015 - Heating Skid Connectivity

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Gas Grid Pipeline
Rev. No. : 01
Eff. Date : 01.07.2013
Job Hazard Analysis Page No. : 1 of 1

(Fill-up this card before commencement of critical works)

Base & Pipeline Section: Mora & CMPL JHA No : 015

Work Permit No : 3437

Date & Time: 22/10/2013 (10:00-18:00) Location : Mora

Job : Heating Skid Connectivity.


Name of Concerned Agency M/s Dream Engineers and Contractors
Name of Supervisor Mr. Ravi Patel

Sr. Job Steps Potential Hazard / Risk Control Measure Taken

1 Hydra vehicle entry  Injury due to accident  Cordoning of operational area
and movement  Asset damage due to  Valid and Relevant documents of vehicles
unsafe vehicle operation  Valid driving license & medical fitness of
2 Lifting of heavy  Breakage of lifting  Only certified lifting and loading
material through accessories like rope and equipment used including proper condition
hydra slings. of supporting belts and chains and latches
 fall of material  Provision of qualified / licensed operator
and experienced rigger and working crew
 Work to be supervised by experienced &
responsible personnel.
 Use of certified slings and shackle and
ensure inspection before use.
 Obvious hazards at work place and
surrounding must be observed.
 Guide ropes to be used during lifting
3 Use of lifting  Damage of lifting  Check sling/chain pulley certification for
equipment equipment due to overload their SWL and testing date and to be
or work in over SWL. certified by Chartered Engineer.
 Sling/chain damage.  SWL must mention on each lifting devices.
 Better communication between crane
operator and Foreman.
4 Valve Operation  Physical stress during  Work to be supervised by experienced &
valve operation. responsible personnel.
 Slips, Trips & Falls  Skilled workers to be allowed to do so.
 Use of PPEs like hand gloves, safety shoes,
goggles and hardhat.
5 Venting of Natural  Hearing discomfort to due  Follow SOP of controlled venting
Gas high noise  Use of ear muff / ear plug & others
 Fire appropriate PPEs.
 Mobile phone usage, naked flames and
other source of spark restricted in gas
venting area
Sr. Job Steps Potential Hazard / Risk Control Measure Taken
 Fire extinguishers kept to extinguish fire
6 Cutting / Welding  Flying of foreign particles  Minimum persons to be kept near work
activity  Welding flash place.
 Burn injury due to gas  Use of welding helmet, hand sleeve, hand
cutting/welding gloves, safety shoes by welder.
 Back fire during gas  Use of PPEs like hand gloves, helmet,
cutting safety shoes, goggles by helper.
 Electric shock  Proper grounding provided to welding
 Occupational hazard due machine
to noise generation by  Inspection of hose connection, flash back
welding generator arrestor of gas cutting set.
 Ensure electric cables, extension boards,
machines are free from electric shock
 Flammable material / chemicals removed
from the work area.
 Use welding hut / booth.
 Keep welding generator away from work
 Barricade the high noise area to avoid
 Use of noise barrier
 Use ear protection such as ear plug / ear
7 Grinding of joints  Entry of flying particles in  Competent operator for grinding machine
eyes.  Ensure guard on grinding machine.
 Cut injury (in case of  Use of proper grinding wheel (Size and
overhead grinding) quality of wheel should be adequate)
 Severe injury due to  Double insulated cable with socket pin
damage and flying of having proper earthing with ELCB and
grinding disc MCB
 Use of PPEs like safety shoes, face shield,
grinding goggles, hand gloves etc.
 Flammable material / chemicals removed
from the work area.
 Use of water and sand bucket
 Special care shall be taken during overhead
 Work area to be cordoned.
 Minimum required persons to be kept near
and eye protection goggles to be used by
 Provision of barriers for protection of
flying material during grinding work.
8 N2 purging  Bursting of pipe/hose  Check cylinder hydrostatic test certificate
 Exposure to liquid as per the CCoE frequency
nitrogen due to leakage in  Check that no corrosion on cylinder
cylinder  Awareness to all working crew for the
hazards of nitrogen
 Ensure content of O2 % in the N2
cylinders before purging.
Approved By: Issued By

Date: Date:
Sr. Job Steps Potential Hazard / Risk Control Measure Taken
 Work area to be cordoned with cordoning
 Connection of N2 cylinders to be checked
prior to start the cylinder.
 Use of PPEs like hard hat, safety shoes,
hand gloves, earplug etc.
9 Radiography / X-ray  Ionizing Radiation  Ensure Safety Regulations as per
 Radiations may react with BARC/AERB before commencement of
the skin and can cause job.
cancer, skin irritation,  Radiography tram shall have a personal
dermatitis, etc. TLD for determining the personal dose.
 Use of calibrated Radiation Survey Meter
for marking, cordoning of radiation
exposure zone.
 Radiation survey to be conducted during
the activation of the source.
 Affected area to be cordoned off and
Radiation warning symbols/signboards to
be displayed.
 Avoid radiography in daytime.
 Wear appropriate PPE and film badges
issued by BARC.
 Radiation effect to be measured with
dosimeter before start the radiography and
also during radiography.
 Working crew at site must be informed
regarding such activity.
 Stay away from the radiation source.
 Use the exact source of radiation and avoid
more powerful source.
10 Working on charged  Fire / explosion due to hot  Ensure leakage checking all joints with
line / Hot Work work near charged / leaked leak surveyor / detector / soap solution
pipeline gas  Attend all the leakage before start of Hot
 Fire / explosion while Work by O&M team
cutting of charged pipeline  Keep monitoring of hazardous atmosphere
under control around leakage area
 Ensure fire watch with certified and tested
firefighting equipment
 Ensure welding. Cutting etc. operation
performed in Covered Welding Booth.
 Unauthorized entry restricted
 Cordon off work area and display Caution
 Use appropriate PPE’s during work
11 Bolt loosening and  Physical injury due to fall /  Competent personnel to be deployed
tightening fly of spanner, nut, bolt,  Appropriate tools and tackles to be used
etc.  Adequate supervision to be ensured
 Sprain during hammering  Use appropriate PPE’s during work
of nut, bolts using
hammer, etc

Approved By: Issued By

Date: Date:
Review/Remarks by Project Manager/Base In-charge/representative of GSPL-

Please Ensure-
 Using correct tool for the job.
 Remaining vigilant.
 Using correct PPE for the job.
 Making aware of the job.

Name Rajesh Wakodikar J. Chinna
Designation Asst. Manager Sr. Manager
Date 21/10/2013 21/10/2013
Prepared By Reviewed By

#JHA Should be attached with Work Permit

## JHA will be done by Safety Officer / Job performer of Concerned Agency.

Approved By: Issued By

Date: Date:

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