Midterm Chemistry Quiz 3

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Name: Joforce Karl Fredrich D.

Malana Due Date: September 25, 2020

Section Code: EN39

1. Buckminsterfullerene
- A form of carbon having molecules of 60 atoms arranged in a polyhedron
resembling a geodesic sphere.
- Is a type of fullerene with the formula C60. It has a cage-like fused-ring
structure (truncated icosahedron) that resembles a soccer ball, made of
twenty hexagons and twelve pentagons. Each carbon atom has three bonds. It
is a black solid that dissolves in hydrocarbon solvents to produce a violet
2. Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- A high-resolution microscope using neither light nor an electron beam, but with
an ultrafine tip able to reveal atomic and molecular details of surfaces.
- A microscope that makes use of the phenomenon of tunneling electrons to map
the positions of individual atoms in a surface or to move atoms around on a
3. Mechanosynthesis
- is a term for hypothetical chemical syntheses in which reaction outcomes are
determined by the use of mechanical constraints to direct reactive molecules to
specific molecular sites. 
4. Nanolithography
- is a growing field of techniques within nanotechnology dealing with the
engineering (etching, writing, printing) of nanometer-scale structures. From
Greek, the word can be broken up into three parts: "nano" meaning dwarf, "lith"
meaning stone, and "graphy" meaning to write, or "tiny writing onto stone."
5. Biopolymeroptoelectromechanical Systems (BioPOEMS)
- combining optics and micro electromechanical systems, and used in biological
6. Provide a holistic image (picture) of nanotechnology whereabouts.

Retrieved from: https://nanotechnology.americanchemistry.com

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