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International Journal of Management (IJM)

Volume 12, Issue 5, May 2021, pp. 86-100, Article ID: IJM_12_05_008
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510
DOI: 10.34218/IJM.12.5.2021.008

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Rammohan Sundaram, Dr. Rajeev Sharma, Dr. Anurag Shakya
Mangalayatan University, Aligarh

New Virus called coronavirus was seen in December 2019 from Wuhan, China, and
named COVID - 19. It has spread to major parts of the world and infected millions of
people in a short span of time, as the virus transmits from one person to another and
creates an atmosphere of community transfer. Earlier, the virus was recognized with
the symptom of fever, however, the symptoms are changing and the recognition of
infected becomes difficult. As a prevention strategy, body temperature is measured in
public places with the help of an infrared thermometer, and appropriate distance is
tried to be maintained between the people to stop the community spread. Although, these
initiatives are not enough as the cases are rising at an increasing rate. Therefore, the
need to look for an alternative solution has arisen, and the present study aimed at
investigating the change which can be brought in the current situation via technological
intervention, that is, Internet-of-Things. It allows monitoring the patients through an
interconnected system and fosters healthcare services. Quantitative questionnaires
have been employed to examine the potential IoT has in the field of healthcare and the
challenges associated with it in the healthcare sector. Hypothesis were constructed and
were statistically tested with the help of a One-sample T-test via SPSS. The results
indicated that IoT has the potential to change the current picture of the world fighting
against COVID-19. Stakeholders should invest in technological infrastructure and
decrease the pressure on the healthcare sector.
Key words: COVID - 19, Internet-of-things, and healthcare
Cite this Article: Rammohan Sundaram, Rajeev Sharma, Anurag Shakya, Applications
of the Internet of Things in Healthcare, International Journal of Management (IJM),
12(5), 2021, pp. 86-100.

The outbreak of COVID – 19 which has originated from Wuhan, China is spreading like fire
and appears to be unstoppable (Rahman et al., 2020). The rate of infected cases is increasing at
an increasing rate, and the vaccination and drugs have not been developed yet to contain the
spread. A major part of the globe is under lockdown and world economies are in chaos. So,
there is an immense need for technological intervention to combat the outbreak, or the world 86
Applications of the Internet of Things in Healthcare

has to encounter an unmanageable crisis. Few governments were not able to judge their current
resources and magnitude of the issue, therefore they were unable to prepare themselves in
advance for the sudden upsurge of disease. They lost the time and opportunity to optimize and
make an addition to the current resource base (Vaishya et al., 2020).
With the spread of COVID – 19, the demand for the healthcare facilities has increased and
created a pressure on the current healthcare facilities leading to the breakdown of current
models employed. The most developed nations like the US, have failed to provide the optimum
protection measures. With the in-effectiveness of the healthcare sector, the models are rethinked
(Javaid et al., 2020). There is a need to introduce new and developing technological intervention
in the field of healthcare to tackle the problems arisen with the pandemic.
Researchers and scholars are projecting the capabilities inherited in a range of technological
interventions like, detecting the virus with the help of smart helmets which will be supported
by IoT (Mohammed et al., 2020). Integration of digital technologies and its impact on
healthcare was highlighted by Ting et al., (2020). Industry 4.0 (Javaid et al., 2020) and Artificial
technologies (Vaishya et al., 2020) were also seen as the emerging technologies which can
establish a coordinator at international level, and can provide a strategy to combat the situation.
Moreover, the studies were conducted to highlight the intelligent system, and its capabilities in
pharmaceuticals, medical education and research (Zaidi and Prasad, 2020).
Internet-of-Things is gaining attention at the global level because it requires minimum
human involvement and helps in transmission of data by defining the scheme of
interconnectedness amongst the mechanical, digital and tacit devices. IoT has evolved as a well-
established technology which provides the function of data analytics, machine learning’s
philosophy inclusion, sensory products to name a few. The potential of the IoT is exploited for
daily use also, like security systems, connection amongst the telephones, home appliances,
lighting systems and smartphones (Singh et al., 2020). In the healthcare sector, it can be
employed for forecasting, preventing and evaluating the pattern of disease. Since it is an
emerging field and the majority of the countries lacks the availability of intelligent technologies
and surveillance tools, it results in the non-usage of the technology at a wide rate. Due to which
the efficiency becomes a question at international level.
In the present scenario, all the nations are looking for an alternative which will help in
controlling the situation and practical solution which provides cost-effectiveness function as
well. Numerous researchers are developing theories and technologies which can help in
defining the problem and parallel solution to the problem. The technology which can be
consumer-centric and can maintain data accuracy. The IoT will be effective in establishing
communication in the healthcare system, timely analysis of current situations and taking action
accordingly. In reference to the current need, the technology should be flexible and should have
characteristics of processing data on real-time basis, or it will be a non-futile practice (Javid et
al., 2020). The present study aimed at providing awareness about the potential inhabited in the
IoT and its implementation in Indian healthcare sector. Also, the study aims at identifying the
reasons responsible for non-integration of IoT in Indian healthcare sector. The study is crucial
as it highlights the prompt technological measures which can be taken to stop the continuing
outbreak and control the local spread.


With the outbreak of COVID-19, numerous initiatives are taken across the globe to develop a
vaccine. WHO is undertaking extraordinary efforts to develop the vaccine and drug to treat
illness caused by COVID – 19 or to avoid the spread of the same. With the constant increase in
the cases and death rate, countries are deploying lockdowns and trying to detect the infected
from the crowd with the help of infrared temperature. However, all these initiatives are 87
Rammohan Sundaram, Rajeev Sharma, Anurag Shakya

ineffective as it consumes time and cannot cover the majority of the crowd. However, it can
increase the spread via the medium of a health officer who is checking the temperature at
different locations (Mohammed et al., 2020). As an alternative, the internet of things is seen as
a wealth of technology which is gaining tremendous attention at the global level. It can be used
to predict, monitor and prevent the spread of viruses (Wan et al., 2018 and Christaki, 2015).
IoT is a system which is constructed by establishing interconnectedness amongst the
devices and network elements. It allows making a responsive system which is supported by the
data collected. It constructs an architectural system through which information can be
exchanged between the service provided and the infected person. In the current scenario, the
infection is increasing because of weak reachability to infected (Singh et al., 2020). The Health
Monitoring system which is supported by IoT extends the feature of monitoring the heath on a
real-time basis. The benefit of an IoT enabled monitoring system is that it can be accessed
easily, along with a simple user interface in terms of mobile applications. Hu, Xie and Shen
(2013) indicated that IoT is efficient in monitoring patients and their health, tracking their
activities and moment, hand washing ,monitoring through sensor devices and monitoring in the
remote areas as well. These are possible because IOT is an advanced tool which includes
features of smart sensors, big data, medical equipment, telemedicine, cloud computing to name
a few. Quality diagnosis, treatment and evaluation in remote locations are some features which
are best delivered by IoT in healthcare (Ruktanonchai, 2018).
Also, to find the treatment and devices to control the spread of the virus, world data is shared
and the work is conducted on a collective level. This has been possible because of the inclusion
of technological techniques and tools. Similar tools can be utilized at city level to develop
collaborative strategies which would help in maximizing safety of citizens and containing the
virus. The virus would be contained by early detection through IoT sensors. Early detection is
seen as a possible solution to reduce the impact on future outbreak. The efficiency of the system
can be increased by collaborating with other technologies like AI as it will allow mass coverage
(Allam & Jones, 2020). Data procurement from different technological tools result in accuracy,
efficiency, real-time and comprehensiveness in the data, which further offer better decision
making specially during the time of outbreak at global level (Boulos et al., 2019).
Singh, Javaid, Haleem and Suman (2020) listed the areas where the IoT can be applied in
the healthcare sector. It includes, establishing connection among the hospitals, updating the
staff during emergency situations, transparency in the treatment, automation in the treatment
process, better consultation service, tracking the infected movement, real-time information,
innovation in the solution, connection among the devices, and forecasting the trend and pattern.
Due to these inherited and unrealized benefits in the field of healthcare, it is important to exploit
these capabilities of IoT in different forms.
Rahman et al., (2020) contemplated that IoT has tremendous capability to control the
current situation of global pandemic because of its smart surveillance system. With right
infrastructure development at several levels the spread can be limited and the efficiency is
dependent upon the data collection, and analysis. Additionally, IoT combined with different
technologies, might speed up the whole process. Moreover, the efforts have to be made by the
users by utilizing the data in appropriate manner. Smart tracking allows affordability, access,
connectivity, timely treatment and creating alerts whenever necessary.


The aim of the present study is to investigate the leverage in the potential of the healthcare
industry with the application of the Internet of Things, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The
aim will be met by assessing the following research objectives.
• To examine the role played by internet-of-things during COVID-19 in healthcare. 88
Applications of the Internet of Things in Healthcare

• To study the challenges in the development of internet-of-things in the healthcare sector.

• To assess the potential benefits of optimum utilization of internet-of-things in healthcare.

H01: There is no significant difference in the role played by the internet of things during COVID
– 19 in healthcare.
Ha1: There is a significant difference in the role played by the internet of things during COVID
– 19 in healthcare.
H02: There is a significant difference in challenges in the development of the internet of things
in the healthcare sector.
Ha2: There is a significant difference in challenges in the development of the internet of things
in the healthcare sector.
H03: There is a significant difference in potential benefits of optimum utilization of the internet
of things in healthcare.
Ha3: There is a significant difference in potential benefits of optimum utilization of the internet
of things in healthcare.

The current study adopted the descriptive research design as the study aimed at describing the
potential instilled in the IoT when applied to the healthcare sector. The study adopted a
deductive reasoning approach as the results were generated after testing the hypothesis. The
primary data was collected by the medium of quantitative questionnaires which were distributed
among the healthcare professionals and the staff as well. The study was able to gather data from
the 600 respondents. In order to test the research hypothesis, Sample t-test was conducted with
the help of SPSS and on the basis of the p-value, the acceptance and rejection of the hypothesis
was done.


To determine whether IoT has the capabilities to leverage the efficiency of the healthcare sector,
primary data was collected by the medium of quantitative questionnaire. The google
questionnaires were distributed through emails and responses were generated from the 600
healthcare professionals. Majority (45.2%) of the respondents had the work experience of 4-6
years, 21.7% had experience of 6-8 years and 20% had experience of 2-4 years. The inclusion
of opinions from experienced professionals increases the validity of the study. The descriptive
statistical test indicated that the hospitals are making initiatives to incorporate IoT in their
hospitals, to maintain communication with insurance companies, patients, staff and physicians.
Majority of the IoT was included to exchange information with the health insurance companies
and physicians, and the patient aspect was overlooked because the need has not arisen yet.
Furthermore, the data was updated on a regular basis to maintain the efficiency of the IoT within
an organization.
To assess whether IoT in the healthcare sector has the potential to make a change in the
current situation of COVID - 19 or not, the present study had utilized sample t-test and
performed the same with the help of SPSS. The results (see table 1) projected that the “T” value
corresponding to the role played by the internet of things during COVID – 19 in healthcare and
a fixed mean value of 3 was 114.546 and its corresponding p value was 0.000<0.05. Since the
p value is less than 0.05, the alternate hypothesis 1 is accepted and null hypothesis is rejected.
It implies that the healthcare professional agrees to the fact that change can be brought in the
current scenario, with IoT. 89
Rammohan Sundaram, Rajeev Sharma, Anurag Shakya

Table 1 One-Sample Test (H1)

Test Value = 4
t df Sig. (2- Mean 95% Confidence Interval of
tailed) Difference the Difference
Lower Upper
Role played by internet-
of-things during 114.546 599 .000 1.50917 1.4833 1.5350
COVID-19 in healthcare
The descriptive analysis highlighted the major challenges which are associated with the IoT,
and it was observed that IoT possess the threat of data security, non-uniformity due to multiple-
device connectivity, healthcare staff is unable to make a decision because of the loaded
information, non-affordability for common man, complexity in infrastructure development,
time to maintain and update data and unsupportive government regulations. To examine the
significance of these challenges, a one-sample test was conducted (see table 2). It was observed
that the “T” value of the challenges in the development of the internet of things in the healthcare
sector and a fixed mean value of 3 was 138.89 and its corresponding p value was 0.000<0.05.
Since the p-value is less than 0.05, alternate hypothesis 2 is accepted and the null hypothesis is
rejected. So, it is contemplated that challenges in the development of the IoT in the healthcare
sector make a significant difference, and cannot be overlooked.

Table 2 One-Sample Test (H2)

Test Value = 4
t df Sig. (2- Mean 95% Confidence Interval of
tailed) Difference the Difference
Lower Upper
Challenges in the
development of internet-
138.890 599 .000 1.52700 1.5054 1.5486
of-things in the
healthcare sector
The questionnaire investigated the change which would be introduced in the healthcare
sector with technological intervention, especially IoT. The descriptive statistics results
documented that IoT is an efficient medium to cut down cost, monitoring of patients in real-
time basis, better and faster diagnosis of infected, better management of drugs, reduction in the
chances of error, innovation can be leveraged, better e-health solution, improved
communication, and personalization of the services can be made possible. Additionally, the
study examined whether these factors have any significance in the field of healthcare with the
help of a One-sample test. The test results indicated (see table 3) that the T value of the potential
benefits of optimum utilization of the internet of things in healthcare and a fixed mean value of
3 was 165.08 and its corresponding p-value was 0.000<0.05. Since the p-value is less than 0.05,
the alternate hypothesis 3 is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected. So, it can be
contemplated that IoT would increase the overall productivity of healthcare.

Table 3 One-Sample Test (H3)

Test Value = 4
t df Sig. (2- Mean 95% Confidence Interval of
tailed) Difference the Difference
Lower Upper
Potential benefits of
optimum utilization of
165.080 599 .000 1.52611 1.5080 1.5443
internet-of-things in
healthcare 90
Applications of the Internet of Things in Healthcare


IoT is one of the technologies which can extend the support to the medical professionals by
providing an integrated network, which will help in fighting against the Coronavirus. It will
help in establishing an interconnection among all the people involved in serving the infected
via the internet, and the message will be distributed to all the staff members. Also, the cases in
the remote areas can also be tracked and monitored in real-time with the well-connected
infrastructure. IoT will be proved to be efficient in handling the cases in a smart manner, with
minimum time and along with strengthening the services delivered to the patients. The quality
of the supervision and information will be improved and overall decision making will foster.
The previous studies also suggested that its integration with other technological development
will help in an accurate prediction of the upcoming events. The primary data analysis also
highlighted the immense potential in IoT and the way it can change the current working of the
healthcare sector. The challenges that Indian hospitals are encountering included, the security
of data and lack of the infrastructural facility. With the proper implementation in the national
health sector, a better environment will be created to fight against the virus and cooperation
between various institutional bodies will increase.


The study was limited to the field pertaining to IoT and did not assess the change in the situation
which can be brought in by the other technologies or integration of several technologies. During
the crisis of COVID - 19, all the technological advancements should be assessed, to provide the
most optimum solution and contain the various at the earliest. So, future studies can explore the
benefits of different technologies and whether integration of various technologies brings in any
benefits or not? The analysis of the questionnaire indicated that a country like India faces the
challenges of data security as there is no regulation to manage the same. Therefore, future
research should focus on the technologies which can secure the data and its management. Also,
the aspect of cost and the time should not be overlooked.

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Descriptive Analysis
From the following table we can observe that, about 66.2% of the respondents were males.
Following bar chart also shows a taller bar corresponding to the same.
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Male 397 66.2 66.2 66.2
Valid Female 203 33.8 33.8 100.0
Total 600 100.0 100.0

From the following table we can observe that, about 53.2% of the respondents were aged
between 30 – 39 years. Following bar chart also shows a taller bar corresponding to the same. 92
Applications of the Internet of Things in Healthcare

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Below 20 15 2.5 2.5 2.5
20 - 29 years 114 19.0 19.0 21.5
30 - 39 years 319 53.2 53.2 74.7
40 - 49 years 115 19.2 19.2 93.8
50 years and above 37 6.2 6.2 100.0
Total 600 100.0 100.0

From the following table we can observe that, about 45.2% of the respondents were
educated up to graduate degree. Following bar chart also shows a taller bar corresponding to
the same.
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Secondary school 40 6.7 6.7 6.7
High school 119 19.8 19.8 26.5
Graduate 271 45.2 45.2 71.7
Post graduate 130 21.7 21.7 93.3
Doctorate 40 6.7 6.7 100.0
Total 600 100.0 100.0 93
Rammohan Sundaram, Rajeev Sharma, Anurag Shakya

From the following table we can observe that, about 45.2% of the respondents had
experience of 4 – 6 years. Following bar chart also shows a taller bar corresponding to the same.
Work experience
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
0 - 1 years 42 7.0 7.0 7.0
2 - 4 years 121 20.2 20.2 27.2
4 - 6 years 271 45.2 45.2 72.3
6 - 8 years 130 21.7 21.7 94.0
8 years and above 36 6.0 6.0 100.0
Total 600 100.0 100.0

From the following table we can observe that, about 46.5% of the respondents had income
of Rs. 5,00,000 – 10,00,000. Following bar chart also shows a taller bar corresponding to the
Income (Annual in INR)\
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Less than 2,00,000 39 6.5 6.5 6.5
2,00,000 - 5,00, 000 122 20.3 20.3 26.8
5,00,000 - 10,00, 000 279 46.5 46.5 73.3
10,00,000 - 50,00, 000 127 21.2 21.2 94.5
50,00,000 and above 33 5.5 5.5 100.0
Total 600 100.0 100.0 94
Applications of the Internet of Things in Healthcare

From the following table we can observe that, about 64.0% of the respondents expressed
that they are aware of IoT applications in the healthcare sector. Following bar chart also shows
a taller bar corresponding to the same.
Are you aware of IoT applications in the healthcare sector?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Yes 384 64.0 64.0 64.0
Valid No 216 36.0 36.0 100.0
Total 600 100.0 100.0

From the following table we can observe that, about 48.8% of the respondents expressed
that their healthcare organization owns IoT for Hospitals. Following bar chart also shows a
taller bar corresponding to the same. 95
Rammohan Sundaram, Rajeev Sharma, Anurag Shakya

Which IoT product(s) do your healthcare organization own.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
IoTs for patients 43 7.2 7.2 7.2
IoTs for Physicians 134 22.3 22.3 29.5
IoTs for Hospitals 293 48.8 48.8 78.3
IoTs for Health Insurance
130 21.7 21.7 100.0
Total 600 100.0 100.0

From the following table we can observe that, about 64.8% of the respondents expressed
that their organization concerned the IoT application in the healthcare sector. Following bar
chart also shows a taller bar corresponding to the same.
Is your organization concerned about the IoT application in the healthcare sector?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Yes 389 64.8 64.8 64.8
Valid No 211 35.2 35.2 100.0
Total 600 100.0 100.0 96
Applications of the Internet of Things in Healthcare

From the following table we can observe that, about 66.7% of the respondents expressed
that they manage apps to manage their IoT devices in the organization. Following bar chart also
shows a taller bar corresponding to the same.
Do you have any apps to manage your IoT devices in the
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Yes 400 66.7 66.7 66.7
Valid No 200 33.3 33.3 100.0
Total 600 100.0 100.0

From the following table we can observe that, about 65.2% of the respondents expressed
that they update the software on their IoT devices. Following bar chart also shows a taller bar
corresponding to the same.
Do you update the software on your IoT devices?
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Yes 391 65.2 65.2 65.2
Valid No 209 34.8 34.8 100.0
Total 600 100.0 100.0 97
Rammohan Sundaram, Rajeev Sharma, Anurag Shakya

From the following table we can observe that, the statement “Ensures availability of critical
hardware” had a high mean value of 5.54 with a standard deviation of 1.041 and statement
“Reduces emergency waiting room time” had a low mean value of 5.49 with a standard
deviation of 1.084.
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Reduces emergency waiting
600 1 7 5.49 1.084
room time
Tracking patients, staff, &
600 1 7 5.51 1.086
Enhances drug management 600 1 7 5.51 1.051
Ensures availability of
600 1 7 5.54 1.041
critical hardware
Helps in pre-screening &
600 1 7 5.50 1.102
Cleaning & Disinfecting the
600 1 7 5.49 1.098
medical facilities
Innovative use of a drone for
keeping a watch on people 600 3 7 5.52 1.002
maintain social-distancing
It helps in reducing in-home
infections by spreading 600 3 7 5.52 1.019
Valid N (listwise) 600
From the following table we can observe that, statement “Integration of multiple devices
causes non-uniformity in the connected devices” had high mean value of 5.57 with a standard
deviation of 1.02 and statement “Reduces jobs availability in the market” had a low mean value
of 5.46 with a standard deviation of 1.127.
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
IoT poses data security &
600 3 7 5.55 1.023
privacy threats.
Integration of multiple
devices causes non-
600 3 7 5.57 1.020
uniformity in the connected
IoT devices record a ton of
data, resulting in extreme
600 3 7 5.52 1.017
difficulty in serving insights
of quality decision-making.
Reduces hospital
management cost, but not
600 3 7 5.53 1.015
affordable for the common
Complexity of the devices. 600 1 7 5.48 1.117
Reduces jobs availability in
600 1 7 5.46 1.127
the market
Increases dependability of
600 3 7 5.52 1.012
human on technology
Meeting customers
expectations in terms of 600 3 7 5.55 1.011
optimizing the process.
Keeping the software &
600 3 7 5.54 1.008
hardware updated
Waiting for government
600 3 7 5.56 1.027
regulatory norms
Valid N (listwise) 600 98
Applications of the Internet of Things in Healthcare

From the following table we can observe that, statement “IoT helps in analyzing fitness
programs” had high mean value of 5.55 with a standard deviation of 1.009 and statement “IoT
helps in the management of drugs and medical equipment devices” had a low mean value of
5.47 with a standard deviation of 1.096.
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
IoT enables cuts down costs. 600 3 7 5.54 1.018
It helps in real-time
600 3 7 5.54 1.020
IoT helps in faster disease
600 1 7 5.51 1.089
IoT helps in the management
of drugs and medical 600 1 7 5.47 1.096
equipment devices.
IoT helps in reduction in
600 3 7 5.51 1.002
error of the data gathered.
IoT helps in innovation 600 3 7 5.54 1.023
IoT helps in analyzing fitness
600 3 7 5.55 1.009
IoT provides more accurate
600 3 7 5.55 1.027
e-Health solutions.
IoT enables machine-to-
600 3 7 5.55 1.014
machine communication.
IoT is a healthcare mobility
600 3 7 5.54 1.017
Temperature checks become
600 1 7 5.49 1.087
It helps in personalized
solutions to healthcare 600 1 7 5.51 1.070
service adoption.
Valid N (listwise) 600


Hypothesis – 1
H1: There is a significant difference in the role played by the internet of things during
COVID – 19 in healthcare.
In order to test hypothesis 1, a one sample T test was applied by using SPSS.
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 4
t df Sig. (2- Mean 95% Confidence Interval of
tailed) Difference the Difference
Lower Upper
Role played by internet-
of-things during Covid- 114.546 599 .000 1.50917 1.4833 1.5350
19 in healthcare
The T value corresponding to the role played by the internet of things during Covid – 19 in
healthcare and a fixed mean value of 3 was 114.546 and its corresponding p value was
0.000<0.05. Since the p value is less than 0.05, we can conclude that there is a significant
difference in role played by the internet of things during Covid – 19 in healthcare. 99
Rammohan Sundaram, Rajeev Sharma, Anurag Shakya

Hypothesis – 2

H2: There is a significant difference in challenges in the development of the internet of

things in the healthcare sector.
In order to test hypothesis 2, a one sample T test was applied by using SPSS.
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 4
t df Sig. (2- Mean 95% Confidence Interval of
tailed) Difference the Difference
Lower Upper
Challenges in the
development of internet-
138.890 599 .000 1.52700 1.5054 1.5486
of-things in the
healthcare sector
The T value of the challenges in the development of the internet of things in the healthcare
sector and a fixed mean value of 3 was 138.89 and its corresponding p value was 0.000<0.05.
Since the p value is less than 0.05, we can conclude that there is a significant difference in
challenges in the development of the internet of things in the healthcare sector.

Hypothesis – 3
H3: There is a significant difference in potential benefits of optimum utilization of the
internet of things in healthcare.
In order to test hypothesis 2, a one sample T test was applied by using SPSS.
One-Sample Test
Test Value = 4
t df Sig. (2- Mean 95% Confidence Interval of
tailed) Difference the Difference
Lower Upper
Potential benefits of
optimum utilization of
165.080 599 .000 1.52611 1.5080 1.5443
internet-of-things in
The T value of the potential benefits of optimum utilization of the internet of things in
healthcare and a fixed mean value of 3 was 165.08 and its corresponding p value was
0.000<0.05. Since the p value is less than 0.05, we can conclude that there is a significant
difference in potential benefits of optimum utilization of the internet of things in healthcare. 100

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