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Lauron, Hydn Cristlee L.



Instructions: Answer as directed and show all the necessary solutions. Submit your activity to the google
drive link assigned to your class.

1. The Fibonacci sequence has many unusual properties. Experiment to decide which of the following
properties are valid. Note: Fn represents the nth Fibonacci number.

a. 3Fn – Fn-2 = Fn+2 for n ≥ 3

 For several values of n let, n=5

3Fn – Fn-2 = Fn+2

3F5 – F5-2 = F5+2

3(5) – F3 = F7

15 – 2 = 13

13 = 13

Thus, for several values of n, that is greater than or equal to 3 (n ≥ 3), by inductive reasoning, 3Fn – Fn-2 =
Fn+2 for n ≥ 3 is valid.

b. FnFn+3 = Fn+1Fn+2

 Let n be an odd number, n = 3

F3 • F3+3 = F3+1 • F3+2
2 • F6 = F4 • F5
16 ≠ 15
 Let n be an even number, n = 2
F2 • F2+3 = F2+1 • F2+2
1 • F5 = F3 • F4

Both odd and even numbers did not meet up to the conditions, thus, FnFn+3 = Fn+1Fn+2 is not valid.

c. F3n is an even number

 Let, n = 1, 2, 3, 4… and so on
F3•1 = F3 = 2
F3•2 = F6 = 8
F3•3 = F9 = 34
F3•4 = F12 = 144

The results of the equation shows even numbers, thus, F3n is an even number is valid.
2. (Polya’s Method). In how many ways can you answer a 12-question true-false test if you answer each
question with either a “true” or a “false”?

 There are 12 questions.

There are 2 answers for each question.

 2 = answer for each question

12= questions
Solution = 2¹²

 2¹² = 2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2×2 = 4096

 2¹² = 4096

Thus, there are 4096 ways you can answers a 12-questions true-false test.

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