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60 Days of Global Responsibility

Guidelines and Project Class Presentation Format

At the end of the project, students will be able to:
1. Make sound and ethical decisions in responding to globalization issues as part of their
personal and social responsibilities.



Think of a project to do with your group.


The project should respond to globalization issues in your assigned topic. You may
choose any of the following project suggestions.

Group Number Globalization Issues Project Suggestions

and Assigned in Your Assigned
Topic Topic.
Group 1:  Domination of  Promote local brands/campaigns
ECONOMY foreign brands in  Work with a farm cooperative, see their
the local market.
concerns, help them in accessing the
Local brands have
to compete market or selling their products
 Market  Research about the global market,
integration of local inflation and recession today and suggest
farmers how macroeconomics should be arranged
 Inflation and to avoid spikes of price hikes
Group 2:  The growing gap  Awareness campaign: success lies in our
GLOBAL DIVIDES between the rich own hands (in dealing with inequality)
and the poor in
 Educate a poor community on business
global cities
(territorial and entrepreneurship skills
inequality, class  Seminar on financial planning for the
inequality, income poor
inequality)  Campaign on raising minimum wage,
taxing the rich, or breaking down social
 Donate to charity for people treated
 Aid the poor in getting scholarships
Group 3:  Is domination of  Awareness campaign on the effects of
CULTURAL world cultures by instant gratification, cultural changes and
GLOBALIZATION iconic brands scary?
global cultures
 Do you prefer to
preserve traditional  Media literacy campaign to battle fake
values or would information
you rather be  Participation in intercultural talks
considered a  Promote indigenous products
cultured modern  Speak in your own language
citizen?  Celebrate your traditions
 How does  Promote traditional dances in class
telemediatization  Promote meditation and spiritual
shape your life and development in order to counter the
values? effects of telemediatization and instant
 How does today’s
“instant” culture
affect your  Cultural show
emotions, social  Visit museums
relations, and  Posters and videos on “stop
cultural values? discrimination”
 Advertisements to promote Philippine
 Create a Philippine brand of globalization
 Minimize use of social media
Group 4:  Spirituality is  Intercultural dialogue
SPIRITUALITY, now being  Security projects
RELIGION AND customized to fit  Deepening of faith projects
GLOBALIZATION the needs of
 Technology in
 Profit in religion
 Conflicts
 Peace and war
 Terrorism
Group 5:  Human trafficking  Visit an NGO that works with trafficked
MIGRATION AND  OFW families and people and do a project there
policies worldwide
MOBILITY  Work with the Migrants Ministry of the
 Refugees of war
Archdiocese of CDO
 Do an outreach project for refugees of
the Marawi Crisis
Group 6:  Overpopulation  Do an outreach project in an elderly
DEMOGRAPHY  Aging nursing home
populations  Do a project to address teenage
 The Reproductive
Health Law
 Work on programs under the RH Law
(HIV-AIDS, sex education, etc.)
Group 7:  Climate change  Do an environmental campaign
SUSTAINABLE  Poverty  Work with the poor and beggars
DEVELOPMENT  Gender  Do a campaign for gender equality and
the LGBT
 Education
 Illness and  Education projects
disease  Health projects
 Unemployment  Employment projects
and  Projects for clean water
 Projects for the seas
 Sanitation and
 the oceans
Group 8:  Hunger  Feeding projects
FOOD SECURITY  Food shortage  Gardening and farming
 Rice provision projects
3. Write in a ½ crosswise sheet of paper:
 Your group number, assigned topic, and names of members
 your group’s chosen project
 the globalization problem it addresses
 the audience or beneficiaries of the project

4. Submit your chosen project on Dec. 19, 2019.


1. Projects should not be expensive.

2. Implement your project from December 20 to March 4, 2020.
3. While implementing, reflect on how your project addresses larger globalization issues.
4. Prepare for a presentation on your project.


1. Project presentations will be on March 5 to 13, 2020.
2. Each group is required to pass the grading rubric per group before your presentations. I
will use this to grade you during the output presentation.
3. Each group will be given 15 minutes each for the oral presentation.
4. Make a class presentation using a powerpoint presentation. The following should be in
your presentation.


I. Introduction: Your Assigned Topic
 Here you discuss the nature of the general area of concern or social
problem that you are trying to respond to, -- is it about environmental
problems, such as pollution, food security, or poverty and all its various
forms, or is it an issue related to poor health, unemployment, access to
education, sanitation, housing, livelihood, etc..
 You may have to do some research on this topic and describe its current
state of situation in the world today (global), then its situation in the
country (national), as well as in the area where you conducted your project
 Explain the connection and interplay between this social problem and the
workings of globalization, -- taking into consideration the economic,
political and economic dimensions.
 In the context of this explanation, discuss the relevance and significance of
your current “60 Days of Global Responsibility” project. What is your
personal motivation for this project? Why do you feel this project is

II. The Globalization Issue and Its Context

 Here you describe the locale and setting of your project, -- its location, the
people, the community, and the actual stakeholders or recipients and
partners of your project.
 Describe systematically the nature of the social problem, -- its cause(s), its
effects on people and the community, how long has this been a problem
in the community, what has been done by the local government and the
immediate community about it in the past. In other words, what is the
history of the social problem in the community?
 Analyze the problem, -- more specifically, in what way(s) does globalization
had an impact or influence on the problem. Think systematically and
 Documentation: The situation of the social problem before the
implementation of your project.

III. The “60 Days of Global Responsibility” Project

 Here you explain the nature of your project. What are the specific
objectives that you wish to achieve?
 Explain the principle and concepts or the reasons why you think the
project is the most efficient response to the social problem.
 Step by step, describe the approach/methods that you employed in order
to implement it.
 What were the requirements and logistics of the project? ---materials,
equipment, labor, support, transportation, time and duration, cost?
 Documentation: The actual implementation of the project.

IV. The Outcomes

 Here you describe the actual results of the project. Describe in details the
changes that took place and the effects that your project had on the people
and the community. Conduct a quick survey on people’s reactions and
assessment on the impact of your project.
 Go back to the objectives of your project, and assess whether these were
achieved or not.
 In what way did your project respond to solve or at least minimize the
adverse impacts of globalization on local communities?
 How is the principle of “act local, think global” manifested in your project?
 Documentation: Evidences of the results of your project.

V. Prospects for the Future

 Discuss the issue of sustainability of the project – how can the community
and the people continue to carry on the project?
 In what way(s) can the project still be improved?

VI. Learning and Insights

 What did you learn about yourself in conducting this project – personal
strengths and weaknesses, fears, motivations, passion, courage, grit…
 What were the factors that facilitated or helped you to accomplish this
project? What were the barriers you encountered and how were you able to
overcome them?
 In doing this project, what have you learned about:
a) The impacts of globalization on people and local communities;
b) The role of local initiatives (“ordinary people”) for community
c) Attaining social justice in the contemporary world; and
Working for the common good today?


1. This project is worth 100 points (Project Implementation and Project Presentation).
2. Rubrics for Project Implementation and Project Presentation are also posted on E-

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