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1 Semester, First Quarter
Learning Activity Sheets
Week 7: Participates in an organized event that addresses
health/fitness issues and concerns



Name: _________________________________ Grade Level: 12 Q1W7

Section: _________________________________ Date: ____________________

MELCS: Participates in an organized event that addresses health/fitness
issues and concerns (PEH12FH-Ik-o-13)
Background Information for Learners
For centuries events have had a significant impact on the development of human
society. Events can be divided into numerous different categories and types. According to
Van Der Wagen (2001, 2) different events have one important feature that unifies them – to
illuminate. a person's life. Events are special occasions designed for leisure, cultural,
personal, or organizational activities separate from the daily routine, which are designed to
diversify and enlarge people's experience. From the customers’ point of view, the event is
unique. opportunity to gain social or cultural experience outside everyday life to satisfy a
persons’ own specific interests.


Ever thought about taking up dance to keep fit? Dancing is not only a fantastic way
for people get and stay in shape, but has been proven to boost your memory, improve
flexibility and reduce stress. One major advantage of hip-hop dance is that it’s a full body
workout which provides a tremendous impact on your overall flexibility, strength, endurance
level, and emotional well-being. Many Excel Dance goers have looked to dancing to exercise
and improve fitness levels and improve sociability. Look at our top ten super benefits of


● CREATOR – making sequences and dances that are meaningful to them, involving
creative responses, improvising, making choices and connections, collaborating,
reflecting and evaluating.
● PERFORMER – performing to peers, parents, friends and the wider public,
involving developing focus, concentration, memory and being totally present in the
moment, working with others, finding courage and authenticity, reflecting, and
evaluating, taking pride in achievement and acclaim.
● AUDIENCE – experiencing professional dance works and dance made by peers,
developing confidence in personal response, being inspired, gaining ideas,
experiencing difference.
● CRITIC – discussing and evaluating dance works, involving reflection, questioning
and understanding personal responses in a wider artistic and aesthetic context.
● LEADER – as creator, performer and critic involving taking responsibility for
personal and team performance, understanding different leadership and
communication styles, motivating others, negotiation and decision making, reflecting
and evaluating.

A dance programme has an overarching learning goal, broken down through stages to the
detail of the individual lesson. Each stage will have its own learning objectives building up to
the overarching goal. Broadly, the stages are:
● SCHEME OF WORK – the long-term plan that takes into consideration the context,
previous dance experience, learning goals and objectives, and the time, space and
other resources available.
● UNIT OF WORK – the medium plan for a distinctive block of work identifying
specific learning objectives and taking into account continuity and progression. Each
unit should include the activities of dancing, making, performing, watching and
appreciating dances, developing understanding of context and opportunities to
experience the roles of creator, performer, critic and leader.
● LESSON – each lesson should:
• Begin with warm-up exercises to prepare the body and focus the mind
• Have a clear focus that contributes to the unit and scheme of work within
which the lesson sits
• Show continuity and progression
• Include opportunities to reflect on learning
• Conclude with cool-down exercises and opportunities to reflect on the
whole lesson, what has been learnt and achieved, and how the work may be
in the future


ACTIVITY 1: Plan a Dance Event

DIRECTION: Create a PROJECT PROPOSAL based on the following steps below. Write it
on a short bond paper or using MS Word.
1. Cover Letter 6. Objectives
(Address to the principal) 7. Description of the Project
2. Project Title 8. Participant / Person Involved
3. Proponent 9. Facilitator
4. Date and Venue 10. Budgetary Requirements
5. Rationale 11. Monitoring and Evaluation

Proposal Rubric

Excellent Proficient Basic Below Basic

4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts

Subject Matter Student shows a deep Student shows an Student shows some Student shows very
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the little understanding of
subject matter and its subject matter and it subject matter but the subject matter and

greater implications. is evident in the confusion is evident thoroughly
Proposal or plan execution of the in some aspects of the misinterprets the
shows integration of proposal or plan. proposal or plan. requirements for the
some advanced or class.
researched concepts.

Creativity/Ambition The project proposed The project proposed The project proposed The project proposed
is very original, is original, creative is somewhat creative, is not creative,
creative and and somewhat original or ambitious original or ambitious,
ambitious. The ambitious. The the student is not very the student is
student is highly student is motivated excited but not bored, uninspired, project
motivated, and the about the project, and project has some has a low potential for
project has a good the project has a good potential for success. success.
potential for success. potential for success

Final Product Shows excellent Shows good effort, Shows some effort, Shows little or no
effort, care and care and creativity. care and creativity. effort, care or
creativity. creativity.
Proposal or plan is Proposal or plan is
Final product is finished and turned in finished and turned in Project proposal is
complete and well- on time. Shows good but is rushed and is sloppy, illegible,
presented. Shows research, some poorly presented. crumpled, unfinished
excellent research, planning, vision, and or incomplete.
careful planning, and good execution.
excellent execution.

Structure and Flow Proposal or plan is Proposal or plan is Proposal or plan Proposal or plan is
clear, concise, and has well organized and makes general sense vague, disjointed, and
a logical structure and has a sensible flow but requires some shows no sense,
flow. and structure. work to organize and structure, or flow.
structure in a logical
Work shows deep Minor elements may and sensible manner. Confusing to read,
consideration of the need clarification but difficult to
execution of the otherwise well-made understand.
project after the and ready for
proposal's approval. execution.

What is the importance of understanding organizing an event?

● Aparato, Conrado R., Brebante Zyra Ruth T., Callo Lualhati F., Dajime, Peter F.
: Physical Education and Health Vol. II : Manila : REX Book Store Inc. : 2017


ACTIVITY 1: Plan a Dance Event

Based on Rubric

Answer may vary.

Prepared by: Ramil A. Rodriguez

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