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International Journal of Management (IJM)

Volume 12, Issue 5, May 2021, pp. 117-125, Article ID: IJM_12_05_011
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510
DOI: 10.34218/IJM.12.5.2021.011

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed


Dr. Lelo Sintani
Lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business,
University of Palangka Raya, Indonesia

Dr. Stepanus, S.Hut.,MP

Lecturer at the Human Resource Development Agency,
Central Kalimantan Provincial, Indonesia

The goal of development in Indonesia is to achieve prosperity and prosperity for the
community so that the government is required to create a conducive business climate.
So that people can be free of economic problems such as poverty, unemployment,
income inequality, low productivity to high-cost economy. Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises (MSMEs) have an important and strategic role in national economic
development and overcome economic problems. However, there are 60 - 70% of
MSMEs who do not have access to banking financing. In order to facilitate capital
access to MSMEs, Credit Cooperatives including Kopdit CU Betang Asi as Non-Bank
Financial Institutions play an important role. Good Quality of Service, Organization
Image, Satisfaction and customer loyalty are indicators that the organization plays a
role in economic development.
This paper aims to measure and analyze the influence of service quality,
organizational image, member satisfaction to the loyalty of cu Betang Asi Credit
Cooperative members in Central Kalimanatan.
The research method uses quantitative method with the population of all CU Betang
Asi members in Central Kalimanatan as many as 39,294 people with a sample number
of 405 people with the technique of determination of the number of samples 15 times the
number of indicators. The analysis tool uses descriptive analysis and analysis PLS.
The results of the analysis prove that quality services are measured from the
dimensions of physical evidence, reliability, response, assurance, and empathy, good
organizational image, satisfied members and loyal evidenced from the value of mean 4
and above from all variable indicators. 117

Lelo Sintani and Stepanus, S.Hut., MP

Based on the result PLS analysis it is proven that citra organization has a significant
effect on member satisfaction and member loyalty. Quality Service has a significant
effect on the satisfaction of members but has no significant effect on the loyalty of
members. Likewise, member satisfaction has no effect on member loyalty.
Key words: Service Quality, Organizational Image, Satisfaction and Loyalty
Cite this Article: Lelo Sintani and Stepanus, S.Hut., MP, Effect of Service Quality,
Organizational Image and Member Satisfaction on Loyalty of Credit Union Members
in Central Kalimantan, International Journal of Management (IJM), 12(5), 2021,
pp. 117-125.

Long-term national development aims to deliver indonesian people to prosperity and prosperity.
So that the government is required to create a conducive business climate and encourage and
facilitate people to be able to overcome their economic problems through various policies.
Efforts to achieve the national development goals need to optimize the role of Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) througheconomic growthand absorption of labor, and distribute
development results. MSMEs are a very potential market for the financial services industry, to
channel financing.
According to data from Bank Indonesia in 2020 around 60-70% of MSMEs have not
received access or financing from banks. Whereas MSMEs have a proportion of approximately
90% more than the total of Indonesian businesses or as much as about 56.54 million business
units. Capitalis a problem for MSMEs resulting in MSMEs having difficulty in increasing their
business capacity or developing products in order to be able to compete.
Financial institutions that distribute financing for MSMEs can be grouped into two forms,
namely bank financial institutions (Banks) and non-bank financial institutions. Cooperatives
save loans (KSP) or credit cooperatives (KOPDIT) because the business is run that is collecting
funds from cooperative members and channeling back to cooperative members. In order to
facilitate access to capital to increase the role of MSMEs for economic development, the Credit
Cooperative as a Non-Bank Financial Institution plays an important role to help provide capital
for MSMEs. The form of cooperative financial institutions is very in accordance with the soul
of the Indonesian nation and can be accessed by the lower middle class. Cooperatives are able
to provide a role to reduce the dependence of micro, small and medium entrepreneurs from
conventional financial institutions / capital.
Cooperatives, especially credit cooperatives, as financial institutions that play a role in
channeling funds for MSMEs are also still facing problems, namely from institutions,
administration, business, and capital. For this reason, reforms are needed to improve
cooperatives in Indonesia. There are three things that are done to improve to restore the image
of the cooperative, namely rehabilitation, reorientation and development of cooperatives.
Quality services, a good image of the cooperative will be able to increase public trust and
increase the loyalty of cooperative members and in the end will increase the participation of
cooperatives in providing capital for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
It is empirically proven that service quality and image have a positive effect on customer
satisfaction and customer loyalty. It also proves that customer satisfaction mediates the effect
of image on customer loyalty (Safitri et al, 2015). Andreassen and Lindestad, 1998, also prove
that corporate image is positively related to product and service quality, and industrial customer
satisfaction. Saravanakumar, 2014 conducted research on banks that provide loans to rural
communities for the economic stability of rural communities. The research results prove that 118

Effect of Service Quality, Organizational Image and Member Satisfaction on Loyalty of Credit
Union Members in Central Kalimantan

service quality has an effect on customer loyalty. Furthermore, empathy and reliability are
dimensions that significantly affect customer loyalty. The results of this study are supported by
research by Mosahab and 2010, Koestanto, 2014.
The Betang Asi Credit Union savings and loan cooperative is a financial institution engaged
in financial services that runs its business, namely by collecting funds in the form of savings,
deposits and channeling them with easy and fast procedures. plays an important role as an
effective alternative to financial institutions to reach micro, small and medium enterprises.
Kopdit CU Betang Asi as a savings and loan cooperative that serves the community,
especially the lower middle class economic community and most of them live in rural areas, is
expected to be able to provide quality and satisfying services to its members. It is hoped that
this can support and improve the economy of rural communities and ultimately improve the
welfare of the community. This study is to measure service quality, image, member satisfaction
and member loyalty of CU Betang Asi in Central Kalimantan.

Wyckof in Anatan (2008:112) suggests that the quality of service is an expected level of
excellence and control over that level of excellence to meet customer expectations. Nasution
(2004:18) revealed that quality includes efforts to meet or exceed customer expectations and
quality is an ever-changing constituency. Tjiptono, (2008:61) There are five characteristic
groups used by consumers in evaluating or assessing a quality of service services, namely the
following: reliability (realibility) is the ability to provide services in accordance with the
functions offered, responsiveness is the responsiveness of employees in helping consumers and
provide information services quickly, assurance is to measure the ability and courtesy of
employees and trustworthy traits owned by employees, direct evidence (tangibles) that include
physical appearance, cleanliness and neatness of employees and completeness of
communication, Empathy is a procedure used by service providers to show care and attention
to consumers.
Kotler and Keller (2009:88) suggest that satisfaction is a person's feeling of pleasure or
disappointment arising from comparing the perceived performance of a product (or result) to
their expectations. If performance fails to meet expectations, customers will be dissatisfied. If
the performance meets expectations, the customer will be satisfied. If the performance exceeds
expectations, the customer will be very satisfied. The benefits of customer satisfaction for the
company include: positive impact on customer loyalty; potential future sources of revenue
through repurchase, cross-selling and up-selling;reducing future customer transaction costs,
especially the costs of communication, sales, and customer service; Tjiptono (2008: 30) defines
consumer or customer satisfaction as a conscious evaluation or cognitive assessment
concerning whether the product's performance is relatively good or poor whether the product
or service is suitable or not suitable for its purpose or use.
Kotler (2008:79) explained that the image of the company is the response of consumers
tothe overall offer given by the company and is defined as a number of trusts, ideas, and
impressions of the community on an organizationi. So Citra can be said as a public perception
of the existence of experience, trust, feelings, and knowledge of the community itself to the
company, so that aspects of the facilities owned by the company, and the services that
employees deliver to consumers can influence the consumer's perception of image. Furthermore
according to Kotler and Keller (2009: 340) Brand imagery is dealing with the extrinsic
properties of a product or service, including the way the brand meets the social or psychological
needs of members. In this case the brand image is the public's perception of its belief in
cooperatives or products or services 119

Lelo Sintani and Stepanus, S.Hut., MP

Oliver in Kotler (2009: 138) defines loyalty as a deeply held commitment to buy or back a
preferred product or service in the future even if the influence of the situation and marketing
efforts have the potential to cause customers to switch. According to Alma (2014: 274)
characteristic of loyalty is that consumers make regular/regular repurchases. They also buy
other products instead of just one product offered by the manufacturer. They recommend their
friends to also buy the same product to the same place, and they do not easily switch to a rival
Several previous empirical studies have also proven that there is a significant influence
between service quality, image, satisfaction and customer loyalty in both the banking services
sector, trade services and cooperatives
Safitri et al. (2015) Tested effect quality service and image to coustumer satisfaction and
customer loyalty Sample in this study is and method of sampling purposive sampling. The
number of respondents who participated in the study was 140 respondents. Tools analysis is
Partial Least Square (PLS) – Structural EquationModel (SEM) to test hypotheses. The results
of this study showed that the quality of service has a significant influence on customer
satisfaction, the company's image has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, the quality
of service has a significant effect on customer loyalty, the company's image has a significant
effect on customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction mediates the influence of service quality
to customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction mediates the influence of the company's image
to customer loyalty.
Andreassen and Lindestad, (1998) The effect of corporate image in the formation of
customer loyality, Analysis tool using Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis. The results
of the study found that The Company's Image is positively related to the product and quality of
service, furthermore the company's image is positively correlated with the satisfaction of
industry customers.
Mosahab, 2010, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Test of Mediation.
The investigation was conducted at a bank in Tehran, Iran, from 2009 to 2010. This report is
the result of field research, which aims to determine the quality of services offered by Bank
Sepah, and also to study the relationship between service quality, satisfaction and loyalty. In
this study, the service quality standard model has been used for service quality evaluation,
Gremler and Brown (1996) models with some revisions were used to evaluate loyalty, and the
instruments offered by Bitner and Hubbert (1994) were used for customer satisfaction
evaluation. The focus of this study was the branch of Bank Sepah Teheran, Iran, and 147
customers of this bank were taken for samples. The results of this study show that in all aspects,
customer expectations, are higher than their perception of the Bank's operations, and in fact the
quality of services offered is low. In addition, the results of this study show that customer
satisfaction plays a mediator role in the effect of quality of service on service loyalty.
Saravanakumar, 2014 Effect Of Service Quality On Customer Loyalty: Empirical Evidence
From Co-Operative Bank . Banks that provide loans to rural communities for their economic
stability. However, the quality of bank services should be analyzed from the point of view of
rural customers. Therefore, this research is to find out the influence of the Bank's service quality
and customer loyalty. Therefore, a sample of 415 customers of Koperasi Bank was taken in
Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu. The dimensions of service quality used are tangibility,
reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy to measure the quality of bank services.
Customer loyalty is measured by five statements. The collected data is analyzed with
descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis. The results showed that the quality of
service has an impact on customer loyalty. However, empathy and reliability are dimensions
that significantly affect customer loyalty. This suggests that banks should improve services in
terms of tangibility, liability and security. 120

Effect of Service Quality, Organizational Image and Member Satisfaction on Loyalty of Credit
Union Members in Central Kalimantan

Meti Duwiyanti, 2014, in his research analysis of the influence of service quality and
member satisfaction on the cooperative Bahagia Jaya Gubeng Surabaya. The results prove the
quality of service positive influence and on the satisfaction and loyalty of members and member
satisfaction also have a positive and significant effect on member loyalty .
Valentine Aprillia Nugraheni, 2017 in her research Influence of company image, quality of
service, and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty Setia Bhakti Surabaya operation. The
results of this study showed that the company's image, service quality, and customer satisfaction
have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, due to the company's image, service
quality, and customer satisfaction

This research uses descriptive method of fact-finding with the right, which aims to make a
systematic, factual and accurate description or painting of the Quality of Service,
Organizational Image, Satisfaction and Loyalty of cu Betang Asi Credit Cooperative members
in Central Kalimantan.
The population in this study is all members of CU Betang Asi in Central Kalimantan. The
number of CU Betang Asie consists of five places of Service (TP) and 11 Special Service Places
(TPK) as many as 39,294 people. The technique of determining jumlah s ampel refers to
ferdinand's opinion, 2014 which is at least 10 times the number of indicators so that this study
took 15 times the number of indicators that is 15 x 27 indicators so that the number of 405
people. The sampling technique used is porpusive sampling method.
Operational Definition of research variables, namely the quality of service is the level of
excellence of products or services that are expected and felt by CU members to meet the
expectations of members. The quality of this service is measured by 5 dimensions, namely
physical evidence, reliability, reliability, security and empathy. The image of the company is
the response of members on the overall offer given CU Betang Asi with indicators diken by the
community,m've been remembered,merasa safely store funds in CU Betang Asi and more
already in the process of savings and loans
Member satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure or disappointment from CU Betang Asi
members that arises after comparing expectations with performance with indicators tafserve as
expected, satisfactory service facilities and manfaat received overall satisfactory
Member Loyalty is the attitude and behavior of members who are satisfied and very satisfied
with the products and services of CU Betang Asi so that it has enthusiasm to introduce it to
anyone they know with indicators do not want to move to another institution,recommend to
others to become members of CU Betang Asi and yakin to become a member of CU Betang
Asi is the right choice
The data types used are primary data and secondary. And to measure the entire varibel using
the Likert Scale with a scale of 1 - 5. To make sure the research instrument is valid
and reliable, it is done uji validity and reliability. To test the validity of the Pearson formula
with product moment correlation. The minimum requirement to be considered valid is a value
of r > 0.30. Reliability testing by calculating Alpha Croanbach ≥ 0.6. Data analysis techniques
using Discripive Analysis and inferential analysis using Partial Least Square (PLS). 121

Lelo Sintani and Stepanus, S.Hut., MP


4.1. Descriptive Analysis
To get an idea of the quality of service, image, satisfaction and loyalty based on the assessment
of members measured by descriptive analysis judging by the frequency, percentage and mean
value. The results of this descriptive analysis can explain the description of the variables of this
The services provided by Kopdit CU Betang Asi are considered by members to be qualified
with a mean value of 4.3612 as well as for each dimension and indicators are also considered
to be of quality with a mean value above 4. When viewed from the mean value of each
dimension, empathy has the lowest mean value, meaning that the empathy dimension is judged
by members to be less qualified than other dimensions. This needs to be a concern for the board
and management.
Member of Kopdit CU Betang Asi assessed that the service provided has been satisfactory
as evidenced by the mean value of member satisfaction variable of 4, 2647 and the mean value
of all variable indicators also above 4. However, if you look at each indicator, the service
situation indicator is low compared to other indicators. So the organization needs to pay more
attention to the service situation.
Members of Kopdit CU Betang Asi assessed that they had been loyal to Kopdit CU Betang
Asi as evidenced by a mean value of 4.3261. However, when viewed by each indicator, the
indicator does not want to move from CU Betang Asi has the lowest mean compared to others.
So administrators and management need to think about providing better products and services
so that members remain loyal to CU Betang Asi.
The perception of Citra Kopdit CU Betang Asi members is well evidenced by the mean
value of 4.3261. If you look at the mean value of each indicator then the loan service indicator
is easily the lowest mean, meaning that the management and management need to review the
terms and process of lending to members.

4.2. Inferential Analysis

To measure the contribution of each indicator to variables and to test convergent validity as
seen from the loading outher value. Test results show the other loading value of the indicator
of each variable above 0.7 means that each variable indicator is correct to measure the variable.
The composite reliability value > 0.6 and the average variance extract (AVE) value > 0.5
mean all variables in this research model are reliable.
Goodness of fit testing to determine the ability of exogenous variables to explain the
variation of endogenous variables ( as seen from the R Square (Q²) value of 0.588 means that
this research model is good and feasible
To test the influence between variables in this case the influence of the quality of service
and the image of the organization on the satisfaction and loyalty of cu betang asi kopdit
members using PLS analysis. 122

Effect of Service Quality, Organizational Image and Member Satisfaction on Loyalty of Credit
Union Members in Central Kalimantan

Figure 1
Based on the results of the analysis using PLS analysis, the influence of service quality and
organizational image on the satisfaction and loyalty of cu Betang Asi Credit Cooperative
members can be seen in Table 2 below.

Table 1. Influence between variables

Results for inner original sample mean of Standard t-
weights estimate subsamples deviation Statistic
0.378 0.398 0.088 4.297
satisfaction >
Image -> Satisfaction 0.380 0.391 0.111 3.412
SERVQUAL -Loyalty > 0.112 0.133 0.162 0.692
Image -loyalty > 0.472 0.420 0.159 2.971
Satisfaction -loyalty > 0.183 0.228 0.207 0.885
Source : Data processed
The results of the analysis prove that the quality of service has a significant effect on
Member Satisfaction with the original sample estimate value of 0.378 and t statistics of 4,297>
1,967. This means that the better the service provided, the level of member satisfaction will
increase as well. Similarly, organization image significantly influenced satisfaction with the
original sample estimate value of 0.380 and t statistics of 3,412 > 1,967 and loyalty of members
with an original sample estimate value of 0.472 and t statistics of 2,971> 1,967. This means that
if the image of the organization increases it will increase the satisfaction and loyalty of
members. 123

Lelo Sintani and Stepanus, S.Hut., MP

Table 2. Indirect influence

Original Sample Standard T-
Sample Average deviation Statistic
SERVQUAL -> Satisfaction à
0,084 0,093 0,060 1,1834
Image > Satisfaction à Loyalty 0,027 0,081 0.092 1,812
Source : Data processed
This needs to be a serious concern of Kopdit CU Betang Asi to pay attention and maintain
a good image today. Because kopdit CU Betang Asi is engaged in business that requires the
trust of members and the community. If things happen that damage the trust then the member
will move or leave Kopdit CU. Betang Asi.
The results of the analysis also proved that the quality of service had no significant effect
on loyalty with a statistical t value of 0.692 < t table of 1.96 as well as member satisfaction had
no effect on member loyalty with a statistical t value of 0.885 <1.967. However, judging from
the original sample estimate the influence of service quality and member satisfaction on
member loyalty is positive meaning that the quality of service and satisfaction of members have
a positive influence on member loyalty but are not statistically proven.
Possible causes of service quality and member satisfaction do not affect such loyalty
because members still feel their relationship with the organization as a customer alone not yet
as an owner. The orientation of members to become members of CU Betang Asi is more to
benefit. To understand the cause, further research is needed for example by conducting a survey
of the extent to which members feel they have the organization.

Member perception that CU Betang Asi Credit Cooperative service has quality measured from
tangible dimensions, reliability, responsshipness, assurance and emphaty, the image of the
institution is considered good, members are satisfied with the services provided and members
are loyal to the institution.
The quality of service has a significant positive effect on member satisfaction, but it has no
effect on loyalty nor does member satisfaction affect the loyalty of CU Betang Asi Credit
Cooperative members. The agency's image has a significant impact on the satisfaction and
loyalty of cu Betang Asi Credit Cooperative members.

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