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es ui The First Battle of Alamein: July 1 - 15, 1942 LS eos Tc membered as Montgomery’s ee emg CCR ee East posed by the Desert Fox Pent ccn aed crt ee ed SU UC ORT org Seen een let BE eee ete Pens ace MRC Pe een a kad Te PEC RoC eet ae RU ee PU ae ee Re dete Cit) a little known ridge. In a matter COR CNM mee Another Squads & Leaders com- the Afrika Korps was expended PCat Riek en POU i eee © 81 é Crrricat Hir ROMMEL IS AT THE GATES Alamein #1 (1/2 3|4|/5|6|7 8 Elements ofthe [Sth Panzer Division enter on tur one or lateron/between 0112 and 1101 eaaly are eee 5 © BRITISH Sets Up First Oo Elements of the 18th Indian Brigade setup in any level 2 or level 3 hexes: a Ane an fie fe fies fr ie res | 228 ES sa SH ww (ELR: 3} " 2 (SAN: 4) oe Elements of the Ist [eq | sanm oBA Armoured Division enter * along the east edge on turn 8 7 at| three: 2 ‘SPECIAL RULES: 1. All RR CGSR are in effect (EXC: CGSR #2. trenches in place on Point 63; CGSR #6 - Axis-controlled trucks are not Recalled once empty). EC are Dry with Intense Heat Haze (F1L621) in effect at start, 2. The British receive Air Support as per E7.2 (EXC: make a drafter arrival ~ 1-2 two FB, both w/ bombs; dr 3-4 1wo FB, one w/ bombs: ddr one FB w/ bombs; and dr 6 one FB, no bombs). 3. The Germans receive one module of 105mm OBA (HE only) Searce Ammunition. They may automatically draw an initial Black chit, The British receive one module of 88mm OBA (HE only) wit Plentiful Ammunition. 4. All Passengers may be covered with a" counter until they take a HANDICAPS: A Replace the German 9-2 leader with 2102. © AWe Hero te Beissh OB. BOARD LAYOUT: Any mutly agreed upon alteration wo either side's OB. __i OBJECTIVES: The Germans must Control Point 63 and exit 30 DVP olf the east map edge, Empty trucks earn no exit DVP. ‘TC/MC or dismount. The British player may make a side record of the placement of his AT Guns (but not their crews) to avoid placing. them on-board until they fire/take a TC/MC/change CA. RUWEISAT RIDGE, FL, ALAMEIN, I July 1942: “Rommel is at the gates” went the report that inevitably’ followed the Desert Fox's great victory at Gazala. Famed war correspon- dent Alan Moorehead, in Caro atthe time with his wife, summed up the feeling in Cairo suc- cincly. “When will he ative?” was the question they and their fiends were asking each other. General Claude Auchinleck did not have the luxury of time to respond fo rumors fying around the fleshpots of Egypt His atention was Firmly transfixed on the oncoming enemy. As Rommel's confident German and Kalan soldiers streamed forward in tanks and rolling tock ofa variety of diferent makes, the frst of many breaks came fr the British. The American military ataché in Rome tipped off the British thatthe code messages from Cairo were being read by the enemy. ‘With the codes changed, a valuable source of information for Rommel dried up. What's more, at this eruial time Afrika Kops reconnaissance failed and a sandstorm, combined with difficult terrain, delayed the approach before El Alamein. On the morning of July Ist, reconnaissance reported that South Africans positioned at Deir el Shein and the presence of the 18th Indian [Brigade at Ruweisat Ridge. That afternoon the attack was launched on the 18th Indians” posi- ‘ions in conjunction with moves against Det el Shein, The Afrika Korps succeeded in wiping out the 18th Indian but at heavy cost: Rommel lost eighteen of his remaining battle-worthy tanks © 1998 Critical Hie, In. DRIVE TO FUKA ; ; Alamein #2 Hprtatiassest 516 [7 | 8 | marvist vee [Elements ofthe Brescia Division set up 23 hexes from any eat or south map edge (see SR #2): Wiig tela ced (ERR 1) Factors" {SANs 3) Set up on any hex of Point 63: s 1 | © Recon elements af the Sth New Zealand Brigade ener between 45184827 or 3226-426 as per SR ] aps 3 4 2 ISAN: 0) SPECIAL RULES: HANDICAPS: 1.AIIRR CGSR ae ineffect. Night Rules are ineffect, NVR is4 witha Halt HHI te British st achieve bh Objectives, ‘Moon and Scattered Clouds. EC are dry with no wind at start. 2, All Italian units must set up in foxholes or sangars in Platoon , Swomgpoins. A Platoon Strongpont is defined as 2 foxholewsangars ‘By Any mutaly agreed upon leaton ro either side's OB. set up in adjacent hexes. Each Platoon Strongpoint may have an out ‘post eonssting of one fonbole or sangar containing upto one squad! fquivalen and any SMCISW within = 2 hexes of i. No Platoon Strongpoint may be placed within four hexes of another Platoon BOARD LAYOUT: Strongpoint. The lalians may deploy one squad per platoon (nine [HS maximum.) All Wire must be setup adjacent a foxhole. © Aid29-2 urmor leer to the British OB. ® iets) tote chro nother minefield, 4. New Zealand units may enter between 4518-4527 on turn one. Any units that choose to enter between 3226-4426 may enter on or after {ORJECTIVES: The sn mt xt 9 wis tween 02450 or tum wo Point 63 of Good Order Nalian units at games end 5. Italian units suffer from Ammunition Shortage (A19.131), ROWEISAT RIDGE, FI, ALAMEIN, 14-18 July 194 As night fell General Auchinleck started the first of his “heaves” o displace the Germans from the area around Ruweisat Ridge with the final objective of cutting north toward the coast and linking up with other Sth Army units near Fuka on the coast road, The reconnaissance units ofthe New Zealander Division led the way in a push around and through the Ital ons beginning what would become -knovsm as the First Batle of Ruvieisat Ridge. This bate began the dissstr for Italian divisions At EL Alamein. On 15 July, the New Zealanders and Indians broke through Ialian positions at Ruvweisat Ridge, reaching Dier el Shein. The following day the Trieste and Trento Divisions Were over-run. Cavallero the Malian Chief of Staff, went to Rommel and declared: “If some: thing isnot done about supplies we shall soon collapse.” Tere was sharp fighting as the Kalians ttied to halt the flow of Allied units toward thei rear ateas. They were unsuccessful in topping the probes und would shortly thereafter be pushed back off Ruweisa a the main Allied forces followed the reconnaissance units. However, the fighting would rage fr several days around Ruweisat Ridge as once again Rommel would throw the Afrika Korps into the fray asa fire brigade to plug the holes in his lines. Auchinleck’ “heave” would fizzle out and both sides would regroup before another round of fighting began a week later © 1998 Critical Hitt, Ine BREAKING LAAGER Elements of the 15th Panzer Division enter on/between 2327 and 4527 onfafter turn one: Alamein #3 7 | vehicular MTR and ATR must setup with a LOS to 2 2 hexes of hexrow 01 ve fit aR fhe fe fhe firs . a lh g 8m OB cene:s) [457 | 238) a arm BHF" [at to oy ne | er Foxhole | ® 2 3 | Elements of the 22nd ar | BS arliees |B s Armoured Brigade set up within three hexes of gens % & | 2 8 2 Show orst0s aera! eat ste [SE German setup (sce SR > 3 m4): HANDICAPS: — SPECIAL RULES: a serfs one Geman 91 mor ede wih 92. © Pishof he Geman AEV exited mus have functioning MA, 35,, Any mally agreed upon aration ther side's 8. BOARD LAYOUT: = OBJECTIVES: The German must exit2 9 Mobile AFV (of which 26 must have functioning MA) off the north or west edge and there may be no func- ‘ioning radios/phones possessed by Good Order British leaders on level two origher atthe moment the last German AFV exits the playing ate. 1. All RR CGSR are in effect, ECare Moist (ie. there is no Vehicle Dust). There is no wind at start. Barly Moming Sun Blindness (F11.611) is in effect. 2. Any Allied unit may begin the scenario in a sangar, Guns are not Emplaced 13. The British receive one module of 88mm OBA. Attempting Re- dio contacts a concealment loss act 4, OPT, HIST. SR: All AFV of the 22nd Armoured Brigade are sub- {eet toa special TC before they are capable of moving forthe first time. The British player makes a secret reinforcement DR during the RPh of each friendly player turn. On a TC $5, all AFV of the 22nd Armoured Brigade eceive freedom of movement beginning with the MPh of the nex British Player Turn (i, ifthe TC DR is made during the RPh of tum 3, the 2nd Armoured Brigade is fee to move on tum fout) If any unit ofthe 22nd is fired upon all AFV are immediately free to move! South of RUWEISAT RIDGE, EL ALAMPIN, 18 July 1942; The 8th Army envisaged the capture of the whole Ruweisat Ridge westwards to Point 63 during the New Zealand night attack planned for 14/15 July. This ambitious plan entailed a six mile approach forthe left-most brignde of the New Zealand Division, Thus, success placed the Sth New Zealand Brigade out of range of artillery support after the Kiwis over-ran the positions ofthe Brescia Division. AL though the attack swept right into Deir el Shein, where Halians threw up their hands in great humbers, enemy resisance held up the effort to bring up supporting arms, This placed Sth Brigade in grave danger. At daybreak, a laager of Panzers were heard firing up their engines. ‘The ominous sound was the precursor to the approach of dusty, baltle-weary German tanks. The Panzers broke lager and swept along the western end ofthe ridge and completely over-ran the supporting battalion, The 22nd Armoured Brigade, expected on the left flank, never appeared ‘The 4th New Zealand Brigade was then overrun in its tum und ina serie of tank and infantry attacks during the afternoon, te Germans regained Point 63 for Rommel (© 1998 Critical Hit! nc. THE ITALIAN TURN Alamein #4 4|5|6/7'8 9 a at ea Bs me |B 53 (ELR: 2) 2 3 2 (SAN: 2) B > 10) [ELR: 3] {SANs 4) HANDICAPS: HEF cage te objstves tn eas, 2 16 Crag hone” © Change the Objectives to rea, “2 16 Crag heres.” 5, Any mutually greed upon aeration f citer side's OB, Any mat agreed yp BOARD LAYOUT: SPECIAL RULES: TARR COS pe infect ECare Dry with nes Hat Haze 11.61) tla Morte Bren ttt re 2.The Bish receive Air SuppotasperE7.2(EXC: Each icrafthasbombs ma begun arf) ‘Titans ce one mode of 105mm OBA (HE Smoke) Por wall Setup the Halians may record an ofhoard observer at level one of any north OBJECTIVES: lalian player must Control all level 3 hexes of Point 63 or edge hex, ie. this i an exception to COSR #7. control 215 of the 33 level two and three Crag hexes at Game End. 4.No Guns are emplaced, All Italian AFY have radios. EL ALAMEIN, 15 July 1942: After an Allied counterattack re- took most of Ruweisat Ridge on 15 July, Rommel launched a series of armor and infantry counterattacks designed to retake this crucial piece of terrain. Orders issued tothe Italian Pavia Division were simple: re-capture Point 63 and point 64, another feature on the ridge further tothe east, It was high noon when the Italians stepped forward to take their turn at the ridge. The men of Pavia division launched their attack in conjunction with the Ger- ‘man tank and infantry attack kicked off tothe west. The Pavia troops met intense artillery fire and long range machine gun sniping as soon as they began moving forward. The assault soon began to lose its impetus, just as it reached the foot of the hill. When the last friendly AFV was knocked out, the foot-soldiers began to withdraw back across the desert, soon reaching their start positions, ‘The men of the Pavia did their part in weakening the defenses ofthe British, The series of armored and infantry counter-attacks was successful and Point 63 was regained for Rommel, (© 1998 Critical Hit), Ine ROMMEL’S SUNSET Alamein #5 [Simeone —_ OS —t 42] 3 |4 \5| 6|7 Elements of the Italian mm O TELE: 3) 30th Corps enter on turn — {SANs 2) fone along the west edge: a © “Elements of the 4th Brigade of the New Zealand Division set up on/within < 3 hexes of any bill hex: titan te tt 15mm OB Alt) | | 10 2 2 2 | amr Enter on tum tree alg the [ea tetnes) | de mm | ae |e | garam | ceststzcontoun of sis (sansa lage | IF onnortnof $88 (.c, nor i Bis ar] term 8 a ‘on/south and onfnorth): ES 3 2 3 HANDICAPS: 4) Tne Halim amsery one module of Mmm OBA. © Aid 092 armor leader tothe Bish tam tne reinforcements {Any mutally agreed upod alteration to either side's OB, SPECIAL RULES: BOARD LAYOUT: 1, AI RR CGSR are in effect, BC are Dry and Late Afternoon Sun Blindness (F11.612) is in effect. 2. The Axis player receives one module of 105mm OBA (HE & 8). ‘This is an Italian module with Normal Ammo. The first Axis, reo) draw is automatically black. 3. The British player receives one module of 155mm OBA (HE only) 4. The British 6-pdr AT may set up emplaced in any terrain. 5. No truck or half-track may enter without Passengers. All unarmed OBJECTIVES: The German player must control Point 63 at game end, _Yehicles are immediately subject o Recall once empty. ROWEISAT RIDGE, EL AUAMFIN 6 July 1987; Afr dhe swing mele of 5 July, Rommel andthe DAK mace n determined eto to regan the fst goondon Racist Ridge nthe 16th. Gathering his remaining mobile ao, he sent ther east-war gai. This t- < tack met determined resistance, The concentrated feof British comps arly was brought {o bear with devastating effect. Fire fom 6-pounder antitank gons eke fone tanker nother Rommel was ford toca ofthe tack and witha, leaving behind 2 tanks, including a capued Star, sit armored cars, six 88m Gun, en other an-nk gu ad ten fed guns, Rommel summed up the situation on Jl 17a follows "On that day every last German reserve ad to be thrown in. Ou ores were now 30 smal in comparison the British hat we were going to coun oursiveslcky i we managed to go on hadi ou line atall, Asa result ofthe immense cawtais whichtheMalians ha sutfered urine was very thinly manne... We hd virtually no reserves, ‘The blows oe DAK during the fighting on July 1S had bean eling The fale othe la clic effort on the 16h led Baylin ater acknowledge, "When Rommel ot Tele isa and Ruveisat, he and al of us knew we were lost” (© 1998 Critical Hit, Ine. GUNNER HALM — - Alamein #6 [AB HP axts seis up First >], © BRITISH Moves First, 6|7 | 8 Northern elements of Brescia Division setup onnorth of hexrow 9 and according to SR 2: Hh hele eee | TEL: 1 ISAN: 4) ‘Southern Elements of Brescia Division set up. an ottaow 16 snd according 10 SR 2: 3 . Factors 3 alm’s Battery set upanywiere JPL. Elements of the 104th Panzer Grenadier Regiment set up within three hexes of Point 63: according to SR #3 & #4: u MMflNA-i2Se | Soop als TELR: 3) © lms ofthe 26 Armored Bren eros um oe along te est Doar ee (SAN: 0} HANDICAPS: et Hams’ Batery may set up anywhere ie or within 3 ees". SPECIAL RULES: © tains TH DRM 61 41. AIIRR CGSR are in effect. EC are Very Dry with Vehicle Dustin <3). Any mueelly oe upon shonin there's OB. effect, Late afternoon Sun Blindness is in effect. (FH.612) ‘Any mamally sees open 2. The two Italian forces must set up north and south of the Ridge, : respectively. All foxholes of each group must begin the game adja- BOARD LAYOUT: cent to another foxhole, wit al infantry set up in foxholes. AU wire and mines must be within five hexes of an entrenchment belonging to that group. German ELR is 3; Italian ELR is 1. 3. Halm’s Battery AT-Gun's and trucks may set up HIP but not emplaced, with each within 3 hexes of at least one other AT-Gun. Each gun retains HIP until it fires or an enemy unit has a LOS to it. 4. One of the German AT-Gun crews must be secretly recorded prior OBJECTIVES: The British win immediately upon exiting five AFV offthe (© play as having Halm as its gunner. This crew is considered Fanatic west board edge. and all shots it takes receive a -2 TH DRM. ‘Near RUWEISAT RIDGE, EL ALAMEIN, 20 July 1942; During the defensive fighting of 10 July, anew German formation appeared on the scene—the 168th Light Division, Its men were ‘given lite time to get their bearings inthe desert environment after the unit was flown to Africa ‘minds its vehicles, Its 382nd Grenadier Regiment was flung into the fay direct from ther point of ‘embarkation. It was one particular 164th solder, sun-layer Gunther Halm, that particularly carved 4 place for himself in military lore. As part of Kampferuppe Hecker, Halm and his unit were responsible for halting British break-through around the northern flank ofthe Panzer Armee, On the edge of a three-hundred-yard long wadi waited Halm and an anti-tank column of the 104th Panzer Grenadier Regiment, armed with Russian 7.2m. guns. While British artillery pounded the positon all morning, the gun crews lay under cover, As the stoke lifted a shout was heard, “they're coming!" A hundred and filty yards away enemy armor crawled toward the gunners” positions, A new shout soon went up. “Direct hie!” The wrecks piled up and soon nine British tanks were burning from Hal's gun alone. Others were knocked out by Halm’sbattery-mate and the British tank stack broke down, Gunther Malm received fis Knights Cros fom Rommel and was promsted o corporal for his part in he action. " re mr m © 1998 Critical Hit!, Ine. 1st Alamein - Ruweisat Ridge CG & Firefight Special Rules CGSR denoted by a“@" symbol inthe left-most coluran (or within the body ofthe text in some eases) apply to “Ist Alamein - Ruweisat Ridge” Platoon Leader CG only. Otherwise, all special rules below (i.c., 1-17} apply tall fitefights and campaigns taking place on the RR map. 1. Terrain is desert (Chapter F). Crag is considered a Strategic Location. Deirs (F$, EX: 0017), Sand (F7, PX: $2), Sand Dunes (F7.5, they are all Low Dunes, EX: BB2/BB3) are in effect as written, except F7.31 Bog checks by vehicles are only made by vehicles entering Sand hexes (not adjacent hexes). 2. All seven level 3 hexes on Ruweisat Ridge (T12, T13, U12, UI3, V12, V13, and W13) are considered Point 63. The six such non-erag henes (ie. all but U12) each contain a Trench counter at the start of all fiefights and CGs._ Any trenches given in an OB are in addition to these. Small targetsized guns may be moved between connecting trenches on Ruweisat Ridge (.., only those seven listed) by passing fan M# check. The CA of the gun must include one of the hexsides moved through ({.e., similar to VCA changes) and additional CA change for a gun moved in this manner is conducted normally (i.e. during the PEPh, et.) 3. Desert VP (F3) isin effect forall Ruweisat Ridge fretights and CGs. 4. Unless EC specifically exclude it, Vehicle dust isin effect for all RR fitefights and CG firefights, (© 5. A nationality can never buy mote sangars/foxholes than it has MMC available for on map setup. 6. All unarmed vehicles are immediately Recalled once empty or once their MA is removed [EXC: Portes or if playing a CG (C13). 7. Offboard observers have a level one LOS. The Axis side offboard observers are on the westside of the board; the Allied on the east (EXC: $S10 to S814 are NA). 48 All vehicles are recalled at the end of each firefight, with three exceptions: At the start of each firefight, each side may designate any one half-track/carrier platoon to be kept onboard for use in the next firefight HH Atte start ofeach firefight, each side may designate any one AFV platoon to be kept onboard for use in the next firefight. This platoon may only be kept on board by the side that wins the seenario ~ the other side’s is recalled. BE Any AAVAT Gun may keep its towing vehicle on board (including Portees). The vehicle must always stay within one hex ofthe Gun that was towed/carried. 9. Bore sighting is NA. © 10. Reserves are NA. 11. A side may only purchase a maximum of two units per firefight for on board setup. They may only be infantry and/or mortar units (ve "units and mortar-type "G" units). 12, Inherent Crew Survival is NA. For VP purposes, a destroyed vehicle gives one DVP; two DVP if« burning wreck. Treat Cartier HS as crew for this rule. © 13, Guns may only set up Emplaced if: in Sand, Scrub, Deir, Open Ground and on map for the Initial Scenario of a RR CG. Once lost, Emplacement ean only be regained in Sand, Scrub or Deir @ 14. The Allied side can receive a bonus of +8 CVP for any two daylight scenarios (for a total bonus of +16) 15, Crag locations are considered eligible HIP terrain for an SMC possessing a radi. © 16. For the Initial Firefight, the following night rule exceptions apply BE Straying is NA. ‘The extra +1 MP for towing at night is NA for open ground ©17.A side may have a maximum of two OBA modules available per firefight. Substitution of afield phone for radio is NA. Any OBA ‘module can be voluntarily removed from a side's OB during the refit phase if it has never placed an FFE, Optional Campaign Game: German: Elements ofthe 21st Panzer Division [ELR:4] Enter West edge For those players who find the initial night scenario too daunting, this ‘option begins at davun and has only daylight scenarios. Once this firefight {is completed, continue with firefights 3 and 4 from the regular campaign ‘game, Note that CGSR #14 only provides a single +8 when this option is used. All other listed information (ie., CG Objectives, ete.) remain un- changed. CG Firefight 2 Setup ~ 0600 15/7/42 Firefight: Allied attack, Avis ile Italian: Elements of the Brescia and Pavia ivisions [SAN:S] [ELR:2) Setup owest of hexrow DD: Inf Platoon -I1 x2, 12x 1 HW platoon = 14x 1 AAT Gun Sect -G2_x | (may set up Emplaced) 12. CPP Foxholes x 6 lace u Known minefield of APQ/AT? from 2293 10 2226 on Tur 3 of Later: DAK Kampstatel Ix 1 Zk Pakptw IIH AL x | 12 CPP. r Sapper 13x 1 HRW Platoon 14x Alles: Elements ofthe Sth NZ. Division [SAN:3] [ELR:4] Set up onveast AT Gun Section G1 x | Recon Platoon AL x | ‘of hexrow EE: 32cP Ruweisat Ridg Ruweisat Ridge RUWEISAT RIDGE, EL ATAMEIN, 1 July “18 1942 fers sunsing voy Gaal, Rare pend vee, testing Alcan Cai anliately-the ber Canal Tos ete eal dys or te men the Aa orp an pte ‘Mpowetand mural homage sermed voor wasnt Esp and sud be acomplce hgh improviion and ia of wie oer Thame cere RommeTs pane seangand te de fk Ta elena Mena anh Bs EM ‘Srmns athe Almcin tess ofunes ne llc ha changed ipnc: But Ack aches mal i anda Ei Aken twas pony posaon nce nh Quatre Daren ht aed Esp rie lies. The ce ean ents ‘hich nm ie Alanine um tooth Tell Esa Dre Sinan Rowena Rigen athe Sominnely twoheigtorporns ara uencosate ods. The west most PA ws ote nel ly though Roma. il poo sea Ruvetat ideon uly Roms Aa Kr expenied easing tengh ig ei ‘trong gape gaint Bs Ansel, nanan New nd ser wr once Srl she hele 16S Toca Rantelof oesv an witha, ving bend 24k inlog cope tsk mires ic Bn me eter an nk unsold gun Roms staton ons 17 los Om that every Geran ‘Serhal ot town Orflces weno ssulinompatson( the htt ew pig cnt cushy we manages gon ing our al Asa ‘rcnmeme eer tt ass hal fed urine ery nly mne, We had vial orcas: The ows oth DAK owing ign om Jal Sa on ‘tinge tate of te chef on hr fed Beye ae cknowee ‘When Rommel ot Tell ia and Ramet fe falls knew we wee caneamcane [412131415 | Gel Ze] 8a] Sl ee us \ ‘The entire RR map isin play. ‘TERRAIN VICTORY POINTS (TYP): @ ‘There are no TVP in his eampaign CG Objectives: The Allied side must conto all level three hexes (PL63) atthe end ofthe final CG firefight. elendly Board Edges (BE): {Ist Alamein CG : 2200 14/7/42 (ital Fiefight) © 1700 15/7482 (4 CG Firefight) oe Axis PEs the westedge Ina Firefight Objectives: The Allied sie mus control a fiefight end © AesrHeimecatdee tight level two crag hexes west of hearow MIM or any two level 3 (PX 63) . Bremer ~ ‘ INITIAL ALLIED OB: [ELR: 31 (SAN: 3) exes Firefight 2 Objectives: The Allied side must control majority ofthe level_| Elements of the Sth NZ: Division enter on/berween $522 and W27 thee (Pt. 63) exes at firefight end, Gs: 3 x 11 Infantry Platoon Gs: | x AL Recon Platoon Firefight 3 Objectives: The Allied side must contol s major ofthe level | RGS: x AY AC Platoon thre (63) henes at firefight ed RGs: 1x GIATGun Section ——12.CP Gongnten Balance INITIAL ITALIAN Os (ELK: 2) (SAN) Axis: Add-+4 CP to the RePh total following each firefight the Germans lose. “Alles: Add +4 CP (othe RePh total following each firefight the British lose, | Elements of the Brescia and Pavia Divisions set up within 15 hexes of any level 3 hex (Point 63): Gs: 3.x IL Infantry Pltvon Gs: 1. G2 AT-Gun Section ner 10 FP "Place «known minefield consisting of APWAT2 per hex HI running from V26 0 CC23. INITIAL GERMAN OR: (ELK: 4) (SAN: ee Kalan OB) Elements of the 21st Panzer Division enter along the west edge on tur thee or later during the Initial Firefight: Te RGs: | x 14 DAK Kampfstaftel Wr AT cost. 7/11/4018 (for LAT through SAT respectively) ocr, leigh ny, DRM: Fee, 2 apd sguadcanain espe 2 Forsqu nl sg 3 AliAxncont ‘Battle Hardening CPP Replenishment “Axis uses a separate DR for the Germans and Malians eaeh CG Refit Phase. Date Weather EC ‘Moon Hist, DRM 0600 15/7/42 Clear 1700 15/7/42 Clear Very Dry None CONSOLIDATED ALLIED AND AXIS CG CARD NOTES: ‘4. Available for on-map setup during the CG firefight it was purchased for (Le, without 3.92 costs). b. The ltalian 1 Infantry Platoon receives a +1 DRM when determining Leaders (3.11). «, Each lalian/German HMG/MMGIATRYLL, Mut is accompanied by a 2-4-7 HS. Each British HMGIMMGATRILL Mt HS, Each 20L. ATR/MTR/Gun is accompanied by an Italian -2-7/German-Britsh 2-2-8 crew. 4, Roll for depletion using the Depletion Table «AILS RGs ate Sappers (H1.23) and Assualt Engineers (HI.22). Sapper RGs (13) receive a -1 DRM when determining Leaders (3.11). Add 2 x SaKfe 1 to RGs GI and 2 x SAKfe 7 10 RGs G2. |. Determine Leaders as per 3.11 (note Leader Limits, 3.111). 10, See CGSR 7 forthe placement of Oftoaed Observers, ». Up to two Pre-Registered hexes may be purchased per module. Overall Pre-Reg. purchases ae stil subject to CG Firefight purchase limits, 4. Add 2 x Autocarro L tucks to G2 and G4; add 3.x Autocarro M trucks 10 G3. +: The DAK Kampstafel cannot be purchased. It consists of 5x 4-6-8 + HMG + 2.x MMG + 9-2-+ 9-1 x 2+ SPW 251/1 x5. s, Determine SW alloted by a dron the applicable SW Table for that nationality. «. Uses PATROLS rules (available in PL 2.11 and later). The Italians add an additional +1 Patrol Detection and Return DRM (3.184) (i, cumulative ‘with any ether applicable Patrol Detection and Return DRM). \w. This APV qualifies as an Observation Post (OP) AFV as per H1.46-.465, Ignore the Chapter H notes (1.46) regarding BPV expenditures. 1 The M2 Sniper and M3 Attack Option may only be purchased once per CG Firefight and apply to the entire Axis side 2.11 Receive #of units listed on CG Card accompanied by a 2-48 BRITISH SW TABLE: Make a dr forthe listed RGS Alot 13LMG +revuksofde) —TBCAot LMG + DC + rests fd a3 IMG. det StmmLe Mie TS(Allot | xDC+ results of), ‘ieee DC TIALIAN SW TABLE: Make a dr for the listed RGs a a Notes & Tables eee dei LMG+ Standard ATR de #6 LMG Ruweitsat Ridge © tremens oF neath Army British CG Card cP Maximum 1D Unit Description and Composition Type Cost Scen CG Notes 11 NZInfantry Platoon 34-58 MC 5 4 Os ‘Sapper Platoon 3x4-5:8 MMC 74 3 as GG1_ AntTank gun Section 2x 002 Par 42 Enporee nat 77 (G3 Mortar Platoon 2x OML Sin Mtr 4 1 2 2 Crusader | Platoon 3x Crusader 6 1 2 a ‘RA Grant Platoon 3x Grant (a) od 3 a ‘AB. Valentin It Platoon 3x Valentine 72 3 a ‘KB. Crusader Il Platoon 3x Crusader i 8 1 1 a [A10 Cartier Platoon 5x “dr on Table AB 3 2 ood [12 Light Truck Platoon 3 15-cwt Truck 2 2 s o4 [ANS Heavy Truck Platoon 3x3 Ton Lory 42 3d 8 Regt. Arty 105mm OBA 34 4 Ep 06 OP AFV 1x Carrier A 1 1 2 ow M2 Sniper +110 SAN 1 2 8 M4 Patrol 1 1 aot mfatements of the 15th Panzer Division German CG Card cP = Maximum Init Description and Composition Type Cost Scen CG__Notes 5 ¢ | Infantry Platoon 4x 468 MMC 5 3 6 13 Sapper Platoon 3x 548 MMC 7 4 2 als G1 Anti-Tank gun Section 2x 7.62 PAK 36r 6 2 4 of At Pz Kpfw llF Platoon 3x Pz Kpfw IIF 4 2 2 @ ‘A3_ Pz KpfwIV Platoon "3xdron A3 table @ 2 3 di ‘AS Recon Platoon 3x*dr on A4 table 54 1 dl AT Truck Platoon 4x" dron AS Table 2 4 8 4d ‘AQ. SP AT Platoon 2.x Marder Ill (t) H 54 1 02 Regimental Arty. 105mm OBA 54 2 aop M3 Sniper H1toSAN 1 1 2 2 Ruweisat Ridge bh Elements of the Brescia Division italian cP ID Unit Description and Composition Type Cost Infantry Platoon 4x346 - 12 Bersaglieri Platoon 3x 34-7 4 2 6 cls 13 Sapper Platoon : axaa7 eet cels 4 Heavy Weapons Platoon: HMG - MMG - 20LATR: 5 1 2 c G1 MortarPlatoon atMonaoatd =k G2_ Anti Tank Gun Sect. 2x Canone 47132 . 5 1 2 q wks axcnone7se? 6 G4 AA Section 2x Can, 20/65 5 1 3 q At TankPlatoon be ae ~ sxmiao. eae el A2 = Tank Platoon 3x M14/41 8 2 4 di AS AssautGun / kts 8 8 ‘Ad Captured AFV Platoon - 3x ‘dron Table A6 8 1 2 di AS Recon Platoon a oe ee 01 Battalion Mortar 81mm mortar OBA 3 2 4 aop 02 Regt. Arty : J 4 op 03 Offboard Observer 2 1 2 ao 04 Prefeg eee M1 Fortifications 1 3 W M2 Sniper : Pot Ghee: M3 Attack Option 1 1 1 z M4 Patrol Ruweisat Ridge © 1998 Cxieat Hi, fe. eee S Masisisisigivig INVISINI Tiss sisisisisiets iS sisisieisivis aia 66 S & 6 lm

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