Sci 4TH Quarter Reviewer

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Rate of Reaction
Collision Theory of Chemical Reaction
Reactant (molecules that collides) → Product
• The greater the frequency of collisions, the higher
the rate of reaction
• This means that reaction rate is directly proportional
to the number of molecular collisions per second.
Effective CollIsion
collisions resulting in a reaction to form a product.
Ineffective Collision
collide and react with each other but not forming a product.
Activation Energy
• a minimum amount of energy needed to initiate a
chemical reaction.
• in order for the molecules to move
Other Factors Molecule to Mass/ Mass to Mole Conversion
Reactant Concentration value will be coming from the coefficient and periodic table.
• In higher concentration, molecule collide more
check whether the equation is balanced (if the coefficient is
• the more molecules the more possible of collision present, it is balanced)
Increase in Temperature identify what is asked.
Molecules move faster when temperature becomes higher. look for the given.
write the given then multiply to # of moles of what is asked.
Surface Area of the Solid Reactants
divide to the # of molecules of the given (based on the
In a soild reactant increasing the surface area leads to more
effective collisions
Once that you got the moles of what is asked, multiply to its
Properly oriented molecules mass then divide to its mole.
• Properly oriented molecules lead to more effective the denominator is constant as 1 if mole to mass conversion.
• Catalyst
• is a substance which speeds up reaction, but remains
chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction

Balancing Equation
• In balancing an equation, you are not allowed to
change/replace/omit the number of atoms
• you are only allowed to add/change the number of
molecules (coeffienct)
• pag compound lang mag didistribute (multiply)

Molecule to Molecule Conversion

value will be coming from the balanced equation.
check whether the equation is balanced (if the coefficient is
present, it is balanced)
identify what is asked.
look for the given.
write the given then multiply to # of moles of what is asked
divide to the # of molecules of the given (based on the
Finding the Limiting Reactant Diversion
If the given is mole • natural flow of water
• the water will flow to the turbines (rivers, waterfalls)
impoundment (dam)
water from reservoir will be released once the gates with
filter (to protect the marine life) are open, the turbines will
work/rotate with the pressure of the water, turbines will
produce mechanical energy and the energy will convert to
electrical energy with the help of generator. transformers will
store electrical energy and distribute to our houses through
power lines.
Non-Renewable-cannot be replenished or regenerated on a
human time scale.
• Fossil Fuel
If the given is mass • Coal
• Oil
• Natural gas
• Nuclear
Fossil-remains/remnants of living organisms
Fuels-any matter that contains energy (s.l.g)
Fossil Fuel- any matter that contains energy that came from
the remains of living organisms.
Fossil Fuel
Are presently the world’s primary energy source.
It includes coal, oil and natural gas, which are formed in the
geologic past from the remains of living organisms.
Formation of Fossil Fuel
Energy Resources Coal
Renewable-can be replenished or regenerated on human • it is formed from the remains of plants that once
time scale. grew in swamps and adjacent forest millions of years
• Solar ago
• Wind • is a black combustible rockmade up of elemental
• Hydroelectric carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and varying
• Geothermal amounts ofsulfur
• Biomass
Geothermal • it is formed from small organisms like zoo plankton
• natural heat underground and algae where pressure caused the more complex
• heat form the earth's crust warms water. organic matter to decompose
• when water becomes hot it can break through the • Also known to be PETROLEUM which comes from
layers of earth the latin word “petra” which means rock, and
• The thermal energy generated and stored on Earth. “oleum” which means“oil”.
• The rate of change in temperature with depth is • It is naturally occuring liquid composed of complex
called Geothermal Gradient. hydrocarbons, and is found in geological formations
Dry Steam Geothermal - steam from hot water flows directly beneathe the Earth’s surface
to a turbine to drive a generator that produces electricity.
Natural Gas
Flash Steam Powerplant - hot water into condenser and it
• it is formed from large quantities of microscopic
will cool quickly and turns to water vapor.
aquatic organisms such as algae and planktons
Binary Cycle Geothermal - combining two hot water, first
• Is a hydrogen mostly made upof methane(CH4)
water from underground water and the second water is salt
solution(brine) to produce more steam. • This gas is lighter than air andis highlyflammable

Hydroelectric Energy(impoundment) WHAT MAKES PETROLEUM (OIL) AND NATURAL

• It is the generating electricity by conversion of GASDIFFERENT?
energy of running water temperature and depth
• It is the energy essentially due to gravity pressure and heat
Johhanes Kepler - proposed law of planetary motion
how fossil fuel works 1st law - states that the orbits of planetary bodies are ellipsis
• pulverised the coal with the sun at one of the two foci of the ellipse. Aphelion
• coal dust burned to fuel farthest point on planet from the sun. Perihelion nearest
• steam will make the turbines roll point on sun
• turbines produce mechanical energy 2nd law - states that if you were to draw a line from the sun
• generator covert mechanical energy to electrical to the orbiting body, the body would sweep out equal areas
energy along the ellipse in equal amounts of time.
• transformers store electrical energy.
harmonic law - states that the farther a planet is from the
Motions in the Sky sun, the slower its speed and the longer its period of
during the pre-historic time, people don’t have technology to revolution
see what's happening in the outer space.
Movements of our planet ARISTOTLE' MOTION
Rotation/Diurnal Motion - earth's rotating on its own axis, it 1. CELESTIAL MOTION - MOTION OUTSIDE THE EARTH
moves counterclockwise. The reason why we have day and 2. TERRESTRIAL MOTION - MOTION INSIDE OF THE EARTH
night, daily motion. • NATURAL MOTION - objects move depending on
their origin. Origin depends on the 4 elements.
Revolution/Annual Motion - movement of earth around the • FORCED/VIOLENT MOTION - objects move due to
sun. the exerted force.
Procession of Equinoxes - change in the direction of Earth's • FREE FALL - heavier objects move faster than lighter
rotational axis. it has imaginary line signifies not and south once.
pole. 26,000 years GALILEO'S MOTION
Shape of our planet 1. INERTIA - objects move due to presence or absence of
"The Earth is Flat" conclusion of Thales of Miletus friction
"The earth is Round" - Aristotle (Anaximander) 2. LAW OF PENDULUM - motion of hanging objects, it was
stated that weight and displacement will not affect the
Evidences that the earth is round speed, but length might be.
• lunar eclipse - the earth casts its shadow and the 3. FREE FALL - All objects fall at the same time.
shadow is in round shape.
• as the ship goes away it becomes smaller NEWTON'S LAWS OF MOTION
1. LAW OF INERTIA - an object at rest will remain at rest on
Models of the Solar System/Universe an object at motion will continue to move unless an outside
Geocentric - Geo means earth in the center. force acted on it
Aristotelian Model 2. LAW OF ACCELRATION - states that force is directly
• planets or celestial bodies move around the earth proportional to the mass but inversely proportional to the
because of the prime mover. acceleration
• quintessences or empty space the fifth element, it is formula
where the celestial bodies move. • net force=mxa
Ptolemy's model • acceleration=f/m
• equant is the big circle around the earth • mass=f/a
• deferent is the small circle that is the sun that moves 3. LAW OF INTERACTION - every action there is an equal but
around the earth opposite reaction

Heliocentric - Helio means fire in center.

• Tycho Brahe- sun is the center, it revolves around
the planets, but sun adjusts to move around the
earth. first man to have observatory.
• H. Lippershey- accidentally invented a refracting
Galileo discovers:
• sunspots
• 4/20 moons of jupiter
• stars in the milky way

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