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1. The Scholastics formulated this principle: “ Nihilestintellectu quod non priusfuerit in sensu:
There is nothing in the mind which was not first in some manner in the senses.” What does this

Answer: It means that human experience is based on our sensory input or in our senses.

2. Do imperfections in the functioning of the sense organs affect learning? Explain your answer.

Answer: Yes because our senses is the bridge which can help us to maintain the relationship
between us and the nature surrounding us...without them we can’t understand or even learn or
solve the problems affecting us.

3. Can the learner imagine something which he has not first experienced through senses?

Answer: Yes, but the imagination that the learner has is different from imagination of the person
who first-handedly felt the experience.

4. In learning, can we do away with memory in our desire to develop higher-order thinking skills in
the learners?

Answer: No, we can’t because we are dependent on the ability to remember what we have
already learned.

5. How do feelings and emotions affect the learner’s learning?

Answer: Feelings and emotions have an impact on learning. They can affect the learner at
different stages of the learning process. They influence our ability to process information and to
accurately understand what we encounter. As it has been demonstrated, they can have a
positive or negative impact on one's attention, motivation, learning strategies and ability to self-
regulate learning.
6. How different is Gardner’s MI theory from the traditional concept of intelligence?

Answer: Gardner's multiple intelligences theory challenged traditional beliefs in the fields of
education and cognitive science. According to a traditional definition, intelligence is a uniform
cognitive capacity people are born with.

7. Does each student have all of these multiple intelligences? Explain your answer.
Answer: Each student has his or her way of process information in terms of how they learn and
how they retain the knowledge .They has unique multiple intelligences and the different ways to
learn. In other words, not every person learns best from a single teaching approach. As soon to
be a teacher I must constantly aware of the learning style that I’ll going to use that will help
enchance their learning potential.

8. In the light of Gardner’s theory, why does Gardner claim we have been unfair to many of our
students in the past as far as teaching and testing strategies are concerned?

Answer: Gardner believes that standard tests don't cover all of the "intelligences" he has
discovered.He believes that just about everyone has an "intelligence" of some kind or other and
that the less common "intelligences" have been marginalized in education today in favor of the
normal recognized ones. Higher conceptual ability, quicker processing ability, textual
understanding, etc., are relegated to less important status in his view.

1. Read recent researches on memory and imagination. Write atleast one recent finding about
the power of memory and imagination. Write them here.

Answer: Adler on Memory and Imagination. Along with perception, memory and
imagination name the main sensitive powers. Many of our memories are verbal and
implement all the processes of thought, both perceptual and conceptual thought. When our
memories are not verbal, that which we remember recalls past events or occasions.

2. Research on the following learning styles given by Harvey F. Silver:

a. Mastery
Sensitivity to: Acts,details,physical actions,steps
Inclination for: Remembering, describing,manipulating, ordering.
Ability to: organize, report, build, plan and execute projects.

b. Interpersonal
Sensitivity to: feelings, people,gut reactions,experiences.
Inclination for: supporting,personalizing,expressing emotions, experimental learning.
Ability to: build trust and support,empathize,respond,teach.
c. Understanding
Sensitivity to: Acts,details,physical actions,steps
Inclination for: Remembering, describing,manipulating, ordering.
Ability to: organize
d. Self-expressions
Sensitivity to: hunches,images,possibilities,inspiration
Inclination for: predicting/speculating,imagining,generating ideas,developing insights.
Ability to: develop original solutions,think metaphorically,articulates ideas,express and

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