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Faculty of Management and Development Studies

Master of Public Management

Quiz No. 1

PM 208 (The Philippine Administrative System)

Submitted by:

Dianne Katrina V. Viola


Submitted to:

Prof. Minerva S. Baylon, PhD

Question:  If you were to identify your most important learning on the history and

evolution of the PAS, what would it be and why?

From my personal standpoint, my most significant learning on the history and

evolution of the Philippine Administrative System (PAS) will definitely be the

manifestation of people’s empowerment that eventually launched the beginning of

manifold revolutions over colonial rulers and repressive dictatorship traced back across

pivotal moments in our nation’s history. The 1896 Philippine Revolution and 1986 EDSA

People Power Revolution signifies unity and denotes the shared will of the Filipino

people which led to our victory against the battle with our colonizers. As a result, people

are now actively involved in understanding and knowing what transpired in the past and

the importance of these experiences in shaping the future. The realization of the

people’s noteworthy role institutionalized access to PAS services and merits

decentralization in our country.

Now, PAS being a network of various public organizations with specific goals,

policies, structures, resources and programs include several internal processes of and

interaction between and among these public organizations. We, Filipinos are bound to

transact business with the public bureaucracy, therefore PAS must provide these

services, information and programs efficiently and precisely. Moreover, PAS serves as a

machinery and instrument through which the functions of the government are exercised

legitimately throughout the country. Accordingly, PAS enforces the laws and implements

public policies set by the executive and the legislative branches of the government.

Furthermore, as PAS exercises discretion on the quantity, quality, adequacy, and

timeliness of the public services, and as a nation, we should constantly provide

feedbacks and constructive criticisms to further improve and develop our existing

systems leading to a progressive country. It is also notable that PAS derives its power

from the people; therefore said power must be entrusted in the hands of the rightful

public officials to safeguard common good and the welfare of its people.

In conclusion, the growth and development of PAS was not an easy and smooth

journey, as there were numerous intricacies encountered along the way. Our

government benchmarked various rules, mandates, principles, procedures, structures,

practices and frameworks that are applicable, workable and sensible for our own

setting. Correspondingly, our collective desire and continuous efforts in cultivating PAS

here in our country made us who we are as a society up to this day. Now, the challenge

is up to our government officials, public administrators, policy makers and with the

cooperation and support of our fellow countrymen to withstand the ever changing needs

and demands of the society.


Alfiler, M. (2001) The Philippine Administrative System. Quezon City,

Philippines: UP Open University. 

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