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130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-1


Passage - 1
By appropriately matching the informations given in the three columns of the following table, give the answer of the question that follows.
Column 1 contains information about equations in two variables x and y where p, q and k are arbitrary constants.
Column 2 contains information about shape of the graphs of given equations in column-1.
Column 3 contains information about the area of the regions bounded by the graphs in column-2.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

2k 2
(I) |x – p| + |y – q| = k (i) Rectangle (P)
(II) |x – p| – |y – q| = k (ii) Rhombus (Q) 2k2
(III) p | x | + q | y | = k (iii) Square (R) Undetermined
(IV) | x + y | = p and | x – y | = q (iv) Non-quadrilateral (S) 2pq

1. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?

(a) (II) (i) (S) (b) (III) (ii) (P)
(c) (I) (iii) (S) (d) (IV) (ii) (P)
1 1
2. For x - + y- = k , the area bounded by region is similar to
p q
(a) (I) (iii) (Q) (b) (II) (iv) (R)
(c) (III) (ii) (P) (d) (IV) (i) (S)
3. Which of the following options is the only incorrect combination?
(a) (I) (iii) (Q) (b) (III) (ii) (P)
(c) (II) (iv) (R) (d) (IV) (i) (Q)
Passage – 2
By appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the following table, give the answer of the questions that
Column-1 contains information about the numbers to be formed.
Column-2 contains digits with condition to be used to form the numbers mentioned in the column-1.
Column-3 contains number of numbers formed mentioned in the column-1 using the digits mentioned in the column-2.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
(I) Four digit odd-numbers (i) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (P) 216
(without repetition)
(II) Numbers greater than (ii) 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 (Q) 72
1000 but less than 4000 (with repetition)
(III) Five digit numbers divisible by 3 (iii) 1, 2, 3 (R) 77
(with repetition)
(IV) Seven digit integers with sum of (iv) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 (S) 720
the digits equal to 10 (without repetition)
4. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (I) (ii) (R) (b) (III) (i) (P)
(c) (II) (iv) (S) (d) (IV) (ii) (Q)
5. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (IV) (iii) (R) (b) (III) (ii) (Q)
(c) (II) (iv) (P) (d) (I) (i) (S)
6. Which of the following options is the only incorrect combination?
(a) (I) (ii) (S) (b) (III) (i) (P)
(c) (II) (iv) (R) (d) (IV) (iii) (R)
A-2 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
Passage – 3
By appropriately matching the informations given in the three columns of the following table, give the answer of the question that follows.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
(I) x2 + 2(k + 1)x + (9k – 5) = 0 (i) Only negative roots (P) k>4
(II) x2 – 2(4k – 1)x + 15k2 – 2k – 7 = 0 (ii) No real roots (Q) k>6
(III) 2x2 – 2(2k + 1)x + k(k + 1) = 0 (iii) Absolute value of the (R) k Î R – [– 1, 0]
difference of roots of
the equation exceeds 3k
(IV) x2 + kx + 1 = 0 (iv) One root less than k and (S) 2<k<4
other root greater than k
7. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (II) (ii) (S) (b) (I) (i) (Q)
(c) (III) (iv) (P) (d) (IV) (iii) (R)
8. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (IV) (ii) (P) (b) (III) (ii) (Q)
(c) (II) (iv) (P) (d) (I) (i) (S)
9. Which of the following options is the only incorrect combination?
(a) (I) (i) (Q) (b) (III) (iv) (R)
(c) (II) (ii) (Q) (d) (IV) (ii) (P)
Passage – 4
Consider the lines L1, L2 and the planes P1, P2. Let ax + by + cz = d be the equation of the plane passing through the point of
intersection of lines L1 and L2, and perpendicular to planes P1 and P2.
By appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the following table give the answer of the questions that
follows. Column 1, 2 and 3 contains equation of lines, equation of planes and values of a, b, c & d respectively.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
x -1 y z+3
(I) L1 : = = , (i) P1 : 7x + y + 2z = 3 (P) a = 5
2 -1 1
x-4 y+3 z +3
L2 : = = P2 : 3x + 5y – 6z = 4 b=4
1 1 2
x - 2 y - 3 z -1
(II) L1 : = = , (ii) P1 : 2x + 5y + 3z = 4 (Q) a = 1
3 4 5
x - 4 y - 2 z -1
L2 : = = P2 : 5x + 3y + 7z = 3 b=–2
1 3 2
x -1 y - 0 z - 0
(III) L1 : = = (iii) P1 : x + 2y + 3z = 2 (R) a = 1
1 0 0
x - 0 y -1 z - 0
L2 : = = P2 : 2x + 3y + 4z = 4 b=–3
0 1 0
d = 13
x - 2 y - 3 z -1
(IV) L1 : = = (iv) P1 : 5x + 4y + z = 2 (S) a = 2
5 4 3
x-3 y-4 z-2
L2 : = = P2 : 3x + 2y + 5z = 4 b=3
3 2 5
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-3

10. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?

(a) (I) (i) (R) (b) (II) (ii) (Q)
(c) (III) (iii) (P) (d) (IV) (iv) (S)
11. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (II) (iii) (S) (b) (IV) (i) (Q)
(c) (III) (iv) (P) (d) None of these
12. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (I) (iv) (R) (b) (II) (i) (S)
(c) (III) (iii) (Q) (d) (IV) (ii) (P)
Passage – 5
By appropriately matching the informations given in the three columns of the following table, give the answer of the question that follows.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
[Differential Equations] [Integrating factors (I.F.)] [Solutions of Differential equation]
(I) (1 + x 2 ) + 2 xy - 4 x 2 = 0 (i) x / 1 - x2 (P) x = y3 + cy
dx e
dy 4 3
(II) ( x + 2 y3 ) =y (ii) e– x (1 + x) (Q) y (1 + x2) = x +c
dx 3
dy x - x / 1 - x2
(III) (1 + x ) - xy = 1 - x (iii) 2y2 (R) y = + ce
dx 1 - x2

dy y x + 1 - x2
(IV) + = (iv) 1 + x2 (S) y (1 + x) = x + cex
dx (1 - x 2 )3/2 (1 - x 2 )2
13. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (I) (i) (R) (b) (II) (ii) (S)
(c) (III) (iv) (P) (d) (IV) (i) (R)
14. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (IV) (iii) (R) (b) (II) (iv) (P)
(c) (III) (ii) (S) (d) (I) (i) (S)
15. Which of the following options is the only incorrect combination?
(a) (II) (iv) (R) (b) (III) (ii) (S)
(c) (I) (iv) (Q) (d) (IV) (i) (R)
Passage – 6
By appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the following table, give the answer of the question that
follows. Column 1, 2 and 3 contain function f (x), value of n and information about continuity or differentiability of the function given
in column-1 for the given value(s) of n.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

ì 1
ï |x| | x | ³1
(I) f ( x ) = í (i) n = 1, 2 (P) Differentiable everywhere
ï C x2 + C | x | <1
î 1 2
where C1 + C2 = + n
ìï x 2 + 3x + 3 x £ 1
(II) f ( x) = í (ii) n = 5 (Q) Three points of non-differentiability
ïî nx + 2 x >1
(III) f (x) = 2 + 3 | n | sin x (iii) n = + 1 (R) Eleven points of discontinuity
x Î (0, p)
(IV) f (x) = | | | x | – 2 | + n | (iv) n = + 2 (S) One point of discontinuity
16. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (II) (ii) (S) (b) (I) (i) (Q)
(c) (IV) (iii) (R) (d) (III) (iv) (P)
A-4 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
17. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (II) (iv) (P) (b) (IV) (iii) (R)
(c) (III) (ii) (Q) (d) (I) (iii) (P)
18. Which of the following options is the only incorrect combination?
(a) (I) (iii) (P) (b) (II) (iv) (Q)
(c) (IV) (i) (Q) (d) (II) (ii) (S)
Passage – 7
By appropriately matching the information given in the column 1, column 2 and column 3 in the given following table, give the answer
of the question that follows.
Column I Column II Column III

ì p 1
ï x sin x¹0
(I) f ( x) = í x (i) Neither continuous nor (P) {2}
ïî 0 x=0 derivable

ì 2 1
ïï 4 x + [2 x ] x, - 2 £ x < 0
(II) f ( x) = í (ii) Continuous but not differentiable (Q) (– 1, 0)
ï ax 2 - bx, 1
ïî 2
(III) f (x) = [x2] + [– x]2 (iii) Continuous and differentiable (R) {0}
æ -1 1 ö
(IV) f (x) = cos p (| x | + [x]) (iv) Differentiable but not continuous (S) ç , ÷
è 2 2ø
Column 1 contains information about the functions.
Column 2 contains information about continuity and differentiability of functions given in column I.
Column 3 contains information about points/intervals where given function is either continuous or differentiable.
19. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (II) (i) (S) (b) (III) (i) (P)
(c) (I) (ii) (Q) (d) (IV) (iv) (R)

ì p 1
ï x sin x¹0
20. For 0 < p < 1, check the continuity and differentiability at x = 0 of the function f (x) = í x
ïî 0 x=0

(a) Continuous but not differentiable

(b) Continuous and differentiable
(c) Differentiable but not continuous
(d) Neither continuous nor derivable
21. Which of the following options is the only incorrect combination?
(a) (I) (ii) (R) (b) (II) (iii) (S)
(c) (III) (i) (P) (d) (IV) (ii) (Q)

Passage – 8
By appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the following table, give the answer of the questions that
follows. Column 1, 2 amd 3 contain function about, continuity and differentiability, intervals in which the given functions are either
differentiable or not.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
(I) f : R ® R (i) Twice differentiable (P) R – {0}
f (x) = 15 – | x – 10 |
g (x) = f (f (x))
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-5

(II) f (x) = x | x | (ii) Thrice differentiable (Q) R – (– 1, 1)

(III) f (x) = x2 | x | (iii) Differentiable (R) (– 1, 1)
ìï (sin -1 x )2 cos (1/ x) x ¹ 0
(IV) f (x) = í (iv) Not differentiable (S) {5, 10, 15}
ïî 0 x =0
22. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (I) (iii) (Q) (b) (II) (i) (R)
(c) (IV) (iv) (S) (d) (III) (ii) (P)
23. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (I) (iii) (Q) (b) (II) (i) (P)
(c) (III) (iv) (R) (d) (IV) (i) (S)
24. Which of the following options is the only incorrect combination?
(a) (II) (i) (P) (b) (I) (iv) (S)
(c) (III) (ii) (P) (d) (IV) (iii) (S)
Passage – 9
By appropriately matching the informations given in the three columns of the following table, give the answer of the question that follows.
Column 1 contains information about the functions.
Columns 2 contains information about continuity of functions given in column 1 at some point.
Column 3 contains information about a and b for which function in column 1 is continuous at the point given in column 2.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

ï -p
(cos x - sin x )cosec x < x<0
ï 2
ï 1
(I) f (x) = í a x=0 (i) continuity at x = – 2 (P) a= b=4
ï 2
ï e1/ x + e2 x + e3/ x p
0< x<
ï ae 2/ x 3/ x
+ be 2

ì ab
ï (1 + | cos x |)|cos x| , p < x < 3p
ï 2
ï a
ïe 3p
(II) f (x) = í b x= (ii) continuity at x = 0 (Q) a = 2 = b
ïe 2
ï cot 2 x
ï cot 8 x 3p 25p
ïe < x<
î 2 16

ì ae1/(| x + 2| - 1
ï -3< x < - 2
ï 2 - e1/(|x + 2|)
ï p 1
(III) f (x) = í b x=-2 (iii) continuity at x = (R) a= b=e
ï 2 e
ï sin çæ x - 16 ÷ö - 2 < x < 0
ï ç x5 + 32 ÷
î è ø

ì 1 - sin 3 x p
ï x<
2 2
ï 3 cos x
ï p
ï 3p æ2ö
a x=
(IV) f (x) = íï 2 (iv) continuity at x = (S) a = - sin ç ÷ = b
2 è5ø
ï b (1 - sin x ) p
ï x>
ïî (p - 2 x )2 2
A-6 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
25. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (I) (ii) (R) (b) (II) (iii) (S)
(c) (III) (i) (P) (d) (IV) (iv) (Q)
26. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (I) (ii) (P) (b) (II) (iii) (R)
(c) (III) (i) (S) (d) (IV) (iv) (Q)
27. Which of the following options is the only incorrect combination?
(a) (II) (iv) (Q) (b) (III) (i) (S)
(c) (I) (ii) (R) (d) (IV) (iii) (P)
Passage – 10
By appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the following table, give the solution of the questions that
Column 1 contains information about equations having complex variables.
Column 2 contains information about the value of k.
Column 3 contains information about the locus of the complex variable.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

æ 2z + 1 ö
(I)Im ç ÷=k (i) k2 > 4 (P) Hyperbola
è iz + 1 ø
(II) | z – i | + | z + i | = k (ii) k=1 (Q) Ellipse
(III) | z + i | – | z – i | = k (iii) –2<k<2 (R) Straight line
æ | z -1| + 4 ö
(IV) log1/2 ç ÷>k (iv) k=–2 (S) Circle
è 3 | z - 1| - 2 ø
where | z – 1 | ¹
28. Which of the following options is the only correct information?
(a) (I) (iv) (R) (b) (II) (iii) (P)
(c) (III) (ii) (Q) (d) (IV) (i) (S)
29. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (I) (iii) (Q) (b) (II) (i) (R)
(c) (III) (i) (S) (d) (II) (i) (Q)
30. Which of the following options is the only incorrect combination?
(a) (I) (iv) (R) (b) (II) (i) (Q)
(c) (III) (ii) (Q) (d) (III) (iii) (P)
Passage – 11
By appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the following table, give the answer of the questions that
Column 1, 2 and 3 contain informations about functions, domain of the functions and codomain of the functions respectively.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

(I) f (x) = , a > 0, a ¹ 1 (i) R– {0} (P) (1, ¥)
log a x
(II) f (x) = (ii) R–I (Q) R– {0}
[ x]
(III) f (x) = (iii) R+ – {1} (R) R+
1 ì1 ü
(IV) f (x) = (iv) R – [0, 1) (S) í , n Î I - {0}ý
|x| în þ
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-7

31. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?

(a) (II) (i) (P) (b) (I) (iv) (R)
(c) (III) (ii) (P) (d) (IV) (iii) (Q)
32. Which of the following options is the only in incorrect combination?
(a) (II) (i) (Q) (b) (IV) (iii) (P)
(c) (I) (iv) (R) (d) (IV) (ii) (S)
33. Which of the following options is the only incorrect combination?
(a) (III) (iii) (P) (b) (IV) (ii) (S)
(c) (II) (i) (S) (d) (I) (iv) (R)
Passage – 12
By appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the following table, give the answer of the questions that
Column 1 contains information about inverse trigonometric equations.
Column 2 contains information about constraints on x.
Column 3 contains information about the value of x.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

(I) tan - 1 x ( x + 1) + sin - 1 x 2 + x + 1 (i) 0<|x|< 2 (P) 1

(II) sin [cot– 1 (1 + x)] = cos (tan– 1 x) (ii) –¥<x<¥ (Q) –1
æ x 2 x3 ö 25
(III) sin çç x - + ... ÷ + (iii) –¥<x<0 (R)
è 2 3 ÷ø 23
æ x4 x6 ö p
cos- 1 ç x 2 - + ... ÷ =
ç 2 4 ÷ø 2
23é æ n öù -1
(IV) å êcot - 1 ç 1 + å 2k ÷ ú = x
ç k = 1 ÷ú
(iv) 1 < x < 2 (S)
n = 1 êë
è øû
34. Which of the following is the only correct option?
(a) (III) (i) (P) (b) (II) (iv) (S)
(c) (IV) (iii) (R) (d) (I) (ii) (Q)
35. Which of the following is the only correct combination?
(a) (I) (iii) (P) (b) (IV) (i) (Q)
(c) (II) (ii) (S) (d) (III) (iv) (R)
36. Which of the following is the only incorrect option?
(a) (I) (iii) (Q) (b) (II) (ii) (S)
(c) (III) (i) (P) (d) (IV) (iv) (S)

Passage – 13
By appropriately matching the informations given in the three columns of the following table, give the answer of the question that follows.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

(I) P (AC) = 0.3, P (b) = 0.4 (i) P (A Ç B Ç CC) + P (A Ç BC Ç C) (P)
P (A Ç BC) = 0.5 + P (AC Ç B Ç C) + P (A Ç B Ç C)
1 4 3
(II) P (a) = , P (b) = , (ii) P [B/ (A Ç BC)] (Q)
5 5 4
P (c) =
A-8 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
1 1 1
(III) P (a) = ; P (b) = = P (c) (iii) P (B/ C) (R)
2 4 4
(IV) If A, B, C are pairwise independent (iv) P (A È B È C) (S)
events and
1 1 1
P (a) = , P (b) = , P (c) =
2 3 4

37. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?

(a) (I) (ii) (R) (b) (II) (iii) (P)
(c) (III) (iv) (S) (d) (IV) (i) (Q)
38. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (I) (iii) (R) (b) (II) (ii) (Q)
(c) (III) (i) (S) (d) (II) (iii) (P)
39. Which of the following options is the only incorrect combination?
(a) (I) (ii) (R) (b) (III) (i) (S)
(c) (II) (iii) (P) (d) (IV) (iv) (Q)

By appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the following table, give the answer of the questions that

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

(I) x = 2y + 1 is
(i) Not injective but (P) R ® [0, ¥)
surjective for

(Q) R ® éê - , ¥ ö÷
(II) y = | x | + 2 is (ii) Neither injective nor
ë 2 ø
surjective for
(III) y = x + is (iii) Injective and surjective for (R) R ® R
(IV) y2 = 2x – 4 is (iv) Injective but not (S) R – {0} ® R ~ (– 2, 2)
surjective for
40. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (I) (ii) (P) (b) (II) (iii) (S)
(c) (III) (i) (S) (d) (IV) (iv) (Q)
41. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (I) (iii) (S) (b) (II) (ii) (R)
(c) (III) (iv) (P) (d) (IV) (i) (Q)
42. Which of the following options is the only incorrect combination?
(a) (I) (i) (Q) (b) (II) (ii) (R)
(c) (III) (i) (S) (d) (IV) (i) (P)

By appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the following table, give the answer of the questions that
Consider the hyperbola H : x2 – y2 = 1 and a circle S with center N (x2, 0). Suppose that H and S touch each other at a point P (x1, y1)
with x1 > 0 and y1 > 0. The common tangent to H and S at P intersects the x-axis at point M. If (l, m) is the centroid of the triangle PMN,
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

dl 1
(I) = (i) 1+ (P) Provided x1 > 1, – ¥ < y1 < ¥
dx1 3x12
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-9

dm 1
(II) = (ii) 1- (Q) Provided x1 > 1, y1 > 1
dx1 3x12

dm x1
(III) = (iii) (R) Provided x1 > 1, y1 > 0
dy1 3 æç x12 - 1 ö÷
è ø

dl 1
(IV) = (iv) (S) Provided – ¥ < x1 < ¥, y1 > 0
y1 3

43. Which of the following options is the only correct combination ?

(a) (I) (iv) (R) (b) (II) (iii) (P)
(c) (III) (ii) (Q) (d) (IV) (i) (S)
44. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (II) (iii) (R) (b) (III) (i) (S)
(c) (IV) (iv) (Q) (d) (I) (ii) (R)
45. Which of the following options is the only correct combination?
(a) (I) (ii) (Q) (b) (II) (iii) (R)
(c) (III) (iv) (S) (d) (IV) (i) (P)

If dimensions are given, physical quantity may not be unique as two different physical quantities may have same dimensional formula.
Column I and III shows physical quantities while column II gives dimensional formula with respect to M, L and T fundamental
physical quantities mass, length and time respectively.
Column I Column II Column III
I. Torque (i) M0L0T0 (P) Wave number
II. Power of lens (ii) M0L–1T0 (Q) Moment of force
III. Plane angle (iii) M0L0T–1 (R) p
IV. Angular frequency (iv) M1L2T–2 (s) Angular velocity
1. Which of the following shows the correct matching in terms of dimensionally simillar quantity as x in ex.
(a) (I) (i) (R) (b) (II) (iii) (S) (c) (III) (i) (R) (d) (IV) (iii) (S)
2. Which of the follwoing will remain unaffected if mass and length of the body changes?
(a) III (i) R (b) IV (iii) S (c) I (iv) Q (d) Both (a) and (b)
3. The dimensions of physical quantity ‘X’ in the equation
1 'X'
= is same as:
Angular frequency Angular velocity
(a) II (i) R (b) IV (i) R (c) III (i) R (d) I (i) P
1 2
Potential energy of spring is given by kx and for a projectile it is mgh. Column II and III shows increase and decrease of potential
and Kinetic energy of the system respectively in different situations of spring/projectile. (Assume air resistance negligible and surface
are smooth)
Column I Column II Column III
I. Projectile during upward journey (i) Potential energy increases (P) Kinetic energy increases by mgh
1 2
II. Projectile during downward journey (ii) Potential energy decreases (Q) Kinetic energy decreases
by k x2 by mgh
A-10 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
III. Spring compressed to length x (iii) Potential energy decreases (R) Kinetic energy increases by
1 2
by mgh kx
IV. Spring elongated upto length x (iv) Potential energy increases (S) Kinetic energy decreases
1 2
by mgh by k x
4. Which of the following options is correct for the projectile during the upward journey?
(a) I (iv) Q (b) I (iii) Q (c) I (iii) P (d) Both (a) and (c)
5. Which of the following is the correct matching for the spring compressed to length x?
(a) III (i) Q (b) I (ii) P (c) III (i) S (d) III (ii) R
6. Which of the following is matched wrongly?
(a) I (iii) P (b) II (iii) P (c) IV (i) S (d) I (iv) Q
The acceleration of a particle as measured from an inertial frame is given by the vector sum of all the forces acting on the particle
divided by its mass. Column I shows the motion of blocks (m 1, m2, m3) in contact/connected by massless string on a smooth horizontal
surface. If f1 is the contact force between body m1 and m2, f2 between body m2 and m3, T1 be the tension in the string between body
m1 and m2, T2 between body m2 and m3. Column II and III shows different values of f1, f2, T1 and T2 in different situations shown in
column I.
Column I Column II Column III

(m 2 + m3 ) F (m1 + m 2 )F
I. F m1 m2 m3 (i) T1 = (P) f2 =
m1 + m 2 + m3 m1 + m 2 + m3

m1F m3 F
II. m1 m2 m3 (ii) T1 = (Q) f2 =
m1 + m 2 + m3 m1 + m 2 + m3

T1 T2 F
m1 m2 m3 m1F (m1 + m 2 ) F
III. (iii) f1 = (R) T2 =
m1 + m 2 + m3 m1 + m 2 + m3

T1 T2 (m2 + m3 ) F m 3F
IV. F m1 m2 m3 (iv) f1 = (S) T2 =
m1 + m 2 + m3 m1 + m 2 + m3

7. If the acceleration of body m1, m2 and m3 respectively shown in situation Column I (I) are (2, 2, 2) then the correct matching is
[Take m1 = 1 kg, m2 = 2 kg, m3 = 3 kg, F = 12 N]
(a) I (iv) Q (b) IV (iv) P (c) III (ii) P (d) I (iii) Q
8. If the value of T1 and T2 shown in the situtation column I (IV) are 10N and 6N respectively then find the correct matching.
[Take m1 = 1 kg, m2 = 2 kg, m3 = 3 kg, F = 12 N].
(a) II (i) R (b) IV (i) S (c) IV (iii) S (d) III (ii) S
9. Which of the following does not show the correct matching?
(a) II (iii) P (b) III (ii) R (c) I (iv) Q (d) IV (i) R
If moment of inertia of a body is given by I = MK2, then radius of gyration is given by K = [I/ M]1/2. Column II and III shows the
moment of inertia about an-axis perpendicular to the plane passing through centre of mass and radius of gyration of different objects
Column I Column II Column III

M(L2 +1) L
I. Square plate of perimeter = 4 × L (i) I= (P)
12 6
M L2 L
II. Thin rod of length ‘L’ (ii) I= (Q)
12 2 3
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-11

III. Cube of each side length ‘L’ (iii) M L2 (R) L2 + 1

6 2 3
IV. Rectangular plate of length ‘L’ and (iv) I= (S)
3 2
breadth 1 unit
10. Out of the four, two objects gives the same moment of inertia about an axis passing through its centre of mass and perpendicular
to the plane. Which of the following options is correct?
(a) III (iii) P (b) I (iii) P (c) IV (i) S (d) Both (a) and (b)
11. Which of the following shows the wrong matching ?
(a) III (iii) P (b) IV (i) R(c) II (ii) Q (d) I (iii) Q
12. If mass and length of each side of a cube is increased 2 times, then its moment of intertia and radius of gyration increases 8 times
and 2 times respectively. The correct matching for the cube is
(a) III (ii) Q (b) III (iv) S (c) III (iii) P (d) III (ii) R
éI ù
If moment of inertia of an object about an axis is given by I = MK2, then radius of gyration is given by K= ê ú . Column II and III
represents moment of inertia along the tangent (in the plane of the object) and radius of gyration repectively of different objects of
Mass M and radius R.
Column I Column II Column III

5 3
I. Solid sphere (i) MR 2 (P) R
3 2
3 5
II. Disc (ii) MR 2 (Q) R
2 2
7 5
III. Thin spherical shell (iii) MR 2 (R) R
5 3
5 7
IV. Ring (iv) MR 2 (S) R
4 5
13. The correct matching for moment of inertia and radius of gyration of solid sphere of mass M and radius R along the tangent is
(a) I (i) Q (b) (I) (iii) (S) (c) (III) (ii) (R) (d) (I) (iv) (S)
MR 2
14. What is the correct matching for the disc, if the moment of inertia of the disc about diameter in the plane of the disc is
(a) II (ii) Q (b) II (iv) Q (c) II (i) R (d) II (iii) S
15. If radius (R) and mass (M) of thin spherical shell are 15m and 2kg respectively, then the moment of inertia and radius of
gyration of the shell along the tangent are 50 kg m2 and 5m respectively. Which of the following is correct for spherical shell?
(a) III (i) R (b) I (iii) Q (c) III (ii) R (d) IV (iii) S
A satellite is transferred to a higher orbit r2 (r2 > r1) as shown in figure. Column I shows different physical quantities that may be
affected while column III gives the proportionality (or relation) with r (radius).
Column I Column II Column III
I. Orbital velocity (i) Increases (P) µ
r r1
1 M
II. Time period (ii) Decreases (Q) µ r2 Earth
III. Angular momentum (iii) Remains constant (R) µ r3 2
IV. Kinetic energy (s) µ r
16. When the satellite is transferred from r1 = r to r2 = 2r then its time period will increased by 2Ö2 times. The correct matching for
time period will be
(a) II (iii) R (b) II (i) R (c) II (iii) R (d) II (iv) R
A-12 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
17. What is the correct matching for the kinetic energy of the satellite?
(a) IV (ii) P (b) IV (ii) R (c) IV (iii) S (d) IV (iii) P
18. Which of the following shows the incorrect matching?
(a) I (ii) Q (b) III (i) S (c) II (i) R (d) IV (iii) P
First Law of Thermodynamics states that, “If certain quantity of heat dQ is added to a system a part of it is used in increasing the
internal energy by dU and dW in performing external work i.e dQ = dU + dW.” The following columns show (Internal energy/Work
done/Heat given or taken out) in the four different thermodynamic processes. Here P = pressure, v = volume. dT = change in tempera-
Column I Column II Column III
I Isothermal process (i) dU = 0 (P) dQ = 0
II Adiabatic process (ii) dU = nCv dT (Q) dQ = 2.303 nRT V1
log 10
III Isobaric process (iii) dW = 0 (R) dQ = nCp dT
IV Isochoric process (iv) dW = P(V2 – V1) (S) dQ = nCv dT
19. For the process volume remains constant, which of the following options is corrcet?
(a) IV (iii) S (b) I (iii) Q (c) III (i) P (d) II (iv) P
20. Which of the following shows the correct match for the process pressure remains constant?
(a) III (iv) R (b) IV (iii) R (c) I (i) R (d) III (i) S
21. What is the correct match for the process temperature remains constant?
(a) IV (i) R (b) I (i) Q (c) II (ii) P (d) III (ii) S
According to law of equipartition of energy, if we deal with a large no of particles in thermal equilibrium to which we can apply
Newtonion mechanics, the energy associated with each degree of freedom has the same average value (i.e. KT ) and this value
depends on temperature. Column I, II, & III gives relation between degree of freedom (of monoatomic, di & poly atomic gas), C v and
Column I Column II Column III
I. For monoatomic gas (i) R (P) g = 1.67
II. For diatomic gas (ii) 3R (Q) g = 1.33
(molecule translate
& rotate only) f = 5
III. For polyatomic gas (iii) R (R) g = 1.4
if, f = 6
IV. For diatomic gas (molecule translate, (iv) R (S) g = 1.29
rotate as well as vibrate also) f = 7
22. If be the value of Cp for diatomic gas when we consider translational, rotational as well as vibrational motion of gas
moleclues, the correct matching satisfying the above condition is
(a) IV (ii) R (b) IV (iii) Q (c) IV (i) S (d) IV (iii) P
23. Which of the following shows the correct match for the polyatomic gas?
(a) III (i) P (b) III (ii) Q (c) III (ii) S (d) III (ii) P
24. Which of the following does not show the correct matching?
(a) II (iii) R (b) IV (i) S (c) II (iv) Q (d) I (iv) P
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-13

Let us consider an organ pipe (may be open or closed) of length ‘l’. V is the velocity of sound. Column I represents the harmonics,
Column II represents the frequency while column III represents the corresponding wavelength.
Column I Column II Column III
I. First harmonic for open organ pipe (i) u= (P) l = 2l
V 4l
II. Third harmonic for open organ pipe (ii) u= (Q) l=
2l 3
3V 2l
III. First harmonic for closed organ pipe (iii) u= (R) l=
2l 3
IV. Third harmonic for closed organ pipe (iv) u= (S) l = 4l
25. If velocity of sound in air is 330 m/s and the length of the open organ pipe is 0.30 m then the wavelength and the frequency for
the first harmonic or fundamental tone is 0.6m and 550 Hz. The correct matching satisfying the above condition is
(a) I (ii) P (b) III (iv) Q (c) III (iv) S (d) I (ii) S
26. Which of following shows the correct match for the first overtone of a closed organ pipe?
(a) III (ii) R (b) IV (i) Q (c) II (iv) S (d) I (iii) R
27. Which of the following does not show the correct relation?
(a) I (ii) P (b) II (iii) R (c) III (iv) Q (d) IV (i) Q
When a source of a sound or observer or both are in motion relative to each-other, there is an apparent change in frequency of sound
heard by the observer. Column I gives the apparent change in frequency, column II gives the source status while column III gives the
observer status [not in synchronized order].
v = velocity of sound in air, vs = velocity of source, v = velocity of observer, n = original frequency
Column I Column II Column III

æ v ö
I. υ1 = υ 0 ç ÷ (i) Source is at rest (P) Observer is at rest
è v - vs ø

æ v + v0 ö
II. υ 2 = υ0 ç ÷ (ii) Source is moving (Q) Observer is moving
è v ø
towards observer towards source

æ v + v0 ö
III. υ3 = υ 0 ç ÷ (iii) Source is moving (R) Observer is moving
è v - vs ø
away from observer away from the source

æ v - v0 ö
IV. υ 4 = υ0 ç ÷ (iv) Source and observer both (S) Source and observer both
è v + vs ø
moving towards each other moving away from each other
in vaccum in vaccum
28. Which of the following is wrongly matched?
(a) I (ii) P (b) II (i) Q (c) III (ii) Q (d) IV (ii) P
29. Two engines cross each other travelling in opposite direction at 72 km/hour. One engine sounds a whistle of frequency 1088 Hz. If the
frequency as heard by an observer on the other engine just before crossing is 1224 Hz. The correct option satisfying the condition is:
(a) IV (ii) Q (b) III (ii) Q (c) IV (iii) P (d) III (iii) R
A-14 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
30. For the detail given in the above question, the frequency as heard by an observer on the other engine just after crossing is 967.11
Hz. The correct matching is:
(a) II (iii) Q (b) II (iii) R (c) IV (iii) R (d) I (iii) S
If the charge distribution is continuous, then the electric field strength at any point may be calculated by dividing the charge into
r kdq r
infinitesimal element, and dE = r2
then integrate dE within certain limit. Column II and column III gives electric field at diffrent

points due to various charge.

[x =distance from centre along central axis, R = radius, Q = charge on the body]
Column I Column II Column III

I. Circular ring (i) Ein = 0 (x < R) (P) E out = for x > R

II. Circular disc (ii) Ecentre = 0 (Q) E =k for x ³ 0
(R 2
+x )
2 3/2

KQx 2 KQ é x ù
III. Solid non-conducting (iii) Ein = for 0 £ x £ R (R) E= ê1 - ú for x > 0
R3 R 2 êë x 2 + + R 2 úû
2KQ 2KQx
IV. Spherical shell (iv) Ein = 3 (S) E=
R R4
31. Which of the following shows the correct matching for 0 < x
(a) (IV) (iii) Q (b) (IV) (i) P (c) (III) (iii) P (d) Both (b) and (c)
32. If 6 3πε R 2 is the maximum electric field due to the circular ring having uniformly distributed charge Q, then correct match-
ing is:
(a) I (ii) Q (b) I (iii) R (c) IV (iii) Q (d) I (ii) S
33. The correct matching for the disc is:
(a) II (i) Q (b) II (ii) R (c) II (iii) Q (d) II (iv) P
Work done by external agent in rotating the magnet is stored as potential energy of the field-magnet system. Take Uq= 0 [for q = 90º].
uur ur
Column I shows different sitituation of magnet in the field, column II shows the angle between M and B while column III shows the
uur ur
potential energy stored. M = magnetic moment, B = magnetic field.
Column I Column II Column III

I. S (i) θ = 60° (P) U = 0

II. S N (ii) θ = 0° (Q) U = – MB
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-15

III. N S (iii) θ =180° (R) U = + MB

IV. θº (iv) θ = 90° (S) U =
S 2

34. Which of the folllowing gives the correct combination for maximum protential energy stored?
(a) I (i) (P) (b) III (iii) (R) (c) II (ii) (R) (d) IV (i) (S)
35. Which of the following gives the correct combination for minimum potential energy stored?
(a) I (iv) (P) (b) II (ii) (Q) (c) III (iii) (R) (d) IV (i) (S)
36. If MB (cosq0 – cosq) be the work done by the external agent in changing the angle from θ0 to θ in the field – magnet system as
shown in the situation column I (IV), the correct matching for q = 60º is
(a) IV (i) S (b) IV (i) P (c) III (i) Q (d) II (i) Q
Alternating current in a circuit may be controlled by resistance, inductance and capacitance. Column II and Column III represents the
phasor diagram and impedance of an AC-circuit containing different elements respectively. The applied emf (E) and current produced
(I) may be represented as
E = E0 sin wt and I = I0 sin (wt + f) with I0 = E0 /Z (Z = impedance)
Here ‘X’ and ‘Y’ have different meaning with different units for different circuits shown in the column I.
Column I Column II Column III
X Resistance
p/2 1
I. (i) VX
(P) Z =
E = E0 sin w t
Resistor only

X Capacitance

II. (ii) (Q) Z = X

~ I E
E = E0 sin w t
Capacitor only

X Resistance Y Inductance
III. (iii) (R) Z= x 2 + w 2Y 2
~ E
E = E0 sin w t
L-R series circuit

X Resistance Y Capacitance
IV. (iv) f (S) Z = x2 +
I w Y2
~ VX
E = E0 sin w t
C-R series circuit
A-16 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions

37. If the potential difference across the capacitor of capacitance Y unit shown in the C-R series circuit is then the
(X Yw )2 + 1

correct matching for the circuit is

(a) IV (iii) Q (b) IV (iii) S (c) III (iv) S (d) IV (ii) P
38. Which of the following shows the correct matching for L-R series circuit?
(a) III (iii) R (b) III (iv) R (c) III (i) P (d) III (ii) Q
39. Which of the following is wrongly matched?
(a) I (ii) Q (b) II (i) P (c) IV (iv) R (d) IV (iii) S
A lens of focal length f is cut into two equal parts as shown in figure.

or ,

Column I shows different combinations of these two parts. Column II gives equivalent focal length of the combination and column III
the corresponding power.
Column I Column II Column III

I. (i) ¥ (P) 1/2f

II. (ii) f/2 (Q) 0

III. (iii) f (R) 1/f

IV. (iv) 2f (S) 2/f

40. Focal length of each part in case (a) and case (b) are respectively f and 2f the correct

matching is
(a) III (iii) R (b) III (ii) R (c) III (i) R (d) III (ii) Q
41. If focal length of the complete lens is f = 10cm, then focal length of the combination shown in figure Column I (IV) is 10cm.
Which of the following is the correct matching satisfying the above condition?
(a) III (iii) R (b) IV (i) R (c) IV (ii) S (d) IIII (i) Q
42. Which of the following options shows the correct matching?
(a) I (ii) S (b) II (i) Q (c) III (iv) R (d) Both (a) and (b)
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-17

Following three columns I, II and III show the different characteristics of various optical instruments, where f0= focal length of
objective fe = focal length of eye piece, m = magnification and D = least distance of distinct vision.
Column I Column II Column III

I. Astronomical telescope (i) length of telescope = f0 – fe (P) M = f

when image formed at infinity

II. Galilean telescope (ii) length of telescope = f0 + fe (Q) M = – f

When image formed at infinity

æ Dö
III. Compound microscope (iii) used when, object is placed (R) M = ç1 + ÷ When image formed at ‘D’.
è f ø

between optical centre and focus

V0 D
IV. Simple microscope (iv) used when, object is placed (S) M = - u f When image formed at infinity
0 e

just beyond the principal focus

43. The correct matching for the length of the astromonical telescope and its magnification is
(a) I (iii) Q (b) I (i) P (c) I (i) S (d) I (ii) Q
44. Which of the following shows the correct match for the simple microscope?
(a) IV (iv) S (b) IV (iii) R (c) IV (ii) Q (d) IV (iii) S

45. For a hypothetical case, when f0 = 10fe, length and magnification of Galilean telescope are and +10 respectively. The
correct match for Galilean telescope is:
(a) II (i) R (b) II (ii) S (c) II (i) P (d) II (ii) Q


Some reactions are given in Column I and their n-factor and strength is given in Column II & III respectively.

Column I Column II Column III

(I) 9.8% H2SO4 by weight (d = 1.8 g mL–1) (i) n-factor = 3 (P) 3.6 N
(II) 9.8% H3PO4 by weight (density = 1.2 g mL–1) (ii) n-factor = 1 (Q) 1.2 M
(III) 1.8 NA molecules of HCl in 500 mL (iii) n-factor = 2 (R) 1.8 equiv.
(IV) 250 mL of 4 N NaOH + 250 mL of 1.6 M Ca(OH)2 (iv) n-factor = 4 (S) 1.10 m
1. For 9.8% H2SO4 given in column I, the only correct combination is
(a) (I) (iv) (P) (b) (I) (ii) (Q) (c) (I) (iii) (S) (d) (I) (i) (R)
2. For 1.8 NA molecules of HCl given in column I, the only correct combination is
(a) (III) (i) (P) (b) (III) (ii) (R) (c) (III) (iii) (Q) (d) (III) (ii) (S)
3. For 9.8% H3PO4 given in column I, the only correct combination is
(a) (II) (i) (Q) (b) (II) (iii) (S) (c) (II) (ii) (P) (d) (II) (i) (R)
A-18 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
Column I, II & III contain different salts, hydrolysis constant and pH of solution respectively.
Column I Column II Column III
Kw 1
(I) KCl, NaNO2, Na2SO4, BaCl2 etc (i) Kh = (P) pH = 7 + (pK a + log C)
Kb 2

(II) CH3COONa, Na2CO3, KCN etc (ii) do not undergo hydrolysis (Q) pH = 7 + (pK a - pK b )
(III) NH4Cl, ZnCl2, FeCl3 etc (iii) Kh = (R) pH = 7

h2 1
(IV) CH3COONH4, NH4CN etc (iv) Kh = (S) pH = 7 - (pK b + log C)
(1 - h) 2

4. For the salts of strong acid & strong base the only correct combination is
(a) (III) (ii) (Q) (b) (IV) (ii) (P) (c) (I) (ii) (R) (d) (I) (iv) (S)
5. For the salts of weak base and strong acid the only correct combination is
(a) (III) (i) (S) (b) (I) (i) (Q) (c) (IV) (ii) (P) (d) (III) (iv) (Q)
6. For the salts of weak acid and weak base the only correct combination is
(a) (II) (i) (R) (b) (III) (ii) (S) (c) (IV) (iii) (R) (d) (IV) (iv) (Q)
Column I contains some reactions and Column II & III contains reagents and intermediates involved in corresponding reactions
Column I Column II Column III
(Reaction) (Reagent) (Intermediate)

(I) (i) Cl 2 + hn (P) Carbene

Ph Ph
Ph H
(II) H Ph (ii) CHBrClI / ONa (Q) Free radical
Br Cl

(III) (iii) NBS + hn / HBr (R) Carbanion


(IV) (iv) HCl/Peroxide (S) Carbocation

7. For the given reactions in column I, the only correct combination for carbene addition is
(a) (IV) (iii) (P) (b) (III) (iv) (P) (c) (II) (iii) (P) (d) (I) (ii) (S)
8. For allylic bromination, the correct combination is
(a) (IV) (ii) (R) (b) (IV) (iii) (Q) (c) (III) (iii) (Q) (d) (III) (ii) (R)
9. Which combination proceeds via carbocation intermediate
(a) (II) (iv) (S) (b) (IV) (i) (S) (c) (III) (i) (S) (d) (I) (iv) (S)
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-19

Column contains some reaction, Column II contains Reagent involved in teh corresponding reaction & Column III contain mechanism
of reaction.
Column I Column II Column III
(Reaction) (Reagent) (Stereochemistry)
(I) OH (i) (i) Hg (OAc)2 (P) Markovnikov’s addition

(ii) H2O
(iii) NaBH4 / OH
(II) (ii) H2 + [Rh Cl (Ph3P)3] (Q) Syn-addition

(III) (iii) Alc. KOH (R) Anti and Hofmann’s eliminations


(IV) (iv) (i) B2H6 THF (S) Syn-and anti-Markovnikov’s addition

(ii) H2O2, NaOH

10. Hydroboration-oxidation reaction is

(a) (II) (i) (S) (b) (IV) (i) (P) (c) (I) (iv) (S) (d) (I) (iii) (P)
11. For, oxymercuration-demercuration reaction the only correct combination is
(a) (I) (ii) (S) (b) (I) (iv) (P) (c) (IV) (ii) (R) (d) (II) (i) (P)
12. For alkene, the incorrect combination is
(a) (II) (i) (P) (b) (I) (iv) (S) (c) (III) (ii) (Q) (d) (II) (iii) (Q)
A galvanic cell is obtained when two different electrodes are coupled together. But all galvanic cells cannot be used as commercial
cells or batteries.

Column I Column II Column III

(I) Dry cell (i) 38% H2O (P) Anode:

2H2(g) + 4 OH - (aq) ® 4H2O(l) + 4e–

Cathode :
O2(g) + 2H2O(l) + 4e– ® 4OH– (aq)
(II) Mercury cell (ii) MnO2 + C + Paste (Q) Anode:

4 (aq) ® PbSO4(s) + 2e
of NH4Cl + ZnCl2 Pb(s) + SO 2– –

Cathode :

4 (aq) + 4H (aq) + 2e ® PbSO4(s) + 2H2O(l)

PbO2(s) + SO 2– + –

(III) Lead storage battery (iii) Concentrated KOH (R) Anode :

A-20 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
or NaOH Zn(s) ® Zn2+(aq) + 2e–

Cathode :

2MnO2(s) + 2NH +4 (aq) + 2e– ® Mn2O3(s) + 2NH3(aq) +


(IV) Fuel cell (iv) Paste of KOH + ZnO (S) Anode :

Zn(Hg) + 2 OH - ® ZnO + H2O + 2e–

Cathode :
HgO + H2O + 2e– ® Hg(l) + 2OH–

13. For dry cell, the only correct combination is

(a) (I) (iii) (S) (b) (I) (ii) (R) (c) (I) (iv) (R) (d) (I) (i) (R)
14. For mercury cell, the only correct combination is
(a) (II) (iv) (S) (b) (II) (iii) (S) (c) (II) (i) (S) (d) (II) (ii) (S)
15. For fuel cell give in column I, the only correct combination is
(a) (IV) (i) (Q) (b) (IV) (ii) (R) (c) (IV) (iv) (P) (d) (IV) (iii) (P)\
Column I, II and III contains order of reaction, integral equation and nature of plot respectively.
Column I Column II Column III

k 3
A ¾¾® Product, order =
log b(a – x)/

1 æ 1 1ö
(I) 2 (i) K = ´ç - ÷ (P)
a(b – x)

t è (a - x) a ø

k(a - b)
Slope =

k 1 2 æ 1 1 ö
(II) A ¾¾ ® Product, order = (ii) K= ´ç - 1 2 ÷ (Q)
2 t è (a - x)12
a ø
1/(a – x)

Slope = k 2, intercept =

130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-21

k 2.303 b(a - x)
(III) A + B ¾¾® Product, order = 2 (ii) K= ´ log (R)
(a) (a) t(a - b) a(b - x)

(a – x)
Slope = k 2, intercept = a 2

k 2
(IV) A + B ¾¾ ® Product (iv) K= ´ éa1 2 - (a - x)1 2 ùû (S)

1/(a – x)
(a) (b) t ë

Slope = k, intercept =
16. For reaction given in column I, the only correct combination is
(a) (I) (iv) (S) (b) (I) (iv) (Q) (c) (I) (ii) (Q) (d) (I) (i) (P)
17. For reaction given in column II, the only correct combination is
(a) (II) (iv) (R) (b) (II) (iv) (Q) (c) (II) (i) (Q) (d) (II) (ii) (S)
18. For reaction given in column III, the only correct combination is
(a) (III) (ii) (P) (b) (III) (i) (Q) (c) (III) (i) (S) (d) (III) (iv) (R)
Column I contains some reactions and Column II & Column III contains Reagent used and Mechanism respectively.
Column I Column II Column III
(Reaction) (Reagent) (Mechanism)

(I) (i) Mg / ether / H3OÅ (P) Ring expansion

(II) (ii) PCl5 (Q) Ring contraction

(III) Me (iii) HNO2/D (R) Rearrangement


(IV) (iv) HÅ / D (S) Radical anion
Me Me
19. Beckmann rearrangement is
(a) (III) (i) (R) (b) (IV )(i) (Q) (c) (III) (ii) (R) (d) (I) (ii) (R)
A-22 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
20. Which combination gives cyclopentene ?
(a) (I) (iii) (Q) (b) (II) (iii) (R) (c) (I) (iv) (S) (d) (II) (iv) (P)
21. The suitable combination of ring contraction is-
(a) (I) (i) (S) (b) (I) (iii) (Q) (c) (II) (iv) (R) (d) (II) (i) (Q)

Column I contains some reaction and Column II & Column III contains Reagent used and Products formed respectively.
Column I Column II Column III
(Reaction) (Reagent) (Product)

(I) (i) (i) BH3 /THF (ii) H 2 O2 /OH (P)


(II) (ii) (i) NaBH4/EtOH (Q)


(III) O (iii) (i) Glycol + HCl (R)

(ii) SOCl2 (iii) DIBAL – H

(iv) H3O

(IV) (iv) (i) LAH (ii) Conc.H2SO4 / D(S) HO

(iii) O3 / Zn or Me2S

22. Find the correct combination

(a) (I) (iii) (P) (b) (II) (iv) (Q) (c) (I) (iv) (P) (d) (IV) (i) (R)
23. Find the combination where acid group is converting into aldehyde group
(a) (I) (iv) (Q) (b) (I) (iii) (S) (c) (II) (iii) (P) (d) (II) (iii) (Q)
24. Find suitable combination which follows hydroboration-oxidation reaction
(a) (III) (i) (R) (b) (IV) (iv) (S) (c) (III) (i) (S) (d) (I) (iii) (S)
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-23

Column I contains reactant and Column II & Column III contains Reagent and product respectively.
Column I Column II Column III
(Reactant) (Reagent) (Product)

(I) (i) CH3NH2 (P)

Cl H3C
(II) (ii) Moist Ag2O (Q)

(III) (iii) Alc. KOH (R)


H Cl
(IV) (iv) (i) One eq. NaCN (S)
(ii) LiAlH4 N

25. Correct combination for ring expansion is

(a) (I) (iii) (S) (b) (IV) (i) (Q) (c) (III) (ii) (P) (d) (IV) (i) (Q)
26. Find appropriate combination for ring formation
(a) (II) (iii) (P) (b) (III) (iii) (P) (c) (I) (iv) (R) (d) (II) (i) (S)
27. Incorrect combination is
(a) (I) (iv) (R) (b) (II) (iv) (P) (c) (IV) (iii) (Q) (d) (III) (ii) (P)
Column I contains reactant and Column II & Column III contains reagent used for reaction and product respectively.
Column I Column II Column III
(Reactant) (Reagent) (Product)


(I) (i) H Å / D(ii)O3 , Zn (iii) OH/ D (P)

A-24 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions

(II) (ii) (i) NH2OH (ii) H2SO4/D (Q)

(III) (iii) H2SO4/H2O (R) O


(iv) OH / D (S) O

28. Find appropriate combination in which product is formed through retro aldol followed by intermolecular aldol reaction
(a) (III) (ii) (Q) (b) (IV) (iii) (P) (c) (I) (iv) (Q) (d) (I) (ii) (S)
29. Product ‘R’ is formed by
(a) (III) (ii) (R) (b) (IV) (iv) (R) (c) (I) (ii) (R) (d) (II) (i) (R)
30. Incorrect statement is
(a) (III) (ii) (Q) (b) (IV) (iii) (P) (c) (I) (iv) (Q) (d) (II) (i) (R)

Column I contains some complex and Column II & III contains no. of unpaired electrons and magnetic moment respectively.
Column I Column II Column III
Complex No. of unpaired electrons m spin (B.M)
(I) [Ni (NH3)6]2+ (i) 1 (P) 3.87
(II) [Ir Cl6]3– (ii) 3 (Q) 1.73
(III) [Mn (CN)6]4– (iii) 0 (R) 2.82
(IV) [Cr (CN)6]3– (iv) 2 (S) 0
31. Find suitable combination which shows lowest dipole moment
(a) (III) (iii) (S) (b) (IV) (i) (Q) (c) (II) (iii) (S) (d) (I) (iii) (Q)
32. The correct combination is
(a) (I) (i) (Q) (b) (I) (iv) (R) (c) (IV) (iv) (R) (d) (III) (i) (P)
33. The highest dipole moment is shown by
(a) (IV) (iv) (R) (b) (I) (iii) (R) (c) (IV) (ii) (P) (d) (III) (ii) (P)

Column I contains different acids & Column II & III contains their molecular formula and No. of s & p bonds respectively
Column I Column II Column III
Compound Molecular Formula No. of s and p bonds
(I) Thiosulfuric acid (i) H2 S2 O6 (P) 6 s and 2p
(II) Persulfuric acid (ii) H2 S2 O8 (Q) 11 s and 4p
(III) Peroxydisulfuric acid (iii) H2 SO5 (R) 9 s and 4p
(IV) Dithionic acid (iv) H2 S2 O3 (S) 7 s and 2p
34. Find appropriate combination for caro’s acid
(a) (IV) (iii) (R) (b) (II) (iv) (P) (c) (II) (iii) (S) (d) (I) (iii) (Q)
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-25

35. Find appropriate combination for marshall’s acid

(a) (III) (i) (R) (b) (IV) (iii) (S) (c) (I) (ii) (P) (d) (III) (ii) (Q)
36. The only correct combination among the following is
(a) (I) (iv) (R) (b) (II) (iii) (Q) (c) (IV) (i) (R) (d) (III) (i) (S)

Column I contains compound and Column II & III contains their geometry and shape respectively.
Column I Column II Column III
Compound Geometry Shape
(I) XeF4 (i) Trigonal bipyramidal (P) Tetrahedral
(II) XeO2F2 (ii) Octahedral (Q) Octahedral
(III) XeF6 (iii) Tetrahedral (R) See-saw
(IV) XeO4 (iv) Trigonal planar (S) Square planar
37. Find suitable combination for Xenone dioxydifluoride
(a) (II) (iv) (P) (b) (II) (iii) (S) (c) (II) (iii) (Q) (d) (II) (i) (R)
38. Find appropriate combination which has same shape and geometry
(a) (I) (iii) (P) (b) (IV) (ii) (Q) (c) (II) (iv) (S) (d) (IV) (iii) (P)
39. Incorrect combination is
(a) (I) (ii) (S) (b) (IV) (iii) (P) (c) (III) (iv) (S) (d) (II) (i) (R)

Column I contains compound and Column II & III contains their formula and uses respectively.
Column I Column II Column III
(I) Glauber’s salt (i) FeSO4.(NH4)2 SO4.6H2O (P) Efflorescent
(II) Washing soda (ii) NaHCO3 (Q) Iron plating
(III) Baking soda (iii) Na2CO3.10H2O (R) Deliquescent
(IV) Mohr’s salt (iv) Na2SO4.10H2O (S) Gives CO2 on heating
40. Which combination represents such materials which are used as a laxative in medical field
(a) (III) (ii) (Q) (b) (IV) (ii) (P) (c) (I) (iv) (R) (d) (I) (iii) (R)
41. Find the combination which loses water spontaneously
(a) (I) (iv) (S) (b) (II) (ii) (Q) (c) (IV) (iii) (R) (d) (II) (iii) (P)
42. Correct combination is
(a) (I) (iv) (S) (b) IV (i) (Q) (c) (III) (iii) (S) (d) (II) (ii) (Q)

For an ideal gas, four different paths A, D (B + C) and D + E, from an initial state P 1, V1, T1 to a final state P2, V2, T1 is shown in the
given figure.
P1, V1, T1 D
P1, V2, T3

P2, V2, T1

P3, V2, T2

A-26 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
Column I Column II Column III
Path Path presentation q reversible

(I) A (i) Reversible adiabatic (P) Zero

expansion followed by
reversible heating at
constant volume
(II) B + C (ii) Reversible expansion at (Q) P1 (V2 – V1)
constant pressure
followed by a reversible
cooling at constant volume
(III) D + E (iii) Reversible expansion (R) - nRT1 , ln
at constant pressure
(IV) D (iv) Reversible isothermal (S) - nR, ln
43. Find combination, which represents the qrev, for path (a)
(a) (I) (iii) (S) (b) (I) (iv) (R) (c) (I) (i) (Q) (d) (I) (ii) (P)
44. qrev, for path (B + C) represented by
(a) (II) (ii) (R) (b) (II) (iv) (S) (c) (IV) (i) (Q) (d) (II) (i) (S)
45. What is qrev, for path (D + E) ?
(a) (IV) (iii) (S) (b) (III) (i) (P) (c) (III) (ii) (Q) (d) (III) (iv) (R)
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-27


· Now the 7 digit numbers using the digits 1, 2 and 3 only
such that the sum of digits in a number is 10
Passage 1 This can be done by taking 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 or by taking 2,
1. (b) 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.
2. (a) 7 7
\ Number of ways = + = 77
3. (d) 3 4 5
· The graph of | x – p | + | y – q | = k is a square. Area of the
region bounded by | x – p | + | y – q | = k is given by 2k2 (area Passage 3
is independent of p and q). 7. (b)
· The resultant figure for a | x – p | + b | y – q | = k is a rhombus. 8. (a)
Area of the region bounded by a | x – p | + b | y – q | = k is
9. (c)
2k 2 (I) If f (x) = x2 + 2(k + 1)x + (9k – 5) has both negative
given by (area is independent of p and q)
ab roots, then condition for this :
· The resultant figure for | x – p | – | y – q | = k is not a closed Þ (a) Discriminant > 0
loop so we cannot find the area bounded by the graph.
Þ 4 (k + 1)2 – 36k + 20 > 0
· The resultant figure which is bounded by | x + y | = p and | x
Þ k2 – 7k + 6 > 0
– y | = q is a rectangle and its area will be ( 2 p) ( 2q) i.e.,
Þ (k – 1) (k – 6) > 0
Area of the regions bounded by | x – p | + | y – q | = k and k < 1 or k > 6
(b) a + b < 0 Þ – 2(k + 1) < 0
1 1
x- + y- = k is same. Þ k+1>0Þk>–1
p q
and (c) f (0) > 0 Þ 9k – 5 > 0
Passage 2
4. (b) 5
Þ k>
5. (a) 9
6. (c) Combining the results of (i), (ii) and (iii), we get k > 6
· Number of four digit odd-number which are formed by using (II) f (x) > 0 for all x Þ Discriminant < 0
0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 (with repetition)
Þ 4(4k – 1)2 – 4(15k2 – 2k – 7) < 0
= 5 × 6 × 6 × 4 = 36 × 20 = 720
Þ k2 – 6k + 8 < 0 Þ 2 < k < 4
· Number of numbers greater than 1000 but less than 4000
which are formed by using the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (without (III) If ‘k’ lies between the roots of
repetition) f (x) = 2x2 – 2(2k + 1)x + k(k + 1), then
= 3 × 4 × 3 × 2 = 72 Þ Discriminant > 0 and f (k) < 0
· We know that a number is divisible by 3 only when the sum
Þ 4(2k + 1)2 – 8k(k + 1) > 0
of the digits is divisible by 3.
Now the possible number of combinations of 5 digits out of and 2k2 – 2k(2k + 1) + k(k + 1) < 0
6 different digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (without repetition) are 6C5 Þ – k2 – k < 0
= 6, which are as follows– Þ k Î R – [– 1, 0]
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15 = 3 × 5 (divisible by 3)
(IV) Consider absolute value of the difference of roots of
0 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 14 (not divisible by 3)
0 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 13 (not divisible by 3) the equation x 2 + kx + 1 = 0 exceeds 3k i.e.,
0 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 = 12 = 3 × 4 (divisible by 3)
|a–b|> 3k
0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 11 (not divisible by 3)
0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10 (not divisible by 3) Þ (a + b)2 – 4ab > 3k
Thus the number should certain the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or the Þ 2
k – 3k – 4 > 0 and k > 0
digits 0, 1, 2, 4, 5. Þ (k – 4) (k + 1) > 0 and k > 0
Taking 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the 5 digit numbers are = 5 = 120 Þ k>4
Taking 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, the 5 digit numbers are = 5 - 4 Passage 4
10. (a)
= 96
(I) Any point on L1 is (2l + 1, – l, l – 3)
\ Total number of numbers = 120 + 96 = 216
A-28 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
and that on L2 is (µ + 4, µ – 3, 2µ – 3) So, x = y3 + cy
For point of intersection of L1 and L2 dy
2l + 1 = µ + 4, – l = µ – 3, l – 3 = 2µ – 3 For, (1 + x ) - xy = 1 – x
Þ l = 2, µ = 1
I.F. = e– x (1 + x)
\ Intersection point of L1 and L2 is (5, – 2, – 1) So, y (1 + x) = x + cex
Q ax + by + cz = d is perpendicular to P1 and P2
\ 7a + b + 2c = 0 and 3a + 5b – 6c = 0 dy y x + 1 - x2
For, + =
a b c a b c dx (1 - x 2 )3/2 (1 - x 2 )2
Þ = = Þ = =
-16 48 32 1 -3 -2 x

\ Equation of plane is x – 3y – 2z = d 1 - x2
I.F. = e
As it passes through (5, – 2, – 1)
x x / 1 - x2
\ 5 + 6 + 2 = d = 13 y= + ce -
1 - x2
\ a = 1, b = – 3, c = – 2, d = 13
(I) (i) (R) is the correct matching. Passage 6
16. (a)
11. (d) All options (a), (b) and (c) are incorrect combinations.
17. (d)
12. (c) (III) Any point on L1 is (l + 1, 0, 0) 18. (b)
and that on L2 is (0, µ + 1, 0)
For point of intersection of L1 and L2 ì 1
ï |x| | x |³1
l + 1 = 0, 0 = µ + 1, 0 = 0 í
Þ l = – 1, µ = – 1 f (x) =
ï C x2 + C | x | < 1
\ Intersection point of L1 and L2 is (0, 0, 0) î 1 2
Q ax + by + cz = d is perpendicular to x + 2y + 3z = 2 and where C1 + C2 = + n
2x + 3y + 4z = 4 when n = + 1
\ a + 2b + 3c = 0 and 2a + 3b + 4c = 0 then f (x) will be everywhere continuous and everywhere
a b c a b c
Þ = = Þ = = ìï x 2 + 3x + 3 x £ 1
8-9 6-4 3-4 -1 2 -1
For f (x) = í
ïî nx + 3 x >1
a b c
or = = when n = 5
1 -2 1
then there will be one point of discontinuity which will be x
\ Equation of plane is x – 2y + z = d
As it passes through (0, 0, 0)
For f (x) = ||| x | – 2 | + n |
\ 0–0+0=d=0
when n = 1, 2
\ a = 1, b = – 2, c = 1, d = 0
then there will be three points of non-differentiability which
(III) (iii) (Q) is the correct matching.
will be x = 0, ± correct 2
Passage 5
13. (d) For f (x) = [2 + 3 | n | sin x] x Î N, n Î (0, p)
14. (c) when n = + 2
15. (a) then there will be eleven points of discontinuity when [2 +
6 sin x] = – 4, – 3, – 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
(1 + x2) + 2 xy - 4 x 2 = 0 Passage 7
2x 19. (b) Here - < x < 0 gives – 1 < 2x < 0
I.F. = ò 1 + x2
= 1 + x2 2
4 x2 -1
(1 + x 2 )dx + c So that [2x] = – 1 in <x<0
So, y (1 + x2) = ò 1 + x2 2

4 3 -1
y (1 + x2) = x +c Thus f (x) = 4x2 – x, <x<0
3 2
dy 1
Similarly for, ( x + 2 y3 ) =y f (x) = ax2 – bx, 0 < x <
dx 2
1 -1
I.F. = The function is differentiable in < x < 0 and also in 0 <
y 2
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-29

Also f ¢ (0+) = 0. f ¢ (0¯) = 0 Þ f ¢ (0) = 0

x< as it is a polynomial of degree 2 in each of the subinterval.
2 ì 2x x>0
Since f (0¯) = f (0) = f (0+) = 0. f (x) is continuous at \ f ¢ (x) = í 0 x =0
x = 0 for all a, b ï - 2x x < 0
Now, f ¢ (0¯) = – 1 and f ¢ (0+) = – b.
It follows that f ¢ (0) exists, if b = 1, independent of a. ì 2, x>0
Þ f ¢¢ (x) = í
20. (a) Here f (0) = 0 î - 2, x < 0
Also f ¢¢ (0 ) = 2, f ¢¢ (0¯) = – 2 Þ f ¢¢ (0) does not exist.
So, f (x) will be continuous, if lim x p sin =0 Hence f (x) is twice differentiable in R – {0}
x ®0 x
If f (x) = x2 | x |
This is possible only when p > 0 ... (i)
ì - x3 , x < 0
f (0 + h) - f (0) ï
f ¢ (0) = lim x=0
h®0 h Then f (x) = í 0,
ï 3
îx , x>0
h p sin -0 1
= lim
= hlim h p - 1 sin ì - 3x 2 , x < 0
h®0 h ®0 h ï
Þ f ¢ (x) = í 0, x=0
f ¢ (0) will exist only when p > 1 ï 2
\ f (x) will not be differentiable if p < 1 ... (ii) î 3x , x>0
From (i) and (ii), for f (x) to be not differentiable but So, f ¢ (x) exists for all real x.
continuous at x = 0, possible values of p are given by ì - 6 x, x < 0
0<p<1 ï
f ¢¢ (x) = í 0, x=0
21. (d) f (x) = cos p (| x | + [x]) ï 6 x, x>0
ì cos p ( - x + ( - 1)), - 1 £ x < 0 However, f ¢¢ (0) does not exist since f ¢¢¢ (0¯) = – 6
= í and f ¢¢¢ (0+) = 6 which are not equal. Thus, the set of points
î cos p ( x + 0), 0 £ x <1
where f (x) is thrice differentiable in R – {0}.
ì - cos px - 1 £ x < 0 ì -1 2 æ1ö
= í ï (sin x ) cos ç ÷ , x ¹ 0
î cos p x 0 £ x < 1 If f (x) = í èxø
Obviously f (x) is discontinuous at x = 0 otherwise f (x) is ï0 x =0
continuous and differentiable in (– 1, 0) and (0, 1).
Passage 8 lim f ( x) = lim (sin - 1 x) 2 cos ç ÷
22. (d) x ®0 x ®0 èxø
23. (b) = 0 × (any value between – 1 to 1)
24. (d) =0
f (x) = 15 – | x – 10 | Hence, f (x) is continuous at x = 0
f ( f (x)) = 15 – | (15 – | x – 10| ) – 10 | æ1ö
f ( f (x)) = (sin -1 h ) 2 cos ç ÷ - 0
è hø
ì 15 - | 15 - x | x ³ 10 f ¢ (0+) = lim
í h®0 h
î 15 - | x - 5 | x < 10
æ sin - 1 h ö æ öæ æ 1 öö
ì x + 10, - ¥ < x < 5 = çç hlim ÷ ç lim sin - 1 h ÷ ç lim cos ç ÷ ÷
ï 20 - x, 5 £ x < 10 ® 0 h ÷ èh®0 øè h ® 0 è h øø
ï è ø
f ( f (x)) = í = 1 × (0) × (any value between – 1 to 1) = 0
ïx 10 £ x < 15
ïî 30 - x, 15 £ x < ¥ Similarly, f ¢ (0¯) = 0
Hence, f (x) is continuous and differentiable in [– 1, 1] and
Three points of non-differentiability. (– 1, 1) respectively.
If f (x) = x | x | Passage 9
25. (a)
ïì x ,
x³0 (I) We apply check for continuity at x = 0
then f (x) = í 2
ïî - x , x < 0 LHL = lim f ( x ) = lim f (0 - h )
x ® 0¯ h®0
Þ f ¢ (x) = 2x when x > 0
and f ¢ (x) = – 2x when x < 0 ¥
= lim (cos h + sin h) - cosec h (1 form)
A-30 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions

ì æ 2 h h h öü ìï 4 (- 2)4 - 1 üï ì 4 ( - 8) ü
ï lim ç - 2 sin 2 + 2 sin 2 cos 2 ÷ï = sin í 5 -1 ý
= sin í ý
ïh ® 0 è øï îï 5 (- 2) þï î 5 (16) þ
= exp í (- 1) ý
ï ´
h hï æ 2ö
ï 2 sin cos ï = sin ç - ÷ ... (2)
î 2 2þ è 5ø

LHL = lim f ( x)
ì æ h höü x ® - 2¯
ïï ç sin 2 - cos 2 ÷ ïï
= exp í lim ç ÷ ý = e– 1 = lim f (- 2 - h)
ï h ® 0 çç h ÷÷ ï h®0
îï è 2 ø ïþ
ae1/(|1 - 2 - h + 2|) - 1
RHL = lim f ( x ) = lim f (0 + h) = lim
x ® 0+ h®0
h®0 2 - e1/(|- 2 - h + 2|)

1 2 3 ae1/ h - 1 a - e-1/ h
= lim = lim
eh + eh + eh h®0 2 - e1/ h h®0 2e-1/ h - 1
= h®0 2 3
ae h + be h a-0
= =–a ... (3)
0 -1
3 æ 2 1 ö From equation (1), (2) and (3) we get
- -
e h ç e h + e h + 1÷
ç ÷ æ2ö æ2ö
è ø=1 – a = sin ç ÷ and b = - sin ç ÷
= lim è5ø è5ø
h®0 3 ì -1 ü b
ï ï
e h í ae h + b ý 27. (d)
ïî ïþ
éæ p ö ù
1 - sin 3 êç ÷ - h ú
é -1 ù ëè 2 ø û
êQ lim eh = 0ú (IV) f [(p/2)¯] = lim
\ For continuity at x = 0 ê h®0 ú h®0 éæ p ö ù
3 cos 2 êç ÷ - h ú
ë û ëè 2 ø û
e– 1 = a = b– 1 Þ a = , b=e
e 1 - cos3 h 1
= lim =
26. (c) At x = – 2 h®0 2 2
3 sin h
f (– 2) = b ... (1)
b [1 - sin {(p / 2) + h}]
RHL = lim f ( x ) = lim f ( - 2 + h) f [(p/2)+] = hlim
x ® -2 + h®0 ®0 [ p - 2{( p / 2) + h}]2

æ (- 2 + h)4 - 16 ö b (1 - cos h) b
= lim sin çç ÷ = lim 2 =
5 ÷ h®0 4h 8
è (- 2 + h) + 32 ø
1 b 1
\ a= = Þa = ,b=4
ïì (h - 2)4 - 24 ïü 2 8 2
= sin í lim 5 5ý
îïh ® 0 2 + (- 2 + h) þï Passage 10
28. (a)
ïì (h - 2)4 - (- 2)4 ïü
sin í lim
= 5 5ý æ 2z + 1 ö
îïh ® 0 (h - 2) - (- 2) þï (I) Im ç ÷=k
è iz + 1 ø
Suppose z = x + iy
ì (h - 2)4 - (- 2) 4 ü
ï ï then,
ï (h - 2) - (- 2) ï
= sin í lim ý é 2 ( x + iy ) + 1 ù
ï h ® 0 (h - 2)5 - (- 2)5 ï Im ê ú=k
î (h - 2) - (- 2) ï
þ ë i ( x + iy ) + 1 û
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-31

x2 + (y + 1)2 = k2 + x2 + (y – 1)2
é 2 x + 2iy + 1 ù
Im ê ú =k
ë (1 - y ) + ix û + 2k x 2 + ( y - 1) 2
é (2 x + 1) + 2iy [(1 - y ) - ix ] ù
Im ê ´ ú=k (y + 1)2 – (y – 1)2 = k2 + 2k x 2 + ( y - 1) 2
ë (1 - y ) + ix [(1 - y ) - ix ] û

é[(2 x + 1) (1 - y ) + 2 xy ] + i [(2 x + 1) (- x) ù 2 (2y) – k2 = 2k x 2 + ( y - 1) 2

ê + (1 - y ) 2 y ] úú
Im ê =k (4y – k2) = 2k x 2 + ( y - 1) 2
ê (1 - y ) 2 + x 2 ú
ê ú Again squaring on both sides, we get
ë û
– 2x2 – x + 2y – 2y2
= k [(1 – y)2
+ x2] 16y2 + k4 – 8yk2 = 4k2 [x2 + (y – 1)2]
2 2 2 2
– 2x – x + 2y – 2y = k [x + y – 2y + 1] 16y2 + k4 = 4k2 [x2 + (y + 1)2]
For k = – 2, we will get a linear equation in two variables x For k2 = 4
and y which will be x + 2y = 2. So the locus of the complex 16y2 + 16 = 16 [x2 + (y + 1)2]
variable will be a straight line for k = – 2. x2 + (y + 1)2 – y2 = 1
29. (d)
x2 + 2y = 0
(II) | z – i | + | z + i | = k
So, for – 2 < k < 2, we will get an equation of hyperbola
Suppose z = x + iy
| x + iy – i | + | x + iy + i | = k x2 y2 1
which will be - =-
| x + i (y – 1) | + | x + i(y + 1) | 16 - 4 k 2 4k 2 16

x 2 + ( y - 1) 2 + x 2 + ( y + 1) 2 = k Therefore, if – 2 < k < 2, the locus of z will be a hyperbola.

Passage 11
2 2
x + ( y - 1) = k - x + ( y + 1)2 2 31. (b)
32. (b)
After squaring on both sides, we get 33. (c)
x2 + (y – 1)2 = k2 + x2 + (y + 1)2 – 2k x 2 + ( y + 1) 2 1
Sol. (I) f (x) = , a > 0, a ¹ 1
log a x
k2 + 4y – 2k x 2 + ( y + 1) 2 = 0 Domain = R – [0, 1)
Co-domain = R+
k2 + 4y = 2k x 2 + ( y + 1) 2
After squaring on both sides, we get (II) f (x) =
[ x]
k4 + 16y2 + 8k2y = 4k2 [x2 + (y + 1)2] Domain = R – {0}
when k2 = 4 Co-domain = R – {0}
16 + 16y2 + 32y = 16 [x2 + y2 + 1 + 2y] 1
(III) f (x) =
16 [x2 – y2] = 0 {x}
x2 – y2 = 0 Domain = R+ – {1}
So, for k2 > 4, we will get an equation of ellipse, which will Co-domain = (1, ¥)
x2 y2 1 (IV) f (x) =
be 2
+ 2
4k - 16 4k 16 Domain = R – I
Therefore, if > 4, the locus of z will be an ellipse. ì 1 ü
Co-domain = í , n Î I - {0} ý
30. (c) î n þ
(III) | z + i | – | z – i | = k Passage 12
34. (a)
Suppose z = x + iy
| x + iy + i | – | x + iy – i | = k æ x 2 x3 ö æ x4 x6 ö
sin - 1 ç x - + ... ÷ + cos - 1 ç x 2 - + ... ÷
ç 2 3 ÷ø ç 2 4 ÷ø
| x + i (y + 1) | – | x + i (y – 1)| = k è è
x 2 + ( y + 1)2 - x 2 + ( y - 1)2 = k =
x 2 + ( y + 1)2 = k + x 2 + ( y - 1)2 æ x 4 x6 ö
Þ cos- 1 ç x 2 - + ... ÷
ç 2 4 ÷ø
Squaring on both sides, we get è
A-32 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
æ Passage 13
p x 2 x3 ö
= - sin - 1 ç x - + ... ÷ 37. (a)
2 ç 2 4 ÷ø P (AC) = 0.3, P (b) = 0.4 and P (A Ç BC) = 0.5
æ x4 x6 ö P [B Ç (A È BC )]
Þ cos - 1 ç x 2 - + ... ÷ P [B/ (A Ç BC)] =
ç 2 4 ÷ø P (A È BC )
æ x 2 x3 ö P ((B Ç A) È (B Ç BC ))
-1 =
= cos ç x - + ... ÷
ç 2 4 ÷ø P (A È BC )
x 4 x6 x2 x3 P (A Ç B)
Þ x2 - + ... = x - + ... =
2 4 2 4 P (A) + P (BC ) - P (A Ç BC )
On both sides we have G.P. of infinite terms
x2 x 2 x2 2x P (A) - P (A Ç BC )
\ = Þ = =
æ - x2 ö æ- xö 2+x 2 2 +x 1 - P (AC ) + 1 - P (B) - P (A Ç BC )
1-ç ÷ 1-ç ÷
ç 2 ÷ è 2 ø
è ø 1 - 0.3 - 0.5 0.2 1
Þ 2x + x = 2x + x Þ x (x – 1) = 0
3 2 3 = = =
1 - 0.3 + 1 - 0.4 - 0.5 0.8 4
Þ x = 0, 1 but 0 < | x | < 2 Þ x = 1
38. (d)
35. (c)
sin [cot– 1 (1 + x)] = cos (tan– 1 x) 1 4 7
P (a) = , P (B) = , P (C) =
é æ öù 5 5 100
Þ sin ê sin - 1 ç ÷ú
ê ç 1 + (1 + x ) 2 ÷ú
ë è øû æCö
P ç ÷ P (B)
é æ
öù æBö
Pç ÷= èBø
= cos ê cos ç ÷ú
ê ç 1 + x2 ÷ ú èCø æCö æCö
P ç ÷ P (A) + P ç ÷ P (B)
ë è øû A
è ø èBø
1 1
Þ =
1 + (1 + x) 1 + x2 80 39
Þ 1 + 1 + 2x + x2 = 1 + x2 100 40
Þ 2x + 1 = 0 20 30 80 39
´ + ´
-1 100 40 100 40
Þ x=
36. (d) é æ C ö 30 æ C ö 39 ù
êQ P ç ÷ = , P ç ÷ = ú
æ n ö ë è A ø 40 è B ø 40 û
cot - 1 ç1 + å 2k ÷ = cot - 1 [1 + n (n + 1)]
ç ÷
è k =1 ø 156 26
= =
é ( n + 1) - n ù 186 31
= tan - 1 ê –1 –1
ú = tan (n + 1) – tan n
ë1 + ( n + 1) n û 1 1
23 39. (b) P (a) = ·P (A) = = P (C)
\ å [tan -1
(n + 1) - tan -1
n] 2 4
n =1 P (A Ç B Ç CC) + P (A Ç BC Ç C)
= tan– 1 24 – tan– 1 1 + P (AC Ç B Ç C) + P (A Ç B Ç C)
= tan - 1
25 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1
= ´ ´ + ´ ´ + ´ ´
é 23 2 4 4 2 4 4 2 4 4
æ n öù
\ cot ê å cot - 1 ç1 + å 2k ÷ ú 1 1 1
+ ´ ´
ê n =1 ç k =1 ÷ ú 2 4 4
ë è øû
é - 1 23 ù 25 =
= cot ê tan = >1
ë 25 úû 23 4
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-33

Passage 14
40. (c) Since y = x +
Clearly the given relation is many one and therefore not an 1. (c) x in ex is a dimensionless quantity
injective relation with domain R ~ {0} and range R ~ (– 2, 2) So, [x] = [M0L0T0] = [p] = [Plane angle]
41. (b) Since, y = | x | + 2
2. (d) [Angular Frequency] = [Angular velocity]
Clearly, this relation is many-one and so not injective.
= [M°L°T–1]
Here, domain of this solution is (– ¥, ¥) and range is (2, ¥).
[Plane angle] = [p] = [M0L0T0]
Hence, this solution is not surjective from
R to R whereas it is surjective from R to [2, ¥). which are independent of mass and length so will re-
42. (d) Since y2 = 2x – 4 = 2 (x – 2) main unaffected.
Clearly there are infinitely many pairs of points having same 1
abscissa in (2, ¥) 3. (c)
So, the given relation is one-many relation.
[Angular frequency] [ Angular velocity]
Here, domain of y 2 = 2x – 4 is [2, ¥) and range is Þ [X] = [Angular velocity] / [Angular Frequency]
(– ¥, ¥).
é M°L°T -1 ù
Hence, this relation is surjective from R ® R and also in R ë û
® [0, ¥) = é = [M0L0T0]
M°L°T -1 ù
Passage 15 ë û
43. (b) Passage-2
44. (d) 4. (a) Kinetic energy of the projectile decreases during
45. (c) the upward journey, becomes zero at the
Since H : x2 – y2 = 1 maximum height & then kinetic energy goes on
S : Circle with centre N (x2, 0) increasing during the return journey.
Common tangent to H and S at P (x1, y1) is 5. (c) When spring is compressed or elangated by a length x
x1 from its natural length, the potential energy of the spring
xx1 – yy1 = 1 Þ m1 = 1
y1 increases by k x2 .
Also radius of circle S with centre N (x2, 0) through point of 2
contact (x1, y1) is perpendicular to tangent 6. (a)
x 0 - y1
\ m1m2 = – 1 Þ 1 ´ =–1
y1 x2 - x1 7. (a) F m1 m2 m 3
Þ x1 = x2 – x1 or x2 = 2x1 All the body of mass m1, m2 and m3 will move
M is the point of intersection of tangent at P and x axis. F
with the same acceleration = m + m + m
æ1 ö 1 2 3
\ M ç , 0÷
è x1 ø 12
= = 2, ms –2
Q Centroid of DPMN is (l, m) 1+ 2 + 3
1 8. (b) F m1 T1 m2 T2 m3
\ x1 + + x2 = 3l and y1 = 3m
x1 a
Using x2 = 2x1, F.B.D. of F m1 T1 F – T1 = m1a ...(i)
1æ 1ö y1 a
Þ ç 3x1 + ÷ = l and =m
T1 m T2
3è x1 ø 3 2
T1 – T2 = m2 a .... (ii)

dl 1 dm 1 T2 m
T2 = m3 a ....(iii)
\ =1 - , = 3
dx1 3x12 dy1 3
(i) + (ii) + (iii)
Also (x1, y1) lies on H, a = F/(m1 + m2 + m3)
\ x12 - y12 = 1 or y1 = x12 - 1 T2 = m3 F 3 + 12
m1 + m2 + m3 =
= 6N
1+ 2 + 3
1 dm x1 T1 = m2a +T2 = (m2 + m3) F/(m1 + m2 + m3)
\ m= x12 - 1 \ =
3 dx1 3 x 2 - 1
1 (2 + 3)12
= = 10N
1+ 2 + 3
A-34 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
9. (d) For situation (I), I along tangent = Idiameter (c.m.) + MR2
(m 2 + m3 ) F m3 f 5
f1 = , f2 Þ MR 2 = Idiameter + MR2
m1 + m2 + m3 m1 + m2 + m3 4
5 2 MR 2
m1 F Þ Idiameter = MR – MR2 =
Situation (II), f1 = m + m + m , 4 4
1 2 3 15. (a) Moment of inertia of thin spherical shell along the
(m1 + m2 ) F 5 5
f2 = tangent is MR 2 and radius of gyration is R
m1 + m2 + m3 3 3
m1 F
Situdation (III), T1 = m + m + m , 3
( )
so, I = × 2 × 15 = 50kg m2,
1 2 3
(m1 + m2 ) F radius of gyration = × 15 = 5m
T2 = 3
m1 + m2 + m3 Passage-6
16. (b) T µ r 3/2
(m 2 + m3 )F
Situation (IV), T1 = m + m + m , T2 æ 2r ö
1 2 3 =ç ÷ =2 2
T1 è r ø
m3 F
T2 = Þ T2 = 2Ö2 T1
m1 + m2 + m3 17. (a) When a satellite revolves around a planet in its orbit, it
Passage-4 posses both potential energy (due to its position) and
10. (d) Moment of inertia of square plate and cube both of kinetic energy (due to orbital motion)
mass M and each side length L is given –G M m
M L2 r æ M = mass of earth ö
by =
6 GMm ç m = mass of stellite÷
K .E = ç ÷
M L2 2r è r = radius of orbit ø
11. (d) For square plate, I = , radius of gyration So total energy
– G M m G M m –G M m
L = U + K .E. = + =
= r 2r 2r
6 1
M L2 L 18. (d) V(orbital) µ
For cube, I = , radius of gyration = r
6 6
Time period µ r 3/ 2
For thin rod, I = M L , radius of gyration Angular momentum µ r
L 1
= Kinetic energy µ
2 3 r
M (a 2 + b 2 )
Rectangular plate, I = , radius of gyration 19. (a) For an Isochoric process, volume remains constant and
12 hence, dW = PdV = 0, dU = dQ = nCvdT
a 2 +b2 20. (a) For an Isobaric process, pressure remains constant and
2 3 hence, dW = P(V2 – V1), dQ = nCp dT
12. (c) As for cube 21. (b) For an Isothermal process, temperature remians
I a ML2 and R a L constant. As internal energy depends only on
I1 = 8I and R1 = 2R V2

Passage-5 temperature dU = 0 Þ dQ = dW = ò Pdv

13. (b) As we know that moment of inertia of solid sphere V1

2 2 V2 V2
along its diameter is MR . Þ dQ = nRT log e V1 = 2.303 nRT log 10 V1
Using parallel axes theorem Itangent = Icm + MR2
2 7
= MR + MR2 = MR2 22. (c) For a diatomic gas, average energy of a molecule
5 5
7 5
So the radius of gyration = R is kT if the molecules translate and rotate but
5 2
14. (b) MOI along tangent in the plane is 7
do not vibrate and is kT if they vibrate also i.e.,
5 2
MR 2
4 7 9
f = 7, C v = R , Cp = R + C v = R
2 2
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-35
23. (b) As given for polyatomic gas degree of freedom f= 6, Passage-11
6 31. (d) For the spherical shell
then Cv = R = 3R, Ein = 0 for x < R
and for solid non conducting sphere
Cp 4
C p = 4 R, g = = = 1.33 KQx
Cv 3 Ein = 3 0 £ x £ R
24. (c) For diatomic gas R
32. (a) For circular ring
Case I. (molecule translate & rotate only)
5 7 E =k
( )
Cv = R Cp = R g = 1.40 R 2 +x 2
2 2
Case II. (molecule translate, rotate & vibrate also) R é dE ù
For Emaxm, at x = ± use = 0ú
7 9
Cv = R Cp = R g = 1.29 2 êë dx û
2 2 Q
Passage-9 Emaxm = 6 3πε R 2
25. (a) For an open organ pipe wavelength and frequency for
33. (b) Edisc (at x = R) is
the first harmonic or fundamental tone
l = 2l = 2 ´ .3 = .6 m 2kQ æ R ö 2KQ æ 1 ö
ç1 - ÷= 1-
while u = =
v 330
= 550 Hz 2 ç ÷ R 2 çè ÷

R è R + R2
2l 2 ´ .3
26. (b) For first overtone or third harmonic of a closed Espherical shell (at x = R) i.e., at the surface
3v 4l
organ pipe u = and l = kQ
4l 3 =
27. (c) For first harmonic of open organ pipe R2
v Esolid non conducting sphere (at x = R) i.e., at the surface =
u = , l = 2l .
2l kQ
Third harmonic of open organ pipe
3v 2 Passage-12
u= , l= l
2l 3
34. (b) U(q) – U(q0) = MB (cosθ0 - cosθ)
First harmonic of closed organ pipe
v given that U(q0) = 0 for q0=90°
u = , l = 4l Þ Uq = –MB cosq
Third harmonic of closed organ pipe So for maximum potential energy
3v 4l q = 180° Þ Umax = MB
u= , l= 35. (b) For minimum potential energy, q = 0°
4l 3
Umin = –MB
36. (a) work done by an external force in changing the angle
28. (d) Apparent change in frequency
from q to q + dq is dW = (MB sinq) dq
(from doppler’s effect) is given by
æ v ± v0 ö
υ = υ0 ç
è v ± vs ø
÷ Wext = ò MBsinθ dθ
where symbols have their usual meanings
29. (b) The apparent frequency before crossing Wext = MB (cosq0 – cosq)
æ v + v0 ö Wext is stored as potential energy of the field magnet
υ¢ = υ0 ç ÷ system for q = 60º, U = MB/2
è v - vs ø Passage-13
Here v0 = 72 km/h = 20 m/s
vs = 72 km/h = 20 m/s
37. (b) R C
æ 340 + 20 ö 36
v ¢ = 1088 ç ÷ = 1088 ´ = 1224 Hz
è 340 – 20 ø 32
30. (c) The apparent frequency after crossing
æ v – v0 ö æ 340 – 20 ö ~
v ¢ = v0 ç = 1088 ´ ç
è v + v5 ø÷ è 340 + 20 ÷ø E = E0 sin w t
32 For a C-R series circuit
= 1088 ´ = 967.11 Hz
Z = R2 + 2 2
w C
A-36 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
44. (b) Object is placed between the optical centre and focus
E E æ 1 ö
So, I = = , çè here, X C = ÷ D
Z 1 wC ø
R2 + to see the magnified image Magnification M = 1 + ,
w 2 C2
when image formed at D.
Voltage across capacitor = I × XC
45. (c) For Galilean telescope
E 1 f 10 f e
= ´ L = f0 – fe and M = 0 = = 10
1 w C
R2 + 2 2 fe fe
w C 10fe –fe = 9fe
E VC =
or (XY w ) 2 + 1
R 2w 2 C 2 + 1
38. (b) For L-R series circuit, Passage - 1
Z = R 2 + w 2 L2 9.8 ´ 10 ´ 1.8
1. (c) Molarity = = 1.8 M
~ 98
Phase difference f = tan -1 æ Mol.wt. 1 ö
R Q d = Mç + ÷
and voltage is leading. è 1000 mø
39. (c)
Passage-14 æ 98 1ö
1.8 = 1.8 ç + ÷
è 1000 m ø
\ m = 1.10
40. (a) focal length of each part = f H2SO4 is a dibasic acid i.e. it has two replaceable
H+. Hence n-factor for this is 2.
2. (b) 1.8 NA molecules = 1.8 mol of HCl in 500 mL = 1.8
Equiv., n-factor for HCl = 1 (only one replaceable H+)
focal length of each part = f 1
9.8 × 10 × 1.2
3. (a) Molarity = = 1.2 M
1 1 1 1 2
= 1 + 1 Þ = 1 Þ f 1 = 2f n-factor for H3PO4 = 3
f f f f f Passage - 2
4. (c) Salts of strong acid and strong bases like Na2SO4 do not
undergo hydrolysis. Hence the pH of the solution remains
41. (a) or 5. (a) For salts of weak base and strong acids like NH4Cl
Kw 1
1 1 1 1 Kh = and pH = 7 - (pK b + log C)
= + = Kb 2
f 2f 2f f
6. (d) For the salts of weak acid & weak base like CH3COONH4
Þ F = f = 10
h2 1
Kh = & pH = 7 + (pK a - pK b )
42. (d) For, , (1- h) 2 2
Passage - 3
7. (c) Reaction II proceeds via carbene intermediate in pres-
1 1 1 2 f 2 ence of CHBrClI / ONa
= + = ÞF= , P=
F f f f 2 f s r Br
ONa +
also for, , Cl
1 1 1 OH +Br — C I
= + = 0 Þ F = ¥, P = 0
F + f -f Cl
Passage-15 C-I break
43. (d) For an Astronomical telescope, length of the telescope s : C BrCl (Bromochlorocarbene) + I
Ph H
f Ph
= f0 + fe and its magnification = – 0 Ph
fe Ph + :CBrCl H
Br Cl
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-37

8. (b) Br O
NBS + h H OBH2
H BH2s Nar
Mechanism: H3C

hn s r
N — Br + HBr Br – Br + N—H BH OHNa
H O H O H — OH
The resulting Br2 can be fragmented homolytically:- H3C H3C
Br – Br ¾¾® Br — Br 2Br initiation Anti-Markovnikov's addition
Br H

11. (d) This is an acid catalysed hydration reaction producing

an alcohol with Markovnikov’s orientation.
+ HBr propagation (1) Oxymercuration addition of Oxygen and mercury.
Oxymercuration is followed by a reductive
Br — Br Br demercuration.
Demercuration in which the mercury acetoxy group is
substituted by hydrogen.
+ Br propagation (2) r s
ˆˆ† Hg (OAc) + OAc
Hg(OAc) 2 ‡ˆˆ
The process repeats it self until the NBS is consumed.
9. (a) HCl with peroxide does not undergo anti-Markovnikov’s d+ s
addition unlike HBr/peroxide, so reaction does not HgOAc O
proceed by free-radical mechanism but by carbocation. r
+ Hg (OAc) + H H
Passage - 4
10. (c) The addition of borane to an alkene, followed by O
reaction with H 2 O2 /OHs , is called hydroboration r H H
oxidation. O
(i) B2H6 , THF
HgOAc Oxymercuration
(ii) H2O2 , NaOH
Mechanism: H
(i) r s O

d+ NaBH4
H Br H BH2
BH 3 H HgOAc

d +
H2 + [RhCl (Ph 3P)3]
Syn addition 12. (c)
syn addition
(ii) HO — O — H + OH HO — O Na + H2O H
better nucleophile O
This is an example of oxymercuration-demercuration reaction
H BH2 s H BHs2 Nar occurred in presence of Hg(OAc)2/H2O/NaBH4. The option
+O—O—H (d) is not matching, thus answer is (d).
H3C Nar H3C
A-38 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
13. (b) The dry cell consists of an outer container made up of 3° carbocation
zinc, which acts as anode. The cathode is a carbon rod
having a brass cap. The space between the cathode and
anode is filled with a mixture of MnO2 and thick paste –H –H
of NH4Cl, ZnCl2 and charcoal. The reactions during the
discharge are
At anode : Zn(s) ¾¾ ® Zn2+ (aq) + 2e–
At cathode : 2MnO2(s) + 2NH +4 (aq) + 2e– ¾¾ ®
Mn2O3(s) + 2NH3 + H2O
14. (a) A mercury cell consists of an amalgamated zinc plate
anode which is covered by a steel top plate. A paste of Passage - 8
Hg, HgO and carbon powder acts as cathode. The O OH
electrolyte is a paste of KOH and saturated with
Zn(OH)2. The reactions during discharging are 22. (c) LAH H
At anode : Zn + 2OH– ¾¾ ® Zn(OH)2(Hg) + 2e–
At cathode : HgO + H2O + 2e– ¾¾ ® Hg + 2OH–
15. (d) Fuel cells consists of porous carbon electrodes contain-
ing suitable catalysts (Pt or Pd). Concentrated KOH or CHO
NaOH solution is placed between the electrodes to act O3/Red.
as the electrolyte. Hydrogen and oxygen gases are CHO
bubbled through porous electrodes into the KOH/NaOH
solution. Following electrode reactions take place CHO
At anode : 2H2(g) + 4OH - (aq) ¾ ¾ ® 4 H2O(l) + 4e–
At cathode : O2(g) + 2H2O(l) + 4e– ¾¾
® 4OH (aq) 23. (d) Protection of CHO group. O O
Passage-6 CH2OH
+ HCl
16. (c) 17. (a) 18. (c)
Passage - 7 COOH
19. (c) Me
Ph Antimigration
H 3O
Me — C — NH — Ph Me — C — OH SOCl2

20. (d) COCl

Ring expansion O O
1° carbocation –H 3° carbocation
(less stable) (more stable)
H3 O
21. (b)
24. (c)

–N2 Ring contraction (i) BH3/THF HO

(ii) H2O2/OH
2° carbocation Preferentially oxidises (C = C) bond.
130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions A-39

Passage - 9 Passage - 10
Cl O
25. (c)

Moist Retro aldol
Ag2O 28. (c) O
2 4
Ring 1 5
Expansion C H
2° Carbocation (less stble) O

OH /
3° Carbocation Intramolecular
(more stable) C H aldol
Cl 29. (d) It undergoes intramolecular aldol condensation
26. (d) CH3 NH2
NH2 –H

–H O3/Zn
CH3 +


Cl –H2O
27. (b) one eq. NaCN
CN 30. (a) NH2OH
/ H2SO4/
Cl NH2 H SO 4

One eq. NaCN

(CH2)4Cl2 (Beckmann's
rearrangement) (Q)
(Not formed)
A-40 130 + Passage Cum Matching Based Questions
H 2SO 4 / H 2 O F — Xe — F Xe
Aldol condensation
O 3
sp d
Thus option (a) is incorrect.
Passage - 11 Trigonal See-saw shape due to presence of
31. (c) [IrCl6]3–. In 3rd transition element series, D0 is so large bipyramidal one lone pair of electron
that it becomes greater than P (pairing energy) 38. (d) XeO4
( P< D0).Cls acts as strong field ligand and thus pairing
of electrons occur. O
32. (b) [Ni (NH3)6]2+
Ni [Z = 28) = 3d8 4s2 O Xe O
Ni2+ = 3d8 ( t 62g eg ) O
2 sp3, Geometry, shape} Tetrahedral
39. (a) XeF4,
8 6 .. ..
3d t 2g F .. F F F F F
(VBT), n = 2 CFT, n = 2 Xe or Xe Xe
.. ..
F F F F .. F
unpaired electron = 2 .. Square planar due
Geometry – Octahedral
n(n + 2) B.M =
m= 2(2 + 2) = 8 = 2.82 B.M to presence of two
lone pair of electron.
33. (c) Cr (Z = 24) = 3d5 4s1
(c) XeF6 – sp3d3
3 0
Cr+3 = 3d3 = t 2g eg Geometry – pentagonal bipyramidal
shape – monocapped octahedral
eg Thus, option (c) is incorrect.
Passage - 14
3 3
3d t 2g 40. (c) Glauber’s salt - Na2SO4.10H2O - Deliquescent. The
n = 3 CFT, (n = 3) Glauber’s salt was historically used as laxative. It is
effective for the removal of certain drugs such as
paracetamol from the body.
3 (3 + 2) = 15 = 3.87 B.M
m= 41. (d) Washing soda - Na 2 CO 3 .10H 2O – . Efflorescent.
Passage - 12 Efflorescent is the property of material which means
34. (c) Persulfuric acid (H2SO5) is also known as caro’s acid spontaneous loss of water by a hydrated salt.
42. (b) Mohr’s salt (FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O is commonly used
O in iron plating
p s
Passage - 15
H s O s O s S s O s H (7s, 2p) 43. (b) Path A - reversible isothermol expansion.
p s According to first low of thermodynamics
35. (d) Peroxydisulfuric acid (H2S 2O8) is also knwon as DU = q - w
Marshall’s acid q=w
Isothermal process DU = 0
p s p s
æ V2 ö
HsOsSs OsO s Ss O s H (11s, 4p) = ç nRT1 , ln V ÷
p s p s è 1 ø
O O 44. (d) Path B + C - reversible adiabatic expansion followed
36. (c) Dithionic acid (H2S2O6) by reversible heating at constant volume q = 0
O O q rev
p s p s DS = , q rev = T D S
H sOs S s S sOs H (9s, 4p)
p s p s V2
O O \ q rev = nRln
Passage - 13
37. (d) Xenone dioxydifluoride (XeO2F2) 45. (c) D + E - Reversible expansion at constant pressure
followed by a reversible cooling at constant volume.
w = q = P1 (V2 – V1)

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