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Version 07, Revised By CS C&OE 20 Dec 2020

COVID-19 Contractor Camp Compliance Checklist

Company: Location: Date:

No. Of Occupants:

Proponent: Completed By (Name/Position):


Dates Of Proponent Visits (In Last 4

Type Of Catering Central (Cooks Provided) N/A
Self-Catering (Occupants Cook Own Food) N/A
Food Delivered (State Name/Location of Supplier) N/A

Action: Completed Checklist to be sent to proponent, copied to contractor company. All those items below reported as ‘No’ are to
be corrected in the next 3 days and action taken reported to proponent.

Action Item YES/NO (State ‘No’ if partial) Government

Or Saudi
Disease Reporting & Awareness
1. a) Camp management conduct refresher tool-box talks (within the
last month). Records to account for all occupants.

Tool-Box Talks To Include:

• Social distancing - constantly encourage occupants to keep
their distance from each other (2m apart).
• Covid-19 symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat or
shortness of breath) and how to report them.
• Hand-washing
• 7 moments of hand hygiene and cough etiquette.
• Safe use of face masks (not touching the face)
• How to correctly wash & disinfect utensils

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

b) Ensure all occupants know the main COVID-19 symptoms and
how to report them (question them).
c) Camp visitors have temperatures monitored on arrival, asked if
any symptoms, and advised to follow handwashing & sanitizer
d) All occupants have temperatures monitored and asked if they
have any of the typical COVID-19 symptoms before they leave
the camp and on return from work. Use a non-contact
thermometer to identify fever at or above 37.80C. Details are
recorded. (Note: Check, without prompting, if the operator
knows this temperature. Mouth thermometers are not to be used
due to risk of cross-infection).
e) Visits to the camp by friends and relatives are prohibited.
f) Gathering areas in the camp such as Dining Rooms, gyms,
mosque and TV rooms have social distancing measures in
g) An adequate number of full-time security guards provided at
main entrances. There must be a checkpoint controlling entry
and exit.
h) Provide the camp with monitoring cameras to monitor the
movement of workers, entry and exit.

2. Identify isolation rooms for suspected cases (away from other

occupants), with access to a dedicated bathroom, until transferred to
hospital or for use as self-isolation (single bed rooms) where
directed by MOH or healthcare provider. Remove unnecessary
furniture so that easy to clean and disinfect.
3. a) Management know the MOH reporting rules.
b) Management keep an updated Illness Logbook on site and
record name, symptoms and action taken.
c) All occupants have medical insurance coverage.
d) All occupants have valid Health Certificates.
e) Employees have completed Health Declaration Forms after
travelling abroad.
Note: If an employee has recently traveled, the employee may obtain the
release to return to work using the downloaded TETAMMAN App. If the
TETAMMAN App is not installed or operational then employee must obtain
release to return to work from their medical provider*.

f) Employer verifies that following quarantine, the employee can

report back to work, without further medical consultation if he/she
is not experiencing symptoms*.
Note: Some employees that were tested again may be provided with test
results, but not all employees are now required to be tested after the
quarantine period.

4. Management has a plan in case an occupant displays symptoms of

COVID-19. Records kept of the employee’s data and contact
numbers. (Plans states that when employee returns from hospital,
there are records or certificates to show advice given by hospital
and action to be taken).
5. On site medical personnel (where applicable) have relevant PPE
available in clinic to protect themselves from suspected infectious
occupants or patients.

6. Meets the EH Code camp occupancy space requirement to prevent

Note: EH Code is 4.6m2 per occupant
(If not: Provide proponent with a plan for how to resolve any overcrowding

Main Entrances & Area Posters

7. a) Display 2 posters: ‘7 moments for hand washing’ & ‘Cough
etiquette’ at main entrance and main communal areas (such as
Dining Rooms)
b) Provide hand washing posters in bathrooms.

8. a) Ensure hand sanitizer available (60-95% alcohol) at all main

entrances, bathrooms dormitory rooms and kitchen wash-basins.
b) Ensure regularly checked & resupplied.

Housekeeping Management
9. a) Identify High Touch/High Traffic areas. (e.g. door handles,
staircase railings, etc). List them (record) and state frequency of
cleaning and disinfection (hourly).
b) Have a cleaning & disinfection plan in place in case they have to
deal with a suspected or confirmed case camp decontamination.
Staff trained, equipment identified to be used, PPE to be
provided such as disposable coveralls or gowns, double
disposable gloves, face mask, eye protection, disposable shoe
c) Buses - Conduct high touch frequent cleaning & disinfection of
buses (handles, areas of seats touched, etc). Numbers of bus
passengers reduced by 50% to create social spacing.

10. Cleaning Schedules provided for the facility. State the frequency of
general cleaning, what will be cleaned & chemicals used. Note:
There must be very high basic cleaning & disinfection
Arrangements in place.

11. Provide disinfection chemical bleach/ hypochlorite solution, (based

on a 5.25% hypochlorite product such as Clorox) prepared for use at
1 part to 50 parts water (1:50); or other Environmental Protection
(EP) approved chemical disinfectant. See Mixing Chart below –
leave copy on site.
Cleaning Materials
12. Provide a disinfectant solution such as Clorox. No other type of
disinfectant solution is to be used unless approved by EP. (Note:
Dettol is not approved). (Proponent to contact EP if advice required).

13. Provide color coded J cloths and disposable cleaning cloths/tissue.

Re-usable J cloths must be disinfected between areas. (Note: Treat
J cloths as waste following suspected or confirmed contact

14. Written disinfection procedure provided, inside plastic cover, for

janitor and he/she understands it.

15. Ensure mops, cloths, buckets, other cleaning materials that are re-
usable are cleaned and disinfected regularly and after each shift.
(Replace old or damaged wooden handles with varnished wooden,
plastic or metal handles that can be easily disinfected).

16. Ensure routine cleaning materials (detergent etc) and

bleach/hypochlorite/Clorox disinfectant are provided with sufficient
17. a) Ensure cleaning closets/cupboards are kept clean.
b) Dedicated mop sinks that have hot & cold water supply. (Janitors
should not wash mops and cleaning equipment in the bathroom
or kitchen sinks).

18. Provide a plentiful supply of waste bags. (Minimum 4 weeks supply)

19. Provide instructions for janitor to follow for mixing

bleach/hypochlorite (Clorox) solution. See Mixing Chart below
(translate as required).

20. Ensure bleach/hypochlorite solution (Clorox) is freshly made on a

daily basis. Ensure spray bottles labelled with date prepared. Do
not use if older than 24 hours.

21. Verify bleach/hypochlorite solution (Clorox) made to correct

concentration. Product at 5.25% concentration is diluted at 1:50
water. See Mixing Chart below

22. Provide alcohol solution (70%) for high touch areas where Clorox
cannot be used.

Janitors, Personal Hygiene & PPE

23. a) There are dedicated janitors provided for the camp. (Employees
or contracted services).
b) Ensure janitors have high standards of personal hygiene.

24. Provide correct PPE: Disposable gloves; surgical face-mask.

Face-mask changed every 4 hours or if wet. (For suspect contact or
contact cleaning & disinfection, refer to EP guidance for additional
PPE, and for PPE disposal arrangements.)

25. Ensure janitors have plentiful supply of disposable gloves. They will
require several glove changes a day.

26. Ensure janitors have enough changes of uniform provided (at least
4) and laundry arrangements for fresh uniforms each day.

27. Ensure janitors can describe correct cleaning and disinfection

procedure and can demonstrate this if asked.

28. Ensure supervisors are aware of frequency of cleaning and
disinfection for each area identified on schedules at No.9 & 10.
29. Ensure supervisors conduct inspections of janitor’s activities.
Record inspections and follow up action.

30. Ensure all sinks working with warm running water, liquid hand soap
dispensers (with sign) and disposable towels. (Do not allow shared
use of bars of soap or towels).

31. Ensure detergent bottles, sanitizer bottles & towel dispensers are
full. Regularly checked & restock. (Do not leave sanitizer
dispensers in direct sunlight as this may deactivate the product.)

32. Ensure waste bins are lined with disposable plastic bags and
regularly emptied.

Food Safety
33. Ensure food safety management enforced and meet EH Code (such
as temperature monitoring, HACCP, etc.). Ensure high standards
of food safety & hygiene are enforced.
34. Central Catering
a) Sinks provided meet EH Code requirements* (see below -
b) If not enough sinks provided, until fitted - temporarily provide
large plastic basins in the kitchens to allow adequate cleaning &
disinfection and change the solution frequently.
c) Sink units provided with cold and hot water (at or above 350C).
d) Catering staff soak utensils in 100 ppm chlorine (wear gloves),
for minimum 30 seconds minimum or in hot water (at or above
e) Meals provided to workers in disposable utensils and they
prevent workers from cooking or being present in places where food
is prepared or in kitchens.
f) Adequate supply of drinking water provided.
g) Ensure dishwashers (if applicable) have the rinse cycle operating
at 820C or higher.

Self-Catering (Where occupants cook their own food)

a) There is social distancing in the Kitchen, between cookers. (If
not, put some of the cookers out of use to create 2m distancing)
and/or create shifts to reduce numbers of occupants cooking.
b) Sinks provided meet EH Code requirements* (see below -
c) If not enough sinks provided, until fitted - temporarily provide
large plastic basins in the kitchens to allow adequate cleaning &
disinfection and change the solution frequently.
d) Sink units provided with cold and hot water (at or above 350C).
e) Occupants soak utensils in 100 ppm chlorine (wear gloves), for
minimum 30 seconds minimum or in hot water (at or above
f) Adequate supply of drinking water provided.
g) If any utensils are shared, provide disposable plates, cups and
cutlery, as well as individual salt & sauce sachets.

*Requirements For Self-Catering & Central Catering

Self Catering Central Catering

Utensil Washing Sinks Large double (2) sinks Large triple (3) sink units
with draining boards operations).
per 25 occupants, or
part thereof.
Food Preparation 1 large preparation 1 large sink unit (more d
Sinks sink per 25 occupants, of operations).
or part thereof.
Wash-Hand Basins 1 washbasin per 50 At least 1, but add more
occupants, or part

Note: Communal (long, shared) sink units should be replaced with

individual units - due to risk of cross-contamination.

Sink Operation & Use

a) All sink units and hand washbasins are to be kept fully
operational and provided with hot and cold water under
b) All sink units must be provided with plugs or stoppers as they
cannot be used correctly without them. (Soak utensils to clean
c) Identify the purpose of the sinks with signs & enforce correct

The 3 Sink Method

First: flush & scrape equipment & utensils. Sink 1 - Soak in hot detergent
solution 350C or above & use cleaning agent; Sink 2 - immerse & rinse
above 350C. Sink 3 - Soak in 100 ppm Clorox solution (2 ml Clorox / 1 liter
water or 20 ml Clorox / 10 liter water, for Clorox 5.25% product) (wear
gloves), for minimum 30 seconds minimum.

If a combined detergent-sanitizer is used and is non-chlorine based,

extend contact time to 1 minute at 240C. (Check manufacturer’s safety
35. Ensure dining tables and hand contact parts of chairs are frequently
cleaned and disinfected (hypochlorite/Clorox solution). Note:
Chairs should be positioned that individuals have at last 1.5m
distance. Tables also minimum 1.5m apart.
36. Ensure employees wash hands before eating. Conduct tool-box
talks to emphasize this.

37. Ensure employees are issued bottles of hand sanitizer (60-90%

alcohol) if working in areas where they cannot wash hands before
eating food.

38. Laundry - provide an adequate number of washers & driers. (2
washers & 2 dryers for each 50 occupants). Ensure hot wash cycle
39. a) Showers & Toilets – ensure adequate number provided.
Showers must function fully with warm water.
Saudi Center For Disease Prevention & Control
Requirements: 1 shower & 1 toilet per occupant or max shared
use is 1 shower & 1 toilet for 5 occupants.
(Note: This is a higher standard for compliance as EH Code is, for
example, at 80 plus occupants, is about 1:8 facilities, at lower
occupancy, at 40 it is 1:5).
b) Constructed of durable materials, with light colored, smooth,
easily cleanable surfaces.
c) Walls in toilet and shower rooms shall be impervious to water,
detergents and disinfectants to a minimum height of 1.2 m in
toilet rooms and 1.8 m in shower rooms. (EH Code).
d) Fittings (showers, toilets, sinks) must be in good repair, not
rusted, damaged or scaled up. Must be cleanable surfaces.

40. a) Bathroom washbasins - ensure number provided meets EH

Code. E.g. for 80-100 occupants, 12 washbasins. Above 100,
extra one per 10 additional persons.
b) Must be in good state of repair and capable of being easily
41. Adequate ventilation in sleeping rooms, assembly rooms (such as
kitchens and sanitary accommodation) and corridors. Ensure AC
fully operational. Encourage occupants to open windows for natural
ventilation and reduce the temperature.
42. a) High standards of cleaning, sanitation and pest control in all
b) Dedicated garbage storage area. There is a contract for regular
collection of all waste.
c) Pest control contract in place.

Note: Identify areas noted to be unsatisfactory:

Further Guidance Contact & Hyperlinks

CS Sharek

EP: ‘Enhanced cleaning and disinfection guidelines in company facilities’

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