal eve before any effects observed, much lkethe Zener eect, Feedback may be required, so thatthe effect will build up ike an oseilator. tis obvious that, even i Bearden’s hypothesis is corract, itmay be very difficult to get reproducible experiments, is rather like tying to build an oscillator. One needs an amplifier, @ method for feedback, and the correct circu layout. As many students can testify, even with good amplifier andthe proper theory, poor cieuitlayoutcan easily keep the gseillator from working, So we WOuld expect to $00 reports of warking deviees and other reports of nonworking Govices until equipment and theory are much better veloped. A given inventor may have a working prototype, but may notbe able to sal upto an economical size becaus bftholack ofan adequate theoretical development. Thismay be the ease with Bearden and his [5, page 22|the following, "Several inventors, three of whom Invert within one respect or another, now have demonsta- FEE Per Engineering Ree, danary 1892 tion models of such machines, which take diverse forms.” ‘This was written In December 1987, but there has not yet been any publie display, implying a hangup either’ in roproduebilty or in patenting the concept. Summary 'We ave looked at three leaders inthe soarch for @ new energy source, whose work spans a full century. There have bbeon dozens of otner searchors and several organizations devoted to publishing terature onthe subject. Involvement ranges from the boekyard inventor with no technical back ‘Ground up to the PhO-level engineer or physicist. There is a ‘reat deal of noise in the Iterature. Some concepts are ‘bviously nonsense. Others wil prove to be in error. But is there any signalinalithe noise? There ig, Tesla, Moray, and Bearden aracorrec. The potential payoff isenormous, so the Search should be continued i theres any chance at all of References ii] Jones, H.W, “Project insight Study of Tesl's Advanced Cconooptn TESLA'R4, Prosondinge of th Tesla Centennial Sy Dosim, Colorado Springs, Avgust 9.12, 1968, pages 11-28 norma {onal Tesie Society, 330-A West Uintah, Sute 215, Colorado Springe, CO 80005. [el Tesla, Nola Exoerimonte wity Akornate Cueronts of High Potenial and High Frequency. MeGraw Publning Company, New ‘Yoru 1804" Reprinted in 7863 by Angr Press, P.O. Bow 2726, Fellwoce, ca, 80078 [Bi Morey Henry The Sea of Energy in which the Earth Floats, ‘conry inte Salt ake Cy 1975, Ts! Moray, ohn "Radiant Energy.” Proceedings ofthe 1888, Imernatnal Tesla Symposium Colorado Springs, July 2831, 1988 International Tela Solty, 530°A West Uintah Suit 215, Colorado Springs, Co 80908, Bearden, Thomas E. Excalibur Briefing - Explaining Paraner ‘mal Phenomena, Sand Editon, Staweety Hil Poss, 2584 13% vane, Sen Francisco, CA 84137. Copubsished with Tesla Book Company, 20. Box 149, Greenville, TX 7540" Te) Oru, Sana owt Popescu, “The Quantum Ettects of Electromagnetic Fluxes” Roviews of Modern Physi, Val. 1, Ne 2iapri 1985, pp 339-836, 1993 Industrial and Commercial Power System Conference Call for Papers [Abstract deadline: April 1, 1992 Conference date: May 3-6, 1993 “Te Infntal and Commercial Power Systems Depunt of he EEE dst Appian Solty ive You to epue ad pee ‘opera 1995 fal an Commer Rowe Syene Teta {Coterace wc will be el My 3 ough 6,195, n Tang Pecnburg Bor | “Ine gee Scope ofthe coneeae ines the design, ars ‘pet ad altace of ce power Ses and euinet ‘el commer and ntstonal ein Mears pepe oie on be hoe nd patent powered ‘Seto nes ean, pa ops earn nee Cogeneration ad ips genertion { Roworsytn adele equipment ebity 1 Elect energy comer {ipa gulin pomer soppy tensor demanding pinion Etsioe utleynduttl wc neve, probes aslo By! Ape 1,199, prospaciv ators ld send es an ret sce of tie popes kn Cooper, Vise Csiman (Tecnica, TEEEIAS 1&CPS Deparment S40 leis Cmpary 60 Nor Rae BoulerartCicago ins 628

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