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Saheed, Y.K., M.A Hambali, A.A. Adedeji, and I.A. Adeniji. 2016. “Attendance Management
System Using Barcode Identification on Students’ Identity Cards”. Pacific Journal of Science
and Technology. 17(2):224-230
Chung, Nguyen & Hung, Phan. (2020). Logging and Monitoring System for Streaming Data.
Spears, Janine & Padyab, Ali. (2021). Privacy risk in contact tracing systems. Behaviour &
Information Technology. 1-22. 10.1080/0144929X.2021.1901990.
CHIANG CHUAN-WEN (2018). Design and Implementation of a Visitor Management System
by Using Graphics Processing Unit-Accelerated Back-Propagation Neural Networks. Journal of
Science and Engineering Technology. Vol. 14, No. 1, pp.1-12 (2018)
Joshi , Vaishnavee V., Vaidya, Omkar , 2019, Visitor Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi,
Volume 08, Issue 05 (May 2019)
Gowtham, I. & Sathishkumar, T. & Lakshmiprasad, S. & Arumugam, Pramodh & Rao,
G.Prabhakara. (2019). Automation of Visitor Gate Pass Management System. 1643-1646.
10.1109/ICICICT46008.2019.8993173. Bibliography
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 05 Issue: 08 |
Aug 2018
Borlio Renard A. & Coronel Sire Froilan S. &  Medija Jenny Jane R. & Villacencio  Clyde C. &
Capricho Neil C. (2016) .Uic Bonifacio Visitor Tracking System, Philippine E-Journals Vol. 4,
No. 1 (2015)
Khot , Sampada & Tejaswini ,Patil & Rupali, Mali & Rupali, Mahind (2016). Visitor
Management System Using GSM, International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and
Research(IJMTER) Vol 2.
Danlog, Kurt Phillip P., Rebujio, Elinita C., De Guzman, Punnybhel A., . Arrieta, Krelyssa Irish
S., & Carranza, Baden Darwin(2017). Computerized Record Management System of one
National High School in the Philippines. Southeast Asian Journal of Science and Tecnology.
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017
Jacksi, Karwan & Mohammed, Falah & Zebari, Shahab. (2018). Student Attendance
Management System. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 6. 49-53.
Olagunju, Mukaila & Adeniyi, Emmanuel & Oladele, Tinuke. (2018). Staff Attendance
Monitoring System using Fingerprint Biometrics. International Journal of Computer
Applications. 179. 8-15. 10.5120/ijca2018916370.
Elyasizadeh, Samrand(2016) .Automated Monitoring System Designing a Laboratory Equipment
Tracking System Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology.
Rahman S, Rahman M, Rahman MM. Automated Student Attendance System using Fingerprint
Recognition (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2: 90-94
Tsutomu, I. (2016). Monitoring Log Management System.
Qingshan , Liu & Liang , Hou & Qian, Zhang (2016) .Face Recognition-based Residence
Visitor System.
N. Anwar, M. N. Masrek and Y. R. Rambli, "Visitor Management system by applying the model
of UTAUT," 2016 IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications,
2016, pp. 223-228.
Del Rosario, Symoan Jesryle D. & Ortiz, Johnnadel M. & Rayo, Christian P. (2018),
Development and Evaluation of Android-Based Student Class Attendance Notifier using QR
Arce, Gladi V. & Batausa, Kolien Gee D. & Sicat, Rodgie C. & Viloia Aljohn (2017) Design and
Development of Mobile Record log Affliction for Lories Gown and Curtain.
Chu, Matthew Fedrick A. & Dela Cruz, Michael Vincent P. & Famadico, Harold. & Ison Raniel
S. & Mateo Nerie Jane B.(2018), Development And Evaluation of Student Attendance
Monitoring System Using Barcode Reader For NEUST-SIC (A.M.S.),

Borlio Renard A. & Coronel Sire Froilan S. &  Medija Jenny Jane R. & Villacencio  Clyde C.
& Capricho Neil C. (2016) .Uic Bonifacio Visitor Tracking System, Philippine E-Journals
Vol. 4, No. 1 (2015)

Arce, Gladi V. & Batausa, Kolien Gee D. & Sicat, Rodgie C. & Viloia Aljohn (2017) Design
and Development of Mobile Record log Affliction for Lories Gown and Curtain.

Chiang Chuan-Wen (2018). Design and Implementation of a Visitor Management System by

Using Graphics Processing Unit-Accelerated Back-Propagation Neural Networks. Journal of
Science and Engineering Technology. Vol. 14, No. 1, pp.1-12 (2018)

Chu, Matthew Fedrick A. & Dela Cruz, Michael Vincent P. & Famadico, Harold. & Ison
Raniel S. & Mateo Nerie Jane B.(2018), Development And Evaluation of Student Attendance
Monitoring System Using Barcode Reader For NEUST-SIC (A.M.S.),

Chung, Nguyen & Hung, Phan. (2020). Logging and Monitoring System for Streaming Data.

Danlog, Kurt Phillip P., Rebujio, Elinita C., De Guzman, Punnybhel A., . Arrieta, Krelyssa
Irish S., & Carranza, Baden Darwin(2017). Computerized Record Management System of one
National High School in the Philippines. Southeast Asian Journal of Science and Tecnology.
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2017

Del Rosario, Symoan Jesryle D. & Ortiz, Johnnadel M. & Rayo, Christian P. (2018),
Development and Evaluation of Android-Based Student Class Attendance Notifier using QR

Elyasizadeh, Samrand(2016) .Automated Monitoring System Designing a Laboratory

Equipment Tracking System Edelweiss Applied Science and Technology.

Gowtham, I. & Sathishkumar, T. & Lakshmiprasad, S. & Arumugam, Pramodh & Rao,
G.Prabhakara. (2019). Automation of Visitor Gate Pass Management System. 1643-1646.
10.1109/ICICICT46008.2019.8993173. Bibliography

Jacksi, Karwan & Mohammed, Falah & Zebari, Shahab. (2018). Student Attendance
Management System. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 6. 49-53.

Joshi , Vaishnavee V., Vaidya, Omkar , 2019, Visitor Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi,
(IJERT) Volume 08, Issue 05 (May 2019)

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 05 Issue: 08 |
Aug 2018

Khot , Sampada & Tejaswini ,Patil & Rupali, Mali & Rupali, Mahind (2016). Visitor
Management System Using GSM, International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and
Research(IJMTER) Vol 2.

N. Anwar, M. N. Masrek and Y. R. Rambli, "Visitor Management system by applying the

model of UTAUT," 2016 IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial
Applications, 2016, pp. 223-228.

Olagunju, Mukaila & Adeniyi, Emmanuel & Oladele, Tinuke. (2018). Staff Attendance
Monitoring System using Fingerprint Biometrics. International Journal of Computer
Applications. 179. 8-15. 10.5120/ijca2018916370.

Qingshan , Liu & Liang , Hou & Qian, Zhang (2016) .Face Recognition-based Residence
Visitor System.
Rahman S, Rahman M, Rahman MM. Automated Student Attendance System using
Fingerprint Recognition (2018) Edelweiss Appli Sci Tech 2: 90-94
Saheed, Y.K., M.A Hambali, A.A. Adedeji, and I.A. Adeniji. 2016. “Attendance Management
System Using Barcode Identification on Students’ Identity Cards”. Pacific Journal of Science
and Technology. 17(2):224-230
Spears, Janine & Padyab, Ali. (2021). Privacy risk in contact tracing systems. Behaviour &
Information Technology. 1-22. 10.1080/0144929X.2021.1901990.
Tsutomu, I. (2016). Monitoring Log Management System.
Quality of Service Challenges for IP Networks (
Logging and Monitoring System for Streaming Data (
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