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Name: Necla Kucuk

Date of Submission: September 15, 2021

Course: EAD-519-O500

Topic of Assignment: Topic 4: Internship Reflection


A significant and memorable leadership experience, explaining its influence on your

future practice as a school leader.

Week four internship field experience is to create technology analysis that will help my

school with technology budget and future continuous improvement planning. This activity

aligns with ELCC Standard Two. Last two years, during the pandemic, as a school, we

spent a big chunk of our school budget on technology to ensure all of our students have the

proper equipment to complete their assignments from their homes. This year all of our

students are back in the building, and now we are collecting the chrome books from

students to check to make sure they are all working so our students can use them in their

classrooms. Our third and fourth-grade students are responsible for bringing their computer

back and forth to school to continue to use it at home for their homework. Kindergarten to

second-grade students primarily use their computers in school, so we have collected about

seventy-five percent of all chrome books being landed to students since September. About

twenty percent of them had some usage damage, and ten percent was not working when we

collected them, but we could repair all of them, and they are available for our students to


The significant and memorable leadership experience that will influence my practice is

understanding the importance of meeting the needs of young learners regardless of their

living situation and understanding the impact of technology in education. During this

internship experience, I had a chance to have a conversation with students regarding their

devices and realized that even our kindergarten students talking to me like an expert on

how to use the device and the apps. This was amazing because they are not showing me

how to play games on the device, but they are showing me how the device functions and

how they can use the setting to change things. Therefore, I feel proud of our school for

allowing our students to use the technology properly.

Areas of leadership you will focus on next week and how you intend to apply them in
your internship

Next week I will be focusing on the Character Education curriculum that will be used

this year. I will analyze this curriculum and compare it with a different one to understand

the pros and cons. My goal is to apprehend if the curriculum being effective on students

and how it is being introduced. I have to analyze if we need to change, update, or

accommodate some parts by comparing them with another curriculum. Also, I have to see

if the curriculum fits the culture and customs of our families and traditions and what types

of holidays or celebrations we need to be aware of so the curriculum can be more relevant

to their lives. Lastly, I will discuss my report with my mentor principal and include his

suggestions. This internship activity aligns with ELCC Standard five.

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