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Soft Landscape Works

Rate Amount
Item Description Unit Qty
(RM) (RM)
Pool Area (Provisional)

1 Preliminaries
To supply labour, machineries, transportation, equipments and making good

- Transfering soil to level 3 (provided crane by main contractor) with 6 workers

1.1 LS 1 2000.00 2000.00
and machineries
Lorry x 1 x dayx RM 500
Backhoe x 1 day x RM 450
Workerx 6 x RM 80 = RM 480
Site Supervisor x 1 day x RM 200
Tools x RM 150
Profit 12% : RM 213.6
Total : RM 1993.6

Soil Mix
To prepare, mix and transport the necessary planting medium from site mixture
to the site.
2.1 Planter box m3 14.40 80.00 ###

3 Drainage cell
To supply, lifting and lay drain cell with interlocking clips and one layer of
3.1 geotextile membrane TS20 on the internal wall and floor of planters. m2 64.00 38.00 2,432.00

4 Polyfoam
To supply, lifting and lay 650mm depth polyfoam board density 20kg/m3 in
4.1 planter box. m2 19.30 265.00 5,114.50

To Collection : 10,698.50

Soft Landscape Works

Rate Amount
Item Description Unit Qty
(RM) (RM)
Pool Area (Provisional)

1 Preliminaries
To supply labour, machineries, transportation, equipments and making good
- Transfering trees, shrubs and staking to level 3 (provided crane by main
1.1 contractor) with workers and machineries LS 1 900.00 900.00

Lorry x 1 x dayx RM 500

Backhoe x 1 day x RM 450
Workerx 1 x RM 80 = RM 80
Profit 12% : RM 123.6
Total : RM 1153.6
2 Trees Min OH (mm) Distance (mm)
2.1 Loropetallum SP 1.5 nos 200.00 -
2.2 Podocarpus Macrophyllus 1.5 nos 11 150.00 ###
2.3 Plumeria rubra 2.4 nos 1 900.00 900.00

3 Shrub Min OH (mm) Distance (mm)

3.1 Ervatamia dwarf 300 300 nos 185 6.20 ###
3.2 Brunfelsa latifolia 300 250 nos 77 8.20 631.40

4 Staking
4.1 Tripod Staking (for trees ≥ 75mm dia. & all palms) nos 1 35.00 35.00
4.2 Double Stake (for trees 35mm-75mm dia) nos 11 25.00 275.00

5 Maintenance
To supply material, machinery, labour, transportation and other necessary
items to carry out the maintenance of all completed work. To maintain the
completed works, a minimum of (    1      ) no of workers will be stationed months 12 1,400.00 16800.00
daily at site during working hours.

1.0 Water supply by others
2.0 1 Worker, 4 trip per month

To Collection : 22,338.40

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