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Zone III, Lt. Cantimbuhan St. Poblacion, Dasmariñas City

Name Pagtakhan, Jhesrell Kyle P. Year and Section ME PBST 22- A1
Course Code MPL 302 Course Title Protection of Marine
Module Number 7 Content Topic International Maritime
conventions, recommendations
and state legislation
Teacher 2/O Gueverra Date 18/04 /2021


1. State the importance of SOLAS convention, highlighting the ISM and ISPS Code.

The essence of creating SOLAS is to provide a quality

seafaring and seaworthy operations onboard ships without
compromising the welfare of the workers and protection to
the environment. The Titanic incident paved way for
responsible authorities to enforce standards for the
safekeeping of the voyage. It regulates basic safety aspects
of a ship such as stability, machinery, electrical insulations,
fire protection and lifesaving appliances. Specifically these
Includes the International Safety Management (ISM) to ensure the safety of the marine environment away
from pollution and prevention of work hazard onboard ships. Meanwhile, the International Ship and Port
Facility Security (ISPS) is an amendment that includes the minimum security arrangements for ships, port
and government agencies.

Form No. BPM2-CME 20 F-010

Zone III, Lt. Cantimbuhan St. Poblacion, Dasmariñas City

2. State the importance of MARPOL convention.

MARPOL Convention is established to safeguard the marine
environment and ecosystem from pollution contributed by
the industry. According to researchers, 18% of air pollutants
are from the shipping industry and water pollution due to
waste and sewages discharged overboard. At the very
moment MARPOL emphasizes the importance of protecting
the environment by creating six annexes that would help
regulate different substances that contribute to pollution.
These includes provisions about oil, noxious liquid substances (NLS), harmful substances, sewage, garbage
and air pollution each with their respective differences and purposes. The convention aims to minimize the
unwanted substances for the environment without compromising the quality of workmanship onboard ships.
With these several treatment process and systems are installed to assure compliance with the international

MARPOL is the main international convention aimed at the prevention of pollution from ships caused by
operational or accidental causes. It was adopted at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 1973.

Annex I—Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil

Annex II—Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
Annex III—Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried in Sea in Packaged Form
Annex IV—Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships
Annex V—Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships
Annex VI—Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships
Form No. BPM2-CME 20 F-010
Zone III, Lt. Cantimbuhan St. Poblacion, Dasmariñas City

1. Why do you think ISPS code is added to the SOLAS convention?

The ISPS code was mainly added to the SOLAS Convention because of the catastrophic 9/11 attack on United
States on which a series of coordinated terrorists attack was held on Tuesday morning. The perplexing
atmosphere created by the incident shocked the entire world specifically in the aspect of security and safety.
The aforementioned attack still haunts its victims up to this very moment that results to legal actions of the
government in strengthening international laws. The purpose of the Code is to provide a standardised,
consistent framework for evaluating risk, enabling Governments to offset changes in threat with changes in
vulnerability for ships and port facilities through determination of appropriate security levels and
corresponding security measures. It is a mandatory code that facilitates risk management activities and
security measures.
2. If you are to add another annex for MARPOL, what will it be? Explain.
Annex VII: Regulations for Marine Underwater Noise Pollution

Sonar is commonly used as a technique that uses sound propagation for navigation and determine depth of
the ocean. Specifically modern ships, uses sonar for daily voyage and gradual increase quantity of ships for the
past years also results into noise pollution. There are several equipment onboard that contributes to the
disturbing noise such as the arrays from hydrophone, pipe-laying vessels and the propeller itself. These
sinusoidal wave slows down the propagation of marine wildlife. Whales and different marine species is very
dependent towards the sound for communication. The noise potentially prevents the fishes in hearing their
prey or predators, finding their way and worse connecting with mates. It is very important to highly emphasize
a proper arrangement to reduce the noise created by the ships.

Form No. BPM2-CME 20 F-010


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