Do It RIGHT The First Time - Waste Mapping

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Value Improvement through Business Excellence (VIBE)

XYZ Alloys Limited

Do it RIGHT the First Time – Waste Mapping

Month - ……… 2018
Dept. Name:__________________ Leader:_______________

Sl No General Category of Wastes Specific Waste UoM

1. Waste of Over production

2. Waste of Unnecessary Inventory

3. Waste of Defects

4. Waste of Unnecessary Motions

5. Waste of Inappropriate
6. Waste of Waiting

7. Waste of Transporting

8. Waste of Untapped Human

9. Waste of Inappropriate Systems

10. Waste of Energy & Water

11. Waste of Material

12. Service & Office Waste

13. Waste of Customer time

14. Waste of Defecting Customers

15. Any Other Waste

(Use separate sheet as per need)

BE Team
Guidelines for Waste Mapping:

1. Map every step of the process “door-to-door” level (Use the Process Flow
2. Identify every activity of the process at input, process and output stages (Value
added and Non-value added)
3. Detect waste generated in each activity of the process (of all items) at input,
transformation, and output stages
4. Quantify the effect of each non-value added activity or waste in measurable units
(per MT of output, %, etc.)
5. Classify the waste in three categories:
 Those which create No value but are Unavoidable due to their natural
characteristics or beyond control of management
 Those which create no value but Currently inevitable due to situational/
technological limitations (Type-1: Waste/Muda)
 Those actions do not create any value and Can be Eliminated by improving
the operating practices or processes (Type-2: Waste/Muda)

Typical types of Waste in a Production System

Defective materials, Wasted materials, Excess consumption, Unwanted inventory,

Downtime of machines, Unutilized capacity, Productivity Loss, Waiting time, Yield loss,
Re-work, Defective products/scrap, Downgraded products, Unrecovered bye-
products, Returned Material, Warranty Claims, Complaints (Internal & External),
Cancelled orders, Excess transportation cost, Delayed delivery etc.

BE Team

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