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MODULE 4 (GEC 1: The Self in Western and Eastern Thoughts)


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. differentiate the concept of self according to Western thought against Eastern/Oriental
2. explain the concept of self as found in Asian thoughts; and
3. create a representation of the Filipino self

Different cultures and varying environment tend to create different perceptions of the
"self' and one of the most common distinctions between cultures and people is the Eastern-vs-
Western dichotomy wherein Eastern represents Asia and Western represents Europe and
Northern America. It must be understood that this distinction and the countries included was
politically colored at the time that aforementioned concepts were accepted and used in the
social sciences. Furthermore, it must be reiterated that while countries who are
geographically closer to each other may share commonalities, there are also a lot of factors
that create differences. In the Philippines alone, each region may have a similar or varying
perception regarding the "self."

There are actually a lot of sources in which you can analyze the perspective of each
culture and country about the concept of "self." You can see it in their literature like how one
culture depicts a hero or a villain in their stories. You can see it in their social organization
like how they see their boss or their subordinate. Artworks, dances, even clothing may show
you clues about the "self."

In this lesson, we will look at religious beliefs and political philosophies that greatly
influenced the mindset of each nation or culture. Since almost all the theories about the self,
which were discussed in the previous lessons, also came from the Western scientific research,
we will highlight the Eastern thoughts in this lesson.

First is Confucianism. Confucianism can be seen as a code of ethical conduct, of how

one should properly act according to their relationship with other people; thus, it is also
focused on having a harmonious social life (Ho 1995). Therefore, the identity and self-
concept of the individual are interwoven with the identity and status of his/her community or
culture, sharing its pride as well as its failures (Ho 1995).

Self-cultivation is seen as the ultimate purpose of life but the characteristics of a chun-
tzu, a man of virtue or noble character, is still embedded in his social relationships (Ho 1995).
The cultivated self in Confucianism is what some scholars call a "subdued self' wherein
personal needs are repressed (subdued) for the good of many, making Confucian society also
hierarchal for the purpose of maintaining order and balance in society (Ho 1995).

The second philosophy is Taoism. Taoism is living in the way of the Tao or the
universe. However, Taoism rejects having one definition of what the Tao is, and one can only
state clues of what it is as they adopt a free-flowing, relative, unitary, as well as paradoxical
view of almost everything. Taoism rejects the hierarchy and strictness brought by
Confucianism and would prefer a simple lifestyle and its teachings thus aim to describe how
to attain that life (Ho 1995).

The self is not just an extension of the family or the community; it is part of the
universe, one of the forms and manifestations of the Tao (Ho 1995). The ideal self is
selflessness but this is not forgetting about the self, it is living a balanced life with society and
nature, being open and accepting to change, forgetting about prejudices and egocentric ideas
and thinking about equality as well as complementarity among humans as well as other
beings (Ho 1995). In this way, you will be able to act spontaneously because you will not be
restricted by some legalistic standards but because you are in harmony with everything.

The third belief is Buddhism. There are various groups who have adopted Buddhism;
thus, you may find differences in their teachings with our discussion but more likely, their
core concepts remained the same. The self is seen as an illusion, born out of ignorance, of
trying to hold and control things, or human-centered needs; thus, the self is also the source of
all these sufferings (Ho 1995). It is, therefore, our quest to forget about the self, forget the
cravings of the self, break the attachments you have with the world, and to renounce the self
which is the cause of all suffering and in doing so, attain the state of Nirvana (Ho 1995).

The self or the individual is not the focus of the above mentioned Asian or Eastern
philosophies or beliefs. Even with extended discussions about how the self should work,
Confucianism and Taoism still situate the self within a bigger context. In striving to become a
better person, one does not create a self above other people or nature but a self that is
beneficial to his community as well as in order and harmony with everything else. As for
Buddhism, the self, with all its connections and selfish ideas, is taken not just out of the
center of the picture, but from the whole picture entirely.

As previously discussed, Western perspective does not discount the role of

environment and society in the formation of the self but the focus is always looking toward
the self. You compare yourself in order to be better; you create associations and bask in the
glory of that group for your self-esteem; you put primacy in developing yourself.

One can also describe that the Western thought looks at the world in dualities wherein
you are distinct from the other person, the creator is separate from the object he created, in
which the self is distinguished and acknowledged (Wolter 2012). On the other hand, the
Eastern perspective sees the other person as part of yourself as well as the things you may
create, a drama in which everyone is interconnected with their specific roles (Wolter 2012).
Several studies showed that Americans, for example, talk more about their personal
attributes when describing themselves while Asians in general talk about their social roles or
the social situations that invoked certain traits that they deem positive for their selves
(Gleitman, Gross, and Reisberg 2011). Evaluation of the self also differs as Americans would
highlight their personal achievements while Asians would rather keep a low profile as
promoting the self can be seen as boastfulness that disrupts social relationships (Gleitman,
Gross, and Reisberg 2011).

The Western culture is what we would call an individualistic culture since their focus
is on the person. Asian culture, on the other hand, is called a collectivistic culture as the
group and social relations that is given more importance than individual needs and wants.

By valuing the individual, Westerners may seem to have loose associations or even
loyalty to their groups. Competition is the name of the game and they are more likely
straightforward and forceful in their communication as well as decision making. Eastern or
oriental persons look after the welfare of their groups and values cooperation. They would
also be more compromising and they tend to go around the bush in explaining things, hoping
that the other person would "feel" what they really want to say (Qingxue 2003).

Westerners also emphasize more on the value of equality even if they see that the
individual can rise above everything else. Because everyone is on their own in the
competition, one can say that they also promote ideals that create "fair" competition and
protect the individual. Asians, with their collectivistic culture, put more emphasis on
hierarchy as the culture wants to keep things in harmony and order (Qingxue 2003). For
example, Westerners would most likely call their bosses, parents, or other seniors by their
first name. The boss can also be approached head-on when conflicts or problems about him
arises. For Asians, we have respectful terms for our seniors and a lot of workers would not
dare go against the high-ranking officials (Qingxue 2003).

It must be emphasized; however, that these are general commonalities among Western
cultures as compared to Asian or Oriental cultures. In the case of the Philippines, we can also
consider the colonization experience for differences and similarities with our Asian
neighbors. We might also find variation among provinces and regions due to geographical

With the social media, migration, and intermarriages, variety between the Western
and Asian perceptions may either be blurred or highlighted. Whereas conflict is inevitable in
diversity, peace is also possible through the understanding of where each of us is coming
Key Concepts


1. Cosmological unity 1. Feeling oneself as an element of the

2. Life is a journey towards eternal Divine
realities that are beyond the realities 2. Life is a service (to the God, money,
that surround us business, etc.)
3. Circular   view of the universe, based 3. Linear view of the universe and life,
on the perception of eternal based on the Christian philosophy
recurrence where everything has its beginning
4. Inner-world dependent and the end.
5. Self-liberation from the false "Me" 4. Outer-world dependent
and finding the true "Me". The 5. Self-dedication to the goal (life
highest state is believed to be a state vision, success,happiness, etc.)
of 'no-self', where neither self-worth
nor self-importance have any real
6. Behavioral ethics


Eternal reality of the universal truth: self- “Me” is here and now. The true “Me” in
liberation through getting rid of the false every human being is a part of the Divine that
"Me" and discovering the true "Me" need to become apparent. True “Me” is given
and doesn’t have to be cognizable.


● HOLISTIC approach – all events in ● More focused on INDIVIDUAL

the universe are interconnected EVENTS and the role of the person
● Searching INSIDE YOURSELF – ● Searching outside yourself - through
by becoming a part of the universe research andanalysis
through meditation and right living
"The truth that survives is simply the lie
"Though he should live a hundred years, that is pleasantest to believe."
not seeing the Truth Sublime; yet better, ~  H.L.Mencken
indeed, is the single day's life of one who
sees the Truth Sublime." ~ Buddha

A human being is an integral part of the A human being has an individualistic nature
universe and the society. People are and is an independent part of the universe and
fundamentally connected. Duty towards all the society. INDIVIDUALISM is stronger.
others is a very important matter. 
COLLECTIVISM is stronger.
Winning is INSIDE yourself.  Winning is OUTSIDE yourself.

"Though he should conquer a thousand men "You're not a star until they can spell your
in the battlefield a thousand times, yet he, name in Karachi." 
indeed, who would conquer himself is the ~ Roger Moore
noblest victor." ~ Buddha
"Life affords no higher pleasure than that
"He who conquers others is strong; he who of surmounting difficulties, passing from
conquers himself is mighty." ~ Lao Tzu one stop of success to another, forming new
wishes and seeing them gratified." 
"The most excellent Jihad is that for the ~ Samuel Johnson
conquest of self." 
– Mohammad "It is not because things are difficult that we
do not dare; it is because we do not dare
that they are difficult."

SPIRITUAL; walking behind people; HANDS-ON; walking ahead of people;
silence is golden. speech is golden.

"In order to guide people, the  leader  must "Leadership is done from in front. Never
put himself behind them. Thus when he is ask others to do what you, if challenged,
ahead they feel no hurt." ~ Lao Tzu would not be willing to do yourself." 
~ Xenophon


Self or No-Self
- The notion of self in Confucian thought is very similar to what Ames expresses in
above quote, and to the understanding of self in our examples of the Maori. Although
it is by westerners often understood that there is no self in Confucian thought,
(because in Confucianism one does talk of the concept of "no-self") this concept may
be misunderstood when taken into western paradigms of thinking.
- But what is really meant by the idea of "no self", is this: "If one had no selfish
motives, but only the supreme virtues, there would be no self. … If he serves
selflessly, he does not know what service is [does not recognize it as service]. If he
knows what service is, he has a self… [to think] only of parents but not of yourself…
is what I call no self." (Zoku Kyuo dowa [Kyuo’s Moral discourses continued], 1835).
Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________________
Course, Section: ____________________
Student/ID No.: ____________________



Two Sides of the Same Planet

Write top five (5) differences between Western and Eastern society, culture, and individuals
in the table below. Cite your sources.

Western Eastern


Do you agree with the differentiation between the West and the East? Where can you
find the Philippines in the distinction? What are the factors that make the Philippines similar
or different from its Asian neighbors? Is there also a difference between regions or ethno
linguistic groups in the Philippines?
Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________________
Course, Section: ____________________
Student/ID No.: ____________________



Create a representation, diagram, or concept map of the SELF according to Filipino

culture. Provide a brief explanation of your output. You can also cite books and researches
about Filipino culture, self, and identity to further elaborate on the topic.
• Henry, James Gross, and Daniel Reisberg. 2011. Psychology. 8th Ed. Canada: wW-
Norton and Company.
• Ho, David. 1995. OSelfhood and Identity in Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and
Hinduism: Contrast with the West." Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior 25: 2.
Accessed October 14, 2017. default/files/ho_1995 0.pdf.
• Qingxue, Liu. 2003. "Understanding Different Cultural Patterns or Orientations
Between East and West." Investigationes Linguisticae. Vol. IX. April 2003. Accessed
October 14, 2017.—inveling/pdf/liu quingxue inve9.pdf.
• Wolter, Derek C. 2012. "In Search of the Self: Eastern versus Western Perspectives."
Oglethorpe Journal of Undergraduate Research Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 1. Accessed
October 14, 2017. https://digitalcommons.
referer= ph/&httpsredir=l 1003&context=ojur.
• Alata, Caslib, Serafica, & Pawilen (2018). Understanding the Self. Rex Bookstore,

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