Khairul's Social Media

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Social Media Is A Waste Of Time

People nowadays spend most of their time on smartphone, especially social media.
They want to know what is happening in this world through the social media and share it to
the whole world. So, they think that they are always up to date with the news they got. I do
agree the view that social media is a waste of time because people are addicted to social
media, waste their time consuming and they will lose focus on daily basis.

Firstly, social media is a waste of time because they are addicted to social media. This is
because most people are always checking their updates, status or pictures that someone
post on social media. This thing can make them so attracted to their phone than everything
else. Hence, social media is a waste of time because they are addicted to social media.

Secondly, they will waste their time consuming on something that should be done
first . When they spend most of their time on social media, they will forget to do their task.
They spend most of their time by playing games on their smartphones, watching movies on
Netflix and scrolling through the Tiktok’s and Instagram checking photos from the famous
celebrity. This thing can make their work undone and they will submit it late than the
submission time. Thus, social media is a waste of time because they are wasting their time
on something not beneficial.

Lastly, social media can cause someone to lose their focus. This is because social media
can distract someone from doing their work. They will not study, work and socialising
properly with other people. Social media can also make them not going outside to meet
people and make them stay in their bedroom. This thing can make people feel not
appreciated and think that they are less important than the social media. Hence, social
media is waste of time because it will make people lose their focus.

In conclusion, people should spend less time on social media and more time with their
family and friends together. This is because it will make their bonding better than using the
social media. Therefore, people should not waste their time on social media because it will
make them addicted, waste their time consuming and lose their focus.

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