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Choose the best answer (among A, B, C or D) to complete each sentence.

1. ______ suppose that we are floating in a cool pool on a hot summer’s day.
A. Shall we B. Let’s C. Will we D. Would we

2. Her parents were very angry with her______ for household chores.
A. responsible B. responsibility C. irresponsible D. irresponsibility
3. ______ punished for her laziness, she did not feel sad.
A. Although B. Because of C. Despite D. Because
4. I feel I am making ______ of my skills at work and I am satisfied with it.
A. all effort B. the most C. most D. almost
5. When we visited the zoo on Sunday afternoon it was very crowded but on a weekday it’s
practically _____.
A. full B. clear C. empty D. uncrowded
6. Do you ______ to my turning the television on now?
A. mind B. want C. disapprove D. object
7. The teacher ______ them the answer to the question.
A. explained B. told C. said D. discussed
8. When she was crossing the room, the night-nurse happened to notice the old lady ___ to get
out of bed.
A. has tried B. to try C. trying D. tried
9. If your imagination runs______, you let it develop in a lively way without trying to control it.
A. riot B. wandering C. fighting D. struggle
10. Her eyes are red because she ______ all day.
A. reads B. is reading C. has read D. has been reading
11. I can hear the music. There ______ someone in the next room.
A. must have been B. can be C. must be D. must have
12. There are ______ more people in this training course than the previous one.
A. as much B. very C. little D. slightly
13. She was let______ for the test although she had left her identity card at home.
A. sit B. enter C. do D. make
14. The counselor suggested that he ______ the coming test.
A. had taken B. take C. takes D. would take
15. We were ______ in love and good care by our parents.
A. brought up B. grew up C. grown up D. bring up
16. I have no idea ______ this handbag is.
A. which B. that C. whose D. of which
17. Harry: "If you have any problem, just ask me for help." Sam: "______."
A. Yes, no problems C. No, never mind
B. No, it's none of your business D. Thanks, that's very kind of you
18. Tom: "A motorbike knocked Ted down." - maria: "______"
A. What is it now? B. Poor Ted!
C. How terrific! D. What a motorbike!
19. They worked from dawn to dusk with such ______ that they were exhausted.
A. boredom B. detraction C. debility D. zeal
20. The interviewer promised not to ______ the source of his information.
A. recall B. reveal C. retain D. refer
21. The police are trying every means to ______ down the owner of the car.
A. track B. search C. pursue D. chase
22. Tom: "It's against the law, isn't it?" - Dave: "Oh, yes, It's ______."
A. legal B. legality C. illegal D. legalize
Choose the word whose main stress is different from that of the other three.
23. A. potential B. envelop C. examine D. reference
24. A. college B. graduate C. university D. schooling
25. A. nevertheless B. magazine C. undergraduate D. international
Choose the underlined part (marked A, B, C or D) that contains an error.
26. Anna Robertson Moses, who was (A) also known as (B) Grandma Moses, is considered
(C) one of the greatest male artists (D) of U.S art.
27. If necessary (A), you can call (B) me for getting (C) more information (D).
28.When an (A) object lets off (B), it falls towards (C) the ground because of (D) the earth’s
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D which is closest meaning to the given sentence.
29. She can’t have any more children because of her age.
A. She is too young to have more children.
B. She is too old to have more children.
C. She is not too young enough to have children.
D. She is not old enough to have more children.
30.The only thing they didn’t steal was the motorbike.
A. They didn’t steal anything but the motorbike.
B. They stole everything except for the motorbike.
C. They didn’t steal anything except for the motorbike.
D. They stole everything along with the motorbike.
31. As I get older, I want to travel less.
A. The older I get, the less I want to travel.
B. The more old I get, the less travel I want.
C. The more older I get, the more less I want to travel.
D. The less old I get, the more I want to travel.
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part.
32. Fasten the gate securely so that they do not blow open.
A. Loose B. Unfasten C. Open D. Come apart
33. She has a priceless collection of antiques.
A. valueless B. invaluable C. worthless D. Valuable

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