Gen 010 Lesson 2

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Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (20 mins)
Answer the activities below and check your answer in the Key to Corrections. Enjoy.
Activity 3.1 Now it’s time to see if you were able to understand the key terms in the lesson. In the box below
are terms used in the lesson. Find their definition based on the text and write it on the box. Afterwards, write
your own definition based on how you understand them.

Highlighted Term Definition Based on the Text Definition in Your Own Words
Androcentrism It is male centeredness. Give more focus on male. They
always look from masculine point of
view of the.

Patriarchy Patriarchy is a social system which Give more support system and give
adheres to androcentrism or male more advantage to male than female

Stereotype Stereotypes are oversimplified If you assume things without knowing

conceptions that people who occupy if it’s true or not.
the same status group share common
Sexism Sexism is the belief that the female If they give bias decisions between
status is less important than that of a men and women. Because they think
male. female is not that important.

Activity 3.2 Read and analyze the situation below. After which answer the questions that follow.
Your father is a retired soldier. As his only son, he dreams of you to follow in his footsteps and become a
soldier. Unfortunately, while growing up, you felt that you were not cut out to be a soldier like. You like different
activities which are not in any way associated with males. As a matter of fact, you don’t want to be a soldier,
but you are afraid to disappoint your dad as well.

1. Are you going to follow your dad and become a soldier or are you going to follow what your heart desires? Explain
your answer.
* My answer will be yes if I don’t have dream that I really want to pursue and I will give it a try. When the time comes
that I have something that I want to do then I will retire, at least my father could see me being soldier even though its not
for a long time.

2. How will you explain to your dad that you do not want to become a soldier like him?
* I will tell him that being a soldier is not my thing and he should respect that decision.
3. What if after you explain to your dad that you don’t want to be a soldier, he gets angry at you and
insists that you will become a soldier, will you give in to what he wants? Explain.

* No, I have my own life to enjoy and I will show him that it’s not really my thing to be a soldier. I know he will get mad
at me but time heals everything.

Activity 3.3 Now, it’s time to check your comprehension of the text you have just read. Answer the questions
1. Differentiate sex from gender.
* Sex is usually categorized as female or male. If you have penis then you’re a man and vagina for the women. While
gender talks about your social, cultural, and psychological traits.
2. Is it possible to eliminate stereotyping in society? How?
* Yes, by educating themselves and others about the science of stereotypes, adopting a growth mindset, and expanding
their knowledge about stereotypes and its effects.
3. Why do you think is our society predominantly patriarchal?
* Females place the most important preference on males who control more resources that can help her and her offspring,
which in turn causes an evolutionary pressure on males to be competitive with each other in order to gain resources and

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