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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S2, December 2018

A Service Quality and its Influence on Customer

Satisfaction in a Multi-Speciality Hospital
A.S. Sathish, R. Indradevi, Sreeram Gangineni

Abstract: Objective: The objectives of this paper is to assess Patient quality initiatives with their softer, experiential
the quality of services offered by multi-speciality hospital suffice focus, qualified doctors, skilled staff, needs a precautionary
patient satisfaction. Also to bring out the various factors that scientific measurement techniques in understanding the
creates patient satisfaction. Further to evaluate the aspects
patient satisfaction aspects and quality levels.
relating to expectation, perception and satisfaction of the services
provided by the hospital. Customers perceive the services in terms of quality
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine service service and satisfaction by experience. Service quality is
quality in multi-speciality hospital in a town where fast critical element in shaping customersatisfaction. Services
mushrooming of private hospitals are at large in South India, thatare offered in the combination of physical product,
India. Specifically, this study examines the five dimensions of service quality and satisfaction is also be very critical in
SERVQUAL instrumentation (reliability, assurance, tangibles, responding to customer satisfaction.
empathy, and responsiveness) with respect to customer
satisfaction of the services offered by the hospital. A
comprehensive service quality measurement scale (SERVQUAL) II. LITERATURE REVIEW
is empirically evaluated for its potential usefulness in a The ever growing population and increasing standards of
Multispecialty Hospital. living of people have determined significant growth within
Findings: The patients showed positive response on the service
the global healthcare services sector, as consumers have
quality variables and do have high agreement levels of the
dimensions of SERVQUAL.Service quality has emerged as the demanded better medical care to support their standards of
highest expected aspect by the patients at the hospital. living. In the light of the above literature reveals that there is
Research limitations: The research scope registered only a positive relationship exists between service quality and
patients experiences, (respondents) and experiences observed at satisfaction.
the time of study. Weitzman (1995)(2) suggested that health care quality is
Practical Implications: The study provides a new defined in relationship to (1) the technical aspects of care,
understanding of SERVQUAL dimensions in the context of a
(2) the interpersonal relationship between practitioner and
multi-speciality hospital in a place where these services are
provided and offered with a differentiation. Thus provides an patient, and (3) the amenities of care. Hence the current
understanding of these dimensions and its role in making the study tries to understand the role of service quality and the
organisation stand out among the intense competition and aspects leading to satisfaction of patients visiting the
sustain in the long run. hospital.
Keywords: Service Quality, Patients, Customer Satisfaction, Andaleeb (1988)(3) opined that those hospitals that fail to
and multi-speciality hospital. understand the importance of delivering customer
Paper type: Research paper. satisfaction may be inviting possible extinction. Service
quality always received special attention from the service
marketers because it was within the control of the service
Healthcare is one of the India’s largest sectors - both in provider and continuous improvement of service quality
terms of revenue and employment. Healthcare includes certainly influenced customer satisfaction and buyer’s
hospitals, medical devices, clinical trials, outsourcing, intention to purchase the service. Hence delivering quality
telemedicine, medical tourism, health insurance and medical service is pivotal to drive satisfaction. As production and
equipment. The Indian healthcare sector is growing at a consumption of the services occur simultaneously, strategies
brisk pace due to its strengthening coverage, services and that acknowledge the importance of the consumer must
increasing expenditure by public as well private players. The always be integrated into the hospital healthcare delivery
private sector provides majority of secondary, tertiary and system process (4)
quaternary care institutions with a major concentration in The base for the SERVQUAL scale is the gap model
metros, tier I and tier II cities(1). proposed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985,
Putting the patient first is a challenge that requires not 1988)(5&6). Service quality is not a monolithic concept and
just a more change in the mind-set of all the holders in leans on several dimensions with varied importance to
health care sector, but also means by which to measure the overall service quality, and their impact on patient's
levels of satisfied patients, and discover the various factors satisfaction (7).
leading to that, during and before their visit to any hospital. Rohini and Mahadevappa (2006)(8) applied SERVQUAL
framework and SERVQUAL factors in their study on
Revised Manuscript Received on December 30, 2018. Bangalore (India) hospitals.
A.S. Sathish, Associate Professor, VIT Business School, VIT
University, Vellore (Tamil Nadu), India.
R. Indradevi, Associate Professor, VIT Business School, VIT
University, Vellore (Tamil Nadu), India.
SreeramGangineni, Student, VIT Business School, VIT University,
Vellore (Tamil Nadu), India.

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: ES2081017519/18©BEIESP 356 & Sciences Publication
AService Quality and its Influence on Customer Satisfaction in a Multi-Speciality Hospital

The study concluded with theexistence of an overall gap III. METHODOLOGY

between patient’s perceptions and expectations and also
Research Description
between the management’s perception of patients’
expectations and patient’s expectations. Table 1: Research Description
Pakdil and Harwood (2005)(9) considered patient Research type Descriptive Research
satisfaction in a pre-operative assessment clinic and the
sample size 485
outcome of the study showed that patients were most
dissatisfied with the waiting time and recommended the Sampling type Non-probability convenience
hospitals should provide prompt services and provide sampling
waiting rooms or halls with news dailies, magazines and
television sets to make patients more comfortable during Data collection Structured questionnaire survey
their wait. techniques
Finally positive physician patient satisfaction increased
patient satisfaction more than any other provider of Data Interpretation Microsoft Excel and SPSS 21.0
customer relationship.
Managers and professionals contend that patients
perception of quality in health care is not accurate, because Sampling Method
of the inability of patients to analyse and judge the technical The study collected data from 515 samples and 30
competence of the medical practitioners with accuracy and samples were disregarded due to incomplete data. Structured
it would be highly appreciable to impart soft skill training to questionnaire survey was used to collect data from the
enable them to get close to their patients and create the respondents Non-probability convenience sampling method
closeness of the treatment rendered to patients (10) was deployed to collect from respondentswho visited the
Managing service processes has a very special hospital. Data was collected inpatients and from the
importance in service industry as it offers a process for accompanied persons who came along with the patients.
delivering services and patient satisfaction with the quality Statistical analysis:Microsoft Excel and SPSS 21.0 were
of care rendered. used for analysis and interpretation.
Effective service offering creates unique customer Descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis
experiences, which would make the consumers use the was conducted and the results were discussed.
services repeatedly (11)
Interaction of hospital staff with the customers visiting IV. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS
the service setting effects the perceptions of service quality Gender
and hospitals need to ensure that the front end and back end
processes are aligned in a sequence that demonstrates Table 2: Descriptive Statistics
positive moments of truth in service quality dimensions
followed and thereby impacting the satisfaction of Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
patients(12). Percent Percent
Consumer satisfaction is consumer's response to the
evaluation of the perceived inconsistency between prior Male 215 44.3 44.3 44.3
expectations and the actual performance of the product or
Female 270 55.7 55.7 100.0
service after consumption.(13) Consumer's satisfaction acts as
a guide for monitoring and improving the current and
Total 485 100.0 100.0
potential performance of any business (14).
We strongly believe that patient satisfaction have to find
its way in designing of services in a industry where services The descriptive statistics indicates the percentage/share of
are dominant. Because of the relationshipbetween perceived male and female contributed to the survey.
service quality and satisfaction. (15&16)This study addresses In which Male indicate Percentage i.e. 44.3% (215 out of
two major research objectives: 485) and Female indicate percentage i.e. 55.7% (270 out of

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: ES2081017519/18©BEIESP 357 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7 Issue-4S2, December 2018

Table 3: Correlation Analysis

Correlation analysis was used to find the relationship V. DISCUSSIONS
between the SERVQUAL variables. The results revealed The study had more of female respondents with 270 being
that all the relationship were positive with the significance female and 215 out of the 485 are male. The respondents
level of 0.000 which is less than the required 0.05 (17). The have stressed the importance of high expectations of each
strongest relationship and the weakest were tabulated and every criterion of SERVQUAL dimensions. All the
Regression Analysis correlation relationship texted between the all variables of
The regression analysis is carried on independent service quality has positive relationship with each other. The
variables i.e. tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, correlation relationship among tangibility, reliability,
assurance, courtesy and empathy on dependent variable assurance, responsiveness and empathy dimensions is highly
being customer satisfaction. The significant value is to less positive.
than 0.05 to be qualified/ accepted for every variable and The relationship between reliability and tangibility has a
hence there would a positive influence on independent strong positive correlation with correlation value of 0.815.
This is the strongest relationship among the variables tested.
The relationship with lowest value was between empathy
Table 4: Regression Analysis
and tangibility which is 0.613. The relationship is strongly
Coefficients correlated.
Model Unstandardi Standard T Si
zed ized g.
The regression analysis shows that responsiveness and
Coefficients Coefficie assurance has an impact on satisfaction of the customer. All
nts the other independent variables don’t show any impact on
B Std Beta the dependent variable. Assurance has the strongest
. influence than responsiveness on satisfaction.
1 (Constant) 3.5 .19 18.3 .0
35 3 31 00 The sample was selected from only one health care
TANGIBILIT - .08 -.048 - .5 facility. Individual’s response was declined if the patient
Y .04 7 .554 80
didn’t patronage in the hospital. The study suffers from
RELIABILIT .02 .08 .027 .309 .7 response error as earlier studies. It must be noted that
Y 5 0 58 despite our meticulous care the survey have response bias.
RESPONSIVE .09 .09 .101 1.05 .0 Language barrier was present which the researchers worked
NESS 5 0 6 29 to overcome. The study needs to be extended to be
ASSURANCE .11 .07 .125 1.51 .0 generalized in other health care sectors. It is possible for the
6 7 8 30 study to be generalized if the study is conducted in few more
COURTESY - .08 -.117 - .1
hospitals across geographical area.
.10 0 1.30 92
4 6
EMPATHY .03 .06 .044 .589 .5 VII. SUGGESTIONS
8 5 56
The main aim of hospital is to cure, care, access
component and the physical environment. It is important
There is a significant influence of responsiveness and that the hospitals concentrate on the responsiveness and
assurance on satisfaction measurement. The independent assurances component of services quality. Assurance in a
variables i.e. responsiveness and assurance have a hospital environment should be the utmost concentration.
significance value of 0.029 and 0.030 which is less than
0.050. The other variables such as tangibility, reliability,
courtesy and empathy were insignificant in influencing the
dependent variable customer satisfaction.

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: ES2081017519/18©BEIESP 358 & Sciences Publication
AService Quality and its Influence on Customer Satisfaction in a Multi-Speciality Hospital

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need to be given special attention
Therefore it’s in the hands of the hospital staff to create
and ensure responsiveness and assurance for the patience
among themselves. They need to take the response for the
actions of the hospital and strive to improve it. All the
treatment related details needs to be disclosed to the patients
and relatives. It creates an environment where the staffs take
responsiveness for patients. So, patients feel trusted with the
products and services offered in this hospital.
Staff must be trained to answer all the questions and
induce trust on them and the hospitals. Hospital Staff ought
to be considerate amid confirmations technique and to be
well mannered amid housekeeping process. Staffs need to be
eager in helping the patients and their relative. They must
develop a rapport and exude positive personality.
Ethical clearance- Taken from Hospital Management
Source of funding- Self
Conflict of Interest - Nil

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Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: ES2081017519/18©BEIESP 359 & Sciences Publication

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