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BS Medical Technology or MedTech is a 

four-year degree program that provides students

with the necessary skills and training in conducting laboratory tests. These tests are used in
detecting, diagnosing, preventing, and treating various diseases.

Medical technologists due much more than examine specimens through a microscope,
they operate complex electronic equipment, computers and precision instruments.
Medical technologists work in five major areas of the laboratory: Blood banking,
Chemistry, Hematology, Immunology and Microbiology.

About my college education: MedTech is a very interesting course. You can learn about
chemistry, microbiology, hematology and other related disciplines. It is very tough and
you need to have retentive memory for all the information and the theories that you
need to remember and understand.

Students who want to pursue a degree in Medical Technology are encouraged to

take the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) strand under
the Academic Track. The strand provides the basics of applied mathematics and
sciences that will be useful in their college life.

According to The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS) current Occupational

Employment Statistics, the median annual salary for medical and clinical laboratory
technicians is $54,180. The median expected annual salary for phlebotomists is

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