Tugas 2 - T&D Case - 8032101005 - Hanti Setya R

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Pengantar Manajemen Modal Insani

Tugas 2 Identifying Training Needs through Task Analysis

Nama: Hanti Setya R

NPM: 8032101005

1. Job tittle : Fashion Stylish (Wardrobe Production House) the position is as Chief
Fashion stylish.
2. In general the job of a Fashion Stylish is arranging and prepare what clothes will be
worn later by the talent or artist who will perform at some event. Here is the job
description as a Fashion Stylist:
1. Arranging what kind of outfit that needed by wardrobe division to support
the event or the role that will be played
- Do obserevation by asking and dealing with the director, creative
division, and story board
- Making a list what kind of outfit that must be worn according to the
event or the role that will be played, and budgeting
2. Searching the outfit (rent outfit, borrow, buy, or even make the clothes)
- Reaching out fashion designer or fashion brand as many as can to
make a deal for renting or borrowing an outfit
- Buying some clothes for an event with a limted budget
3. Mix and match fashion item from head to toe
- Collecting cloth, accessories, millineris from any source (either from
some fashion designer, brand fashion, or the artist it self)
- Matching up the outfit according to the event or the role that will be
4. Measurement, rezising and fitting the outfit that will be worn by customer.
- Measuring the outfit with the talent who will be perform, and if there is
some differences size than it will be fitted by sewing it clothes (either
manual by hand or machine)
5. Maintance wardrobe
- Laundry the outfit that has been worn
- Put the clothes back to the closet after get laundry
- Send it back to the fashion designer or fashion brand if it was rent or
- Making a list of every clothes, accessories that has been stored in

3. Training that would benefit the person who performing the job is :
a. Customer Care and Communication skill training, to be able reaching out fashion
designer well.
b. creative skill training, for doing mix and match, arranging outfit
c. Networking skill

Training Program Design

Job Description
Fashion stylist is a professional who coordinate all aspect of a person's visual to
make them look as fashionable and appealing as possible. In
Training Goals
This Training goal is to help employee require and improve their needs and skill
to help them perform the job well, help employee cope with different situation.
Training Requirement
To achieve employee requirement and improve their needs and skill, the
training that employee need is:
1. Training class about knowledge of fashion industry
2. Customer and Communicating skill
3. Networking skill class
4. Creative skill
The training material can be made from the company (video or books) and the
trainer will be from the company.
Training Method
Training method for better and effective result is in class training, bringing a
trainer or lecturer to demonstrate, discussions and debate about fashion stylist.
Some online learning like watching videos included in this training program.

Implementation of the Training Program

The training will be delivered in-house by trainer from the company. The
training will be held for one year, every class will have a test every 1 month to
see the improvement of the employee. The equipment needed for this training
program is laptop, books, employee can bring everything the need.

Evaluate and Revise

Monitor the employee while they training continuously and in the end evaluate
the trainee and see the progress, the progress and effectiveness can be seen
through reaction, learning, behavior and the result.. Also evaluate the training
program by collecting feedback from trainee.

5. On-the-job training, because as a fashion stylist they have to communicate with others
so they can know about personality of the customer itself, and know to deal with
customer, they need to observe others and experience hand-on experience. OJT help
employee jump right into the field, so that they can learn and improve their
communicating, observing, gaining a wide network, etc. Usually what we learn in
theory will be different when we work in the field.

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