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Network Setting Document

I. Direct ethernet connection from control to windows 10 cpu
a. Pages 2-4
II. Ethernet connection from control to wifi router
b. Pages 4-6
III. Control Set Up + Folder Sharing
c. Pages 6-10

Note: You will only have to do either section 1 or 2 based on

your connection. Then follow section 3.

Syntec control network uses SMB V1 protocol and a designated static IP. The SMB protocol must be
enabled and the IP must be configured to the connected port on the computer. Lastly the username, PC
name, and password must be entered into the control. You may make a guest account on the PC for the
control to use as access to the computer if preferred.

The following document discusses how to set the IP and enable the protocol on windows 10 if you are
not familiar in doing so. If you are familiar, you may do so and skip to section 3.

I . Direct Ethernet Connection to Windows 10 Computer:

Computer Setting:
1) Go to “Control Panel”
2) Under “Network and Internet”, click “View network status and tasks”

3) Then click “Change adapter settings”

4) Right click on “Local Area Connection”

5) Select “Properties”

6) Double click on “TCP/IPv4”

7) Select “Use the following IP address” and type in those numbers accordingly
 IP Address: “”
 Subnet Mask: “”
 Default Gateway: You can leave this empty.

8) Click OK and a Warning Message will pop up

9) Select Yes on all warnings
10) Finally click OK and all those settings will be saved
11) Go to Start and type in “Windows PowerShell”
12) Right click and choose “Run as administrator”
13) Then type in the following line: “Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -
FeatureName SMB1Protocol”
14) Press Enter, make sure the message is the same as the picture

15) Go to “Control Panel”, then go to “Uninstall a program”
16) Click on “Turn Windows features on or off”, founded on the left-hand side
17) Scroll down and find “SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support”
18) Make sure all three boxes of the SMB 1.0 are checked same as the picture

19) Restart your computer.

II. Steps for Internet Router Connect to the Controller

Ethernet Connection from Router to the Controller do not need to do any setups in
your computer. You only need to do these steps:

1) Go to Start and type in “Windows PowerShell”

2) Right click and choose “Run as administrator”
3) Then type in the following line: “Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -
FeatureName SMB1Protocol”
4) Press Enter, make sure the message is the same as the picture

5) Go to “Control Panel”, then go to “Uninstall a program”

6) Click on “Turn Windows features on or off”, founded on the left-hand side
7) Scroll down and find “SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support”
8) Make sure all three boxes of the SMB 1.0 are checked same as the picture

9) Restart your computer.

10) Click Start and type in “cmd”
11) Then type in “ipconfig”

12) Scroll down and find the Wireless Lan Adapter Wireless
Network Connection

13) Record the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway for the
Controller. However, you will need to change the last digit of the IP Address
in the controller to a different number (Any number is fine). Continue to
controller settings section

III. Controller Settings:

1) Go to “Maintain” on your controller
2) Then “Kernel Server”
3) On the top, “Select IP Address Setting” and choose “Specify an IP Address”

A) Type the following numbers accordingly IF YOU
 IP Address, type in

 Subnet Mask, type in
B) Type the recorded IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway
from II. #13 if you are connecting the control direct to a wifi router.
5) For the PC Name, you will need to find your PC Name. In this case, my PC
name is IAM-1025.
6) To obtain the PC Name, simply go to Start and type in “PC Name”
 And click on “View your PC name”
 You should find the name in “Device specifications” section as device

7) For the User Name, go to start and type in “cmd”

 Your user name should be there after C: \Users\

8) For Dir Name, create a folder named “CNC” anywhere (Desktop would be
9) Then we must share the folder by doing these following steps:
 Right click on the folder and select “Properties”
 Select “Sharing” on the top, next to “General”

 Click “Share”

 Add “Everyone” and change to “Read/Write”

 Click Share then Done
 Next, click “Advanced Sharing”
 Check the “Share this Folder” box

 Select “Permissions”
 Check the “Allow Box” for the “Full Control”

 Apply then OK otherwise it will not save

 Click on “Network and Sharing Center”
 Make sure you select the box according to the picture below

10) Back to the controller, Type in the password of your computer’s account.
Leave it blank if there is no password
11) Save the Setting and restart the Controller
12) When you go back to that page, it should say in the Net Status “Code: 0 No


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