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The world

>>Hazelnut culture
of Horticulture
Şahin Anıl, Haydar Kurt, Aysun Akar 12-16 AUGUST 2018
and Çiğdem Bulam Köse ISTANBUL / TURKEY

Introduction ■■ Figure 1. Hazelnut growing regions of Turkey: red areas are considered to be
The history of hazelnut culture dates back the ‘essential hazelnut growing provinces’ (Ordu, Giresun and Trabzon); green
5000 years, and its origin spans from Caspian areas are the ‘new production areas’; pink areas were included as hazelnut
Sea shores to China, which includes north- growing regions in 2015; others are not important to the hazelnut industry.
ern Anatolia and the Caucasus. Historical
documents record that hazelnut was grow- (Table 1). Turkey is the world leader and dom- Sea region along a 60-km wide coastal strip
ing in northern Turkey’s Black Sea coastal inates world markets in hazelnut production and at an altitude of 750 m. This area is the
area approximately 2500 years ago, and it and export. These facts show that hazelnut most suitable with respect to ecological con-
has been transported to many other coun- has indeed had a very impressive heritage ditions for hazelnut (Köksal, 2002). Within
tries during the last six centuries. and a unique position in Turkey. this area, the eastern Black Sea was the first
Hazelnuts have a very distinguished place in Around 4 million people are directly or indi- location where hazelnut was cultivated, but
human health and nutrition by being one of rectly involved in hazelnut production, and over time hazelnut cultivation has spread
the most important ingredients of the choc- about 400,000 families solely depend on to the middle and western Black Sea. This is
olate industry. They have properties that it. No other crop in Turkey has such large considered to be the new production area
contribute to healthy diets by decreasing numbers of people reliant on it. The Black and has now exceeded the production in
cholesterol, and they contain high quality Sea region has very suitable ecological and its natural growing region (Ayfer et al., 1986;
vegetal fat (64.2%), protein (16.5%), carbo- geographical conditions for the best quality Bostan, 1997).
hydrate (14%), rich minerals (phosphorous, hazelnut culture. According to the statistical records, hazelnut
iron and calcium), and vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, Almost all hazelnut plants are bushy in form production is found in 33 provinces to some
C and E). and have been derived from Corylus avella- extent, however, 95% of the total production
Particularly over the last 600 years hazelnut na L. × Corylus maxima Mill. It is not known occurs in the Sakarya, Giresun, Düzce, Sam-
has an unparalleled tradition and an essen- exactly when some of the hazelnut orchards sun and Trabzon provinces (Figure 1).
tial place in Turkish horticulture because in the eastern Black Sea region were estab- Hazelnut is considered to be a strategic crop
of export-driven production and its use as lished but the area is considered to be the for the eastern Black Sea because it is the
a raw material in the food industry. Around “first standard region” for hazelnut and they only income generating occupation for many
700,000 ha in Turkey is devoted to hazelnut have been growing there for centuries (Ordu, people in this region. It is too challenging to
culture, but because of the alternate bearing Giresun, Trabzon provinces, Figure 1). grow other crops in this area because of the
habit of hazelnut, average annual produc- The growing area of hazelnut in Turkey is sloping land, high rainfall and high humidity.
tion fluctuates between 450,000 and 650,000 located between the latitudes of 40-41° N Hazelnuts, with their bushy habit, also help
t, which accounts for 70% of the world’s total and the longitudes of 37-42°E in the Black to control erosion in this region (Figure 2).

30 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e

■ Figure 3. A hazelnut cluster

approaching harvest maturity.

■ Figure 2. A) A typical hazelnut orchard planted on sloping ■ Figure 4. A young hazelnut

land, showing the multiple trunks and bushy habit of the tree just before harvest.
trees. B) A hazelnut orchard established as single trees
on sloping land at the Hazelnut Research Institute. ■ Table 2. Export quantity (t), value ($US) and average price ($US kg-1)
for hazelnut kernels from Turkey for the last five years.
Source: Black Sea Exporters Union (KİB).
■ Table 1. Hazelnut planted area (ha), production amount (t) and
average yield (kg ha-1) for the last five years (Anonymous, 2015). Export
Years Amount (t) Export revenue Average price
Years Area (ha) Production (t) Yield (kg ha-1) ($US) ($US kg-1)

2011 696,964 430,000 620 2011 243,766,392 1,759,162,313 7.22

2012 701,407 660,000 940 2012 265,743,996 1,802,462,907 6.78
2013 702,144 549,000 780 2013 274,657,461 1,767,276,552 6.43
2014 702,144 450,000 640 2014 252,528,337 2,314,253,067 9.2
2015 702,628 646,000 910 2015 240,137,287 2,827,316,418 11.77

The majority of hazelnuts produced in Turkey the hazelnut clusters to predict harvest time and can last until October, depending upon
are used in processing; 70% are used in the (Figures 3 and 4). Fruit drying has been car- the region and precipitation. Hazelnuts store
chocolate industry, 20% for pie and candy ried out traditionally in natural conditions very well, and, in Turkey, can easily be stored
making, and only 10% are sold as an unpro- using solar energy. This causes some diffi- in traditional warehouses for up to two years.
cessed product. culties and defects in quality, especially in
humid seasons. Research has been carried Marketing and exports
Harvest, drying and out to develop artificial drying systems to Turkey has a lot of expertise in marketing
postharvest handling overcome this problem, however, outcomes hazelnuts, either as unprocessed products
Hazelnut harvest in Turkey takes place from those efforts have not yet been widely or processed products (of which there are at
between August and September, and grow- put into practice. least 48 different types), in local and especial-
ers generally pick clusters by hand. From The blending process (separating kernels ly in export markets. There are over 300 com-
the first week of August, growers observe from the husks) is carried out using machines panies specialised in storing and marketing

Vo l ume 56 | Number 4 | 2016 31

■ Figure 5. Sun dried natural hazelnuts ready for marketing. ■ Figure 6. Hazelnut kernels
ready for processing.
hazelnut and its products. About 60 of these didate cultivars through intensive breeding
companies export more than one million programmes using selection from a very rich its name comes from this physical appear-
$US in value annually. There are around 200 biodiversity and subsequent crossing (Anony- ance. Fruit length is approximately 18 mm,
hazelnut processing enterprises, of which 25 mous, 2016). Currently, the following cultivars width is 17 mm, and kernel ratio is 50-52%.
have integrated facilities. are being utilised: ‘Tombul’, ‘Palaz’, ‘Çakıldak’, The nut flesh of ‘Tombul’ is white and bright.
Today, in addition to accounting for 75% ‘Foşa’, ‘Mincane’, ‘Kalınkara’, ‘Uzunmusa’, Nut size: 16.6 mm; kernel size: 12.6 mm; nut
of the world production (around 580,000 t), ‘Kan’, ‘Kargalak’, ‘Cavcava’, ‘Sivri’, ‘İncekara’, weight: 1.8 g; kernel weight: 1.0 g; nut/kernel
Turkey is the top exporter of hazelnuts and ‘Acı’, ‘Kuş’, ‘Yuvarlak Badem’, ‘Yassı Badem’, ratio: 54.4%; protein content: 17.1%; fat content:
hazelnut products, with 240,000-270,000 t ‘Okay 28’, ‘Giresun Melezi’ and ‘Allahverdi’. 59.8%; harvest date: 10-15 August (Figures 7-9).
kernels exported (85% of the world export)
(Table 2). This represents between 1.7 and 2.8 Properties of some ‘Sivri’
billion $US revenue annually for the last five outstanding hazelnut cultivars This is another very important traditional cul-
years. Turkey exports its hazelnuts to more (short descriptions) tivar. Although it can be found in almost the
than 50 countries. The EU countries account There have been various publications char- entire hazelnut region, it is most commonly
for 85% of export destinations. Within that, acterizing Turkish hazelnut genetic resourc- produced in the Giresun province. This culti-
approximately 50% goes to Germany, fol- es, cultivars and breeding types, published var is highly productive but it is sensitive to
lowed by Italy, France, The Netherlands and in Turkish and in English (Ayfer et al., 1986; drought, and as a result, there is unacceptably
the UK. Outside the EU, Switzerland is the Çalışkan and Çetiner, 1997; Balık et al., 2016). high pre-harvest fruit drop in dry seasons. Nut
number one importer, using hazelnut prod- Short descriptions of some very important size: 17.1 mm; kernel size: 13.2 mm; nut weight:
ucts in their famous chocolate industry. Turkish hazelnut cultivars are given below. 2.0 g; kernel weight: 1.0  g; nut/kernel ratio:
Both the natural nuts and kernels must pass 49.9%; protein content: 17.6%; fat content:
very strict physical and chemical quality and ‘Tombul’ 60.9%; harvest date: 10-15 August (Figure 10).
hygiene control measures (Figures 5 and 6), This is the most important hazelnut cultivar
and end products are packed mechanically. grown in Turkey, and is particularly com- ‘Çakıldak’
Product diversification is a high priority for mon in the Giresun province. It was selected This is a standard cultivar that is widespread
the future, and new enterprises with sophis- by farmers from a natural hazelnut popula- in the Ordu province. It is also known as ‘Del-
ticated infrastructure are being encouraged tion during very old times. It represents the isaya’ in the western Black Sea region and is
because this development promotes con- image of “Turkish hazelnut” because of its produced in quite large quantities. It is quite
sumption and increased exports of hazelnut very high quality and it is extremely well- tolerant to late spring frosts because it has
products. known in international markets. It has an very late bud burst compared with other cul-
alternate bearing tendency, however, stable, tivars. It adapts to almost all ecological condi-
Important cultivars high yields are possible if good orchard man- tions and has a very high yield and large nut
There are 16 traditional commercial hazelnut agement techniques are followed. Mature size. However, the flavour is not so good. Nut
cultivars in the country. In addition to these nuts are well size: 17.6 mm; kernel size: 13.8 mm; nut weight:
old cultivars obtained from natural hybrid- rounded and 2.1 g; kernel weight: 1.2 g; nut/kernel ratio:
ization, the Hazelnut Research Institute has have a tidy 55.8%; protein content: 17.6%; fat content:
developed three new cultivars and four can- shape, and 59.4%; harvest date: 20-25 August (Figure 11).

■ Figure 7. Husks of the cultivar ‘Tombul’. ■ Figure 8. Dried nuts of the ■ Figure 9. Kernels of the cultivar ‘Tombul’.
cultivar ‘Tombul’.

32 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
■ Figure 10. Nuts of the cultivar ‘Sivri’. ■ Figure 11. Dried nuts of the ■ Figure 12. The attractive nuts
cultivar ‘Çakıldak’ ready to sell. of the cultivar ‘Foşa’.

■ Figure 13. Dried nuts of the cultivar ‘Palaz’. ■ Figure 14. ‘Okay 28’ (left) and ‘Giresun
Melezi’ (right) hazelnut cultivars,
‘Foşa’ developed through cross-breeding by
This is a large and attractive hazelnut cultivar the Hazelnut Research Institute.
mainly grown in the Trabzon vicinity. Its shell
is reddish-brown and 17.9 mm wide. Nut size: ‘Tombul’ which means it is more likely to
17.4 mm; kernel size: 12.6 mm; nut weight: escape late spring frosts. Compared with
1.7 g; kernel weight: 0.8 g; nut/kernel ratio: ‘Tombul’, ‘Allahverdi’ has more male flowers,
50-53%; protein content: 18.6%; fat content: pollination lasts one week longer, the empty
58.3%; harvest date: 15-20 August (Figure 12). fruit ratio is lower and the yield is double. It
has light alternate bearing, and low sensi-
‘Palaz’ tivity to drought, frost, diseases and pests.
This is commonly grown in the Ordu and Nut size: 17.2 mm; kernel size: 12.2 mm; nut
Samsun provinces, and can be easily distin- weight: 1.8 g; kernel weight: 0.8 g; nut/ker-
guished by its tick-leaf tissue and long, split ■ Figure 15. ‘Allahverdi’ hazelnuts nel ratio: 49.3%; protein content: 19.5%; fat
husk. Its main defect is that it is sensitive to at a local market. content: 58.0%; harvest date: 10-15 August
many diseases and pests. Nut size: 17.5 mm; (Figure 15).
kernel size: 13.7 mm; nut weight: 2.1 g; kernel content: 61.3%; harvest date: 15-20 August
weight: 1.1 g; nut/kernel ratio: 51.4%; protein (Figure 14). Research and development
content: 17.4%; fat content: 61.0%; harvest activities
date: 10-15 August (Figure 13 ). ‘Giresun Melezi’ The first institution responsible for hazelnut
This is another hybrid of ‘Tombul’ × ‘Kargal- research and development in Turkey was the
Recently released cultivars ak’ developed through cross-breeding by the Hazelnut Research Institute, which was estab-
Hazelnut Research Institute, and registered lished in 1936 in the Giresun province. This
‘Okay 28’ in 2012. Nut size: 19.4 mm; kernel size: 13.9 institute undertakes R&D activities on cultivar
This cultivar was developed in a breeding mm; nut weight: 2.4 g; kernel weight: 1.2 development, improving growing techniques
programme undertaken by the Hazelnut g; nut/kernel ratio: 51.7%; protein content: and orchard management, plant health, har-
Research Institute by crossing ‘Tombul’ × 20.4%; fat content: 58.5%; harvest date: 15-20 vest and postharvest technologies, socio-eco-
‘Kargalak’ cultivars, and was registered in August (Figure 14). nomic aspects of hazelnut industry, and exten-
2012. Productivity and nut/kernel ratio are sion & training.
high. Bud burst is one week later than ‘Tom- ‘Allahverdi’ Other institutions dealing with hazelnut
bul’, which is important for late spring frosts. This was selected by the Hazelnut Research research and innovation include:
Nut size: 20.1 mm; kernel size: 15.4 mm; nut Institute from the natural hazelnut popu- • Black Sea Regional Research Institute of
weight: 2.9 g; kernel weight: 1.5 g; nut/ker- lations of the Black Sea region, and regis- the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Live-
nel ratio: 54.6%; protein content: 16.8%; fat tered in 2015. Bud burst is 15 days later than stock in Samsun province;

Vo l ume 56 | Number 4 | 2016 33

• Plant Protection Central Research Institute ing tendency with respect to pruning and New R&D challenges
of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and fertilization (1999); • Determining new suitable crossing parents
Livestock in Ankara; • The establishment of a data base for pro- that have high tolerance to biotic and/or
• Marmara Research Centre of the Turkey Sci- duction, production costs and marketing abiotic stresses, and developing stress-toler-
entific and Technological Research Council; of hazelnut in Turkey (2006); ant cultivars with advanced breeding meth-
• Agricultural Faculty of Ondokuz Mayıs Uni- • Economic analysis of hazelnut produc- ods such as marker-assisted selection;
versity in Samsun province; ing holdings in Giresun, and determina- • Development of new cultivars with no
• Agricultural Faculty of Ordu University in tion of growing and marketing problems alternate bearing (or very little), high
Ordu province; and (2012); yields, and superior quality, using inno-
• Agricultural Faculty of Ankara University. • Development of new hazelnut cultivars vative breeding techniques including
through selections from ‘Tombul’ hazel- mapping, marker-assisted selection, and
Titles of reports of some nut populations in Giresun and Trabzon transformation;
important research projects provinces (2012); • Improving fruit set and nut/kernel ratio
undertaken and published by • Determination of the effects of rejuvena- and decreasing empty nut ratio through
the Hazelnut Research Institute tion pruning on the yield and quality at pollination and fertilization studies;
between 1998 and 2014: old hazelnut orchards (2013); • Developing innovative methods for mass
• Report of hazelnut genetic resources proj- • The impact assessment of research and propagation of hazelnut saplings with rea-
ect (1998); development programmes on the hazel- sonable cost;
• Hazelnut cultivar development by nut industry (2013); • Improving mechanical harvest and fruit
cross-breeding (1999); • Determination of the farmers’ behaviours drying techniques;
• Yield trials for new hazelnut cultivar can- to the agricultural insurance implemen- • Improving postharvest technologies;
didates obtained from selection studies tations, issues and suggestions in the • Implementation of CIS and Remote Sens-
(1999); eastern Black Sea region (2014); ing technologies to more accurately esti-
• Studies on the relationships between car- • Socio-economic analysis of new hazel- mate total production, and forecast biotic
bohydrate metabolism and alternate bear- nut strategy (2014). and abiotic stresses.

> Şahin Anil > Haydar Kurt > Aysun Akar > Çiğdem Bulam Köse

> About the authors August 2011. Dr. Anil has been tor. Since 2010, he has been work- “Selection of pollinizers for new
Sahin Anil is an associate professor Country Contact Person, Gov- ing at the General Directorate hazelnut cultivars”. In 2014-2015,
in Horticultural Sciences at the erning and Management Board of Agricultural Research (GDAR) she was the leader of the project
General Directorate of Agricultur- member and Work Package as the coordinator of Nut Crops “Quality changing in hand and
al Research and Policy (GDAR). He leader in EU funded ERANET proj- Research programme. E-mail: machine combed out samples
is a senior researcher in pomolo- ects, namely ARIMNet and CORE of ‘Tombul’, ‘Palaz’ and ‘Kalın-
gy and research manager of hor- ORGANIC, for the last eight years. Aysun Akar is a hazelnut specialist. kara’ hazelnut cultivars during
ticulture, and has been serving Currently, he is a Ministerial Advi- She has worked as an extension storing period”. She is currently
for more than 42 years at the sor located at the GDAR. He is researcher at Giresun Provincial continuing her studies on genet-
Ministry of Food, Agriculture a member of the International Directorate of the Ministry of ics and breeding of hazelnut.
and Livestock of Turkey. He was Society for Horticultural Science Food, Agriculture and Livestock. E-mail:
Deputy Director General of GDAR (ISHS). E-mail: She was deputy director of the Çiğdem Bulam Köse has been work-
between November 1995 and Haydar Kurt has a PhD degree in Hazelnut Research Institute ing in the Plant Health Depart-
September 1996 and between hazelnut growing techniques. He between 2014 and 2016. Since ment of the Hazelnut Research
February and November 1999; worked at the Hazelnut Research August 2016, she has been Institute since 2006. She is cur-
and Department Head of Hor- Institute from 2000 to 2001 as the director of the Hazelnut rently serving as the deputy
ticultural Research between research staff, between 2001 and Research Institute. She is also an Director of the Institute. Her spe-
May 2003 and March 2005 and 2004 as Deputy Director, and active researcher, leading some cialty is hazelnut pests. E-mail:
between September 2010 and from 2004 to 2005 as Acting Direc- of the research projects such as

34 C h r o n i c a H o r t i c u l t u r a e
> References
Anonymous. (2015). Turkey Statistical Council Balık, İ.H., Balık, S.K., Beyhan, N., and Erdoğan, Çalışkan, T., and Çetiner, E. (1997). Characteri-
(TÜİK) and the Black Sea Exporters Union V. (2016). Turkish Hazelnut Cultivars (in Turk- zation studies on some hazelnut cultivars
(KİB) records. ish and English) (Trabzon, Turkey: Hazelnut and types. Acta Hortic. 445, 1–11. https://
Anonymous. (2016). Hazelnut Research Insti- Promotion Group). 10.17660/ActaHortic.1997.445.1
tute. Bostan, S.Z. (1997). The problems and solutions Köksal, A.İ. (2002). Turkish Hazelnut Cultivars
Ayfer, M., Uzun, A., and Baş, F. (1986). Turkish in Turkey hazelnut industry (in Turkish). (in Turkish) Ankara, Turkey: University of
Hazelnut Varieties (in Turkish) (Ankara, Turkey: Ondokuz Mayıs University Agricultural Fac- Ankara, Faculty of Agriculture), pp.136. ISBN
Black Sea Hazelnut Exporters Union), pp.95. ulty Magazine 12 (2), 127–133. 975-92886-0-5.

> New books, websites

Book reviews The origin of kiwifruit is, in fact, China, which have recently occurred (and will no doubt
The books listed below are non-ISHS- has a rich diversity of species within the continue to occur in this extensive genus).
publications. For ISHS publications genus Actinidia. However, access to germ- Chapter 1 provides an excellent presentation
covering these or other subjects, visit the plasm and understanding of the diversity about the challenges involved in the taxo-
ISHS website or the Acta of this genus outside of China has been very nomic treatment of the genus. It includes
Horticulturae website limited until recently. Further, the successful very good summaries of previous attempts
commercialization of kiwifruit in other coun- at classification of species and of the revi-
tries has resulted in Chinese fruit growers sions that have recently occurred. Topics
and scientists being more aware of the value such as ploidy variation, pollen characteris-
of this germplasm within China, along with tics, flower morphology and sex variation (all
the opportunity to establish a commercial Actinidia taxa are functionally dioecious) and
industry within that country. Accordingly, the evolution of particular species are very
both scientific and commercial activities well covered.
have accelerated over the past 30-40 years. Chapter 2 in particular is richly illustrated
Nonetheless, much of the information that with color photographs showing details of
has resulted from such developments has the vegetative, floral and fruit characteristics
been published mainly in Chinese and has of each of 106 species and varieties within the
been difficult to access elsewhere. genus, and detailed maps showing their cur-
‘Kiwifruit: The Genus Actinidia’ has, for the rent distribution within China. Chapter 3 fur-
first time, summarised in English much of the ther develops the information about species
published scientific knowledge secured on distribution by defining, in detail, the eco-
this crop in China, along with details about logical characteristics of each of the regions
the Chinese industry. It includes references where the species are located naturally. This
to research elsewhere in the world, espe- information would have been enhanced had
cially in New Zealand and in Italy. The book some photographs been included showing
is authored by Professor Hongwen Huang, the Actinidia germplasm in these natural
Director, Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese locations (noting that three such images are
Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China, in asso- included later in the text in Chapter 5). Chap-
Huang, Hongwen. (2016). Kiwifruit: The Genus ciation with 14 other contributors from a ter 6, which describes in detail characteristics
Actinidia (Academic Press (an imprint of Elsevier number of other research institutes and uni- of main cultivars that are currently used in
Inc.)), pp.334. ISBN 978-0-12-803066-0 (hardcover). versities across the country. commercial production, is also very informa-
$236.95. The book is presented in eight chapters: tive in that it includes descriptions of those
Hongwen-Huang/isbn-9780128030660/ Systematic and Genetic Variation of Actinid- involved within the industry in China (which
ia; Species; Natural Distribution of Genus differ somewhat from those used in other
Kiwifruit is one of the few new fruit to be Actinidia; Domestication and Commercializa- countries). This section, too, is well illustrated
commercialised over the past century – oth- tion of Actinidia; Biology, Genetic Improve- with excellent color photographs.
ers being macadamia, avocado and blueber- ment, and Cultivar Development; Main Cul- The other chapters involving domestication,
ry. Much of the early commercial develop- tivars in Commercial Production; Cultivation commercialization and the management
ment of this crop occurred in New Zealand, and Management; and Harvest and Storage. of commercial crops, although important,
particularly during the latter half of the 20th The real value of this text is the comprehen- are of less value than the chapters outlined
century, and production rapidly followed into sive information that is presented on the above. More detailed information on those
other countries around the world, including different Actinidia taxa, their distributions, topics is available from other countries in
Italy, France, Greece, Chile, Japan and the the relationships between them and their more comprehensive texts on the pre- and
USA. These developments were based on a commercial potential (Chapters 1, 2 and 3). postharvest management of this crop. None-
very limited range of germplasm and almost This includes detailed discussion about the theless, the information is valuable in that
entirely on one cultivar, ‘Hayward’. taxonomic and nomenclatural changes that it provides detail of production practices in

Vo l ume 56 | Number 4 | 2016 35

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