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Business Communication:

Non – Verbal Communication

Prof. Aastha Sawhney
Assistant Professor
Bachelors of Business Management
IMS, Ghaziabad University Courses Campus
Table of Contents
 Introduction to Non Verbal Language

▪ Nature/ features of Non Verbal Language

▪ Importance of Non Verbal Language

▪ Advantages of Non Verbal Language

▪ Disadvantages of Non Verbal Language

 Types of Non verbal language

▪ Body language/kinesics

▪ Space language/proxemics

▪ Time language or chronemics

▪ Paralanguage

▪ Colour and Sign Language

Non Verbal Communication
 Communication need not be in verbal format all the time in order to convey
messages, it can be also be in non-verbal i.e. without words (E.g. A smile, a
frown, et.)
 On verbal communication means all transmission of meaning except that
which is expressed in oral or written words.
 It is basically through facial expressions, body positions, eye contact,
gestures, posture, clothing, tone, volume, speed of talking, etc.
 Sometimes referred as “ Silent Language”

Definition- “Non-verbal communication may be defined as all behaviour

expressed consciously or unconsciously, preformed in the presence of
another or others and perceived either consciously or unconsciously”.
Non Verbal Communication:
Nature and Importance
Nature Importance
 Messages conveyed are simple &  For conveying ideas related to
limited geography, maps, charts, graphs, etc.
 Non verbal methods may be visual are absolutely necessary.
or auditory (E.g. Signs, pictures,  For traffic signals and signs(There is
colours are visuals whereas horn, no time to read sentences, etc.)
bells, whistles are auditory)
 Every human normally respond
 Is a Supplement to verbal quickly to colours, pictures or sounds
communication than any language
 It is generally uncertain (both in  Important method for conveying
meaning & likelihood of receipt) information to the illiterate people
 Ambiguous (when transmitted
simultaneously with verbal
Non Verbal Communication:
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages

 One can communicate with someone  Long conversation is difficult

who is hard of hearing
 It varies culture to culture
 One can communicate where silence
 It can’t discuss the particulars of the
is required
 One can communicate something
 Difficult to understand and requires a
which he doesn’t want others to hear
lot of repetitions
or listen
 It is less influential and cant be used
 One can communicate if he is far
away from a person
 It makes conversation short and brief
Non Verbal Communication: Paralanguage
 The non-verbal factors like tone of voice, the emphasis given, the breaks in
the sentences, the speed of delivery, the degree of loudness or softness and
the pitch of the voice, which affect the spoken words is called Paralanguage
 Study of how a speaker verbalizes
 Voice Quality & extra sounds one makes while speaking are also a part of
non verbal communication
 ‘Para’ refers to ‘LIKE’, thus paralanguage is ‘Like Language’
 Focuses on “How” rather than “What”
 Features:
▪ Middle path b/w verbal & non verbal communication
▪ Uses various signs & symbols
▪ Is not a language but ‘Like Language’
▪ Focuses on “How” rather than “What”
Non Verbal Communication:
Elements of Paralanguage
 Voice
 Vocal tone
 Pronunciation
 Pitch Variation
 Speaking Speed & Pause
 Volume Variation
 Non Fluencies (‘oh’, ‘ah’, ‘um’, etc.)
 Word Stress
Non Verbal Communication:
Advantages & Disadvantages of Paralanguage
Advantages Disadvantages
 Paralanguage is closely allied to  Paralanguage is like language but
language and no oral message is not language, therefore can not be
complete without it. relied upon.
 On the basis of voice quality one  It requires extra care to get the
can guess the position in the exact content of the message.
 It might misguide or mislead.
 It clearly indicates about speaker’s
 As speaker belongs to different
educational background.
speech communities, it is difficult
 It gives clues regarding the mental to achieve uniformity in oral
state of speaker. communication.
 Learning Exercise  Requires Patience
Non Verbal Communication:
Sign & Colour Language
 Signs, pictures, colours, bells, horns, whistles, etc. are auditory
modes of non verbal communication
 Colours also have psychological effect; motivation and state of
mind of employees are influenced by colours
 Colours are also associated with mood swings & feelings
 Used Mainly for Identification
 In visuals, non verbal methods of communication, colours give
an added dimension to convey greater amount of information
within the same visuals
Non Verbal Communication:
Sign Language
 Sign language includes all forms of codification (visuals, signs,
signals, etc.) which replace words, number and punctuations
 Features:
▪ Is an Art of communication with the use of pictures,
drawings, sounds, etc.
▪ An expression of one’s feelings through the use of symbols
▪ Requires just common sense and may not require formal
▪ Tends to be very popular and effective means of
Aspects of Sign Language
Visuals Audio Signs
 Audio signs include use of drum
 Convey messages very easily & economically
beating, alarms, hooters, buzzers,
 Photos & paintings makes communication
interesting whistles, bells, sirens, etc.
 Useful for informing & educating illiterates  Used to convey info to large
 Effective means for advertising & publicity groups of persons
 Convey message quickly
 Useful for managing time
 Simple & elementary means of Comm.
 Working of orgn. Can be
 Only supplementary to verbal communication
streamlined with the help of
 May misunderstand sign language
buzzers & other sound signs
 On spot correction is not possible
Sign Language

Visual Aids Audio Aids

 Posters  Radio
 Pictorial Representations  Record Players
 Graphs  Magnetic Tapes
 Charts  Public Address Systems
 Flip Charts  Audio Cassettes
 Maps
 Signs & Signals
 Bulletin Boards
Sign Language:
Advantages & Limitations

Advantages Disadvantages
 Large Audience  Difficulty in Transmission
 Interesting  Communication skills
 Useful for illiterate  Not a substitute to verbal
 Economical Transmission
 Mistake in Decoding
 Speedy Transmission
Lack of Flexibility
 Publicity
 Creating Alertness
Non-Verbal Communication:
Body Language
 We communicate not only through words but also through our whole body,
technically it is called “Kinesics”
 Kinesics means the study of the role of body movements such as winking,
shrugging, etc.
 Features:
❑ It is a self-acquired natural process
❑ People learn body language through experience
❑ Body language is controlled by social norms
❑ Use of body language also depends upon the particular culture
❑ The body language goes largely unnoticed, yet it has a considerable
Role of Body Language:
Advantages & Disadvantages
Advantages Disadvantages

 Facial Expressions, gestures,

 Body language complements verbal
postures, etc become ineffective if
the listener is inattentive
 It conveys feelings and intentions
 Use of body language is not very
 Body language adds intensity to the effective in large gatherings
process of communication
 Body language may not be taken
 Body language is an easily visible seriously at times
aspect of communication, hence
 People belonging to different cultural
helps the receiver in decoding the
backgrounds use different body
signals to convey message
 Improves the overall atmosphere in
 Body language can be misleading at
the organization
Making Effective Use of Body Language

 Mind the body – talk

 Select a proper sitting posture
 Be careful with the handshake
 Establish good eye contact
 Maintain your self – esteem
 Communicate at the level of the person before you
 Graceful movements
Elements of Body Language
 Gestures - Body parts move in a very meaningful manner like hand or head
 Posture or Body Position - Position or state of standing and sitting conveys certain
meanings. It includes:
▪ Head position
▪ Sitting position
▪ Angle of body
▪ Body relaxation or tensed
▪ Height
 Personal Appearance
 Facial Expressions
 Head
 Eye Contact
 Body shape
 Smell and Touch
Elements of Body Language
Non Verbal Communication:
Space Language (Proxemics)
 It is the study how people use the physical
space around them and what this use says
about them.
 Edward T. Hall has described human
relationships in terms of four kinds of
distances. They are
▪ Intimate distance – physical contact
▪ Personal distance - (18in-4ft)
▪ Social distance - (4ft-12ft)
▪ Public distance - (12ft to range of
eyesight and hearing)
Non Verbal Communication:
Time Language (Chronemics)
 Edward T. Hall was the first scholar who investigated the importance of this
element of inter – personal communication
 It is the language deals with time management
 “Time is money”
 Completion of task within a specific time span communicates sincerity, hard
work, loyalty and reliability, whereas frequent late comings and absenteeism
may communicate unreliability, laziness and disinterestedness of the person
 Example: North Americans are very much time conscious and attach the highest
importance to punctuality, people in East have a more relaxed approach to time

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