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Bùi Thanh Ngọc Bích – Sư phạm Anh K42A

Viết bài luận với độ dài tối thiểu 250 từ về đề bài sau

Many people say that universities should only offer places to young students with
the highest marks, while other say they should accept people of all ages, even if
they đi not do well at school. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


It's true that a university education is crucial to a person's career. Many people
believe that only young students should attend college, but I believe that everyone
should have access to tertiary education, regardless of their academic performance.

On the one hand, there are good grounds for arguing that universities should be
limited to young students with highest marks. First, students with the highest
marks are intelligent and hard-working and therefore deserve to be accepted. If
students have not acquired sufficient knowledge at high school, they are possibly
not qualified for the next level education. Second, this is to ensure that graduates
are well - educated and can enhance student’s career prospects. In other words,
rather than taking risks in training students of mixed abilities, the universities can
mobilize resources to create a more favorable learning environment with improved
education quality, better research capacity and facilities for a selected group of
high-potential individuals.

On the other hand, some believe that making universities accessible for everyone,
regardless of their age and learning capacity. This is because age does not reflect a
person’s intellectual potential, which means a person not be denied the benefits of
university education because of their age. Further more, Academic results are not
the only measurement of intelligence and should not be considered the only factor
that determines a person’s opportunity to pursue higher education.For example, my
friend performed very badly at Subjects such as Math or Literature, making her
average score disappointedly low when she left high school. However, she was
excellent at English and became top students when entering university. Therefore,
people like my friend should be allowed to take advantage of their strengths and
participate in specialized courses at university.
In conclusion, although certain advantages of limiting university education access
to young top students, I hold strong belief that opportunities should be open up for
everyone to enter university.

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