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30/09/2021, 12:06 Section | Kognity

 IBDP Biology HL   ( 

 Transport in the xylem of plants

Adaptations for water conservation

Adaptations for water conservation

Plants grow in nearly every environment on the planet. Each climate presents particular challenges, for example extreme temperature
each case plants have evolved adaptations to meet the specific challenges of their habitat.

Xerophytes are plants that have adapted to live in conditions where liquid water is difficult to obtain, such as deserts, areas with seas
when the soil water is frozen. Their adaptations help to conserve the little water plants acquire. Some xerophytes have special tissues
reduce water loss through transpiration. Table 1 describes some adaptations of xerophytes and how they function to allow growth in

Table 1. Xerophytic adaptations.

Adaptation Advantage in dry conditions

Thick waxy cuticle on leaf and/or stem Reduces non-stomatal transpiration rate because the cuticle is hydrophobic a

Fewer stomata Reduces transpiration rate by having fewer openings in the leaf.

Stomata in sunken pits Reduces transpiration rate by allowing moisture (humidity) to build up near s

Fine hairs along underside of leaf Reduces transpiration rate by retaining a layer of moisture near the stomata.

CAM physiology (crassulacean acid metabolism) Reduces transpiration rate enormously because stomata close during the day
carbon dioxide, when darkness and cooler temperatures reduce evaporation.
dioxide allows photosynthesis to occur without water loss.

Reduced air spaces in leaf mesophyll Reduces transpiration rate due to reduced surface area for evaporation.

Few/small leaves, or photosynthesis moved into stem Reduces transpiration rate because there is reduced surface area for light to

Curled or rolled leaves Reduces transpiration rate because there is reduced surface area for water lo
areas by the stomata.

Water storage tissue Increased water storage when water is available. Succulent plants have tissue
amounts of water; other plants store water in tubers.

Deep, highly branched roots Increased ability to take up water because deep roots may reach a lower wate
roots provide increased surface area for water absorption.

The saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea) in Figure 1 has a thick waxy cuticle on the stem. It has one tap root plus a highly branched
during infrequent rains, which it then stores in the stem for later use. It has a very reduced surface area with photosynthesis moved in
that protect the stem from herbivores and intense sunlight. The saguaro also uses CAM photosynthesis, so its stomata are closed durin

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30/09/2021, 12:06 Section | Kognity

 IBDP Biology HL   ( 

Figure 1. A saguaro cactus is a xerophyte.

Credit: pchoui Getty Images

Marram grass (Ammophila arenaria) is a xerophyte adapted to grow on sand dunes. The micrograph in Figure 2 shows a cross sectio
cuticle, rolled shape, few stomata, and hair-like structures to reduce transpiration.

Figure 2. Cross section of a leaf of xerophytic marram grass.

Source: "Ammophila arenaria leaf cross section (http://v)" by Berkshire Community College is in public domain.

Halophytes are plants that have adapted to grow in areas with high salinity, such as along an ocean shoreline or in certain swamps an
higher concentration of ions in the roots than in the surrounding area to draw water in by osmosis. Areas of high salinity make this di
the plant is very high. Some halophytes have adaptations to excrete excess salt, some establish high concentrations of other solutes, a
conserve fresh water in the plant. Some adaptations of halophytes are described in Table 2.

 Definition
Halophytes are plants that have adaptations to survive in environments of high salinity.

Xerophytes are plants that have adaptations to survive in dry conditions.

Table 2. Halophytic adaptations.

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30/09/2021, 12:06 Section | Kognity

 IBDP Biology HL Advantage in saline environments   ( 

Salt storage in vacuoles Compartmentalises salt in vacuoles, thus protecting cellular organelles and enzymes from damag

High concentration of organic solutes Increases osmolarity by having a high concentration of sugars and other solutes, thus water can st

Salt storage glands in leaf Accumulates salt in a limited area by filling the salt glands until they release salt crystals onto the
dissolved in rain.

Leaf abscission for some leaves Removes salt by breaking off leaves with toxic levels of salt and letting them fall from the plant.

Selectively permeable membrane in root Excludes salt by having no ion channels to allow passage of Na+ and Cl-, and/or has active transpo

Xerophytic adaptations Conserves water by having few stomata, water storage tissue, thick cuticle and other adaptations

Mangrove trees are halophytes that have a variety of strategies for dealing with high salt concentrations. Grey mangrove leaves (Figu
crystals. Red mangroves have root cell membranes that mostly exclude salt ions, and they also store salt in vacuoles that keep the cel
mechanisms from salt damage.

Figure 3a. Mangrove trees.

Credit: bAllllAd Getty Images

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30/09/2021, 12:06 Section | Kognity

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Figure 3b. Mangrove leaf with excreted salt crystals.

​ "Saltcrystals on avicennia marina var resinifera leaves (

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