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12345 The Christian

Fifth Avenue Church of Christ
115 W. Fifth Ave.
Lancaster, OH 43130
740-654-0626 – e-mail:

April 12, 2011

Brad Seevers
Senior Minister
(740-550-9882) April 17, 2011
David Tingler Palm Sunday Services
Associate Minister Combined worship at 10:00am
Glen Shady (Easter Cantata)
Youth Minister Sunday School at 8:45am
Evening Worship at 6:00pm

Sunday Services
(this Sunday only)

Bible School John 3:16

8:45 a.m.

Combined Worship
10:00a.m. Easter Sunday Services
Evening Worship
Sunrise Service – 7:00am
Easter breakfast – 8:00am
Sunday School – 9:15am
Morning Worship – 10:30am
There will be no Evening Worship
Sunday School 79
First Morning Worship 82
Second Morning Worship 93 NEXT KEENAGER EVENT will be the
Total Morning Worship 175 gathering on the Johnson Bible College
Evening Worship 43 campus that we know as “Senior Saints In
Family Reunion (04/06)) 33
Weekly Budget $ 4,471.00
the Smokies”. The dates are May 30 to June
Budget Received $ 4,908.35 3. This is a grand time of relaxed inspiration
Easter Flowers $ 252.00 and fun in the shadow of the Great Smokie
Easter Offering $ 30.00 Mountains. Mornings are given to Bible
SERVING SCHEDULE – April 17, 2011 study and inspiration. Afternoons are for rest
or sightseeing. Evenings provide
At the Table 1st Fred Griffith & Glen Shady entertainment and fun. It will be one of the
Larry King, Dan Brown, Ralph Conrad, best vacations you ever experienced. See me
Serving 1st
Jack Hardwick
for details and registration forms.
At the table 2nd Fred Griffith and Jim Cox
Serving 2nd Larry King, Taylor Dean, Patrick Hinson,
Don Taylor, Ned Tomlinson COMING EVENTS:
Pastor of the Week Fred Griffith JUNE – Visit to the Annie Oakley museum
PM Deacon Larry King and the KitchenAid plant in Greenville, Ohio
Offering Counters Team 2 JULY – A journey to the Wilds


1ST Worship Larry King continue meeting at 10:00 am and 6:30 pm
2nd Worship Fred Griffith
each week. We are, currently, studying 1
GREETERS Corinthians. Why not join us this week?
1ST Worship Brenda Hines & Virginia Wentz
2nd Worship Larry & Phyllis Bussey SUNDAY EVENINGS: At this 6:00 pm
NURSERY service, I am preaching a series of lessons
Sunday School Laura Wersell, Courtney Beiter
2nd Worship Marie Huffman & Kim Seevers
based in the book of Proverbs. On April 17,
Preschool Helper Ruth Andrews the theme is “Handling Criticism” based on
Early Elementary Helper Norma Holtom Proverbs 13:18, 15:31-32. We will not be
Upper Elementary Helper Marg Shumaker meeting on April 24, but will resume on May
6-8th Grade Helper Mike Cooper 1 with “Escaping Earthly Mindedness” with
Visitor Center 1st Worship Judy Gardner
Visitor Center 2nd Worship Julie Stuck Proverbs 10:22 as a text. (The Lord’s Supper
is available at this 6:00 pm service.)
1st Worship Dick Shumaker FINAL THOUGHT: Today’s mighty oak is
Bible School Carmel March merely yesterday’s little nut that managed to
2nd Worship George Lambert hold its ground.
Evening Worship Jim Puckett
The Women’s Sunday School class is
planning an overnight retreat to Round
Lake Christian Camp on May 13 & 14. The
main speaker will be Love Lockman from
Easter Special Offering Seymour Christian Church in Seymour,
It is our goal to raise $2000 to send 2 pallets of food to Indiana. Cost is $40 which is due by May
Haiti through Lifeline Christian Mission. The Missions 1st. Registration forms are on the
Committee is contributing $2000 to this effort and is Women’s Bulletin Board. Please make
challenging the congregation to match that amount with checks payable to Round Lake Christian
the Easter Special Offering. If you do not have an
Easter offering envelope, please mark it on a normal
Camp. Any questions, contact Beverly
envelope. For more information, look for one of the Puckett, 654-4472. Please join us for this
bags of food stationed around the church. time of fellowship with other Christian

The Book Nook will

meet on Monday, April, SYMPATHY NOTE
We extend our heartfelt
25th at 6:30pm. The
sympathy to the family
book this month is
of Mabel Stevens.
“Almost Heaven” by
Mabel died last Friday,
Chris Fabry and can be
April 8th. May God
purchased from the
comfort during this
church for $7.00.
difficult time.

There will be an “Easter

Egg Hunt” for the youth
Preschool thru 5th grade on
Wednesday, April 20th
during the evening class
time. Candy is needed to
fill the eggs. You can
bring it to the church or if
you want, you can donate
money and we will buy
the candy. Any questions,
please contact Glen.
SERVING SCHEDULE – April 24, 2011

At the Table 1st Mike Cooper & Larry Bussey

George Lambert, Bill Kelly, Dick
Serving 1st
Shumaker, Jerry Baker
At the table 2 Mike Cooper & Tom Puckett
Serving 2nd George Lambert, Nick Hinson, Neal
Rudolph, Dale Thornton, Rod Troutman
Pastor of the Week Mike Cooper Women’s Prayer Breakfast
PM Deacon George Lambert
Saturday, April 30th - 9:00am
Offering Counters Team 3 Mary Alice Coats speaking
Concert by Lancaster High School
1ST Worship Larry King
2nd Worship Fred Griffith

1ST Worship Ernestine Cox & Geri Jaynes
2nd Worship Jim & Cindy Cox
Sunday School Laura Wersell & Shirley Marsh
2nd Worship Nick & Tracy Hinson A reminder to our members that we have a
Preschool Helper Judy Gardner “prayer chain” at the church. If you are not
Early Elementary Helper Brenda Hines
Upper Elementary Helper Cindy Cox
currently on the chain and want to receive
6-8th Grade Helper Mike Cooper prayer requests by phone, then please indicate
Visitor Center 1st Worship Geri Jaynes on the back of your silent roll call card, and
Visitor Center 2 Worship Norma Holtom we will put you on the list of people to call.
We do not use the phone tree anymore for
SECURITY prayer requests.
1st Worship Dan Brown
Bible School Bill Kelly
2nd Worship Jim Puckett
Evening Worship Paul Hoagland

Thursday, April 14th at 6:00pm We will be decorating the church for Easter
CRAFTER’S BEE on Thursday, April 14th at 7:00pm. We
Saturday, April 16th would appreciate anyone who would be able
12:30 – 3:30 pm to help with this project.


April 18th at 7:00pm FAMILY REUNION
April 19th at 12 o’clock noon CLASSES AT 6:30PM
“A Note from brAd….”
Over t h e p ast seven w eeks, 40 m en an d w o m en h ave w o r ked d ilig en t ly o n o u r
Can t at a. I d o h o p e o n Palm Su n d ay yo u w ill jo in u s f o r an o u t st an d in g celeb r at io n o f
o u r Lo r d . As alw ays, yo u ar e b ein g en co u r ag ed t o in vit e yo u r f r ien d s an d f am ily t o
at t en d . May I r em in d yo u t h at 85% o f p eo p le w h o d o n o t at t en d a ch u r ch r eg u lar ly
say t h ey w o u ld if so m eo n e w o u ld sim p ly in vit e t h em .

Th is Su n d ay, d u e t o t h e can t at a, w e ar e p r o vid in g n u r ser y b u t w ill n o t h ave Ju n io r

Ch u r ch . We h o p e t h at yo u u n d er st an d t h at o u r vo lu n t eer st af f w an t s t o sh ar e in t h is
w o r sh ip exp er ien ce w it h yo u .

I w an t t o en co u r ag e yo u t o g o t o o u r w eb sit e r eg u lar ly t o see t h e u p co m in g even t s

o f t h e ch u r ch . As o f n ext w eek, yo u w ill f in d f am ily f ello w sh ip even t s list ed as w ell as
so m e ser vice & o u t r each o p p o r t u n it ies f o r t h r o u g h o u t t h e r est o f t h e year . Ou r
w eb sit e ad d r ess ag ain is w w w .m yf m .

As w e co n t in u e t o g r o w , w e ar e seekin g t o ad d ad d it io n al classes d u r in g o u r Su n d ay
sch o o l h o u r . Please p r ay f o r Go d t o r ise u p n ew t each er s f o r o u r ad u lt m in ist r y. We
h ave a r eal n eed t o o f f er ad d it io n al classes o n o u r m ain level. We w ill sp eak m o r e
ab o u t t h is in f u t u r e ar t icles as t o o u r p lan s.

Beg in n in g o n May 1 st , w e w ill o f f er Cu r io u s 303 d u r in g o u r Su n d ay sch o o l h o u r .

Du r in g t h is t im e o f st u d y, w e w ill h elp p eo p le d isco ver t h eir g if t ed n ess so t h ey can see
h o w Go d m ig h t b e ab le t o u se t h eir g if t s f o r t h e kin g d o m . If yo u h ave an y q u est io n s
r eg ar d in g t h is st u d y, call Br ad at 740.550.9882.

Ou r “Get Real” Lif e Gr o u p w ill m eet t h is Su n d ay n ig h t at Jim & Bev Pu cket t ’s. Th ey
live at 1073 Su g ar Gr o ve Ro ad . If yo u m issed last Su n d ay, t h at is f in e b ecau se it w as o u r
in t r o d u ct io n t o t h e st u d y. We w ill st u d y 1 Jo h n 1 t h is w eek. If yo u w an t t o b e a p ar t o f
t h is g r o u p , b e su r e t o r ead t h at ch ap t er b ef o r e t h is Su n d ay n ig h t . We m eet f r o m 6-
7:30p m . Please jo in u s.

Have a g r eat w eek!

In His Ser vice,

Br ad , Ep h . 3:20-21

Our Prayer Requests

Mike Souders Mark Miller, Jr. Pete & Markele Kandra Brittany Ogden Julie Stuck
David Daubenmire Pauline Stebelton Mabel Stevens family Gray Redmond family Matthew Engler
Wanda Dickson Millie Hoy Frances Trimmer Dorothy Henderly Unspoken
Deb Dobson Wes Camp Judy Smith Dorothy Herman Cliff Byers
Our Troops George Andrews Sharon Bloom Joe Lockhart Diane Williams
Events Junior High…The Awkward Years
Apr. 16-17 Voice cracking, personalities developing, hormones raging, clumsiness
CIY: Believe (Jr. High attacking, values forming, body growing, responsibilities increasing, peer
Conference). pressure overwhelming, maturity approaching (we hope!). The middle school
Apr. 18-22, years are something…special. I easily get annoyed at the thought of myself at
Middle School/High ages 11-13. So I think we can all agree that working with and being around
kids these ages as adults can be an experience described, again, as…special.
School service week.
Details coming soon. On April 16-17 a group of 5 students will be attending the Christ In Youth
April 24, Easter! Believe Conference for Junior High Students. Seeing as last year we only had 1
student attend, this is a huge blessing from God! I believe it is God’s will for
Need to have $2000
this weekend to mark the beginning of a surge in our middle school ministries.
raised for pallet of food
We must remember that a conference like this, as great as it is going to be, is
to Haiti. only a beginning. This one weekend is not going to be enough to disciple
these kids. These young people, like all young people, are eager for loving and
caring relationships. It is awesome for them when people at church take
notice of them, but their lives are changed when that effort is taken outside
of the church’s walls.
Prayer Concerns Looking at the ministry of Jesus and how he discipled people, we see that he
was not confined to certain days of the week or specific programs. His whole
 Raising money for life was open to those he was discipling. Now let’s think about how old his
pallet of food for group of 12 was. If we remember that in Jewish culture you became a man at
Haiti age 13, it is not hard to envision some very young teenagers among the
 That God would apostles. Obviously Jesus saw a lot of potential in them and had high
raise up workers expectations for them. Today we do not consider 13 year olds as full-fledged
from within the adults, but I wonder whether our expectations for them should be any less
church who are than Jesus’.

passionate about By middle school we are hitting the age where most students are ready to
working with decide to be baptized and put their faith in Jesus. The tough implication with
young people that, though, is that if you are old enough to choose Heaven, then you are old
enough to go to Hell. So I encourage you to pray about whether or not you
can become involved with this age group full time. Can you teach a class? Can
you have students over for dinner regularly at your house? Can you let God
use you to help them mold into strong Christians? Can you take one student
and say, “He/she is mine. I’m going to help them get to Heaven”? Middle
School students may not be the easiest, but I promise that if you devote
yourselves to being their mentor/friend/servant, God will bless you greatly.
All of a sudden you will look at your life and your relationships with these
great kids and realize…this really is special.

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