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In 2012 E.

C Rehoboth Academy English notes for grade 4 students

Proper nouns
Common nouns
Collective nouns
Abstract nouns
Material nouns
1. Proper nouns
Proper noun is the specific name of a person, place and country.
A. A proper noun is the name of place country village. Arat kilo, Ethiopia, Mekele, Kenya&
B. Proper noun is the name of person. E. g Abebe, Helen, Halima etc
C. Proper noun is the name of river. Lake Tana, the red sea, Lake Langano etc
2. Common noun is the general or common name of person things or qualities common nouns
does not start with a capital letter unless it comes at the beginning of sentence.
Example: Ethiopia is a beautiful country.
He went to school yesterday.
Comparative degree
The comparative degree is used to compare two person, animals,, things that are d/t in quality.
Note than is used in the comparative degree.
Note the suffix – er is added to most adjectives and some adverbs in the comparative degree.
Example: my chair is smaller than Abebe’s chair or
Abebe’s chair is longer than my chair.
Other example
Addis Ababa is bigger than bahir dar. Or Bahir dar is smaller than A.A
Henok is younger than Fasil. Or Fasil is older than Henok.
Superlative degree
The superlative degree is used to compare more than two persons, animals or things that have
different degree of qualitys.
Note (I) the suffix – est added to adjective adverbs in the superlative degree for regular comparison.
Example this is the best book.
Match the following items
Proper nouns A. nous is the general or common name of persons, things or quality.
Common nouns B. noun represents nous in a group.
Material noun C. is the name of an action or quality which we cannot touch or see.
Abstract nouns D. noun is an object a material that exists in nature.
Choose the best answer
1. The tall man was driving a lorry the under lined words are ----- and --------- respectively.
A. Verb/adverb B. noun/noun C. adjective/ noun D. all
2. The man has short the underlined word is -------.
A. Adjective B. verb C. noun D. all
3. Which one is noun?
A. Abebe B. Hiwot C. Kebede D. all
4. Which one is thing?
A. Pen B. door C. cup D. all
5. Which one is verb?
A. Go B. eat C. give D. all
Fill in the black space.
6. --------- a word that modify or describe nouns.
Adjectives: - are words that modify or describe nouns.
Adjective words
Small, big, fat, thin, tall
The lion has big animal. Big is an adjective word animal is nouns.
Nouns are words which name person thing place
Name of person name of thing name of place
Abebe pen Adama
Tariku pencil Gonder
Chala table Jimma
Pronunciation of s or – es
The suffix – s or es added to singular noun. To make plural forms of the following verb
Goes washs Play does Eats
give Study carry Catchs Kisses

Example:- he goes the school every day.

She plays tennis every Monday.
Personal pronouns
There are three types of personal
First personal pronouns (I & we)
Second person personal pronouns (she, he, it, they)
The pronouns I is followed by AM. Is always used with the pronoun (I)
Example I am student, I am a carpenter
Third person singular pronouns he, she and it are followed by is and you, we and they are
followed by are in the present.
He is a student
She is very young
It is flying
You are clever students
We are teacher
Fill in the blank within the am, is or are.
Example:- These computers are made in the china
Julu and Hiwot are friends
1. The teacher ------ reading a book now
2. The three boys --------- sitting under the tree.
3. Mathematics ---------- a very interesting subject.

Set by Eshtu

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