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Objective 4

Literature review

According to the author (Russell, et al., 2015), machine learning allows the customer which
takes the data in a large amount and then processes this data and the new skills get learned
by using this input data. By using learn by doing method artificial intelligence can be
achieved. By using machine learning in this computers do the act and learn without even
being programmed explicitly, and it does affect the whole project team and the project
manager. The project's future can be predicted using Artificial Intelligence, and then using
the predictions visibility of the project can be improved for the project managers and
project teams. By using artificial intelligence project managers and project teams also gets
warnings regarding the budget and time of the project and if is going out of the scope of the
project, and intelligence advice can be achieved regarding the potential risks, scheduling,
and budgeting.
According to the author (Weber & Schütte, 2019) by using the AI project manager can get
more understanding, and then possible outcomes can be achieved. By using the AI decision-
making process quality can be increased and it can be used in decision making of the
company's decisions which are being taken related to any project in the company between
the project team and team manager. The productivity of the company can also be increased
by using AI. And the technique which is used in AI is the process of Automating several
repetitive. Using the artificial intelligence management of the project gets more advanced. But it
also cannot be considered Artificial Intelligence as the 100% human. AI can help the project
managers to the great extent but this cannot replace the project managers. Project success rates of
the project can be achieved using artificial intelligence. Right decisions can be made by using project
management tools that are AI-based. This provides the best resources for any project. Algorithms of
machine learning can be used for providing the budget requirements, resources, and duration
estimation for the activities of the project which will be based on the previous project’s historical
information. Project status update and real-time data can be achieved by using AI which is achieved
through data visualization. The status of the project can be discussed so that it can help the project
manager and the project team, and also provides project related to the decision making which is
regarding the strategy, cost, and duration. Tasks cannot be prioritizing whenever working in the
project team. Critical activities and their priorities can be understood better using the AI by the
project team and project manager, and the team and the manager can be the focus on some
specified task. Using the AI software visibility of the projects can be achieved and also its associated
risk which is regarding the project this enables the risk which is associated with the project at the
early stage so that situation can be handled before compromising the project quality. A team of the
project managers and project team can get the help of risk evaluation of the project and so that it
can be implemented to achieve the quality of the project.
Russell, S., Dewey, D., & Tegmark, M. (2015). Research priorities for robust and beneficial artificial
intelligence: an open letter. AI Magazine, 36(4).

Weber, F., & Schütte, R. (2019). A domain-oriented analysis of the impact of machine learning—the
case of retailing. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 3(1), 11.

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