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NSTP 1 Sec102_Felix, Jhyrha Camille

1. Reflection on the video

The video that I had chosen and watched entitled “Lessons a drug addict can

teach you” by Lauren Windle. I can say that the video was very inspiring to watch

because I have thought that drug addicts are helpless and someone who always ends

up in jail, but in this video my perception about them changed. I have come to realize

that not all the people who uses and became addicted to drugs are doing it just for fun

or out of boredom. I have realized that most of them who engages in it are going

through something in which they don’t know how to solve, how to respond, and how to

get over with just their selves.

Most of us experiences difficulties in life and sometimes it is just so hard to deal

with it anymore. Sometimes it feels like the world is against you because nothing goes

in your way anymore. Everything suddenly changes and sometimes it happens all at

once that it would leave you helpless and broken. You will start to feel extreme sadness,

you will doubt yourself most of the time, you will feel like you are alone, and no one can

ever save you. Those emotions leads us to do wrong decisions because we have

already lost ourselves in the sea of our problems, that is why most of us finds a resort to

it or something that will at least ease whatever we are feeling and experiencing. Some

people chooses to isolate their selves, some goes out for a party, some neglects their
responsibilities just to stay in bed, some hurts their own selves physically, some

commits suicide, and some takes drugs, depending on how they want to cope up with

their problems. I have realized that life will never be easy for us especially when you are

dealing with things alone but with the help and support of those who truly cares and

loves you, you will and you can get through it, just like what happened to the speaker in

the video in which her friends and family help her with her drug addiction.

It comes into my mind now that, it is so important to have someone who would

still want you even when you are on your worst, someone whom you doesn’t know but

is willing to know you, someone who is willing to understand you when you cannot even

understand yourself, someone who will love even your ugliest parts, someone who will

accept you for who you are, someone who will help you instead of giving up on you, and

someone who will stay until the end and not just during the happy moments. For

everyone who is going through something, drugs and other bad things will never be the

solution to your problems because what it can do is to only give you that temporary

relief which later on will add up to your problems. Do yourself a favor, seek help, change

for the better and continue to live your life.

2. Expressing one’s point of view

The topic that I have chosen entitled “The reasons why young people get

addicted to drugs”. In my opinion young people get addicted to drugs because most of
them are being neglected and lets them to be on their own most of the time. Nowadays

most teenagers suffers from depression because of so many reasons and because they

are still so young they don’t even know how to handle their problems properly that is

why most of them resorts into doing bad decisions and the most common is taking

drugs. Teenagers like to keep everything within their selves because they fear that the

others won’t understand and won’t listen to them. They are also very self-conscious that

the judgment of the others affects them so much. An example of the difficulties that the

teenage people experiences is that most of the parents nowadays substitutes their

presence into material things. Some of them also demands too much from their child

that they did not even appreciate the efforts that their child have made for them and

when the child seeks for their attention they begin to get annoyed and angry. Also some

of the parents doesn’t support their child’s dreams and wants because they want their

children to become like them. Another factor is the school, sometimes all of the school

works, quizzes and exams comes all at once that it stresses them out because they

don’t know which one to do or study first. Also some of them are being bullied by the

other students because of several reasons like jealousy and etc. In this time also most

of the teenagers explores a lot and engages into romantic relationships but because of

the young age and most of them are first timers in love they tend to be immature that

causes them to fight with their partners all the time. There’s a lot of reasons as to why

teenagers gets addicted to drugs. They wanted to fit in in their peers, school community,

and family. They wanted to feel loved, worthy, and belong. They wanted to be assured

at all times. They want to feel that safeness and comfort which they seem to be lacking

of. Teenagers in this era lacks of proper guidance, love, affection, time and support.
Also most of the elders thinks of them as someone who is spoiled brats, rude, lazy,

know nothing about household chores and so many more. Teenagers are capable of a

lot of things, they just need to learn, they need to be guided, they need to be accepted,

and they need to be supported by those who truly matters to them. Parents and

teachers will be a great help into molding them to become successful and great persons

someday and according to a bible verse Proverbs 22:6 “ Train up a child in the way he

should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. For the elders please help the

younger to become a better version of their selves just like how you parents and

teachers help you before.

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