Why We Need To Secure Information Systems: Today My Current CS507 Paper (Unknown Student)

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CS507 : My Paper (Parishy Aziz)

2 marks: What is off page connector

3 marks : What is the data driven support system
2 marks :What do u know about hackers.
3 marks : List down the component of an IDS
3 marks : Identify the information that is required before conducting the
impact analysis
3 marks : What do u understand by supply chain management
5 marks : Discuss why firewall is the primary method keeping a computer
can be secure from intruders .
Why we need to secure information systems
5 marks : Discuss the detail of the 4 categories’ of ethical issue
5 marks : Write a complete note on the Focal Point.
2 marks: What is entity relationship management
2 marks: Identify aspects which re necessary to be covered when
property issues for privacy is dealt with.
2 marks: Give a brief definition of ERP
2 marks: Define centralized processing
2 marks: Identify the role of senior management and BODs in risk
management Process
3 marks: What should be the most important information required for
large organization in your opinion .
Today my Current CS507 paper (unknown student)

( Marks: 2 )What is an entity?

( Marks: 2 ) Why we need to secure information systems?
( Marks: 2 ) Identify types of change management.
( Marks: 2 ) What is CRM?
( Marks: 2 )Briefly discuss Risk Determination ?
( Marks: 3 ) What are hackers?
( Marks: 3 )Discuss Technical Limitations of Ecommerce in business?
(Marks: 3 ) Identify roles and responsibilities
( Marks: 3 ) Differentiate CRM from ERP
(Marks: 3)Briefly describe Incremental Model?
( Marks: 3) What do u know about Key stroke Monitoring?
( Marks: 5 ) Identify tangible or intangible in splay Chan management?
( Marks: 5 ) What are the sources of critical success factor?
Subjective Part of Final Term paper Share by one student
Total Qs 45
Total MCQs 30
6 Qs having 2 ,2 marks
6 Qs having 3 ,3 marks
3 Qs of 5 marks

MCQs mostly related from symbols and some related from past chapters
( 1- 23)
Q1 . 2 Figures thein un k bary mein likhna tha.
Q2 1 Q related from supply chain management
Q3 Stand alone
Q4 . An event oriented log
Q5. Types of threats
Q6. How to secure our computer from virus?
Q7. Write down the steps or order of EC fulfillment esa kch tha
I. Subjective Part of Final Term paper Share by one student
II. 1) types of threats 5 marks
2)describe control analysis marks 5
3) how to secure the system through virus marks 5
4)describe E-supply 3 marks
5)list any general 6 impacts 3 marks
6) define CRM 3 marks
7)how to secure threats from internet 3marks
8)describe security audit 3marks
9)componenets of IDS and its limitations 3 marks
10) define IDS 2 marks
11) describe trojans virus 2 marks
Subjective Part of Final Term paper Share by one student

Total Qs were 45 out of them 10 were subjective.

short Qs which i have in my memory were

Define data and information------ 2 marks

attributes of ERP, eaplain______ 5 marks
what are the change agents, explain their role in change------- 3 marks
what factors are helpful for the successful implementation of
cahnge.-------------- 3marks
property issues regarding privacy------------ 3 marks
what is ethics and code of ethics---------------------3 marks
what are physical threats-------------- 3 marks
the role of audit in MIS----------------- 3 marks
input of risk determination--------------------- 2 marks
risk variance ---------- 2 marks
1. Today’s subjective paper by Fatima
2. 1) How the scanners are used as the technical control against the
spread of viruses?
I. 2) What is logical intrusion?
I. 3) Identify the rule that DFD as an analytical tool follows the rule in
achieving the level of standarzate?
I. 4) What do you mean by Masquerading?
I. 5) List any two tolls used to implement TQM?
I. 6) Identify any two methods of IS integration?
I. 7) What is E-Supply chain?
I. 8) What is off-page connecter?
I. 9) Discuss various steps in threat
II. 10) How can we make our password secure?
III. 11) Identify components of Intrusion detection system?

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