Applied Practice Experience (APE) Goals Form: Please Type and Format Professionally

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Applied Practice Experience (APE) Goals Form

Please type and format professionally

Name: Mubaraka Abiola Kukoyi

Faculty Advisor: Dr.Sandruhz Lara-Cinisomo
Degree Program (select one: BS-MPH, MPH, MPH-MUP, MPH-PhD, MSHA):MPH
Planned APE Term (Semester and Year): Summer 2022

1. What are the overall career goals you hope to achieve with your degree? Explain thoroughly.

My career goals is to become a pediatrician. I want to work at hospital in Chicago.

2. What location do you prefer to work in for your APE? For example, do you want to be in Champaign
County, elsewhere in Illinois, another state, another country? Why do you prefer this setting? What
will you do if you cannot find an opportunity in this setting?

The location that I prefer is Chicago. I prefer this setting because it is home for me. I feel like Chicago
has so many opportunities. If I cannot find a place to do my ape, I will look at other places near

3. List the top 3 organizations you would like to work with, and explain what public health (for MPH
students) or health administration (for MSHA students) opportunities they have available for student
internships. If they do not have any listed, explore what work they do, and then describe what kind of
project you would propose if you cold-contacted them.
a. Promise Healthcare
b. University of Chicago
c. OSF

4. What credentials or experiences are required for each of the potential opportunities you listed above?
If you do not have these, how do you plan to acquire them before applying?
A Bachelor’s degree, a resume, and experience.

5. How will working in the aforementioned settings help you in your career path?
I feel like it will help me gain experience and be a stronger candidate.

6. How will you fund your living expenses and other needs during your APE if a paid position is not
I will have a job that is paid if the APE is not a paid position.
7. What work, internship, or volunteer experience do you have that relates to your ideal APE
opportunities? Please thoroughly describe each, and how they would apply.
I did an internship at Advanced Dermatology &Aesthetic Medicine, I volunteered at Lurie Children’s
Hospital, and Comer Children’s Hospital. I feel like these would apply because they would make me a
stronger candidate because I have experience.

8. What other general information would you like the instructors to know as you prepare for your APE?
The information that I would like instructors to know as I prepare for my APE is that I would really want
to know how can I make my application stronger when applying.

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