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1. Primary classification of obligations under

TITLE I. – OBLIGATIONS....................................1 the Civil Code:
Chapter 3 – Different Kinds of Obligations . a. Pure and conditiona obligations (Arts. 1179-
1 I. Intended Learning Objectives ...............1 1192)
II. Questions to Answer..............................1
b. Obligations with a period (Arts. 1193-1198)
III. Discussion ................................................1
IV. Definitions..............................................28 c. Alternative (Arts. 1199-2105) and facultative
V. Problems.................................................28 obligations (Art. 1206);
VI. Sources:...................................................29 d. Joint and solidary obligations (Arts. 1207-
TITLE I. – OBLIGATIONS e. Divisible and indivisble obligations (Arts.
Chapter 3 – Different Kinds of Obligations 1223-1225);
f. Obligations with a penal clause (Arts. 1226-
I. Intended Learning Objectives 1230)
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to 2. Secondary classification of obigations under
define and differentiate: the Civil Code;
a. Unilateral and bilateral obligations (Arts.
1. Pure and Conditional Obligations; 1169-1191)
2. Obligations with a Period; b. Real and personal obligations (Arts. 1163-
3. Alternative Obligations; 1168)
4. Joint and Solidary Obligations;
5. Divisible and Indivisible Obligations; c. Determinate and generic obligations (Art.
6. Obligations with a Penal Clause; 1165)
d. Civil and natural obligations (Art. 1423)
II. Questions to Answer e. Legal, conventional and penal oblegations.
1. Illustrate an obligation subject to a (Art.1157, 1159, 1161)
suspensive condition and resolutory SECTION 1
condition; Pure and Conditional Obligations
2. Differentiate a pure obligation from a
conditional obligation and an obligation Article 1179. Every obligation whose
with a period; performance does not depend upon a future or
uncertain event, or upon a past event unknown
3. Difference between a period and a to the parties, is demandable at once.
4. Difference between alternative and Every obligation which contains a resolutory
facultative obligation; condition shall also be demandable, without
prejudice to the effects of the happening of the
5. Differentiate divisible and indivisble event. (1113)
obligation from joint and solidary
III. Discussion
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WHEN IS AN OBLIGATION DEMANDABLE 1. When it is a pure obligation; (1179 par. 1)
AT ONCE: 2. When it is subject to a resolutory condition
(1179 par. 2) past event unknown to the parties. What
3. When it is subject to a resolutory period is contemplated by the law is the
(1193 par. 3) knowledge to be acquired in the future, of
a past event which at the moment is
unknown to the parties interested.
What is a Pure obligation?
What is an obligation subject to a term or
It is an obligation which does not depend upon a period?
future or uncertain event or upon a past event
unknown to the parties and is demandable at It is an obligation which is not demandable until
once. This is the first paragraph of Article 1179. after or is extinguished upon the arrival of a
term or period
i.e. D obliges himself to pay C the amount of
Article 1180. When the debtor binds himself to
pay when his means permit him to do so, the
obligation shall be deemed to be one with a
The above example does not provide for a period period, subject to the provisions of article 1197.
for compliance, hence it is immediately (n)

Another example: D binds himself to pay C When the debtor binds himself to pay when his
Php1,000.00, upon demand of C. The obligation means permit to do so, the obligation is deemed
is immediately due and demandable, hence to be one with a period. Remember however that
considered as a Pure obligation. what is left upon the debtor’s will is not the
option on whether or not to pay the obligation,
What is a Conditional Obligation? but as to duration of the period.
Article 1181. In conditional obligations, the
It is an obligation whose performance or acquisition of rights, as well as the
extinguishment depends upon a future or extinguishment or loss of those already
uncertain event, or upon a past event unknown acquired, shall depend upon the happening of
to the parties; the event which constitutes the condition.
What is a condition?

It is a future or uncertain event or a past but THE EFFECT OF HAPPENING OF

unknown event, the happening of which, results CONDITION
to the effectivity or extinguishment of an
obligation. 1. Acquisition of rights – obligations subject
to a suspensive condition;
Characteristics of a condition:
2. Loss of rights already acquired –
1. Future and uncertain obligations subject to a resolutory
2. Past but unknown – a condition may be a condition;

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CLASSIFICATION OF CONDITIONS: obligation. i.e. I will pay you after I
harvested fish. Suspensive, as the
1. As to effect obligation shall arise after the
a. Suspensive – the happening of which gives rise happening of a condition which is
to the obligation; to harvest fish. Harvesting fish is a future and
b. Resolutory – the happening of which uncertain event which may or may not happen.
extinguishes the obligation; Also, the option to harvest fish or not, is left
solely to the option of the debtor. Hence, there is
2. As to form: no stopping the debtor to avoid fulfilling the
a. Express – the condition is clearly stated; condition, so as to avoid his obligation. If there is
b. Implied – the condition is merely inferred however a pre-existing obligation, and then the
3. As to possibility: condition just followed, then only the condition is
a. Possible – the condition is not capable of void. For example , D obliged himself to pay C
fulfillment, legally or Php 10,000, 2 months from the date of loan.
Afterwards, he promised to pay C, after he, D,
sells his car. In this case only the condition is
b. Impossible – the condition is not capable of
fulfillment, legally or
b. Casual – the condition depends upon chance or
upon the will of a third person;
4. As to cause or origin:
a. Potestative – the condition depends upon the
i.e. Contractor obliges himself to repair at his
will of one of the
expense any damage that may be caused to the
contracting parties. Note however
building of B, by an earthquake which is less than
that there can be no suspensive
magnitude 5, within 10 years from date of
potestative condition which
completion of construction; or when S binds
depends upon the sole will of the
himself to sell his land to B if he wins a case which
debtor. A suspensive potestative
is pending before the court.
condition which depends upon the
sole will of the debtor is void,
c. Mixed – the condition depends partly upon
because its validity and compliance
chance and partly upon the will of a third person.
is left to the will of the debtor. This
will render the obligation as
i.e. Contractor obliges himself to repair at his
nugatory, as the debtor may
expense any damage that may be caused to the
expediently fail or refuse to fulfill building of B, by an earthquake which is less
the condition, to avoid his

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than magnitude 5, within 10 years any way to the damage.
from date of completion of 5. As to mode:
construction and if found by the a. Positive – the condition consists in
city engineer’s office that the performance of an act;
construction defects contributed in b. Negative – the condition consists in
the omission of an act;
6. As to numbers: is an obligation with a period. In this case, the
a. Conjunctive – there are several parties need to have the period fixed for the
conditions and all must be fulfilled; payment of the obligation.
b. Disjunctive – there are several
conditions and only one or some of there can be no suspensive potestative condition
them must be fulfilled; which depends upon the sole will of the debtor.
7. As to divisibility:
a. Divisible – the condition is A suspensive potestative condition which
susceptible of partial performance; depends upon the sole will of the debtor is void,
b. Indivisible – the condition is not because its validity and compliance is left to the
susceptive of partial performance. will of the debtor. This will render the obligation
as nugatory, as the debtor may expediently fail
Article 1182. When the fulfillment of the
condition depends upon the sole will of the or refuse to fulfill the condition, to avoid his
debtor, the conditional obligation shall be void. obligation. i.e. I will pay you after I harvested
If it depends upon chance or upon the will of a fish. Suspensive, as the obligation shall arise
third person, the obligation shall take effect in after the happening of a condition which is to
conformity with the provisions of this Code. harvest fish. Harvesting fish is a future and
(1115) uncertain event which may or may not happen.
Also, the option to harvest fish or not, is left
solely to the option of the debtor. Hence, there is
Potestative Condition no stopping the debtor to avoid fulfilling the
condition, so as to avoid his obligation. If there
In potestative condition, the fulfillment of the is however a pre existing obligation, and then
condition is dependent upon the sole will of the condition just followed, then only the
either party. condition is void. For example , D obliged
himself to pay C Php 10,000, 2 months from the
If the obligation is potestative on the part of the date of loan. Afterwards, he promised to pay C,
debtor, at the same time suspensive, it is void. after he, D, sells his car. In this case only the
Because if you are the debtor, you don’t want condition is void.
your obligation to arise. If the condition is
dependent upon your sole will, then you will not
fulfill the condition. Article 1183. Impossible conditions, those
contrary to good customs or public policy and
It is potestative if the debtor says “I will pay if I those prohibited by law shall annul the obligation
want to”. But if he says “I will pay if my means which depends upon them. If the obligation is
permit me to do so”, the civil code says that this divisible, that part thereof which is not affected by

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the impossible or unlawful condition shall be (1116a)
Impossible condition
The condition not to do an impossible thing shall
be considered as not having been agreed upon.
The impossibility may be physical or legal. an existing obligation, and the
condition just followed;
If an obligation is subject to an impossible Article 1184. The condition that some event
condition, the obligation is void since in happen at a determinate time shall extinguish
obligations, the condition is an essential element, the obligation as soon as the time expires or if
unlike in succession where if an institution is it has become indubitable that the event will
subject to an impossible condition, only the not take place. (1117)
condition is deemed void.

But if it is an obligation not to do an impossible Art. 1184 refers to a positive condition, the non
thing, it is valid. happening of which leads to the
extinguishment and/or non-arising of the
Two kinds of Impossible Conditions obligation.

1. Physically impossible conditions; i.e. I’ll give X Php10,000 if he gets married on or

i.e. I will give you Php 10,000, when pigs fly before he turns 23. What if X does not get
married on or before he turns 23, or he dies at
2. Legally impossible conditions; the age of 18. In this case, the obligation is
i.e. I will give you Php10,000 if you will shoot
Z; Article 1185. The condition that some event
will not happen at a determinate time shall
Effect: render the obligation effective from the moment
the time indicated has elapsed, or if it has
1. Positive impossible condition – void.
become evident that the event cannot occur.
Renders the obligation nugatory, as
there was no intention to fulfill the If no time has been fixed, the condition shall be
obligation in the first place; deemed fulfilled at such time as may have
2. Negative impossible condition – valid. probably been contemplated, bearing in mind
A condition not to do an impossible the nature of the obligation. (1118)
thing, the condition is disregarded and
the obligation is rendered pure and
valid. ; i.e. I will sell you my land if Art. 1185 refers to the non-happening of a
you do not give me a dog that talks; negative condition, the non-happening of
3. Only the affected obligation is void – which renders the obligation effective.
i.e. I will give you Php 10,000 if you
sell my cellphone and Php 5,000 if you i.e. I’ll give X Php10,000 if he does not get
shoot Z; married before the age of 23. What if X does not
4. Only the condition is void – if there is get married on or before he turns 23, or he dies
at the

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age of 22, hence, it is certain that he will not obligation is immediately rendered effective.
marry before the age of 23. In this case, the
Article 1186. The condition shall be deemed
fulfilled when the obligor voluntarily prevents
its fulfillment. (1119) PURE obligations are pretty straightforward, as
it is demandable at once. As to conditional
obligations, we first discuss what a suspensive
Art. 1186 refers to the constructive fulfillment of condition is.
a suspensive condition.
In obligations subject to a suspensive condition,
Requisites for the application for Art. 1186: 1. the happening of the future and uncertain event
The obligation is subject to a suspensive gives rise to an obligation. Without the
condition; happening of that condition, you cannot demand
2. The obligor prevented its fulfillment; the performance of an obligation.
3. Obligor acts voluntarily;
Rules applicable when there is a suspensive
i.e. I promise to pay you Php10,000 if you find a condition:
buyer for my laptop at Php50,000. You found a
willing buyer, but to evade payment, I sold it to Q: What would be the effect when the condition
another buyer. There is a constructive fulfillment has been fulfilled?
of the condition in this case. Hence, it will seem
that the condition was fulfilled, and the A: It retroacts to the day of the constitution of the
obligation shall arise. I am still liable to pay you obligation.
i.e. The obligation was entered into on January 1,
2014, but the condition (for instance the full
Article 1187. The effects of a conditional payment of the purchase price) happened only
obligation to give, once the condition has been on February 14, 2014, the effect will retroact to
fulfilled, shall retroact to the day of the January 1, 2014. If it is a contract of sale the
constitution of the obligation. Nevertheless, when
buyer already has rights as early as January 1,
the obligation imposes reciprocal prestations upon
the parties, the fruits and interests during the 2014 over the property because of the retroactive
pendency of the condition shall be deemed to have effect of the fulfillment of the condition.
been mutually compensated. If the obligation is
unilateral, the debtor shall appropriate the fruits Insofar as the fruits and interest, if it is a
and interests received, unless from the nature and reciprocal obligation, the fruits and interests are
circumstances of the obligation it should be
deemed to be mutually compensated. For
inferred that the intention of the person
constituting the same was different. instance, the Seller need not deliver to the B the
In obligations to do and not to do, the courts shall fruits accruing after January 1, 2020 (the
determine, in each case, the retroactive effect of
the condition that has been complied with.

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execution of the contract) but before February 14, 2020 (the happening of the condition), and B is
not obliged to pay legal interest on the price. some acts which could be prejudicial to the
Here the fruits and interests received are rights of the creditor, does the creditor have
deemed to have been mutually compensated. any remedy?

If the obligation is unilateral, the debtor shall Even if the condition has not yet been
also appropriate the fruits and interest to fulfilled, the creditor may bring action for the
himself, unless by the nature of the obligation protection of his right.
we can infer a different intention.i .e. The donor
executes a deed of donation over a parcel of Rights of the Debtor - The debtor may
land in favor of the donee, once the donee recover what during the same time he has
marries. In this case, the deed of donation was paid by mistake in case of a suspensive
executed in 2010, while the condition happened condition
in 2020, fruits accruing from 2010 to 2020 is
rightfully the debtor’s (donor) and the donee Q: What are the rights of the parties before the
has no right over the same, until the obligation fulfillment of the condition?
to deliver arises – at the time of his marriage in A:
1. Creditor – _may bring the appropriate actions
for the preservation of his right (Art. 1188), such
We should not confuse this with Article 1164. In
1164, the creditor has the right to the fruits from a) action for prohibition restraining the
the time the obligation to deliver arises. Here, alienation of the thing pending the
the obligation to deliver arises only upon the happening of the suspensive condition b)
fulfillment of the condition because we are action against adverse possessors to
interrupt the running of prescriptive
talking about a conditional obligation.
Article 1188. The creditor may, before the c) action to demand security if the debtor
fulfillment of the condition, bring the has become insolvent
appropriate actions for the preservation of his d) action to set aside alienations made by
the debtor in fraud of creditors
2. Debtor – _may recover what during the same
time he has paid by mistake in case of a
The debtor may recover what during the same suspensive condition (Art. 1188).
time he has paid by mistake in case of a
suspensive condition. (1121a) Article 1189. When the conditions have been
imposed with the intention of suspending the
efficacy of an obligation to give, the following
Rights Of The Creditor - From the time of the rules shall be observed in case of the
constitution of the obligation, until the improvement, loss or deterioration of the thing
fulfillment of the condition, as long as the during the pendency of the condition:
condition is not fulfilled, the obligation does
not yet arise. What if from the time the (1) If the thing is lost without the fault of the
obligation was constituted, the debtor made debtor, the obligation shall be extinguished;
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(2) If the thing is lost through the fault of the What are the requisites for Art.1189 to apply?
debtor, he shall be obliged to pay damages; it is
understood that the thing is lost when it 1. Must be a real obligation;
perishes, or goes out of commerce, or disappears 2. Object is a specific/determinate thing;
3. Obligation is subject to a suspensive
in such a way that its existence is unknown or it
cannot be recovered;
4. The condition is fulfilled; and
5. There is loss, deterioration or improvement of
(3) When the thing deteriorates without the fault the thing during the pendency of the happening
of the debtor, the impairment is to be borne by the of the condition.

(4) If it deteriorates through the fault of the Take note of the rules in case of loss, deterioration
debtor, the creditor may choose between the and improvement. In short, the owner bares the
rescission of the obligation and its fulfillment, loss. If whoever becomes the owner at the end,
with indemnity for damages in either case; then he bears the loss, unless there is fault on the
part of the debtor. The owner also gets the
(5) If the thing is improved by its nature, or by benefits of the improvement.
time, the improvement shall inure to the benefit
of the creditor; Kinds of Loss

(6) If it is improved at the expense of the debtor, 1. Physical Loss – when a thing perishes as
he shall have no other right than that granted to when a car is completely destroyed;
the usufructuary. (1122) 2. Legal Loss – when a thing goes out of

WITH DEBTOR’S FAULT commerce or becomes illegal; appears in such a way that its
WITHOUT 3. Civil Loss – when a thing dis existence is unknown,
DR pays damages Obligation or even if known, it cannot be recovered.
extinguished i.e. a piece of jewelry is dropped from a
Deterioration ship at sea.
CR- choose b/w rescission of Impairment borne by CR have for their purpose the
obligation or extinguishment of an obligation to
fulfillment (with indemnity for give, the parties, upon the fulfillment
damages in either case) of said conditions, shall return to
Article 1190. When the conditions
each other what they have received.
Improvement In case of the loss, deterioration or improvement of
1. BY THE THING’S NATURE OR BY TIME – the thing, the provisions which, with respect to the
_inure to the benefit of the CR debtor, are laid down in the preceding article shall
2. AT THE DEBTOR’S EXPENSE– DR shall be applied to the party who is bound to return.
have no right other than that granted to a
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As for the obligations to do and not to do, the
provisions of the second paragraph of article 1187 The injured party may choose between the
shall be observed as regards the effect of the fulfillment and the rescission of the obligation,
extinguishment of the obligation. (1123) with the payment of damages in either case. He
may also seek rescission, even after he has
1190 – refers to an obligation subject to a chosen fulfillment, if the latter should become
resolutory condition. impossible.
and now there is an obligation on the part of C to
return the car to D. The court shall decree the rescission claimed,
unless there be just cause authorizing the fixing
of a period.
In a resolutory condition, the obligation is
demandable at once, just like in a pure This is understood to be without prejudice to
obligation. the rights of third persons who have acquired
Article 1191. The power to rescind obligations the thing, in accordance with articles 1385 and
is implied in reciprocal ones, in case one of the 1388 and the Mortgage Law. (1124)
obligors should not comply with what is
incumbent upon him.
Effect of Fulfillment
Obligation arises or becomes effective Obligation is extinguished
Effect of Non-fulfillment
If not fulfilled, no juridical relation is created If not fulfilled, juridical relation is consolidated

When Rights are Acquired

Rights are not yet acquired, but there is hope or Rights are already acquired, but subject to the
expectancy that they will soon be acquired threat or danger of extinction

Rules applicable when there is Resolutory lend the car to C immediately arises, and is
Condition: demandable at once. The obligation shall cease,
once C graduates. Hence, at the moment C
When there is a resolutory conditon, the graduates, the obligation of D to lend the car is
happening of that condition will extinguish the extinguished,
obligation. What happens when the obligation is
extinguished? Then, if you are the creditor, you
What is rescission under Article 1191? It refers
will have to return the thing to the debtor. When
to the cancellation of the contract or reciprocal
the obligation is already extinguished, and there obligation in case of breach on the part of one,
is now an obligation to return, Article 1189 on which breach is violative of the reciprocity
the loss, deterioration and improvement will between the parties. This is properly called
also apply. resolution.

May an injured party avail of both fulfillment

i.e. D obliges himself to let C borrow his car,
and rescission as remedy?
until the day he graduates. The obligation to
GR: The injured party can only choose between Article 1191 allows the injured party to seek
fulfillment and rescission of the obligation, and rescission even after he has chosen fulfillment.
cannot have both. (Ayson-Simon v. Adamos,G.R. No. L-39378, Aug.
28 1984)
XPN: If fulfillment has become impossible,

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The rescission mentioned under Art. 1191 is into an agreement that violation of the terms of
properly called resolution. Art. 1191 applies to a the contract would cause cancellation thereof,
reciprocal obligation and in such obligation, both even without court intervention. Therefore, it is
parties are debtors and creditors of each other. In not always necessary that a party should resort
reciprocal obligations, even if the right to rescind to the court for the rescission of the contract. If
is not mentioned, it is applicable and it applies to there is a stipulation in the contract which states
parties because of Art. 1191. that rescission without need for a judicial action,
this will be governed by the law of contracts
What are the limitations?
So these are also mentioned under Art. 1191, it will be part of the stipulation in the contract, as
first we have to observe due process. Why? in the case of express resolutory conditions
Because even if there is a breach, how do we which is also subject to the limitation that it
know that there is really a breach? Who decides should not be contrary to law, morals, good
especially if there is already a performance as to customs, public order or public policy.
one of the
parties. So one invokes breach, while the other Second limitation, the right to rescind is
denies that there has been a breach, so here a subordinated to the rights of third persons who
judicial action must be resorted to, Art. 1191 then acquired the thing in good faith. So for
is necessarily judicial. The power to rescind example, the buyer and the seller entered into a
obligations is implied in reciprocal ones, in case contract of
one of the obligors should not comply with what sale and the seller has already delivered the
is incumbent upon him. So it is clear by a mere thing but the buyer has not yet paid the price,
reading of the CC provisions. However, it is note that there can be an absolute sale even if
equally settled that in the absence of a payment has not been made yet, depending on
stipulation to the contrary, this power must be the agreement of the parties. So here there is
invoked judicially. It cannot be exercised solely already a contract of sale, and therefore upon
on a party’s own judgment that the other party the delivery of the property by the seller to the
has committed a breach of the obligation. Where buyer, ownership to the property is already
there is no stipulation in the contract giving the transferred to the buyer. Now the original buyer
petitioner the power to rescind without resort to sells it to a third person X and the property is
the courts, the petitioner’s action in unilaterally covered by a Torrens title, is the sale valid? Yes
terminating the contract is unjustified. So it is because the buyer became the owner of the
clear from the said case that it should be invoked property upon delivery even if it is not yet fully
judicially. paid and the buyer in turn can now sell the
property. Upon delivery to X, transfer of
Can there be a stipulation that there is already ownership also occurs. Now because the
no need for the parties to go to court, and that original buyer did not pay, the seller now wants
decision can be made extra-judicially? Can to rescind, can there be rescission? If the third
there be a stipulation? Yes. There is nothing in party who bought the property had no
the law that prohibits the parties from entering knowledge of any defect in the title of the
original buyer, then he will be considered an and the third party is aware of that, in this case
innocent purchaser for value and therefore then, he can be ordered to return the property.
rescission cannot be made in that case because
mutual restitution is no longer possible. The Third limitation, the court may order the fixing
buyer can no longer return the property as it is of the period instead of rescission. Even if there
already in the hands of a third person who is an is a breach, the court may give the debtor a
innocent purchaser for value. So that is another certain period within which to comply with his
limitation on the right to rescind, unless there is obligation. Exception if the fixing of the period
annotation in the title of the right of the seller would serve no other purpose but to delay. So in

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this case, the court can no longer decree the The injured party may choose between the
fixing of a period but only rescission. fulfillment and the rescission of the obligation,
with the payment of damages in either case. He
Fourth limitation, casual or slight breaches will may also seek rescission, even after he has
not justify rescission. There must be a chosen fulfillment, if the latter should become
substantial breach. impossible.
The court shall decree the rescission claimed,
In the case of Angeles vs. Calasanz, the SC held
unless there be just cause authorizing the fixing
that when you accept the late payment which is
of a period.
already beyond the grace period, this amounts to
a waiver of the right to rescind. If you accept This is understood to be without prejudice to
beyond the grace period. the rights of third persons who have acquired
the thing, in accordance with articles 1385 and
The fifth limitation, the remedy of rescission is 1388 and the Mortgage Law. (1124)
alternative to specific performance, so you The basis of Art. 1191 for rescission is the breach
cannot file both specific performance and of faith. It is not economic injury under Art. 1380,
rescission. It has to be either specific which is the rescission proper. So the basis for
performance or rescission. Now there are cases rescission in 1191 is different from Art. 1380. in
when even after choosing specific performance Art. 1191, the basis is the breach of faith or the
you may still choose for rescission if specific violation of the contract. In Art. 1380 or 1381, it is
performance is no longer possible. Even if you the lesion or economic injury. In Art. 1191, the
chose at first rescission but it is no longer breach must be substantial breach and not
possible, then you may choose specific merely casual breach.
performance. Like for example you chose for
specific performance but it cannot be done, the In the case of the Congregation of the Virgin
seller did not deliver but you already paid, pero Mary vs Orola, et. al., G.R. No. 169790. April 30,
ang nanghitabo nawala na ang property so it 2008 and Lelicon vs National Housing Authority,
cannot be delivered. So even if you chose specific GR. No. 185440, July 13 2011, the common
performance, it is no longer possible and so you distinctions discussed by the SC regarding Art.
may now demand for rescission. Ang reverse 1191 and Art. 1380 are the following:
naman is when you choose rescission, the seller
already delivered the property but the buyer has
not fully paid the price and in the meantime the Art. 1191 Art. 1380

buyer already sold the property persons will be affected and so in Partial rescission and partial
to a third person, so when the that case the seller may demand specific performance may also
seller asks for rescission it is no for specific performance. be resorted to.
longer possible because third
6th limitation, the remedy of Applies to reciprocal obligations PROPER
rescission can only be filed by or obligations in which the
Not necessarily applicable only
one who is not at fault. It can parties are bound to perform
to reciprocal
only be availed of by the simultaneously
obligations as it may apply to
injured party. other kinds of obligations
Is properly called RESOLUTION Is a principal action which is
Is a subsidiary action, which
retaliatory in character.
means that it

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Principal action- can be brought Based on lesion or economic PERIOD CONDITION
in the first instance when there injury.
is a breach of faith. Retaliatory
contemplates that the right of the Obligations with a Period
party to rescind the contract is
based on Article 1193. Obligations for whose fulfillment
the breach by the other party. a day certain has been fixed, shall be
demandable only when that day comes.

Obligations with a resolutory period take effect

at once, but terminate upon arrival of the day
Also contemplates an alternative certain.
remedy. It is alternative to
specific performance. Both A day certain is understood to be that which
cannot be availed of at once. must necessarily come, although it may not be
There are specific instances known when.
where you can file rescission or
rescission after you have filed If the uncertainty consists in whether the day
specific performance. will come or not, the obligation is conditional,
and it shall be regulated by the rules of the
Based on breach of faith preceding Section. (1125a)
cannot be filed in the first
instance where there is economic
injury. All other actions which
are available must be Obligation with a period or a
considered, like specific term
performance, etc. All other
remedies must be exhausted When we say period or term, it is
first before Art. 1380 can be a future and certain event which
availed of. must necessarily come or arrive,
This is the last remedy. If you although we may not know
cannot avail of those other when, but it is sure to arrive, As to Time
remedies, only then can you unlike a condition which is
avail of rescission under Art.
tainted with uncertainty.
Prescriptive period is Prescriptive period Refers to the future Refers to a future and
10 years. is 4 years. and certain event uncertain event, or a
past event unknown to the parties
the contract, the same shall be deemed
Article 1192. In case both parties have extinguished, and each shall bear his own
committed a breach of the obligation, the damages. (n)
liability of the first infractor shall be equitably
tempered by the courts. If it cannot be
determined which of the parties first violated As to Fulfillment
It will happen at an exact date or at an indefinite May or may not happen
time, but is sure to arrive

As to its Influence on the Obligation to

be Fulfilled or Performed
No effect or obligation but only in
influence upon the existence of the May give rise to an obligation
(suspensive) or the cessation of one

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its demandability or c. Judicial – _the period or term performance of an obligation or
performance fixed by the courts for the for its termination.
already existing (resolutory)
Q: What is an obligation with a period or a Kinds of period or term
A: It is the obligations for whose fulfillment a 1. According to effect:
day certain has been fixed, shall be demandable a. Ex die – _this is a term or period with
only when that day comes. (Art. 1193) suspensive effect. The obligation begins only
from a day certain, in other words upon the
Q: What are the requisites of a valid period or arrival of the period.
term? b. In diem – _a period or term with a resolutory
A: FCP effect. Up to a certain extent, the obligation
1. Future remains valid, but upon the arrival of said
2. Certain period, the obligation terminates.
3. Possible, legally and physically (Paras, Civil
Code of the Philippines Annotated, Vol. IV., 2008 ed. 2. According to source:
p. 235) a. Legal – _a period granted under the provisions
of the law.
Q: What is a term or period? b. Conventional or voluntary – _period agreed
A: It is a certain length of time which determines upon or stipulated by the parties.
the effectivity or the extinguishment of the
obligations. 3. According to definiteness:
a. Definite – _the exact date or time is known and
Q: What is a “day certain”? given.
A: It is understood to be that which must b. Indefinite – _something that will surely happen
necessarily come, although it may not be known but the date of happening is unknown.
when Article 1194. In case of loss, deterioration or
yet demand the performance of the obligation. That is
improvement of the thing before the arrival of
the day certain, the rules in article 1189 shall why the debtor can recover if he paid prior to the
be observed. (n) arrival of the period, on the premise that there is
mistake. If he paid voluntarily, knowing that the
obligation has not yet become due and demandable,
PLEASE SEE DISCUSSION UNDER ARTICLE then he is deemed to have waived the period.
1189 Article 1196. Whenever in an obligation a
Article 1195. Anything paid or delivered before period is designated, it is presumed to have
the arrival of the period, the obligor being been established for the benefit of both the
unaware of the period or believing that the creditor and the debtor, unless from the tenor of
obligation has become due and demandable,
the same or other circumstances it should
may be recovered, with the fruits and interests.
(1126a) appear that the period has been established in
favor of one or of the other. (1127)

If the period has not yet arrived, the creditor cannot

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The presumption is, if there is a period, it is for or just an option to renew. If what exist is just
the benefit of both the creditor and the debtor. an option, who may exercise the option?

Example: If the obligation is due on December Renewal of the contract may be had only
31, 2014, the creditor cannot be compelled to upon their mutual agreement. One party
accept payment by the debtor, before December cannot compel the other to renew. Applying
31, 2014. The debtor cannot also be compelled the principle of mutuality of contracts, and
by the creditor to pay before December 31. because the period of the lease is deemed to
have been set for the benefit of both parties.
For whose benefit is the period constituted? Thus, there has to be a mutual agreement.

GR: Whenever in an obligation a period is Q: What if the tenor of the contact is that the
designated, it is presumed to have been
debt is payable on or before December 31,
established for the benefit of both the creditor
and the debtor 2014, whose benefit is that period for?

XPN: When it appears from the tenor of the A: If you say payable on or before, the debtor
period or other circumstances that it was can pay before or it can be on the exact date
established for the benefit of one of the parties. stipulated. Can the creditor collect from the
debtor before December 31? No. the option
Jose vs. CA here is in favor of the debtor.

Here we have a contract of lease. It says that However, if it says that the debt is
the lease is for a period of 15 years, subject to ‘demandable on or before December 31’, the
renewal for another 10 years. The phrase option is on the creditor. So the creditor can
‘subject to renewal’ is unclear on whether the demand on or before. But he cannot be
parties contemplated an automatic renewal, compelled to accept payment on or before.
Article 1197. If the obligation does not fix a
period, but from its nature and the
The court may fix the period in this case. The
circumstances it can be inferred that a period
court here does not make the contract for the
was intended, the courts may fix the duration
parties but it only makes clear the intention of
the parties.

The courts shall also fix the duration of the

When may the court fix the period?
period when it depends upon the will of the
debtor. 1. If the obligation does not fix a period, but
from its nature and circumstances it can be
In every case, the courts shall determine such inferred that a period was intended by the
period as may under the circumstances have parties. 2. If the duration of the period depends
upon the will of the debtor.
been probably contemplated by the parties.
3. In case of reciprocal obligations, when there is
Once fixed by the courts, the period cannot be
a just cause for fixing the period.
changed by them. (1128a)

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4. If the debtor binds himself when his means
permit him to do so. (5) When the debtor attempts to abscond.
Note: Once fixed by the courts, the period
cannot be changed by the parties.
Article 1198. The debtor shall lose every right When may a debtor lose his right to make use
to make use of the period: of the period?

(1) When after the obligation has been 1. When after the obligation has been contracted
contracted, he becomes insolvent, unless he he becomes Insolvent, unless he gives a guaranty
gives a guaranty or security for the debt; or security for the debt;
2. When he does not furnish to the creditor the
(2) When he does not furnish to the creditor Guaranties or securities which he has promised;
the guaranties or securities which he has 3. When by his own acts he has Impaired said
guaranties or securities after their establishment,
and when through a fortuitous event they
(3) When by his own acts he has impaired disappear, unless he immediately gives new
ones or equally satisfactory;
said guaranties or securities after their
4. When the debtor Violates any undertaking, in
establishment, and when through a fortuitous consideration of which the creditor agreed to the
event they disappear, unless he immediately period;
gives new ones equally satisfactory; 5. When the debtor attempts to Abscond. (Art.
(4) When the debtor violates any
undertaking, in consideration of which the So even if there is a period mentioned, the
creditor agreed to the period; obligation is immediately due and demandable
if any of the instances in this article is present. are two or more prestations. It may be: a.
Conjunctive obligation – one where there are
Alternative Obligations several prestations and all
of htem are due; or
ARTICLE 1199. A person alternatively bound b. Distributive oblgiation – one where
by different prestations shall completely two or more of the prestations is
perform one of them. due. It may be:
The creditor cannot be compelled to receive part i. Alternative obligation – one
of one and part of the other undertaking. where several prestations
(1131) are due but the performance
of one is sufficient; (Art.
Kinds of Obligation according to object: ii. Facultative obligation – one
where only one prestation is
1. Simple – one where there is only one due but the debtor may
prestation substitute another. (Art.
2. Compound obligation – one where tehre 1206)

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Alternative obligation – D EITHER P10,000, or an iphone X. or fraud
borrowed from C P10,000. It is alternatively the object of the
agreed that D shall comply with Facultative obligation - D obligation have been lost or the
his obligation by giving C borrowed from C compliance of the obligation has
on account of delay, negligence become impossible.
P10,000. It is agreed that D shall comply with his Void prestation
obligation by giving C P10,000, or If principal If one prestation is void, the
at the option of D, an iphone X. obligation is void, the creditor others free from vices preserve
FACULTATIVE ALTERNATIVE compel delivery of the validity of the
OBLIGATIONS OBLIGATIONS the substitute obligation
Number of prestation Impossibility of prestation
Only one object is Several objects are If there is If various
due due impossibility to prestations are
Manner of compliance deliver the principal impossible to
May be complied May be complied thing or prestation, perform except one,
with by substitution with by fulfilling the obligation is this one must be
of one that is due any of those extinguished, even if delivered.
alternately due the substitute If all prestations are
Right to choice obligation is valid impossible to
Choice pertains only to debtor obligation is Effect of fortuitous loss
GR: Choice pertain to debtor extinguished Loss of substitute before the
XPN: Expressly granted to Loss of substitute Where the choice is given to the
creditor creditor,
perform, the or third person

Fortuitous loss of extinguish the the loss of the

extinguishes the all obligation alternative through
obligation pres substitution through the fault of the
Fort tatio the fault of the debtor renders him
uito n debtor doesn’t make
us will him liable.
Effect of culpable loss liable for damages

Culpable loss debtor

obliges the debtor to deliver Article 1200. prestations which ar
substitute prestation without which could
debtor, unless it has been expressly granted to not hav
liability to debtor the creditor. obligation. (1132)
Culpable loss of any object due
will give rise to liability to The debtor shall have no right to choose those
Liability of the debtor
Substitution has been made and of indemnity for In alternative obligation, who
communicated to the creditor, damages when, through the fault has the right to choose
the obligor is liable for the loss of the debtor, all the things prestation?
of the thing which are
The creditor shall have the right

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GR: The right of choice belongs to the debtor
choice when among the prestations whereby he
XPN: unless it has been expressly given to the is alternatively bound, only one is practicable.
creditor (Art. 1200). (1134)
Article 1201. The choice shall produce no effect
except from the time it has been communicated.
What are the limitations on debtor’s right to
In alternative obligations, when does the 1. The debtor must absolutely perform the
choice made take effect? prestation chosen. He cannot compel the creditor
to receive part of one and part of the other
The choice made takes effect only upon undertaking.
communication of the choice to the other party 2. The debtor shall have no right to choose those
and from such time the obligation ceases to be prestation which are impossible, unlawful or
alternative (Art. 1201; Art. 1205). which could not have been the object of the
Article 1202. The debtor shall lose the right of obligation (Art. 1200).
3. The debtor shall lose the right to choice when
among the prestation whereby he is alternatively The indemnity shall be fixed taking as a basis the
bound, only one is practicable (Art. 1202). value of the last thing which disappeared, or that
of the service which last became impossible.
When will alternative obligation become a
simple obligation? Damages other than the value of the last thing or
service may also be awarded. (1135a)
1. When the debtor has communicated the
choice to the creditor. Article 1205. When the choice has been expressly
2. When debtor lose the right to choice among given to the creditor, the obligation shall cease to
the prestations whereby the debtor is be alternative from the day when the selection has
alternatively bound, only one is practicable (Art. been communicated to the debtor.
3. When the choice has been expressly given to Until then the responsibility of the debtor shall be
the creditor and his choice has been governed by the following rules:
communicated to the debtor
(1) If one of the things is lost through a fortuitous
event, he shall perform the obligation by delivering
that which the creditor should choose from among
Article 1203. If through the creditor's acts the
the remainder, or that which remains if only one
debtor cannot make a choice according to the terms
of the obligation, the latter may rescind the
contract with damages. (n)
(2) If the loss of one of the things occurs through
the fault of the debtor, the creditor may claim any
Article 1204. The creditor shall have a right to
of those subsisting, or the price of that which,
indemnity for damages when, through the fault of
through the fault of the former, has disappeared,
the debtor, all the things which are alternatively
with a right to damages;
the object of the obligation have been lost, or the
compliance of the obligation has become
(3) If all the things are lost through the fault of the
debtor, the choice by the creditor shall fall upon the

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price of any one of them, impossible. (1136a) CR may choose any of those
also with indemnity for choose from among the were lost,
damages. What are the effects of remainder or that DUE TO
loss of objects in which FORTUITO US EVENT
The same rules shall be alternative obligations? remains if only one DUE TO DEBTOR’S
applied to obligations to do indemnity for damages FAULT
or not to do in case one, CR may subsists
some or all of the Some but not all are claim any of those but it is the price/value
prestations should become lost subsisting OR he may of with
Choice Belongs to Debtor right to
All are lost DR released based on Only one remains of DR, CR has a right to
from the the value of the last damages indemnity for damages
obligation thing which disappeare that can be
CR shall claimed
have a right to Deliver that which
indemnify for damages remains. In case of fault
Some but not all are deliver that which he facultative.
lost shall choose from
DR shall among the The loss or deterioration of Article
the thing 1206 – refers
intended as to a
deliver that which he remainder without a substitute, through the facultative
negligence obligation.
of the
shall choose from damages obligor, does not render him Please
liable.see discussion
But once the
among the remainder Article 1206. When only one substitution has been
prestation has been made, the obligor
under Articleis1199.
d/service which agreed upon, but the obligorformay
the render
loss ofanother
the substitute on account of his
become in delay, negligence
substitution, the obligation or fraud. (n)
is called
impossible DR shall
Only one remains Effect of Loss of the Principal thing:
Deliver that which remains
Choice Belongs to Creditor 1. Before substitution – obligation is
All are lost DR released from the them with liable for damages.
obligation extinguished if lost through
CR may fortuitous event. If lost with
claim the faulth of the debtor, the debtor is
price/value of any of

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2. After substitution – regardless if thru
fortuitous event or with fault of debtor, the the same obligation does not imply that each one
debtor shall not be liable. of the former has a right to demand, or that
each one of the latter is bound to render, entire
Effect of Loss of the Substitute: compliance with the prestation. There is a
solidary liability only when the obligation
1. Before substitution- the loss of the
expressly so states, or when the law or the
substitute with or without fault does not
nature of the obligation requires solidarity.
make the debtor liable. Note that in (1137a)
facultative obligation, the choice is always
with the debtor only. Hence the loss of the Article 1208. If from the law, or the nature or
substitute merely causes the obligation to the wording of the obligations to which the
cease as a facultative obligation, as the preceding article refers the contrary does not
appear, the credit or debt shall be presumed to
debtor loses his right to choose the
be divided into as many shares as there are
substitute. creditors or debtors, the credits or debts being
2. After substitution- once the susbtitution is considered distinct from one another, subject to
made, and the substitutre is lost, the the Rules of Court governing the multiplicity
liability of the debtor is based on whetehr of suits. (1138a)
or not the loss is due to his fault.
It is one where the credit or debt shall be
Joint and Solidary Obligations
presumed to be divided into as many equal
shares as there are creditors or debtors, the
Article 1207. The concurrence of two or more
credit or debts being considered distinct from
creditors or of two or more debtors in one and
one another (Art. 1208).
It is where each debtor is liable only for a creditors has the right to demand from any of the
proportionate part of the debt and each creditor debtors, the payment or fulfillment of the entire
is entitled only to a proportionate part of the obligation.

What are solidary obligations? In the absence of any specific provision, an

obligation is presumed to be a joint obligation.
It is where each of the debtors obliges to pay the Solidarity is never presumed due to its
entire obligation, and where each one of the burdensome nature.

What are joint obligations? Each debtor is liable only for a obligation requires solidarity.
JOINT proportionate part of the entire (Art. 1207)
OBLIGATION Presumed by law debt Each creditor, if there are Each debtor is obliged to pay the
(Art. 1208) several, is entitled only to a entire obligation
proportionate part of the credit
SOLIDARY Each creditor has the right to
OBLIGATION Not presumed. demand from any of the debtors,
Must be expressly stipulated by the payment or
the parties, or when the law or fulfillment of the entire
the obligation
nature of the

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(Tolentino, Civil In a SOLIDARY OBLIGATION, any one of the
CodeVol IV, 1999 solidary debtors may be held liable for the entire
ed. p. 217) obligation and any one of the solidary creditors
may claim the entire obligation.
So the motto here is “one for all and all for one.” only entitled to 50k and D is entitled only to 50k.
Unlike in a joint obligation, “to each his own.” How much can C collect from A?50k the same
thing for D.
So assuming, we have A,B, are debtors, while C
and D are the creditors, debt is php100,000, they So in a solidary obligation as provided for in
are all solidary. How much can we collect from 1215 and 1214, any one of the solidary creditors
A and how much can c collect? The entire Php may collect or demand payment for the entire
100,000, because any one can be held liable. obligation.

Can there be solidarity at the same time a joint So there is also MUTUAL AGENCY because any
obligation in one obligation? one of them may comply.

Yes. Please read Article 1212.

Assuming that A and B are joint debtors, and C Article 1212. Each one of the solidary creditors
and D are solidary creditors for 100k? may do whatever may be useful to the others, but
not anything which may be prejudicial to the
latter. (1141a)
How much is the liability of A? 50k
There being mutual agency, between and among
How much is the collectible of C? The entire the solidary creditors, this article says each one
100k because they are solidary creditors may do anything beneficial to the other but not
How much can C collect from A? C may only
collect 50k becauseA is a joint debtor. So the creditor may demand from the debtor the
obligation. The demand interrupts the
But how much can he collect? The entire 100k prescriptive period for the ENTIRE
because he is a solidary creditor but because A is OBLIGATION not only for his share. But not any
just a joint debtor he can only collect 50k. He can act prejudicial, for example condoning the entire
collect both from A and B, 50k each. It makes debt? Actually he can condone, but the law says,
him entitled to the entire 100k. not prejudicial, so he may condone but he is
How about in the reverse, A and B are solidary bound to give to their other creditors their
debtors and C and D are joint creditors? shares.

So A and B can be made liable for the entire What are the legal consequences if the
obligation of 100k but being joint creditors, C is obligation is joint?

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1. Each debtor is liable only for a proportionate The demand made by one creditor upon one
part of the entire debt debtor, produces effects of default only as
2. Each creditor, if there are several, is entitled between them
only to a proportionate part of the credit 3. 4. Interruption of prescription caused by the
demand made by one creditor upon one debtor, What are the kinds of solidary obligation?
will NOT benefit the co-creditors or the co
debtors 1. Passive – _solidarity on the part of the debtors
5. Insolvency of a debtor will not increase the 2. Active – _solidarity on the part of the creditors
liability of his co-debtor 3. Mixed – _solidarity on both sides
6. Vices of each obligation emanating from a
Article 1209. If the division is impossible, the
particular debtor or creditor will not affect the
right of the creditors may be prejudiced only by
their collective acts, and the debt can be
7. In indivisible or joint obligation, the defense enforced only by proceeding against all the
of res judicata of one does not extend to the debtors. If one of the latter should be insolvent,
others. the others shall not be liable for his share.
What is the effect of solidary obligation?
Article 1210. The indivisibility of an obligation
Each one of the debtors is obliged to pay the does not necessarily give rise to solidarity. Nor
entire obligation, and each one of the creditors does solidarity of itself imply indivisibility. (n)
has the right to demand from any of the debtors
Article 1211. Solidarity may exist although the
the payment or fulfillment of the entire
creditors and the debtors may not be bound in
the same manner and by the same periods and
conditions. (1140)
What are the rules in a solidary obligation?

1. Anyone of the solidary creditors may collect

Article 1209 refers to a joint indivisible obligation.
or demand payment of the whole obligation;
there is mutual agency among solidary debtors
(Arts. 1214, 1215) What is the effect of joint indivisible
2. Any of the solidary debtor may be required to
pay the whole obligation; there is mutual 1. If there are two or more debtors, compliance
guaranty among solidary debtors (Arts. 1216, with the obligation requires the concurrence of
1217, 1222) all the debtors, although each for his own share.
The obligation can be enforced only by
3. Each one of solidary creditors may do preceding against all of the debtors.
whatever maybe useful to the others, but not 2. If there are two or more creditors, the
anything prejudicial to them (Art. 1212); concurrence or collective act of all the creditors,
however, any novation, compensation, although each of his own share, is also necessary
confusion or remission of debt made by any for the enforcement of the obligation. 3. Each
solidary creditors or with any of the solidary credit is distinct from one another; therefore a
debtors shall extinguish the obligation without joint debtor cannot be required to pay for the
prejudice to his liability for the shares of other share of another with debtor, although he may
solidary creditors (Art. 1215; Art.1219). pay if he wants to.

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4. In case of insolvency of one of the debtors, the the obligation (Art. 1209).
others shall not be liable for his shares. To hold
otherwise would destroy the joint character of What is the effect of breach of a joint
indivisible obligation by one debtor? If one of Already discussed.
the joint debtors fails to comply with his Article 1213. A solidary creditor cannot assign
undertaking, the obligation can no longer be his rights without the consent of the others. (n)
fulfilled or performed. It is converted into one of
indemnity for damages. Innocent joint debtor
shall not contribute to the indemnity beyond Why? This is common sense. Each creditor
their corresponding share of the obligation. represents the interests of the others, and the
assignee may not have the confidence of the
For example, A, B and C are liable to give a car original solidary creditors. Note that even
to D worth 300,000 pesos. Technically, A, B and though the solidary creditor may collect the
C are only liable for 100,000 given that their entire debt, his collection shall inure to the
obligation is joint. However, it is impossible for benefit of the other solidary creditors. He cannot
them to individually fulfill the obligation as the keep the entire proceeds for himself. If there is a
object of the obligation is a car. They cannot third party, how sure are the original co-
deliver the car by piece. Hence, it can only be creditors that the assignee will give the share of
fulfilled by its compliance with the concurrence the others after receiving the
of all the debtors. Now what if C is not able to entire payment.
comply with his obligation, in this case D cannot
compel specific performance, as A and B may What are the effects of assignment of rights in
not be compelled to pay more than their a solidary obligation?
respective share. In this case, the cause of action
is only for damages. A and B however will not GR: Solidary creditor cannot assign his right
be held liable for damages, for the non- because it is predicated upon mutual
compliance of C of his obligation. confidence, meaning personal qualification of
each creditor had been taken into consideration
when the obligation was constituted (Art. 1213).
Note that Solidarity refers to the juridical or legal XPNs:
tie, while indivisibility refers to the prestation. 1. Assignment to co-creditor; or
2. Assignment is with consent of co-creditor.
In the above example, the liability of A, B and C Article 1214. The debtor may pay any one of
are joint, but the object of their obligation is the solidary creditors; but if any demand,
indivisible. judicial or extrajudicial, has been made by one
of them, payment should be made to him.
Article 1212. Each one of the solidary creditors
may do whatever may be useful to the others, but
not anything which may be prejudicial to the To whom must payment be made in a solidary
latter. (1141a) obligation?

GR: To any of the solidary creditors.

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XPN: If demand, judicial or extra-judicial, has others simultaneously or successively as long as
been made by one of them, payment should be the entire obligation has not yet been fully paid.
made to him. Article 1217. Payment made by one of the
Article 1215. Novation, compensation, solidary debtors extinguishes the obligation. If
confusion or remission of the debt, made by two or more solidary debtors offer to pay, the
any of the solidary creditors or with any of the creditor may choose which offer to accept.
solidary debtors, shall extinguish the
obligation, without prejudice to the provisions He who made the payment may claim from his
of article 1219. co debtors only the share which corresponds to
each, with the interest for the payment already
The creditor who may have executed any of made. If the payment is made before the debt is
these acts, as well as he who collects the debt, due, no interest for the intervening period may
shall be liable to the others for the share in the be demanded.
obligation corresponding to them. (1143)
When one of the solidary debtors cannot,
because of his insolvency, reimburse his share
to the debtor paying the obligation, such share
shall be borne by all his co-debtors, in
proportion to the debt of each. (1145a)
A, debtor and B,C,D solidary creditors in the
amount of Php30,000 If B validly condones the
debt in the amoun tof Pd18,000, he will be liable So if you are a solidary debtor as one of the
for P6,000 each to C and D. If B collects 15,000 debtors, any one of you can pay and it shall
from A, B must give 5,000 each to C and D. extinguihs the entire obligation.
Article 1216. The creditor may proceed against
If there are solidary creditors on the otherhand,
any one of the solidary debtors or some or all of
if any one of them should make a demand, the
them simultaneously. The demand made
payment should be made to the one who made
against one of them shall not be an obstacle to
the demand. You cannot pay to the others
those which may subsequently be directed
anymore because even if there is mutual agency
against the others, so long as the debt has not
in a solidary obligation, once a demand is made
been fully collected. (1144a)
by any one of them, the agency is not
concentrated on the one who made the demand.

So because the obligation is solidary, any one of Now, in case of payment of the solidary debtors,
the debtors can be held liable for the entire he who paid the entire oblgation has the right to
obligation. The creditors can just choose among collect also from the other debtors because in
the debtors for the entire obligation. So in a reality they are obliged to pay. But with respect
to the creditors, they can collect from any one of
solidary obligation, it is not necessary to join all
the other debtos in the case. They are NOT How about the effect INSOLVENCY?
indispensable parties, because you can proceed
against any one of them, and it can be fully In solidary obligations, the insolvency of one
satisfied by just a demand against one. But if it is solidary debtor is shouldered by the other
NOT satisfied, then he may proceed against the debtors. Unlike in a joint obligation, if one is
Obligations and Contracts – HCDC 2nd Exam Coverage|Page 23 of 29
insolvent, each one will contribute to pay the filed by the creditor, avail himself of all defenses
share of the insolvent debtor. which are derived from the nature of the obligation
and of those which are personal to him, or pertain
For example A, B and C are solidary debtors, to his own share. With respect to those which
C is insolvent, A can be made to pay for the personally belong to the others, he may avail
entire obligation. So A will have to pay the himself thereof only as regards that part of the debt
entire obligation but as to reimbursement for which the latter are responsible. (1148a)
from his co-debtors, A and B will share the
insolvency of C. So, what are the defenses available to the
solidary debtor?

Article 1218. Payment by a solidary debtor shall 1. Those defenses which are derived from the
not entitle him to reimbursement from his co nature obligation. For example
debtors if such payment is made after the PRESCRIPTION, if an obligation has
obligation has prescribed or become illegal. (n)
prescribed, the entire obligation cannot be
Article 1219. The remission made by the creditor demanded at all, PAYMENT, STATUTE OF
of the share which affects one of the solidary FRAUDS, so if the obligation is NOT
debtors does not release the latter from his enforceable, then any one of the solidary
responsibility towards the co-debtors, in case the debtor may raise that defense.
debt had been totally paid by anyone of them 2. Defenses personal to the debtor himself. For
before the remission was effected. (1146a) example at the time the obligation was
contracted, A was a MINOR, and creditor
Article 1220. The remission of the whole
obligation, obtained by one of the solidary debtors, makes a demand. If he goes to A, the possible
does not entitle him to reimbursement from his co demand of A is minority. As to A as to the
debtors. (n) minor, that is a total defense,you cannot
collect even if it is a solidary obligation
Article 1221. If the thing has been lost or if the 3. Defenses which are personal to the other
prestation has become impossible without the fault
solidary debtors. So the same thing, A, B and
of the solidary debtors, the obligation shall be
extinguished. C, A was a minor. The creditor now goes to B
for collection, what are the possible defenses
If there was fault on the part of any one of them, of B? B can allege A’s minority as a partial
all shall be responsible to the creditor, for the price defense. B is a solidary debtor but A is a
and the payment of damages and interest, without minor, so you can deduct A’s liability.
prejudice to their action against the guilty or
negligent debtor.

If through a fortuitous event, the thing is lost or SECTION 5

the performance has become impossible after one of Divisible and Indivisible Obligations
the solidary debtors has incurred in delay through
the judicial or extrajudicial demand upon him by Article 1223. The divisibility or indivisibility of
the creditor, the provisions of the preceding the things that are the object of obligations in
paragraph shall apply. (1147a) which there is only one debtor and only one
Article 1222. A solidary debtor may, in actions
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creditor does not alter or modify the provisions of What are the obligations that are deemed
Chapter 2 of this Title. (1149) indivisible and obligations that are deemed
Article 1224. A joint indivisible obligation gives
rise to indemnity for damages from the time 1. Obligations that are deemed indivisible:
anyone of the debtors does not comply with his
undertaking. The debtors who may have been a. Obligations to give definite things
ready to fulfill their promises shall not contribute b. Those which are not susceptible of partial
to the indemnity beyond the corresponding performance
portion of the price of the thing or of the value of c. Even the object or service may be physically
the service in which the obligation consists. divisible, an obligation is indivisible if so
(1150) provided (i) by law or (i) intended by the
parties. (Art. 1225)
Article 1225. For the purposes of the preceding
articles, obligations to give definite things and A pledge or mortgage is one and indivisible by
those which are not susceptible of partial provision of law, and the rules applies even if
performance shall be deemed to be indivisible. the obligation is joint and not solidary (Art.
When the obligation has for its object the
execution of a certain number of days of work, the 2. Obligations that are deemed divisible: a.
accomplishment of work by metrical units, or When the object of the obligation involves: i.
analogous things which by their nature are certain number of days of work;
susceptible of partial performance, it shall be ii. accomplishment of work by metrical unit;
divisible. iii. Analogous things which are by their nature
susceptible of partial performance (Art. 1225)
However, even though the object or service may be
physically divisible, an obligation is indivisible if
so provided by law or intended by the parties.
It is not uncommmon, that an indivisible
obligation is confused with a SOLIDARY
In obligations not to do, divisibility or
indivisibility shall be determined by the character
of the prestation in each particular case. (1151a)
are referring to the SUBJECT MATTER OF

Susceptibility of an obligation to OBLIGATION OR THE in parts.

be performed partially PRESTATION. When we say When can the obligation be not
Non-susceptibility to be SOLIDARY, we are referring to performed in parts?
performed partially the TIE between parties.
Partial If it is physically indivisible,
performance is tantamount to When we say INDIVISIBLE stipulated to be indivisible or by
non performance OBLIGATION, it means that the the nature of the obligation it is
obligation cannot be performed indivisible.

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So even if an obligation is indivisible, it DOES indivisible joint and indivisible solidary
NOT FOLLOW that it is SOLIDARY. There are obligations.
A and B entered into an obligation to deliver a demandable in accordance with the provisions of
car to X. So the nature of their obligation as to this Code. (1152a)
the subject matter, is INDIVISIBLE. Because
even if you can physically divide the car, it What is a penal clause?
destroys the integrity of the obligation so it has It is an accessory obligation or undertaking
to be delivered as a whole. attached to the principal obligation to assure
greater responsibility in case of breach. Note:
As to the legal tie, what is the tie between the Proof of actual damages suffered by the
parties? In the absence of any stipulation, JOINT. creditor is not necessary in order that the
So to each his own, X cannot compel A to deliver penalty may be demanded (Art. 1228).
the entire car alone or B to deliver the car alone
because the obligation is indivisible. So how can Q: What is the effect of incorporating a penal
he compel the delivery? He has to make a clause in an obligation?
demand against both A and B because the
obligation is indivisible. But because the GR: The penalty fixed by the parties is a
obligation is joint, a demand from one will not compensation or substitute for damages in case
compel one to perform or deliver the entire of breach.
obligation. So there has to be a demand against XPNs: Damages shall still be paid even if there
both debtors so that delivery can be made. is a penal clause if: SRG
1. there is a Stipulation to the contrary 2. the
For example, what if X now, the creditor, debtor Refuses to pay the agreed penalty
demands from both A and B, A is ready but B is
not, so what happens now to the obligation? It is In the case of FILINVEST LAND VS. CA, G.R.
indivisible and joint. One is not ready. In that No. 138980, September 20, 2005, the SC
case the obligation is converted into a discussed the nature of Penal clause. A penal
MONETARY OBLIGATION, for damages. In clause is an accessory undertaking to assume
that case, because it is JOINT, only B is liable for greater liability in case of breach, it is attached
his default. A who is ready, will contribute his to an obligation in order to ensure performance
share without damages, B, his share, plus and has a double function:
damages. So that’s for indivisible and joint
obligations. 1. To provide for liquidated damages 2. To
strengthen the coercive force of obligation by
the threat of great responsibility in case of
Obligations with a Penal Clause
There has to be a stipulation in order to enforce a
Article 1226. In obligations with a penal clause,
penal clause. It has the function of liquidated
the penalty shall substitute the indemnity for
damages. It now makes it easier for parties to
damages and the payment of interests in case of
claim for damages. You need not prove, it is
noncompliance, if there is no stipulation to the
agreed upon. It is really a penalty, by the
contrary. Nevertheless, damages shall be paid if
presence of the penal clause, the parties will now
the obligor refuses to pay the penalty or is guilty
fear that if they breach the obligation, they will
of fraud in the fulfillment of the obligation.
be liable for more.
The penalty may be enforced only when it is
Obligations and Contracts – HCDC 2nd Exam Coverage|Page 26 of 29
General Rule: The penalty shall substitute the XPN: Yes, when the right has been expressly
indemnity for damages and the payment of reserved to the debtor (Art. 1227).
interest in case of non-compliance, if there is no
stipulation to the contrary. Can the creditor demand both the fulfillment
of the principal obligation and the penalty?
So if there is already a penal clause it shall be the
one paid to the aggrieved party, there will be no GR: No. The creditor cannot demand the
more damages or interest unless there is a fulfillment of the obligation and the satisfaction
stipulation to the contrary. of the penalty at the same time (Art. 1227).
EXCEPTIONS: 1. When the right has been clearly granted to
1. There is a stipulation to the contrary 2. If him;
the obligor, refuses to pay the penalty, 2. If the creditor has decided to require the
damages may be recovered fulfillment of the obligation, the performance
thereof should become impossible without his
3. The obligor is guilty of fraud in the
fault, the penalty may be enforced. (Art. 1227)
payment of obligations.
Article 1229. The judge shall equitably reduce
So take note, if there is a penal clause, you only the penalty when the principal obligation has
have to prove BREACH of the obligation, no been partly or irregularly complied with by the
need to prove the actual damages or the amount debtor. Even if there has been no performance,
of damages. the penalty may also be reduced by the courts if
it is iniquitous or unconscionable. (1154a)
Article 1227. The debtor cannot exempt himself
from the performance of the obligation by paying
the penalty, save in the case where this right has
been expressly reserved for him. Neither can the The most common issue in a penal clause is the
creditor demand the fulfillment of the obligation REDUCTION OF PENALTIES. Even if there is
and the satisfaction of the penalty at the same an agreement, the penalty may still be reduced
time, unless this right has been clearly granted in the following instances:
him. However, if after the creditor has decided to
require the fulfillment of the obligation, the 1. If the principal obligation is partially
performance thereof should become impossible complied with
without his fault, the penalty may be enforced. 2. If the obligation has been irregularly
complied with
Article 1228. Proof of actual damages suffered by 3. If the penalty is iniquitous or unconscionable.
the creditor is not necessary in order that the
In the case of FILINVEST LAND VS. CA, G.R.
penalty may be demanded. (n)
No. 138980, September 20, 2005. SC said, the
project is already 93.4% completed but the
project was NOT COMPLETED on time because
Can the debtor just choose penalty over non there were extensions. The owner of the project
fulfillment? wanted to enforce penalty in the contract.
Filinvest asked for reduction. The case of Lauriat
GR: No. The debtor cannot exempt himself from was cited by the owner of the project because in
the performance of the obligation by paying the that case, SC made a distinction between a
penalty (Art. 1227).
Obligations and Contracts – HCDC 2nd Exam Coverage|Page 27 of 29
PENAL CLAUSE as LIQUIDATED DAMAGES iniquitous and unconscionable?
SC said, in this particular case, the breach
SC said, if a PENAL CLAUSE was intended to be committed by the lessee was NOT THAT
a penalty, the court will be quick to reduce the SIGNIFICANT AND SUBSTANTIAL as to
PENALTY. Why? Because in that kind of penal warrant forfeiture of the security deposit. When
clause, the parties did not take into account the you rent a place in a mall, you sometimes need
possible damages that they will probably suffer to renovate your space as part of the marketing
in case of breach. But if the penal clause is ploy. It is not a matter of necessity but a business
intended as liquidated damages, the courts will strategy as well.
be slow, because if it is intended as liquidated Article 1230. The nullity of the penal clause
damages, the parties already considered the does not carry with it that of the principal
amount that they will suffer in case of breach so obligation.
the court will not meddle with that and readily
reduce the amount. The nullity of the principal obligation carries
with it that of the penal clause. (1155) 1230
HOWEVER, SC said, that distinction will apply
the law is very clear, that the court may reduce Define or give the meaning of the following: (3
the penalty regardless if it was intended to be a points each)
penalty or for liquidated damages. So the court
said, there is a ground to reduce penalt. a) Condition;
b) Pure Obligation;
How do we know that the penalty is
c) Potestative Condition;
unconscionable or iniquitous?
d) Physical loss;
Tolentino vs. Supervalley G.R. No. 172384 e) Legal impossibility;
September 13, 2007
f) Facultative obligation;
The question of whether a penalty is g) Alternative obligation;
unconscionable or iniquitous is partly subjective
and objective. Its resolution will depend on such h) Divisible obligation;
factor as, but not necessarily confined to the i) Indivisible obligation;
time, extent and purpose of the penalty, the
j) Solidary obligation;
nature of the obligation, the mode of breach, the
prevailing legalities, the relationship of parties, k) Joint obligation;
is to be submitted to the sound discretion of the
V. Problems
Explain or state briefly the rule or reason for our
The lessee here is SM. It was stipulated that answers (10 points each):
before the lessee can make improvements, it has a) Seller agreed to sell to the buyer a specific
to ask for SM’s consent. Lessee did not ask for car for Php200,000, delivery of the car and
SM’s consent. SM wanted to forfeit the security the payment of the price to be made on
deposit. The security deposit was in the amount June 15. What are the remedies of the
of Php109,000. So here, was the penalty buyer, if he already paid the purchase
Obligations and Contracts – HCDC 2nd Exam Coverage|Page 28 of 29
price ahead of time, but the seller failed
to deliver as the car was swept by the
flashflood, days before the delivery.
i.What if despite warning that there will
be a flashflood, the seller failed to act
promptly, what are the remedies of the
ii.What if the object of the sale is “a sedan”.
What is the effect of the loss of the seller’s
sedan, to the obligation?

b) A, B and C are jointly liable to deliver a

car to D on a certain date. There was
failure to deliver due to the failure of C
to give his share to the purchase price.
i. What is the remedy of D;
ii. What are the individual
obligations of A, B and C;
VI. Sources:
c. Lectures of Atty. Leilanie
d. The Law on Obligtations and
Contracts by Hector S. De Leon;
e. Obligations and Contracts (Laws,
Principles and Jurisprudence) by
Atty. Andrix D. Domingo, CPA,
f. UST Golden Notes;
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